#' Reshape CI between wide/long formats #' #' Reshape CI between wide/long formats. #' #' @param x A data.frame containing \code{CI_low} and \code{CI_high}. #' #' @examples #' library(bayestestR) #' #' x <- data.frame(replicate(4, rnorm(100))) #' x <- ci(x, ci = c(0.68, 0.89, 0.95)) #' reshape_ci(x) #' reshape_ci(reshape_ci(x)) #' #' x <- data.frame(replicate(4, rnorm(100))) #' x <- describe_posterior(x, ci = c(0.68, 0.89, 0.95)) #' reshape_ci(x) #' reshape_ci(reshape_ci(x)) #' @importFrom stats reshape #' @export reshape_ci <- function(x) { # Long to wide ---------------- if ("CI_low" %in% names(x) & "CI_high" %in% names(x) & "CI" %in% names(x)) { ci_position <- which(names(x) == "CI") # Reshape if (length(unique(x$CI)) > 1) { if (!"Parameter" %in% names(x)) { x$Parameter <- x$CI remove_parameter <- TRUE } else { remove_parameter <- FALSE } x <- stats::reshape( x, idvar = "Parameter", timevar = "CI", direction = "wide", v.names = c("CI_low", "CI_high"), sep = "_" ) row.names(x) <- NULL if (remove_parameter) x$Parameter <- NULL } # Replace at the right place ci_colname <- names(x)[c(grepl("CI_low_*", names(x)) | grepl("CI_high_*", names(x)))] colnames_1 <- names(x)[0:(ci_position - 1)][!names(x)[0:(ci_position - 1)] %in% ci_colname] colnames_2 <- names(x)[!names(x) %in% c(ci_colname, colnames_1)] x <- x[c(colnames_1, ci_colname, colnames_2)] # Wide to long -------------- } else { if (!"Parameter" %in% names(x)) { x$Parameter <- 1:nrow(x) remove_parameter <- TRUE } else { remove_parameter <- FALSE } lows <- grepl("CI_low_*", names(x)) highs <- grepl("CI_high_*", names(x)) ci <- as.numeric(gsub("CI_low_", "", names(x)[lows])) if (paste0(ci, collapse = "-") != paste0(gsub("CI_high_", "", names(x)[highs]), collapse = "-")) { stop("Something went wrong in the CIs reshaping.") return(x) } if (sum(lows) > 1 & sum(highs) > 1) { low <- stats::reshape( x[!highs], direction = "long", varying = list(names(x)[lows]), sep = "_", timevar = "CI", v.names = "CI_low", times = ci ) high <- stats::reshape( x[!lows], direction = "long", varying = list(names(x)[highs]), sep = "_", timevar = "CI", v.names = "CI_high", times = ci ) x <- merge(low, high) x$id <- NULL x <- x[order(x$Parameter), ] row.names(x) <- NULL if (remove_parameter) x$Parameter <- NULL } # Replace at the right place ci_position <- which(lows)[1] ci_colname <- c("CI", "CI_low", "CI_high") colnames_1 <- names(x)[0:(ci_position - 1)][!names(x)[0:(ci_position - 1)] %in% ci_colname] colnames_2 <- names(x)[!names(x) %in% c(ci_colname, colnames_1)] x <- x[c(colnames_1, ci_colname, colnames_2)] } class(x) <- intersect(c("data.frame", "numeric"), class(x)) x }