Tip revision: 2d95c15d3a2cc5984ffd4a9a2c4ad3496847ca9d authored by Oliver Contier on 28 February 2023, 15:15:53 UTC
fixed howtocite
fixed howtocite
Tip revision: 2d95c15
Estimate single-trial responses. Output will be saved in the "derivatives" subfolder of the bids dataset.
NOTE: This analysis is resource-intensive in terms of computer memory and cpu usage. It should really only be run on a computing cluster and not on home computers or laptops.
python <subject_ID> <bids_path>
python 01 /home/user/thingsmri
import glob
import os
import random
import time
from itertools import combinations
from os.path import join as pjoin
from shutil import copyfile
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from fracridge import FracRidgeRegressor
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from nilearn.glm.first_level import make_first_level_design_matrix
from nilearn.image import load_img
from nilearn.masking import unmask, apply_mask
from numpy.random import normal
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from scipy.stats import zscore
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from tqdm import tqdm
from .glm import THINGSGLM, df_to_boxcar_design, get_nuisance_df
from .utils import pearsonr_nd, get_hrflib, spearman_brown, match_scale, apply_mask_smoothed, regress_out, r2_ndarr
class SingleTrialBetas(THINGSGLM):
Calculate single trial response estimates for the THINGS-fMRI dataset.
def __init__(
bidsroot: str,
subject: str,
out_deriv_name: str = 'betas_vol',
usecache: bool = True,
tuning_procedure: str = 'stepwise',
standardize_noiseregs: bool = True,
standardize_trialegs: bool = True,
on_residuals_data: bool = True,
on_residuals_design: bool = True,
cv_scheme: str = 'loo',
perf_metric: str = 'l2',
assume_hrf: int or False = False,
match_scale_runwise: bool = False,
use_spearman_brown: bool = False,
unregularized_targets: bool = True,
hrflib_url: str = ''
rescale_hrflib_amplitude: bool = True,
hrflib_resolution: float = .1,
overfit_hrf_model: str = 'onoff',
fracs: np.ndarray = np.hstack([np.arange(.1, .91, .05), np.arange(.91, 1.01, .01)]),
fmriprep_noiseregs: list = [],
fmriprep_compcors: bool or int = 0,
aroma_regressors: bool = False,
manual_ica_regressors: bool = True,
drift_model: str = 'polynomial',
poly_order: int = 4,
high_pass: float = None,
rescale_runwise_data: str = 'z',
zscore_data_sessionwise: bool = False,
stims_per_ses: int = 920,
n_parallel_hrf: int = 50,
n_parallel_repeated_betas: int = 6,
n_parallel_splithalf: int = 15,
mcnc_nsig: int = 1000, mcnc_nmes: int = 1, mcnc_njobs: int = 50, mcnc_ddof: int = 0,
sigscale_nilearn=False, noise_model='ols', hrf_model=None, bidsroot=bidsroot, subject=subject,
out_deriv_name=out_deriv_name, noiseregs=fmriprep_noiseregs, acompcors=fmriprep_compcors,
high_pass=high_pass, drift_model=drift_model, drift_order=poly_order,
self.manual_ica_regressors = manual_ica_regressors
self.usecache = usecache
self.on_residuals_data = on_residuals_data
self.on_residuals_design = on_residuals_design
self.zscore_data_sessionwise = zscore_data_sessionwise
assert tuning_procedure in ['stepwise', 'combined']
self.tuning_procedure = tuning_procedure
assert cv_scheme in ['splithalf', 'mcnc', 'loo', 'unregularized']
self.cv_scheme = cv_scheme
assert perf_metric in ['correlation', 'l1', 'l2']
self.perf_metric = perf_metric
self.match_scale_runwise = match_scale_runwise
self.use_spearman_brown = use_spearman_brown
self.standardize_noiseregs = standardize_noiseregs
self.standardize_trialegs = standardize_trialegs
self.n_parallel_repeated_betas = n_parallel_repeated_betas
self.n_parallel_splithalf = n_parallel_splithalf
self.kf = KFold(n_splits=self.n_sessions)
self.stims_per_ses = stims_per_ses
self.hrflib_url = hrflib_url
self.hrflib = get_hrflib(self.hrflib_url)
self.nsamples_hrf, self.nhrfs = self.hrflib.shape
assert fracs[-1] == 1. # make sure we include OLS
self.fracs = fracs
self.unregularized_targets = unregularized_targets
self.nfracs = len(self.fracs)
assert rescale_runwise_data in ['z', 'psc', 'center'] # don't allow uncentered data
self.rescale_runwise_data = rescale_runwise_data
assert overfit_hrf_model in ['onoff', 'single-trial']
self.overfit_hrf_model = overfit_hrf_model
self.assume_hrf = assume_hrf # picked 10 as canonical hrf
self.n_parallel_hrf = n_parallel_hrf
self.hrflib_resolution = hrflib_resolution
self.rescale_hrflib_amplitude = rescale_hrflib_amplitude
self.microtime_factor = int( / self.hrflib_resolution) # should be 15 in our case
self.frame_times_microtime = np.arange(0, self.ntrs *, self.hrflib_resolution) + self.stc_reftime
self.frf = FracRidgeRegressor(fracs=1., fit_intercept=False, normalize=False)
# mcnc settings
self.mcnc_n_sig, self.mcnc_n_mes = mcnc_nsig, mcnc_nmes
self.mcnc_njobs = mcnc_njobs
self.mcnc_ddof = mcnc_ddof
# directories and files
self.outdir = pjoin(self.bidsroot, 'derivatives', self.out_deriv_name, f'sub-{self.subject}')
self.best_hrf_nii = pjoin(self.outdir, 'best_hrf_inds.nii.gz')
self.best_frac_inds_nii = pjoin(self.outdir, 'best_frac_inds.nii.gz')
self.max_performance_nii = pjoin(self.outdir, 'max_performance.nii.gz')
self.best_fracs_nii = pjoin(self.outdir, 'best_fracs.nii.gz')
self.out_dtype = out_dtype
if not os.path.exists(self.outdir):
def _make_design_df(self, event_file):
Make data frame containing specifying each trial as a separate condition.
