#include "hrbf_resampler.h"
// Sampling and welding
#include "../TopoBlenderLib/SimilarSampling.cpp"
#include "../NURBS/weld.h"
#include "hrbf/hrbf_phi_funcs.h"
#include "hrbf/hrbf_core.h"
typedef HRBF_fit<double, 3, Rbf_pow3<double> > HRBF;
// Marching cubes
#include "mc/MarchingCubes.h"
#include "NanoKdTree.h"
void hrbf_resampler::initParameters(RichParameterSet *pars)
// Sampling parameters
pars->addParam(new RichInt("numSamples", 10, "Number of samples"));
// Marching Cubes parameters
pars->addParam(new RichFloat("cellScale", 0.1f, "Cell scale", "Cell scale in % of maximum bounding extent"));
GRIDCELL evalCell(Vector3 p, Scalar cellSize, HRBF & fit){
Vector3 deltaX(cellSize,0,0), deltaY(0,cellSize,0), deltaZ(0,0,cellSize);
cell.p[0] = p; cell.val[0] = fit.eval(cell.p[0]);
cell.p[1] = p + deltaX; cell.val[1] = fit.eval(cell.p[1]);
cell.p[2] = p + deltaX + deltaY; cell.val[2] = fit.eval(cell.p[2]);
cell.p[3] = p + deltaY; cell.val[3] = fit.eval(cell.p[3]);
p += deltaZ;
cell.p[4] = p; cell.val[4] = fit.eval(cell.p[4]);
cell.p[5] = p + deltaX; cell.val[5] = fit.eval(cell.p[5]);
cell.p[6] = p + deltaX + deltaY; cell.val[6] = fit.eval(cell.p[6]);
cell.p[7] = p + deltaY; cell.val[7] = fit.eval(cell.p[7]);
return cell;
void hrbf_resampler::applyFilter(RichParameterSet *pars)
// Sample mesh
QVector<Vector3> m_samples, m_normals;
m_samples = SimilarSampler::All(mesh(), pars->getInt("numSamples"), m_normals); // Similar sampling
std::vector<Vector3> points = m_samples.toStdVector(), normals = m_normals.toStdVector(); // convert to std::vector
foreach(Vector3 p, m_samples) drawArea()->drawPoint(p);
// Compute grid parameters
Vector3 ext = mesh()->bbox().diagonal();
double cellSize = ext.norm() * pars->getFloat("cellScale");
int countX = qMax(1.0, ext.x() / cellSize), countY = qMax(1.0, ext.y() / cellSize), countZ = qMax(1.0, ext.z() / cellSize);
Vector3 startCorner = mesh()->bbox().min();
// Construct HRBF fit of samples
HRBF fit;
fit.hermite_fit(points, normals);
/// Extract iso-surface via Marching Cubes
// Compute active grid cells by looking at samples
std::vector<Vector3> vertices;
std::vector<Vector3i> tris;
int voffset = 0;
NanoKdTree kdtree;
for(int x = -2; x <= countX + 1; x++){
for(int y = -2; y <= countY + 1; y++){
for(int z = -2; z <= countZ + 1; z++){
GRIDCELL cell = evalCell(startCorner + (Vector3(x, y, z) * cellSize), cellSize, fit);
TriMeshChunk chunk;
if( Polygonise(cell, chunk) )
foreach(Vector3 p, chunk.vertices) { vertices.push_back(p); kdtree.addPoint(p); }
foreach(TriMeshFace f, chunk.faces) tris.push_back( Vector3i(f[2] + voffset, f[1] + voffset, f[0] + voffset) );
voffset += chunk.vertices.size();
mesh()->isVisible = false;
// Vertices should be unique
double threshold = 1e-10;;
std::vector<KDResults> groups;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)vertices.size(); i++){
Vector3 p = vertices[i];
KDResults matches;
kdtree.ball_search(p, threshold, matches);
double diffs = 0;
foreach(KDResultPair r, matches) diffs += r.second;
if( matches.size() > 1 && diffs > 0){
// Snap matches to first element
foreach(KDResults matches, groups){
Vector3 snapPoint = vertices[ matches.front().first ];
for(int i = 1; i < (int)matches.size(); i++){
vertices[matches[i].first] = snapPoint;
std::vector<size_t> xrefs;
weld(vertices, xrefs, std::hash_Vector3d(), std::equal_to<Vector3d>());
// Add re-sampled mesh
foreach(Vector3 p, vertices) mesh()->add_vertex(p);
foreach(Vector3i f, tris){
int v1 = xrefs[f[0]];
int v2 = xrefs[f[1]];
int v3 = xrefs[f[2]];
if(v1 != v2 && v2 != v3 && v1 != v3)
mesh()->isVisible = true;