Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python
The JS Shell Test Harness.

See the adjacent README.txt for more details.

from __future__ import print_function

import os, sys, textwrap
from os.path import abspath, dirname, realpath
from copy import copy
from subprocess import list2cmdline, call

from lib.results import NullTestOutput
from lib.tests import TestCase, TBPL_FLAGS
from lib.results import ResultsSink
from lib.progressbar import ProgressBar

if (sys.platform.startswith('linux') or
    from lib.tasks_unix import run_all_tests
    from lib.tasks_win import run_all_tests

def run_tests(options, tests, results):
    """Run the given tests, sending raw results to the given results accumulator."""
        completed = run_all_tests(tests, results, options)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        completed = False


def get_cpu_count():
    Guess at a reasonable parallelism count to set as the default for the
    current machine and run.
    # Python 2.6+
        import multiprocessing
        return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    except (ImportError,NotImplementedError):

    # POSIX
        res = int(os.sysconf('SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN'))
        if res > 0:
            return res
    except (AttributeError,ValueError):

    # Windows
        res = int(os.environ['NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'])
        if res > 0:
            return res
    except (KeyError, ValueError):

    return 1

def parse_args():
    Parse command line arguments.
    Returns a tuple of: (options, js_shell, requested_paths, excluded_paths)
        options :object: The raw OptionParser output.
        js_shell :str: The absolute location of the shell to test with.
        requested_paths :set<str>: Test paths specially requested on the CLI.
        excluded_paths :set<str>: Test paths specifically excluded by the CLI.
    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
    op = OptionParser(usage=textwrap.dedent("""
        %prog [OPTIONS] JS_SHELL [TESTS]

        Shell output format: [ pass | fail | timeout | skip ] progress | time
    op.add_option('--xul-info', dest='xul_info_src',
                  help='config data for xulRuntime (avoids search for config/autoconf.mk)')

    harness_og = OptionGroup(op, "Harness Controls", "Control how tests are run.")
    harness_og.add_option('-j', '--worker-count', type=int, default=max(1, get_cpu_count()),
                          help='Number of tests to run in parallel (default %default)')
    harness_og.add_option('-t', '--timeout', type=float, default=150.0,
                          help='Set maximum time a test is allows to run (in seconds).')
    harness_og.add_option('-a', '--args', dest='shell_args', default='',
                          help='Extra args to pass to the JS shell.')
    harness_og.add_option('--jitflags', default='', help="Obsolete. Does nothing.")
    harness_og.add_option('--tbpl', action='store_true',
                          help='Runs each test in all configurations tbpl tests.')
    harness_og.add_option('-g', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Run a test in debugger.')
    harness_og.add_option('--debugger', default='gdb -q --args', help='Debugger command.')
    harness_og.add_option('-J', '--jorendb', action='store_true', help='Run under JS debugger.')
    harness_og.add_option('--passthrough', action='store_true', help='Run tests with stdin/stdout attached to caller.')
    harness_og.add_option('--valgrind', action='store_true', help='Run tests in valgrind.')
    harness_og.add_option('--valgrind-args', default='', help='Extra args to pass to valgrind.')

    input_og = OptionGroup(op, "Inputs", "Change what tests are run.")
    input_og.add_option('-f', '--file', dest='test_file', action='append',
                        help='Get tests from the given file.')
    input_og.add_option('-x', '--exclude-file', action='append',
                        help='Exclude tests from the given file.')
    input_og.add_option('-d', '--exclude-random', dest='random', action='store_false',
                        help='Exclude tests marked as "random."')
    input_og.add_option('--run-skipped', action='store_true', help='Run tests marked as "skip."')
    input_og.add_option('--run-only-skipped', action='store_true', help='Run only tests marked as "skip."')
    input_og.add_option('--run-slow-tests', action='store_true',
                        help='Do not skip tests marked as "slow."')
    input_og.add_option('--no-extensions', action='store_true',
                        help='Run only tests conforming to the ECMAScript 5 standard.')

    output_og = OptionGroup(op, "Output", "Modify the harness and tests output.")
    output_og.add_option('-s', '--show-cmd', action='store_true',
                         help='Show exact commandline used to run each test.')
    output_og.add_option('-o', '--show-output', action='store_true',
                         help="Print each test's output to the file given by --output-file.")
    output_og.add_option('-F', '--failed-only', action='store_true',
                         help="If a --show-* option is given, only print output for failed tests.")
    output_og.add_option('-O', '--output-file',
                         help='Write all output to the given file (default: stdout).')
                         help='Write all not-passed tests to the given file.')
    output_og.add_option('--no-progress', dest='hide_progress', action='store_true',
                         help='Do not show the progress bar.')
    output_og.add_option('--tinderbox', action='store_true',
                         help='Use tinderbox-parseable output format.')

    special_og = OptionGroup(op, "Special", "Special modes that do not run tests.")
    special_og.add_option('--make-manifests', metavar='BASE_TEST_PATH',
                          help='Generate reftest manifest files.')
    options, args = op.parse_args()

    # Acquire the JS shell given on the command line.
    options.js_shell = None
    requested_paths = set()
    if len(args) > 0:
        options.js_shell = abspath(args[0])
        requested_paths |= set(args[1:])

    # If we do not have a shell, we must be in a special mode.
    if options.js_shell is None and not options.make_manifests:
        op.error('missing JS_SHELL argument')

    # Valgrind and gdb are mutually exclusive.
    if options.valgrind and options.debug:
        op.error("--valgrind and --debug are mutually exclusive.")