Also returns the list of condition names, and condition names for the repeated trials.
design_df = pd.read_csv(event_file, sep='\t')[['duration', 'onset', 'file_path', 'trial_type']]
rep_condnames = design_df.loc[design_df.trial_type == 'test', 'file_path'].to_numpy()
design_df = design_df.drop(columns='trial_type')
design_df = design_df.rename(columns={'file_path': 'trial_type'})
design_df = design_df.sort_values(by='onset', ignore_index=True)
return design_df, rep_condnames
def _onoff_df_from_design_df(self, design_df):
"""Take a single trial design data frame and turn it into an onoff design data frame"""
onoff_df = design_df.copy(deep=True)
onoff_df['trial_type'] = 'onoff'
return onoff_df
def make_design_dfs(self, event_files):
Given our event files, give us the design data frames and condition names per run
as well as the list of unique names (across all runs) of repeated conditions.
designs_zipped = [self._make_design_df(ef) for ef in tqdm(event_files, desc='reading event files')]
design_dfs, rep_condnames_runs = list(zip(*designs_zipped))
rep_condnames = np.unique(np.hstack(rep_condnames_runs))
onoff_dfs = [self._onoff_df_from_design_df(ddf) for ddf in design_dfs]
return design_dfs, onoff_dfs, rep_condnames
def convolve_designmat(self, designmat, rescale_hrflib_amplitude=True):
Convolve a boxcar design matrix with each hrf in self.hrflib.
Returns array of shape (nhrfs, ntrs, ntrials)
convolved_ups = np.zeros(
shape=(self.nhrfs, self.ntrs * self.microtime_factor, designmat.shape[1]))
for hrf_i in range(self.nhrfs):
conv_thishrf_ups = np.apply_along_axis(
lambda m: np.convolve(m, self.hrflib[:, hrf_i], mode='full'),
arr=designmat, axis=0
)[:self.ntrs * self.microtime_factor, :]
if rescale_hrflib_amplitude:
conv_thishrf_ups = np.nan_to_num(conv_thishrf_ups / conv_thishrf_ups.max(axis=0))
convolved_ups[hrf_i] = conv_thishrf_ups
convolved_designmat = convolved_ups[:, ::self.microtime_factor, :]
return convolved_designmat
def make_designs(self, event_files, normalize_convolved_regressors: bool = False):
Make convolved design matrices for each event file, also return condition names per run
and list of unique names of repeated stimuli (across all runs)
design_dfs, onoff_dfs, rep_condnames = self.make_design_dfs(event_files)
with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
designmats = parallel(
delayed(df_to_boxcar_design)(df, self.frame_times_microtime)
for df in tqdm(design_dfs, 'making single-trail design matrices')
with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
onoffmats = parallel(
delayed(df_to_boxcar_design)(df, self.frame_times_microtime)
for df in tqdm(onoff_dfs, 'making onoff design matrices')
# nilearn sorts conditions alphabetically, hence get them from designmat instead of dataframe
condnames_runs = [dm.columns for dm in designmats]
convolved_designs = [
self.convolve_designmat(designmat, rescale_hrflib_amplitude=self.rescale_hrflib_amplitude)
for designmat in tqdm(
desc='Convolving single-trial designs for each run with HRF library', position=0, leave=True
convolved_onoff = [
self.convolve_designmat(onoffmat, rescale_hrflib_amplitude=self.rescale_hrflib_amplitude)
for onoffmat in tqdm(
desc='Convolving onoff designs for each run with HRF library', position=0, leave=True
if normalize_convolved_regressors:
convolved_designs = [zscore(arr, axis=1) for arr in convolved_designs]
convolved_onoff = [zscore(arr, axis=1) for arr in convolved_onoff]
return convolved_designs, convolved_onoff, condnames_runs, rep_condnames
def make_noise_mat(self, nuisance_tsv, ica_txt=None, add_constant=False):
Make design matrix for noise regressors obtained from fmripreps nuisance tsv files
and/or our manually classified ICs.
