\name{plotcolors} \alias{plotcolors} \alias{imageinfo} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{Plots a matrix of colors} \description{ \code{plotcolors} plots a matrix of colors as an image or as points. \code{imageinfo} is a utility that given a matrix of colors, returns a structure useful for the \code{image} function. } \usage{ plotcolors(cmat, na.color = "white", dlabels = NULL, rlabels = FALSE, clabels = FALSE, ptype = "image", border.color = "grey70", pch = 15, cex = 3, label.cex = 0.6, ...) imageinfo(cmat) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cmat}{a matrix of numbers, nas are allowed.} \item{na.color}{used for NAs in \code{cmat}.} \item{dlabels}{vector of labels for the diagonals.} \item{rlabels}{vector of labels for the rows.} \item{clabels}{vector of labels for the columns.} \item{ptype}{should be "image" or "points"} \item{border.color}{color of border drawn around the plot.} \item{pch}{point type used when ptype="points".} \item{cex}{point cex used when ptype="points".} \item{label.cex}{cex parameter used for labels.} \item{\dots}{graphical parameters} } \value{ \code{imageinfo} returns a list with components: \item{x}{a vector of x coordinates.} \item{y}{a vector of y coordinates.} \item{z}{a matrix containing values to be plotted.} \item{col}{the colors to be used.} } \author{ Catherine B. Hurley } \seealso{\code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{image}}} \examples{ plotcolors(matrix(1:20,nrow=4,ncol=5)) plotcolors(matrix(1:20,nrow=4,ncol=5),ptype="points",cex=6) plotcolors(matrix(1:20,nrow=4,ncol=5),rlabels = c("a","b","c","d")) data(longley) longley.cor <- cor(longley) # A matrix with equal (or nearly equal) number of entries of each color. longley.color <- dmat.color(longley.cor) plotcolors(longley.color, dlabels=rownames(longley.color)) # Could also reorder variables prior to plotting: longley.o <- order.single(longley.cor) longley.color <- longley.color[longley.o,longley.o] op <- par(mar=c(1,6,6,1)) plotcolors(longley.color,rlabels=rownames(longley.color),clabels=rownames(longley.color) ) par(op) } \keyword{color } \keyword{hplot }