    # Fill the debugger field, as needed.
    prefix = options.debugger.split() if options.debug else []
    if options.valgrind:
        prefix = ['valgrind'] + options.valgrind_args.split()
        if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
        options.show_output = True

    js_cmd_args = options.shell_args.split()
    if options.jorendb:
        options.passthrough = True
        options.hide_progress = True
        options.worker_count = 1
        debugger_path = realpath(os.path.join(abspath(dirname(abspath(__file__))), '..', '..', 'examples', 'jorendb.js'))
        js_cmd_args.extend([ '-d', '-f', debugger_path, '--' ])
    TestCase.set_js_cmd_prefix(options.js_shell, js_cmd_args, prefix)

    # If files with lists of tests to run were specified, add them to the
    # requested tests set.
    if options.test_file:
        for test_file in options.test_file:
            requested_paths |= set([line.strip() for line in open(test_file).readlines()])

    # If files with lists of tests to exclude were specified, add them to the
    # excluded tests set.
    excluded_paths = set()
    if options.exclude_file:
        for filename in options.exclude_file:
                fp = open(filename, 'r')
                for line in fp:
                    if line.startswith('#'): continue
                    line = line.strip()
                    if not line: continue
                    excluded_paths |= set((line,))

    # Handle output redirection, if requested and relevant.
    options.output_fp = sys.stdout
    if options.output_file:
        if not options.show_cmd:
            options.show_output = True
            options.output_fp = open(options.output_file, 'w')
        except IOError as ex:
            raise SystemExit("Failed to open output file: " + str(ex))

    options.show = options.show_cmd or options.show_output

    # Hide the progress bar if it will get in the way of other output.
    options.hide_progress = (options.tinderbox or
                             not ProgressBar.conservative_isatty() or

    return (options, requested_paths, excluded_paths)

def load_tests(options, requested_paths, excluded_paths):
    Returns a tuple: (skipped_tests, test_list)
        skip_list: [iterable<Test>] Tests found but skipped.
        test_list: [iterable<Test>] Tests found that should be run.
    import lib.manifest as manifest

    if options.js_shell is None:
        xul_tester = manifest.NullXULInfoTester()
        if options.xul_info_src is None:
            xul_info = manifest.XULInfo.create(options.js_shell)
            xul_abi, xul_os, xul_debug = options.xul_info_src.split(r':')
            xul_debug = xul_debug.lower() is 'true'
            xul_info = manifest.XULInfo(xul_abi, xul_os, xul_debug)
        xul_tester = manifest.XULInfoTester(xul_info, options.js_shell)

    test_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__))
    test_list = manifest.load(test_dir, requested_paths, excluded_paths, xul_tester)
    skip_list = []

    if options.make_manifests:
        manifest.make_manifests(options.make_manifests, test_list)

    # Create a new test list. Apply each TBPL configuration to every test.
    if options.tbpl:
        new_test_list = []
        flags_list = TBPL_FLAGS
        for test in test_list:
            for jitflags in flags_list:
                tmp_test = copy(test)
                tmp_test.options = copy(test.options)
        test_list = new_test_list

    if options.jitflags:
        print("Warning: the --jitflags option is obsolete and does nothing now.")

    if options.test_file:
        paths = set()
        for test_file in options.test_file:
            paths |= set([ line.strip() for line in open(test_file).readlines()])
        test_list = [ _ for _ in test_list if _.path in paths ]

    if options.no_extensions:
        pattern = os.sep + 'extensions' + os.sep
        test_list = [_ for _ in test_list if pattern not in _.path]

    if not options.random:
        test_list = [ _ for _ in test_list if not _.random ]

    if options.run_only_skipped:
        options.run_skipped = True
        test_list = [ _ for _ in test_list if not _.enable ]

    if not options.run_slow_tests:
        test_list = [ _ for _ in test_list if not _.slow ]

    if not options.run_skipped:
        skip_list = [ _ for _ in test_list if not _.enable ]
        test_list = [ _ for _ in test_list if _.enable ]

    return skip_list, test_list

def main():
    options, requested_paths, excluded_paths = parse_args()
    skip_list, test_list = load_tests(options, requested_paths, excluded_paths)

    if not test_list:
        print('no tests selected')
        return 1

    test_dir = dirname(abspath(__file__))

    if options.debug:
        if len(test_list) > 1:
            print('Multiple tests match command line arguments, debugger can only run one')
            for tc in test_list:
                print('    %s'%tc.path)
            return 2

        cmd = test_list[0].get_command(TestCase.js_cmd_prefix)
        if options.show_cmd:
        if test_dir not in ('', '.'):
        return 0

    curdir = os.getcwd()
    if test_dir not in ('', '.'):

    results = None
        results = ResultsSink(options, len(skip_list) + len(test_list))
        for t in skip_list:
        run_tests(options, test_list, results)

    if results is None or not results.all_passed():
        return 1

    return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':
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