nuisance_df = get_nuisance_df(self.noiseregs, nuisance_tsv, include_all_aroma=self.include_all_aroma)
if ica_txt:
ica_arr = np.loadtxt(ica_txt)
nuisance_df = pd.DataFrame(
np.hstack([nuisance_df.to_numpy(), ica_arr]),
columns=[f'noisereg-{i}' for i in range(nuisance_df.shape[1] + ica_arr.shape[1])]
dropcols = [] if add_constant else ['constant']
return make_first_level_design_matrix(
frame_times=self.frame_times_tr, add_regs=nuisance_df,
hrf_model=None, drift_model=self.drift_model, drift_order=self.drift_order,
high_pass=self.high_pass, events=None,
def regress_out_noise_runwise(self, noise_mats, data, zscore_residuals=True):
Regress the noise matrices out of our data separately for each session (to save memory).
Original data is overwritten.
# fit intercept only if data was not rescaled runwise
fitint = True if self.rescale_runwise_data in ['off', 'psc'] else False
for run_i in tqdm(range(self.nruns_total), desc='Regressing out noise runwise'):
start_sample, stop_sample = run_i * self.ntrs, run_i * self.ntrs + self.ntrs
data_run = data[start_sample:stop_sample]
data_filtered = regress_out(noise_mats[run_i], data_run,
lr_kws=dict(copy_X=False, fit_intercept=fitint, normalize=False, n_jobs=-1))
# overwrite raw data
if zscore_residuals:
data[start_sample:stop_sample] = np.nan_to_num(zscore(data_filtered, axis=0))
data[start_sample:stop_sample] = np.nan_to_num(data_filtered)
return data
def orthogonalize_designmats(self, convolved_designs, convolved_onoff, noise_mats):
Predict the design regressors with the noise regressors and only keep the residuals.
convolved_designs = [
np.stack([regress_out(noisemat, designmat[hrf_i]) for hrf_i in range(self.nhrfs)])
for noisemat, designmat in zip(noise_mats, convolved_designs)
convolved_onoff = [
np.stack([regress_out(noisemat, designmat[hrf_i]) for hrf_i in range(self.nhrfs)])
for noisemat, designmat in zip(noise_mats, convolved_onoff)
return convolved_designs, convolved_onoff
def overfit_hrf(self, data, convolved_designs, noise_mats=[], chunksize_runs=1):
Find best HRF per voxel measured by best within-sample r-squared with a single-trial design
and no regularization. Noise regressors are optional and can be left out if data was cleaned beforehand.
n_chunks = int(self.nruns_total / chunksize_runs)
start = time.time()
# chunk inputs for parallelization
print(f'HRF overfitting with {self.n_parallel_hrf} chunks in parallel')
start_is = [chunk_i * chunksize_runs for chunk_i in range(n_chunks)]
stop_is = [start_i + chunksize_runs for start_i in start_is]
datachunks = [data[start_i * self.ntrs:stop_i * self.ntrs] for start_i, stop_i in zip(start_is, stop_is)]
designchunks = [convolved_designs[start_i:stop_i] for start_i, stop_i in zip(start_is, stop_is)]
if not noise_mats:
noisechunks = [[]] * n_chunks
noisechunks = [noise_mats[start_i:stop_i] for start_i, stop_i in zip(start_is, stop_is)]
# Fit to each chunk
with Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_parallel_hrf) as parallel:
chunk_scores = parallel(
delayed(overfit_hrf_to_chunk)(data_, designs_, noise_mats_, self.nvox_masked, self.nhrfs)
for data_, designs_, noise_mats_ in zip(datachunks, designchunks, noisechunks)
# aggregate
mean_r2s = np.nanmean(np.stack(chunk_scores), axis=0)
best_hrf_inds = np.argmax(mean_r2s, axis=0)
print(f'HRF overfitting completed in {(time.time() - start) / 60:.1f} minutes')
return best_hrf_inds, mean_r2s
def get_repeated_betas(self, data, convolved_designs, noise_mats, condnames_runs, rep_condnames, hrf_inds):
Fit single trial GLM to each session and return the beta estimates of the repeatedly presented stimuli.
betas_per_session = []
for ses_i in tqdm(range(self.n_sessions), desc='Getting repeated stimuli runwise', leave=True):
startrun, stoprun = ses_i * self.nruns_perses, ses_i * self.nruns_perses + self.nruns_perses
startsample, stopsample = startrun * self.ntrs, stoprun * self.ntrs
data_ses = data[startsample:stopsample]
designs_ses = convolved_designs[startrun:stoprun]
noisemats_ses = noise_mats[startrun:stoprun] if noise_mats else []
condnames_ses = np.hstack(condnames_runs[startrun:stoprun])
repis_ses = np.hstack([np.where(condnames_ses == repcond) for repcond in rep_condnames]).squeeze()
# _ = get_betas_run(0, 0, data_ses, designs_ses, noisemats_ses, hrf_inds, self.fracs, self.nvox_masked)
with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
betas_per_run = parallel(
delayed(get_betas_run)( # TODO: could be parallelized more elegantly
ses_i, run_i, data_ses, designs_ses, noisemats_ses, hrf_inds, self.fracs, self.nvox_masked,
for run_i in range(self.nruns_perses)
betas_per_session.append(np.concatenate(betas_per_run, axis=0)[repis_ses])
return betas_per_session
def splithalf(self, betas_per_session, n_splits: int = 0):
Calculate mean split-half correlation across sessions in order to evaluate best alpha fraction.
