# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Floating point numbers - basic tests @test 4.00000000000001 ≈ 4.0 @test 5.0 ≈ 4.999999999999993 @test 4.000000002 ≉ 4.00300002 # Other tolerance levels @test 4.32 ≈ 4.3 rtol=0.1 atol=0.01 @test 1.001 ≈ 1.002 rtol=0.001 atol=0.0001 @test 4.5 ≉ 4.9 rtol=0.001 atol=0.001 # Complex numbers @test 1.0 + 1.0im ≈ 1.0 + 1.00000000000001im @test 0.9999999999999 + 1.0im ≈ 1.0 + 1.000000000000001im @test 0.9999 + 1.0im ≈ 1.0 + 1.1im rtol=0.0001 atol=1.1 # Complex <-> reals @test 1.0 + 0im ≈ 1.0000000000001 @test 0.9999999999999 ≈ 1.0 + 0im @test 1.0+1im ≉ 1.000000000000001 # Comparing NaNs @test 4.0 ≉ NaN @test NaN ≉ 4.0 @test complex(2.3,NaN) ≉ complex(NaN,2.3) @test NaN ≉ NaN @test complex(NaN,NaN) ≉ complex(NaN,NaN) @test complex(NaN,2.3) ≉ complex(NaN,2.3) @test complex(2.3,NaN) ≉ complex(2.3,NaN) # Comparing Infs @test Inf ≈ Inf @test Inf ≉ 1 @test Inf ≉ -Inf @test complex(0.0,Inf) ≈ complex(0.0,Inf) @test complex(0.0,Inf) ≉ complex(0.0,-Inf) # Tests for integers and rationals @test 4 ≈ 4 @test 4 ≈ 5 atol=1 @test 4 ≉ 6 atol=1 @test 4 ≉ 5 @test 1//2+3im ≈ 1//2+3im @test 1//3 ≈ 0.33333333333333333 @test 1//3 ≈ 0.3333 rtol=0.0001 atol=0.0001 @test 1+1im ≈ 1im+1 # Notably missing from this test suite at the moment # * Tests for other magnitudes of numbers - very small, very big, and combinations of small and big # * Tests for various odd combinations of types, e.g. x::Integer ≈ y::Rational # issue #12375: @test 1e17 ≉ 1 # Tests for arrays: @test [1,2,3] ≈ [1,2,3+1e-9] @test [0,1] ≈ [1e-9, 1] @test [0,Inf] ≈ [0,Inf] @test [0,Inf] ≉ [0,-Inf] # issue #19936 for elty in (Float16,Float32,Float64) nan = elty(NaN) half = elty(0.5) @test nan ≉ nan @test nan ≈ nan nans=true @test [half, nan, half] ≉ [half, nan, half] @test [half, nan, half] ≈ [half, nan, half] nans=true end