\name{rq.fit.lasso} \alias{rq.fit.lasso} \title{ Lasso Penalized Quantile Regression } \description{ The fitting method implements the lasso penalty of Tibshirani for fitting quantile regression models. When the argument \code{lambda} is a scalar the penalty function is the l1 norm of the last (p-1) coefficients, under the presumption that the first coefficient is an intercept parameter that should not be subject to the penalty. When \code{lambda} is a vector it should have length equal the column dimension of the matrix \code{x} and then defines a coordinatewise specific vector of lasso penalty parameters. In this case \code{lambda} entries of zero indicate covariates that are not penalized. There should be a sparse version of this, but isn't (yet). } \usage{ rq.fit.lasso(x, y, tau = 0.5, lambda = 1, beta = .9995, eps = 1e-06) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ the design matrix } \item{y}{ the response variable } \item{tau}{ the quantile desired, defaults to 0.5. } \item{lambda}{ the value of the penalty parameter(s) that determine how much shrinkage is done. This should be either a scalar, or a vector of length equal to the column dimension of the \code{x} matrix. } \item{beta}{ step length parameter for Frisch-Newton method. } \item{eps}{ tolerance parameter for convergence. } } \value{ Returns a list with a coefficient, residual, tau and lambda components. When called from \code{"rq"} (as intended) the returned object has class "lassorqs". } \references{ Koenker, R. (2005 \emph{Quantile Regression}, CUP. } \author{R. Koenker} \seealso{ \code{\link{rq}}} \examples{ n <- 60 p <- 7 rho <- .5 beta <- c(3,1.5,0,2,0,0,0) R <- matrix(0,p,p) for(i in 1:p){ for(j in 1:p){ R[i,j] <- rho^abs(i-j) } } set.seed(1234) x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p) \%*\% t(chol(R)) y <- x \%*\% beta + rnorm(n) f <- rq(y ~ x, method="lasso",lambda = 30) g <- rq(y ~ x, method="lasso",lambda = c(rep(0,4),rep(30,4))) } \keyword{regression}