function arMergeFits % useful if several workspaces e.g. from arFitClusterLHS with randomseed were % saved % load one workspace, run arMergeFits and check overall performance % e.g. by arPlotChi2 global ar % fileChooserMulti could be used instead folders = dir('./Results'); for k = length(folders):-1:1 % remove non-folders if ~folders(k).isdir folders(k) = [ ]; continue end % remove folders starting with . fname = folders(k).name; if fname(1) == '.' folders(k) = [ ]; end end filenames = {}; jcount = 0; kcount = 1; excount = 1; for j=1:length(filenames) fname = ['./Results/' filenames{j} '/workspace.mat']; load(fname); % could be used instead jcount = jcount + 1; chi2send = kcount - 1 + length(ar.chi2s); exitflagend = excount - 1 + length(ar.exitflag); chi2s(kcount:chi2send) = ar.chi2s; chi2sconstr(kcount:chi2send) = ar.chi2sconstr; ps(kcount:chi2send,:) =; exitflag(excount:exitflagend) = ar.exitflag; kcount = kcount + length(ar.chi2s); excount = excount + length(ar.exitflag); ar.chi2s = chi2s; = ps; ar.chi2sconstr = chi2sconstr; ar.exitflag = exitflag; end