Within each split, beta estimates of respective stimuli will be averaged.
combs = combinations(np.arange(self.n_sessions), int(self.n_sessions / 2))
if n_splits:
combs = list(combs)
combs = combs[:n_splits]
with Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_parallel_splithalf) as parallel:
split_performances = parallel(
delayed(eval_split_comb)(comb_i, comb, betas_per_session, self.nfracs,
self.use_spearman_brown, self.unregularized_targets, self.perf_metric)
for comb_i, comb in enumerate(combs)
performances = np.mean(np.stack(split_performances), axis=0)
return performances
def loo(self, betas_per_session):
Leave-one-out cross validation
with Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_parallel_splithalf) as parallel:
performance_folds = parallel(
delayed(eval_loo)(test_i, betas_per_session, self.nfracs, self.unregularized_targets, self.perf_metric)
for test_i in range(self.n_sessions)
performances = np.mean(np.stack(performance_folds), axis=0)
return performances
def combined_tuning(self, data, convolved_designs, condnames_runs, rep_condnames, noise_mats):
Find best pair of hyperparameters by searching through all combinations.
print('running LOO for all HRFs and alpha fractions')
performances_hrfs = [] # one for each HRF
for hrf_i in tqdm(range(self.nhrfs), desc='running LOO for all HRFs and alpha fractions', leave=True):
hrf_inds = np.full(shape=self.nvox_masked, fill_value=hrf_i, dtype=int)
print(f'getting repeated betas for HRF {hrf_i}')
betas_per_session = self.get_repeated_betas(
data, convolved_designs, noise_mats, condnames_runs, rep_condnames, hrf_inds
print(f'running {self.tuning_procedure} for HRF {hrf_i}')
if self.cv_scheme == 'mcnc':
performances = self.mcnc(betas_per_session)
elif self.cv_scheme == 'splithalf':
performances = self.splithalf(betas_per_session)
elif self.cv_scheme == 'loo':
performances = self.loo(betas_per_session)
performances_hrfs = np.stack(performances_hrfs) # will have shape (hrf, fracs, nvox)???
performances_combined = performances_hrfs.reshape((self.nhrfs * self.nfracs, self.nvox_masked))
best_hrf_inds, best_frac_inds = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(performances_combined, axis=0),
shape=(self.nhrfs, self.nfracs))
max_performance = np.max(performances_combined, axis=0)
return best_hrf_inds, best_frac_inds, max_performance
def mcnc(self, betas_per_session):
Use Monte Carlo noise ceiling to determine best alpha fraction for each voxel.
# stack over sessions
betas_stacked = np.stack(betas_per_session).T.swapaxes(2, 0).swapaxes(2, 1).swapaxes(2, 3)
del betas_per_session
ncs_per_frac = []
for frac_i in tqdm(range(self.nfracs), desc='MCNC for different fracs'):
betas_frac = betas_stacked[frac_i]
# estimate signal and noise distribution
mn = betas_frac.mean(axis=1)
se = betas_frac.var(axis=1, ddof=self.mcnc_ddof)
noisevar = se.mean(axis=1)
noisesd = np.sqrt(noisevar)
overallmn = mn.mean(axis=1)
overallvar = np.var(mn, axis=1, ddof=self.mcnc_ddof)
signalsd = np.sqrt(
np.clip(overallvar - noisevar, 0, None)
# repeat for sampling convenience
overallmn = np.repeat(overallmn[:, np.newaxis], 100, axis=-1)
signalsd = np.repeat(signalsd[:, np.newaxis], 100, axis=-1)
noisesd = np.repeat(noisesd[:, np.newaxis], 100, axis=-1)
# run simulations in parallel
r2s = Parallel(n_jobs=self.mcnc_njobs)(
delayed(_run_job_sim_notnested)(overallmn, signalsd, noisesd) for _ in range(self.mcnc_n_sig)
r2s = np.stack(r2s, axis=-1)
ncs_per_frac.append(np.median(r2s, axis=-1))
performances = np.stack(ncs_per_frac)
return performances
def final_fit(self, data, convolved_designs, best_param_inds, condnames_runs, noise_mats):
Fit the model with best HRF and alpha fraction per voxel to obtain final single trial beta estimates.
