\name{polyder} \alias{polyder} \title{Derivative of Polynomial} \description{ Differentiate polynomials. } \usage{ polyder(p, q) } \arguments{ \item{p}{polynomial \code{p} given as a vector} \item{q}{polynomial \code{p} given as a vector} } \details{ Calculates the derivative of polynomials and polynomial products. \code{polyder(p)} returns the derivative of \code{p} while \code{polyder(p, q)} returns the derivative of the product of the polynomials \code{p} and \code{q}. } \value{ a vector representing a polynomial } \seealso{ \code{\link{polyval}}, \code{\link{polyint}} } \examples{ polyder(c(3, 6, 9), c(1, 2, 0)) # 12 36 42 18 } \keyword{ math }