% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/AllGenerics.R, R/operators.R
\title{Arithmetic Operators}
\S4method{Arith}{RataDie,RataDie}(e1, e2)
\S4method{Arith}{numeric,RataDie}(e1, e2)
\S4method{Arith}{RataDie,numeric}(e1, e2)
\item{e1, e2}{A \code{\linkS4class{RataDie}} object or a \code{\link{numeric}} vector.}
A \code{\link{logical}} vector.
Operators performing arithmetic operations.
\emph{Rata die} will be converted to a plain \code{numeric} vector if a computation no
longer makes sense in temporal terms.
## Vectors of years
x <- fixed(c(-350, 31, 1072, 576, 1130), calendar = CE())
y <- fixed(c(1494, 1645, -869, 1440, 1851), calendar = CE())
## Move forward in time
x + y
## Move backward in time
x - y
## Not rata die anymore
x * y
Other fixed date tools:
N. Frerebeau
\concept{fixed date tools}