for ses_i in tqdm(range(self.n_sessions), desc='sessions'):
sesdir = pjoin(self.outdir, f'ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}')
if not os.path.exists(sesdir):
for run_i in tqdm(range(self.nruns_perses), desc='runs'):
# figure out indices
flat_i = ses_i * self.nruns_perses + run_i
startsample, stopsample = flat_i * self.ntrs, flat_i * self.ntrs + self.ntrs
nconds = len(condnames_runs[flat_i])
# iterate over voxel sets and populate our results array
betas = np.zeros(shape=(self.nvox_masked, nconds))
for param_i in tqdm(np.unique(best_param_inds), 'parameter combinations'):
hrf_i, frac_i = np.unravel_index(param_i, shape=(self.nhrfs, self.nfracs))
voxel_inds = np.where(best_param_inds == param_i)
data_sub = data[startsample:stopsample, voxel_inds[0]].squeeze()
design = convolved_designs[flat_i][hrf_i]
if noise_mats:
design = np.hstack([design, noise_mats[flat_i]])
if self.match_scale_runwise:
self.frf.fracs = [self.fracs[frac_i], 1.], data_sub)
betas_thisparam = match_scale(self.frf.coef_[:nconds, 0], self.frf.coef_[:nconds, 1])
self.frf.fracs = self.fracs[frac_i], data_sub)
betas_thisparam = self.frf.coef_[:nconds]
betas[voxel_inds] = betas_thisparam.T
# save betas and condition names for this run to file
betas_nii = pjoin(
sesdir, f'sub-{self.subject}_ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}_run-{run_i + 1:02d}_betas.nii.gz'
conds_tsv = betas_nii.replace('_betas.nii.gz', '_conditions.tsv')
betas_img = unmask(betas.T.astype(self.out_dtype), self.union_mask)
pd.DataFrame(condnames_runs[flat_i]).to_csv(conds_tsv, sep='\t', header=['image_filename'])
def run(self):
print('\nLoading design and noise regressors\n')
event_files, bold_files, nuisance_tsvs, masks = self.get_inputs()
convolved_designs, convolved_onoff, condnames_runs, rep_condnames = self.make_designs(event_files)
if self.manual_ica_regressors:
ica_tsvs = self._get_ica_txts()
noise_mats = [self.make_noise_mat(nuisance_tsv, ica_tsv)
for nuisance_tsv, ica_tsv in zip(nuisance_tsvs, ica_tsvs)]
noise_mats = [self.make_noise_mat(nuisance_tsv) for nuisance_tsv in nuisance_tsvs]
if self.standardize_noiseregs:
print('\nStandardizing noise regressors')
noise_mats = [np.nan_to_num(zscore(m, axis=0)) for m in noise_mats]
if self.standardize_trialegs:
print('\nStandardizing trial regressors')
convolved_designs = [np.nan_to_num(zscore(m, axis=1)) for m in convolved_designs]
convolved_onoff = [np.nan_to_num(zscore(m, axis=1)) for m in convolved_onoff]
if self.on_residuals_design:
print('\nRegressing out noise from design\n')
convolved_designs, convolved_onoff = self.orthogonalize_designmats(
convolved_designs, convolved_onoff, noise_mats
print('\nLoading data\n')
data = self.vstack_data_masked(bold_files, rescale_runwise=self.rescale_runwise_data)
if self.on_residuals_data:
print('\nRegressing out noise from data\n')
data = self.regress_out_noise_runwise(noise_mats, data, zscore_residuals=True)
if self.on_residuals_data or self.on_residuals_design:
print('\nOmitting noise regressors for model fitting since data and/or design was orthogonalized\n')
noise_mats = []
if self.tuning_procedure == 'combined':
if self.usecache and os.path.exists(self.best_hrf_nii) and os.path.exists(self.best_frac_inds_nii):
print('\nLoading HRF indices and alpha fractions from pre-stored files')
best_hrf_inds = apply_mask(self.best_hrf_nii, self.union_mask, dtype=int)
best_frac_inds = apply_mask(self.best_frac_inds_nii, self.union_mask, dtype=int)
print('\nCombined tuning of HRF and regularization')
best_hrf_inds, best_frac_inds, max_performance = self.combined_tuning(
data, convolved_designs, condnames_runs, rep_condnames, noise_mats
unmask(best_hrf_inds, self.union_mask).to_filename(self.best_hrf_nii)
unmask(max_performance, self.union_mask).to_filename(self.max_performance_nii)
elif self.tuning_procedure == 'stepwise':
if self.assume_hrf:
print(f'\nAssuming HRF with index {self.assume_hrf}, creating temporary file\n')
assert np.abs(self.assume_hrf) < self.nhrfs
best_hrf_inds = np.full(fill_value=self.assume_hrf, shape=self.nvox_masked, dtype=int)
unmask(best_hrf_inds, self.union_mask).to_filename(self.best_hrf_nii)
if self.usecache and os.path.exists(self.best_hrf_nii):
print('\nLoading HRF indices from pre-stored file\n')
best_hrf_inds = apply_mask(self.best_hrf_nii, self.union_mask, dtype=int)
print('\nOverfitting HRF\n')
if self.overfit_hrf_model == 'onoff':
best_hrf_inds, _ = self.overfit_hrf(data, convolved_onoff, noise_mats)
