Raw File
 * \file
 * \copyright
 * Copyright (c) 2012-2023, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org)
 *            Distributed under a Modified BSD License.
 *              See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or
 *              http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license

#pragma once

#include "LocalAssemblerInterface.h"
#include "ProcessLib/Process.h"

#include "ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcessData.h"

namespace ProcessLib
namespace ThermoMechanicalPhaseField
struct ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldLocalAssemblerInterface;
 * \brief A class to simulate thermo-mechanical fracturing process
 * using phase-field approach in solids described by
 * \f[
 *     \mathrm{div} \left[ \left(d^2 + k \right) \boldsymbol{\sigma}_0^+
 *      + \boldsymbol{\sigma}_0^- \right] +
 *        \varrho \boldsymbol{b} = \boldsymbol{0}
 * \f]
 * \f[
 *     2d \psi^+(\boldsymbol{\epsilon}_\mathrm{el})
 *      - \frac{1 - d}{2 \varepsilon} g_\mathrm{c}
 *      - 2 \varepsilon g_\mathrm{c} \mathrm{div}(\mathrm{grad} d) = 0
 * \f]
 * \f[
 *     (\varrho c_\mathrm{p})_\mathrm{eff} \dfrac{\partial \vartheta}{\partial
 * t}
 *      - \mathrm{div} \left(\boldsymbol{\kappa}_\mathrm{eff}
 * \mathrm{grad}\,\vartheta \right) = 0 \f] where \f{eqnarray*}{
 *       &d:&                    \mbox{order parameter,}\\
 *       &\varrho:&              \mbox{density,}\\
 *       &g_\mathrm{c}:&         \mbox{fracture energy,}\\
 *       &\varepsilon:&          \mbox{length scale}\\
 *       &c_\mathrm{p}:&        \mbox{specific heat capacity in constant
 * pressure}\\
 *       &\kappa_\mathrm{eff}:&  \mbox{effectiev thermal conductivity}\\
 *    \f}
 * Detailed model description can refer \cite Kolditz:2018.
template <int DisplacementDim>
class ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess final : public Process
        std::string name,
        MeshLib::Mesh& mesh,
        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ParameterLib::ParameterBase>> const&
        unsigned const integration_order,
        ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcessData<DisplacementDim>&& process_data,
        SecondaryVariableCollection&& secondary_variables,
        int const mechanics_related_process_id,
        int const phase_field_process_id,
        int const heat_conduction_process_id);

    //! \name ODESystem interface
    //! @{
    bool isLinear() const override;
    //! @}

    MathLib::MatrixSpecifications getMatrixSpecifications(
        const int process_id) const override;

    NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& getDOFTable(
        const int process_id) const override;

    void constructDofTable() override;

    void initializeBoundaryConditions() override;

    void initializeConcreteProcess(
        NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap const& dof_table,
        MeshLib::Mesh const& mesh,
        unsigned const integration_order) override;

    void assembleConcreteProcess(const double t, double const dt,
                                 std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
                                 std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& xdot,
                                 int const process_id, GlobalMatrix& M,
                                 GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b) override;

    void assembleWithJacobianConcreteProcess(
        const double t, double const dt, std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
        std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& xdot, int const process_id,
        GlobalMatrix& M, GlobalMatrix& K, GlobalVector& b,
        GlobalMatrix& Jac) override;

    void preTimestepConcreteProcess(std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
                                    double const t, double const dt,
                                    const int process_id) override;

    void postTimestepConcreteProcess(std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x,
                                     std::vector<GlobalVector*> const& x_dot,
                                     double const t, double const dt,
                                     int const process_id) override;

    void postNonLinearSolverConcreteProcess(GlobalVector const& x,
                                            GlobalVector const& xdot,
                                            const double t, double const dt,
                                            int const process_id) override;

    // To be replaced.
    NumLib::LocalToGlobalIndexMap& getDOFTableByProcessID(
        const int process_id) const;

    ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcessData<DisplacementDim> _process_data;



    /// Sparsity pattern for the phase field equation, and it is initialized
    //  only if the staggered scheme is used.
    GlobalSparsityPattern _sparsity_pattern_with_single_component;

    /// ID of the processes that contains mechanical process.
    int const _mechanics_related_process_id;

    /// ID of phase field process.
    int const _phase_field_process_id;

    /// ID of heat conduction process.
    int const _heat_conduction_process_id;

extern template class ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess<2>;
extern template class ThermoMechanicalPhaseFieldProcess<3>;

}  // namespace ThermoMechanicalPhaseField
}  // namespace ProcessLib
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