/* Copyright (c) FFLAS-FFPACK * Written by Bastien Vialla * ========LICENCE======== * This file is part of the library FFLAS-FFPACK. * * FFLAS-FFPACK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * ========LICENCE======== */ #define __DLP_CHALLENGE #include #include #include #include #include #include "gmpxx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fflas-ffpack/fflas/fflas_sparse.h" #include "fflas-ffpack/utils/args-parser.h" #include "fflas-ffpack/field/rns-integer-mod.h" #include "fflas-ffpack/fflas/fflas_sparse/read_sparse.h" #include "fflas-ffpack/utils/timer.h" #include "fflas-ffpack/utils/flimits.h" #ifdef __FFLASFFPACK_USE_OPENMP typedef FFLAS::OMPTimer TTimer; #else typedef FFLAS::Timer TTimer; #endif using namespace std; using namespace FFLAS; using namespace Givaro; using Data = std::vector>>; using Coo = typename Data::value_type; /******************************************************************************************************************* * * Utility functions: sms reader and random field * *******************************************************************************************************************/ void readMat(string path, index_t *& row, index_t *& col, double *&val, index_t &rowdim, index_t &coldim, uint64_t & nnz){ std::ifstream file(path, std::ios::out); std::string line, nnz_c; std::getline(file, line); std::istringstream(line) >> rowdim >> coldim >> nnz_c; Data mat; int64_t r, c, v; while(std::getline(file, line)){ std::istringstream(line) >> r >> c >> v; if(r!=0) mat.emplace_back(v, r-1,c-1); } std::sort(mat.begin(), mat.end(), [](Coo &a, Coo &b){ return (a.row < b.row) || ((a.row == b.row) && (a.col < b.col)); ;}); mat.shrink_to_fit(); nnz = mat.size(); val = fflas_new(nnz, Alignment::CACHE_LINE); col = fflas_new(nnz, Alignment::CACHE_LINE); row = fflas_new(nnz, Alignment::CACHE_LINE); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < nnz ; ++i){ val[i] = mat[i].val; col[i] = mat[i].col; row[i] = mat[i].row; } } /*************************************************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { using Field = Modular; using FieldMat = ZRing; using FieldComp = FFPACK::RNSIntegerMod; using SparseMatrix = Sparse; uint64_t seed = getSeed(); Integer q = -1; int b = 128; int blockSize = 1; std::string matrixFile = ""; int nIter = 100; static Argument as[] = { { 'q', "-q Q", "Set the field characteristic (-1 for random).", TYPE_INTEGER , &q }, { 'b', "-b B", "Set the bitsize of the random characteristic.", TYPE_INT , &b }, { 'k', "-k K", "Set the size of the block (1 by default).", TYPE_INT, &blockSize }, { 'n', "-n N", "Number of iterations (1 by default).", TYPE_INT, &nIter }, { 'f', "-f FILE", "Set matrix file.", TYPE_STR, &matrixFile }, { 's', "-s seed", "Set seed for the random generator", TYPE_INT, &seed }, END_OF_ARGUMENTS }; parseArguments(argc, argv, as); // Construct Givaro::Integer field Field *F= chooseField(q,b,seed); if (F==nullptr) exit(0); Integer p; F->cardinality(p); cout << "Prime p: " << p << endl; // Pointers for the matrix index_t *row = nullptr, *col = nullptr; typename FieldMat::Element_ptr dat; index_t rowdim, coldim; uint64_t nnz; // Field associate to the matrix FieldMat Fword; // Read the matrix readMat(matrixFile, row, col, dat, rowdim, coldim, nnz); vector rows(rowdim, 0); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < nnz ; ++i) rows[row[i]]++; for(size_t i = 0 ; i < 20 ; ++i) cout << "#rows with "< x(coldim, 1), y(rowdim, 0); cout.precision(20); // Compute the bigger row fspmv(Fword, A, x.data(), 0, y.data()); for(auto &x: y){ if(x < 0){ x = -x; } } double maxSum = *(std::max_element(y.begin(), y.end())); cout << "maxSum: " << maxSum << endl; // Compute the bitsize of the RNS primes size_t primeBitsize = 53 - Integer(maxSum).bitsize()-1; cout << "primeBitsize: " << primeBitsize << endl; // construct RNS // primeBitsize = 23; FFPACK::rns_double_extended RNS(Integer(maxSum)*p, primeBitsize, true, 0); size_t rnsSize = RNS._size; cout << "M: " << RNS._M << endl; cout << "RNS basis size: " << rnsSize << endl; cout << "Rns basis: "; for(auto&x:RNS._basis){ cout << x << " "; } cout << endl; cout << "RNS Mi: " << endl; for(auto &x : RNS._Mi){ cout << x << " "; } cout << endl; cout << "RNS MMi: " << endl; for(auto &x : RNS._MMi){ cout << x << " "; } cout << endl; // construct RNS field FieldComp Frns(p,RNS); std::vector X(coldim*blockSize), Y(rowdim*blockSize, 0); // Fill X with random values for(auto &x: X){ Givaro::Integer::random_exact_2exp(x,b); F->init(x, x); } size_t ld = 0; Integer maxRep = Integer(maxSum)*rnsSize*p; while(maxRep.bitsize() < RNS._M.bitsize()){ maxRep *= Integer(maxSum); ld++; } ld -= 1; cout << "Spmm by modp: " << ld << endl; double* Xrns = fflas_new(coldim*blockSize*rnsSize, Alignment::CACHE_LINE); double* Yrns = fflas_new(rowdim*blockSize*rnsSize, Alignment::CACHE_LINE); // Transform X in RNS RNS.init(coldim*blockSize, Xrns, X.data(), 1); cout << endl; TTimer Tspmm; TTimer Tmodp; TTimer Ttotal; double spmmTime = 0, modpTime = 0; bool bb = true; Ttotal.start(); for(size_t kk = 1 ; kk <= nIter ; ++kk){ // perform Yrns = A.Xrns + beta.Yrns over ZZ Tspmm.start(); if(bb){ pfspmm(Fword, A, blockSize*rnsSize, Xrns, blockSize*rnsSize, 0, Yrns, blockSize*rnsSize); RNS.reduce(rowdim*blockSize, Yrns, 1, true); // reduce Yrns wrt the RNS basis Tspmm.stop(); spmmTime += Tspmm.usertime(); cout << "after spmm:" << endl; for(size_t i = 0, end = (Y.size()>20)?20:Y.size() ; i < end ; ++i){ cout << Yrns[i] << " "; } cout << endl; bb = !bb; // if(kk%ld == 0){ Tmodp.start(); Frns.reduce_modp_rnsmajor_scal_quad(rowdim*blockSize, FFPACK::rns_double_elt_ptr(Yrns, 1)); Tmodp.stop(); modpTime += Tmodp.usertime(); cout << "after modp:" << endl; for(size_t i = 0, end = (Y.size()>20)?20:Y.size() ; i < end ; ++i){ cout << Yrns[i] << " "; } cout << endl; // } }else{ fspmm(Fword, A, blockSize*rnsSize, Yrns, blockSize*rnsSize, 0, Xrns, blockSize*rnsSize); RNS.reduce(rowdim*blockSize, Xrns, 1, true); // reduce Yrns wrt the RNS basis Tspmm.stop(); spmmTime += Tspmm.usertime(); bb = !bb; for(size_t i = 0, end = (Y.size()>20)?20:Y.size() ; i < end ; ++i){ cout << Xrns[i] << " "; } cout << endl; // if(kk%ld == 0){ Tmodp.start(); Frns.reduce_modp_rnsmajor_scal_quad(rowdim*blockSize, FFPACK::rns_double_elt_ptr(Xrns, 1)); Tmodp.stop(); modpTime += Tmodp.usertime(); // } cout << "after modp:" << endl; for(size_t i = 0, end = (Y.size()>20)?20:Y.size() ; i < end ; ++i){ cout << Xrns[i] << " "; } cout << endl; } } // if(bb && nIter%ld != 0){ // Tmodp.start(); // Frns.reduce_modp_rnsmajor_scal_quad(rowdim*blockSize, FFPACK::rns_double_elt_ptr(Yrns, 1)); // Tmodp.stop(); // modpTime += Tmodp.usertime(); // }else if(!bb && nIter%ld != 0){ // Tmodp.start(); // Frns.reduce_modp_rnsmajor_scal_quad(rowdim*blockSize, FFPACK::rns_double_elt_ptr(Xrns, 1)); // Tmodp.stop(); // modpTime += Tmodp.usertime(); // } // Reconstruct Y from Yrns RNS.convert(rowdim*blockSize, Y.data(), Yrns); Ttotal.stop(); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < rowdim*blockSize ; ++i){ if(Y[i] < 0){ Integer q = -Y[i] / p; Y[i] = p - (-Y[i] - p*q); } Y[i] %= p; } cout << "Y res:" << endl; for(size_t i = 0, end = (Y.size()>20)?20:Y.size() ; i < end ; ++i){ cout << Y[i] << " "; } cout << endl; cout << nIter << " iterations in " << Ttotal << endl; cout << "spmm: " << spmmTime << endl; cout << "modp: " << modpTime << endl; fflas_delete(Xrns); fflas_delete(Yrns); return 0; } /* -*- mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ // vim:sts=4:sw=4:ts=4:et:sr:cino=>s,f0,{0,g0,(0,\:0,t0,+0,=s