best_hrf_inds, _ = self.overfit_hrf(data, convolved_designs, noise_mats)
# save best HRF per voxel
unmask(best_hrf_inds, self.union_mask).to_filename(self.best_hrf_nii)
# regularization
if self.usecache and os.path.exists(self.best_frac_inds_nii):
print('\nLoading best alpha fractions from pre-stored file\n')
best_frac_inds = apply_mask(self.best_frac_inds_nii, self.union_mask, dtype=int)
if self.cv_scheme == 'unregularized':
print('\nSkipping cross-validation and calculating unregularized betas\n')
best_frac_inds = np.full(fill_value=self.nfracs - 1, shape=self.nvox_masked, dtype=int)
print('\nEstimating betas of repeated stimuli for each session and each alpha fraction\n')
betas_per_session = self.get_repeated_betas(
data, convolved_designs, noise_mats, condnames_runs, rep_condnames, best_hrf_inds
print(f'\nUsing {self.cv_scheme} to find best alpha fraction per voxel')
if self.cv_scheme == 'mcnc':
performances = self.mcnc(betas_per_session)
elif self.cv_scheme == 'splithalf':
print(f"Using unregularized targets = {self.unregularized_targets}")
performances = self.splithalf(betas_per_session)
elif self.cv_scheme == 'loo':
performances = self.loo(betas_per_session)
# best_frac_inds = np.argmax(performance, axis=0)
# max_performance = np.max(performance, axis=0)
max_performance = np.max(performances, axis=0)
best_frac_inds = np.argmax(performances, axis=0)
unmask(max_performance, self.union_mask).to_filename(self.max_performance_nii)
# save best regularization parameter
best_fracs = self.fracs[best_frac_inds]
for arr, fname in zip(
[best_frac_inds, best_fracs],
[self.best_frac_inds_nii, self.best_fracs_nii]
unmask(arr, self.union_mask).to_filename(fname)
print('\nFinal fit\n')
best_param_inds = np.ravel_multi_index((best_hrf_inds, best_frac_inds), (self.nhrfs, self.nfracs))
self.final_fit(data, convolved_designs, best_param_inds, condnames_runs, noise_mats)
def get_betas_run(
ses_i, run_i, data_ses, designs_ses, noisemats_ses, hrf_inds, fracs, nvox_masked,
nconds=92, ntrs=284,
fr_kws=dict(fit_intercept=False, normalize=False)
fr = FracRidgeRegressor(fracs=fracs, **fr_kws)
betas = np.zeros(shape=(nconds, len(fracs), nvox_masked), dtype=np.single)
for hrf_i in tqdm(np.unique(hrf_inds), desc=f'Getting repeated betas, run {run_i} session {ses_i}', leave=False):
voxel_inds = np.where(hrf_inds == hrf_i)
data_vox = data_ses[run_i * ntrs:run_i * ntrs + ntrs, voxel_inds[0]]
design = designs_ses[run_i][hrf_i]
if noisemats_ses:
design = np.hstack([design, noisemats_ses[run_i]]), data_vox)
if len(voxel_inds[0]) == 1: # special case if only one voxel has this HRF index
betas[:, :, voxel_inds[0]] = fr.coef_[:nconds, :, None]
betas[:, :, voxel_inds[0]] = fr.coef_[:nconds]
return betas
def overfit_hrf_to_chunk(data, convolved_designs, noise_mats, nvoxmasked, nhrfs,
reghrf_kws=dict(fit_intercept=False, normalize=False, n_jobs=-1)):
reghrf = LinearRegression(**reghrf_kws)
scores = np.zeros(shape=(nhrfs, nvoxmasked))
for hrf_i in tqdm(range(nhrfs), desc='Iterating over sub-chunks for HRF overfitting'):
design_hrf = block_diag(*[rundesign[hrf_i] for rundesign in convolved_designs])
if noise_mats:
design_hrf = np.hstack([design_hrf, block_diag(*noise_mats)]), data)
scores[hrf_i] = r2_score(data, reghrf.predict(design_hrf), multioutput='raw_values')
return scores
def eval_split_comb(comb_i, comb, betas_per_session, nfracs, use_spearman_brown=False,
unregularized_targets=True, metric='l2'):
start = time.time()
split_train = np.mean(np.stack([b for i, b in enumerate(betas_per_session) if i in comb]), axis=0)
split_test = np.mean(np.stack([b for i, b in enumerate(betas_per_session) if i not in comb]), axis=0)
# each element of betas_per_session is (nconds, len(fracs), nvox_masked)
if metric == 'correlation':
if unregularized_targets:
performance = np.stack(
[pearsonr_nd(split_train[:, frac_i, :], split_test[:, -1, :]) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
performance = np.stack(
[pearsonr_nd(split_train[:, frac_i, :], split_test[:, frac_i, :]) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
if use_spearman_brown:
performance = spearman_brown(performance)
elif metric == 'l1':
if unregularized_targets:
err = np.stack(
[np.abs(split_train[:, frac_i, :] - split_test[:, -1, :]).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
err = np.stack(
[np.abs(split_train[:, frac_i, :] - split_test[:, frac_i, :]).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
performance = err * -1
elif metric == 'l2':
if unregularized_targets:
err = np.stack(
