Raw File
Tip revision: 0f004aa33b5531e935a524969924d231beb15572 authored by Neea Rusch on 08 March 2022, 03:10:52 UTC
changes to eval and choice representation (#78)
Tip revision: 0f004aa
# Supported C-Language Features 

This section provides a summary of supported C language features pymwp can 
analyze. It also lists language features that are in the process of being 
implemented and for which implementation is planned.

!!! info "Note on C file parsing"
    pymwp uses pycparser to process the C input file. Any limitation of 
    pycparser is also a limitation in pymwp. From
    [pycparser website](
    "pycparser aims to support the full C99 language (according to the 
    standard ISO/IEC 9899). Some features from C11 are also supported."

- ✅   **ready** - fully implemented and ready to use
- 🟧   **in progress** - implementation is in progress but not ready
- ⬜   **planned** - implementation is in a planning stage

Description | State | Example
--- | --- | ---
**Basic data types** ||
 Integer types (incl. `signed`, `unsigned`) | ✅ | `char`, `short`, `int`, `long`, `long long`
 Floating point types  | ✅ | `float`, `double`, `long double` 
**Declarations** ||
 Variable declarations |  ✅  | `int x;` 
 Constant declarations |  ✅  | `const int x;`
**Unary operations** | 🟧 | `-x`, `--x`, `x++`, ... 
**Binary operations** (+, *, -) | ✅ |  `x = y + z`
**Ternary operations** | 🟧 |  `x = y + z * w`
**Combined assignment operators** | 🟧 | `x += 1` |
**Conditional statements** || 
 if statement | ✅ | `if(x > 0) { ... }`
 if-else statement | ✅ | `if(x > 0) { ... } else { ... }`
 nested conditional  | ✅ | `if(x > 0) {  if (y > 0) { ... } }` |
**Repetition statements** || 
 while loop | ✅ | `while(x < 20) { ... }`
 for loop | 🟧 | `for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { ... }`
**Functions** | 🟧 ||
**Pointers** | 🟧 ||
**Arrays** | 🟧 || 
 **Header Files Inclusion** | 🟧 || 
**Comments** ||
 Single-line | ✅ | `// comment`
 Multi-line | ✅ | `/* comment */`

### Handling of unsupported operations

Analysis will bypass any statement that is unsupported.
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