Raw File
  Density Estimation for Circular Data
  Computes a kernel smoothed estimate of the probability density
  for angular data.
circdensity(x, sigma = "nrd0", \dots,
               bw = NULL,
               weights=NULL, unit = c("degree", "radian"))
    Numeric vector, containing angular data.
    Smoothing bandwidth, or bandwidth selection rule, passed to
  \item{bw}{Alternative to \code{sigma} for consistency with other functions.}
    Additional arguments passed to
    such as \code{kernel} and \code{weights}.
    Optional numeric vector of weights for the data in \code{x}.
    The unit of angle in which \code{x} is expressed.
  The angular values \code{x} are smoothed using
  (by default) the wrapped Gaussian kernel with standard deviation \code{sigma}.
  An object of class \code{"density"} (produced by
  \code{\link[stats]{density.default}}) which can be plotted
  by \code{plot} or by \code{\link{rose}}.
  and \ege
  ang <- runif(1000, max=360)
  rose(circdensity(ang, 12))
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