[np.square(np.abs(split_train[:, frac_i, :] - split_test[:, -1, :])).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in
err = np.stack(
[np.square(np.abs(split_train[:, frac_i, :] - split_test[:, frac_i, :])).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in
performance = err * -1
print(f'Finished split combination {comb_i} in {((time.time() - start) / 60.):.2f} minutes')
return performance
def eval_loo(test_i, betas_per_session, nfracs, unregularized_targets, metric):
# betas_per_session is list of len 12, each element is shape (nrepeated, nfracs, nvox)
betas_test = betas_per_session[test_i] # shape (nrepeated, nfracs, nvox)
betas_train = np.mean(np.stack([b for sesi, b in enumerate(betas_per_session) if sesi != test_i]),
axis=0) # shape (nrepeated, nfracs, nvox)
if metric == 'correlation':
if unregularized_targets:
performance = np.stack(
[pearsonr_nd(betas_train[:, frac_i, :], betas_test[:, -1, :]) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
performance = np.stack(
[pearsonr_nd(betas_train[:, frac_i, :], betas_test[:, frac_i, :]) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
elif metric == 'l1':
if unregularized_targets:
err = np.stack(
[np.abs(betas_train[:, frac_i, :] - betas_test[:, -1, :]).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
err = np.stack(
[np.abs(betas_train[:, frac_i, :] - betas_test[:, frac_i, :]).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in range(nfracs)])
performance = err * -1
elif metric == 'l2':
if unregularized_targets:
err = np.stack(
[np.square(np.abs(betas_train[:, frac_i, ] - betas_test[:, -1, :])).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in
err = np.stack(
[np.square(np.abs(betas_train[:, frac_i, :] - betas_test[:, frac_i, :])).sum(axis=0) for frac_i in
performance = err * -1
return performance.astype(np.single)
def list_stb_outputs_for_mcnc(
sub: str = '01',
bidsroot: str = '/LOCAL/ocontier/thingsmri/bids',
betas_basedir: str = '/LOCAL/ocontier/thingsmri/bids/derivatives/betas',
) -> tuple:
betas_dir = pjoin(betas_basedir, f'sub-{sub}')
betas = []
for ses_i in tqdm(range(12), desc='Loading betas of repeated stimuli'):
sesdir = pjoin(betas_dir, f'ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}')
rawdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'rawdata', f'sub-{sub}', f'ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}', 'func')
event_tsvs = [
pjoin(rawdir, f'sub-{sub}_ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}_task-things_run-{run_i + 1:02d}_events.tsv')
for run_i in range(10)
cond_tsvs = [
pjoin(sesdir, f'sub-{sub}_ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}_run-{run_i + 1:02d}_conditions.tsv')
for run_i in range(10)
conds = np.hstack([pd.read_csv(tsv, sep='\t')['image_filename'].to_numpy() for tsv in cond_tsvs])
event_dfs = [pd.read_csv(tsv, sep='\t') for tsv in event_tsvs]
if ses_i == 0:
repcondnames = np.unique(np.hstack(
[df[df['trial_type'] == 'test']['file_path'].to_numpy(dtype=str)
for df in event_dfs]
run_niis = [pjoin(sesdir, f'sub-{sub}_ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}_run-{run_i + 1:02d}_betas.nii.gz')
for run_i in range(10)]
ses_betas = np.moveaxis(
np.concatenate([load_img(ni).get_fdata(dtype=np.single) for ni in run_niis], axis=3),
-1, 0
repcond_is = np.hstack([np.where(conds == repcond) for repcond in repcondnames]).squeeze()
rep_betas = ses_betas[repcond_is]
betas = np.moveaxis((np.moveaxis(np.stack(betas), 0, -1)), 0, -1) # shape (voxX, voxY, nRepetitions, nStimuli)
return betas, run_niis[0]
def _run_job_sim_notnested(overallmn, signalsd, noisesd):
simsig = normal(overallmn, signalsd)
mes = simsig + normal(0, noisesd)
return r2_ndarr(simsig, mes)
def match_lsq(reg, unreg, nnls: bool = False):
lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=True, n_jobs=-1, positive=nnls), 1), unreg)
pred = lr.predict(reg.reshape(-1, 1))
return pred
def match_nnslope(reg, unreg):
reg_c, unreg_c = reg - reg.mean(), unreg - unreg.mean()
lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False, n_jobs=-1, positive=True), 1), unreg_c)
pred_c = lr.predict(reg_c.reshape(-1, 1))
pred = pred_c + unreg.mean()
return pred
def load_betas(
sub: str,
mask: str,
bidsroot: str = '/LOCAL/ocontier/thingsmri/bids',
betas_derivname: str = 'betas_loo/on_residuals/scalematched',
) -> np.ndarray:
if not smoothing:
smoothing = None
betasdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', betas_derivname, f'sub-{sub}')
betafiles = [
