// @(#)root/test:$Id$ // Author: Federico Carminati 22/04/2004 // test program for the class TComplex #include #include #include #include #include Double_t Error(TComplex a, TComplex b) {return 2*TComplex::Abs(a-b)/(a.Rho()+b.Rho());} void Verify(const TComplex a, const TComplex b, Double_t epsmin, Double_t epsmax, const char* where, Int_t & ifail, Double_t &serr) { Double_t err=Error(a,b); serr+=err; if(epsminRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=a*a; c=TComplex::Sqrt(b); // Cater for the fact that there are two roots! if(a.Re()*c.Re()<0) c*=-1; Verify(a,c,1e-14,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture exp and log serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Exp&Log",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::Log(a); c=TComplex::Exp(b); Verify(a,c,1e-14,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture sin and asin serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Sin&ASin",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::ASin(a); c=TComplex::Sin(b); Verify(a,c,1e-13,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture cos and acos serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Cos&ACos",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::ACos(a); c=TComplex::Cos(b); Verify(a,c,1e-13,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture tan and atan serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Tan&ATan",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::ATan(a); c=TComplex::Tan(b); Verify(a,c,1e-14,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture SinH and ASinH serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"SinH&ASinH",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::ASinH(a); c=TComplex::SinH(b); Verify(a,c,1e-13,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture CosH and ACosH serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"CosH&ACosH",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::ACosH(a); c=TComplex::CosH(b); Verify(a,c,1e-13,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture TanH and ATanH serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"TanH&ATanH",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); b=TComplex::ATanH(a); c=TComplex::TanH(b); Verify(a,c,1e-14,1e10,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture Power complex - complex // // Important note on the following tests. The operation of raising a complex // number to a power does not yet a single value, but rather an infinite // number of values, particularly if the number is non rational. // For a real number a, you can define a^(b+ic) by writing a = e^(ln a): // // b+ic (ln a)(b+ic) (b ln a) + i(c ln a) // a = e = e // // (b ln a) // = e ( cos (c ln a) + i sin (c ln a) ) // // b // = a ( cos (c ln a) + i sin (c ln a) ). // // Now, if a is a complex number instead of a real number, there is no // single value to "ln a": there are lots of different complex numbers z // for which e^z = a, and for any such complex number z, you could define // a^(b+ic) to be e^(z(b+ic)) and use the above technique to calculate it. // // In fact, the same thing is true even when a is a real number. The // expression a^(b+ic) has many possible values (infinite except when b // and c are both rational numbers), because instead of doing the calculation // writing a = e^(ln a), you could also do it by writing a = e^(ln a + 2pi i) // or by writing a = e^(ln a + 4 pi i), or a = e^(ln a + 6 pi i), and so on. // Each of these equalities is true (in fact e^(2pi n i)=1 for integer n). // // When a is real it is more "natural" to use the ordinary real-valued // logarithm ln a rather than than something like ln a + 2 pi i. // Technically, this value is called the principal value. This is what // the formula up above gives you. Unfortunately this alone does not // guarantees that the inverse operation brings you back where you // started from. // // When a is not real there is no one natural choice of logarithm to prefer // over any other, so in those cases we have to say that an expression like // a^(b+ic) has many different values. // // This is because in these tests we exclude from the error output the // results where we ended up very far from the initial value, and the // difference is more than 50%. // serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Power C-C",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); while (TComplex::Abs( e=TComplex(10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm()), 10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())) )<0.1) { } b=TComplex::Power(a,1./e); c=TComplex::Power(b,e); Verify(a,c,2e-14,1.,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture Power complex - real serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Power C-R",20); for(i=0; iRndm()),10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())); while (TMath::Abs(x=10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm()))<0.1) { } b=TComplex::Power(a,1./x); c=TComplex::Power(b,x); Verify(a,c,5e-14,.5,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); // Torture Power real - complex serr=0; ifail=0; strlcpy(title,"Power R-C",20); for(i=0; iRndm()), 10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm())) )<0.1) { } x=10*(1-2*gRandom->Rndm()); b=TComplex::Power(x,1./a); c=TComplex::Power(b,a); Verify(c,TComplex(x,0),2e-14,1.5,title,ifail,serr); } Summary(title,ifail,serr,np); return 0; }