pjoin(betasdir, f'ses-things{ses_i:02d}', f'sub-{sub}_ses-things{ses_i:02d}_run-{run_i:02d}_betas.nii.gz')
for ses_i in range(1, 13) for run_i in range(1, 11)
for b in betafiles:
assert os.path.exists(b)
with Parallel(n_jobs=-1) as parallel:
betas_l = parallel(
delayed(apply_mask_smoothed)(bf, mask, smoothing, dtype)
for bf in tqdm(betafiles, desc='loading betas')
betas = np.vstack(betas_l)
return betas # shape (ntrials, nvoxel)
def load_betas_img(sub, bidsroot, betas_derivname='betas_loo/on_residuals/scalematched', dtype=np.single):
betafiles = [
pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', betas_derivname,
f'ses-things{ses_i:02d}', f'sub-{sub}_ses-things{ses_i:02d}_run-{run_i:02d}_betas.nii.gz')
for ses_i in range(1, 13) for run_i in range(1, 11)
return load_img(betafiles)
def load_filenames(sub, bidsroot, betas_derivname):
# load condition names
betas_basedir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', betas_derivname)
tsv_files = [
pjoin(betas_basedir, f'sub-{sub}', f'ses-things{ses_i:02d}',
for ses_i in range(1, 13) for run_i in range(1, 11)
filenames = np.hstack([pd.read_csv(tsv, sep='\t').image_filename.to_numpy() for tsv in tsv_files]).astype(str)
return filenames
def filter_catch_trials(betas, filenames):
noncatch_is = np.array([False if 'catch' in f else True for f in filenames])
betas_noncatch, filenames_noncatch = betas[noncatch_is], filenames[noncatch_is]
return betas_noncatch, filenames_noncatch, noncatch_is
def average_betas_per_concept(betas, filenames):
catch trials should have been excluded. Does not distinguish between test and normal trials.
trial_concepts = np.array([
for fn in filenames
concepts, counts = np.unique(trial_concepts, return_counts=True)
assert np.sum(counts % 12) == 0
betas_concepts = np.zeros((len(concepts), betas.shape[1]))
for i, c_ in tqdm(enumerate(concepts), desc='averaging betas per concept'):
mask = trial_concepts == c_
assert np.sum(mask) % 12 == 0
betas_c_ = betas[mask].mean(axis=0)
betas_concepts[i] = betas_c_
return np.stack(betas_concepts), concepts
def posthoc_scaling(
method: str = 'ols'
Use OLS to find (intercept) and scalar to match the regularized betas to the scale of the unregularized betas.
assert method in ['ols', 'nnls', 'nnslope']
outdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', out_derivname, f'sub-{sub}')
# get union mask
thingsglm = THINGSGLM(bidsroot, sub, out_deriv_name='tmp')
_, _, _, masks = thingsglm.get_inputs()
# load regularized betas
reg_betas = load_betas(sub, thingsglm.union_mask, bidsroot, reg_derivname)
unreg_betas = load_betas(sub, thingsglm.union_mask, bidsroot, unreg_derivname)
# run regressions in parallel
nvox = reg_betas.shape[1]
if method in ['ols', 'nnls']:
with Parallel(n_jobs=njobs) as parallel:
matched_l = parallel(
reg=reg_betas[:, vox_i],
unreg=unreg_betas[:, vox_i],
nnls=True if method == 'nnls' else False
for vox_i in tqdm(range(nvox), 'voxels')
elif method == 'nnslope':
with Parallel(n_jobs=njobs) as parallel:
matched_l = parallel(
reg=reg_betas[:, vox_i],
unreg=unreg_betas[:, vox_i],
for vox_i in tqdm(range(nvox), 'voxels')
matched = np.stack(matched_l, axis=1)
# save output
for ses_i in tqdm(range(12), desc='saving output for each session'):
sesdir = pjoin(outdir, f'ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}')
if not os.path.exists(sesdir):
for run_i in tqdm(range(10), desc='runs'):
flat_i = ses_i * 10 + run_i
starti, stopi = flat_i * nconds, flat_i * nconds + nconds
matched_img = unmask(matched[starti:stopi], thingsglm.union_mask)
nii = pjoin(sesdir, f'sub-{sub}_ses-things{ses_i + 1:02d}_run-{run_i + 1:02d}_betas.nii.gz')
# copy condition files
orig_tsvs = glob.glob(pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', reg_derivname, f'sub-{sub}', 'ses-*', '*.tsv'))
matched_tsvs = [t.replace(reg_derivname, out_derivname) for t in orig_tsvs]
for src, trgt in tqdm(zip(orig_tsvs, matched_tsvs), 'copying tsv files'):
copyfile(src, trgt)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
sub, bidsroot = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]
# get an unregularized estimate of responses
stb_unreg = SingleTrialBetas(bidsroot, sub, cv_scheme='unregularized', out_deriv_name='betas_unregularized')
# use cross-validation and l2 regularization
stb_reg = SingleTrialBetas(bidsroot, sub, out_deriv_name='betas_regularized')
# apply post-hoc scaling
posthoc_scaling(sub=sub, bidsroot=bidsroot, reg_derivname='betas_regularized', unreg_derivname='betas_unregularized', out_derivname='betas_vol')