# Copyright 2022 The JAX Authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from collections.abc import Sequence import io import re import textwrap from typing import IO import unittest from absl.testing import absltest import jax from jax import config from jax.experimental import pjit from jax._src import debugger from jax._src import test_util as jtu import jax.numpy as jnp import numpy as np config.parse_flags_with_absl() def make_fake_stdin_stdout(commands: Sequence[str]) -> tuple[IO[str], io.StringIO]: fake_stdin = io.StringIO() fake_stdin.truncate(0) for command in commands: fake_stdin.write(command + "\n") fake_stdin.seek(0) return fake_stdin, io.StringIO() def _format_multiline(text): return textwrap.dedent(text).lstrip() prev_xla_flags = None def setUpModule(): global prev_xla_flags # This will control the CPU devices. On TPU we always have 2 devices prev_xla_flags = jtu.set_host_platform_device_count(2) # Reset to previous configuration in case other test modules will be run. def tearDownModule(): prev_xla_flags() foo = 2 class CliDebuggerTest(jtu.JaxTestCase): def setUp(self): super().setUp() if not jtu.test_device_matches(["cpu", "gpu", "tpu"]): self.skipTest(f"Host callback not supported on {jtu.device_under_test()}") def test_debugger_eof(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout([]) def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y with self.assertRaises(SystemExit): f(2.) jax.effects_barrier() def test_debugger_can_continue(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["c"]) def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y f(2.) jax.effects_barrier() expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: (jdb) """) self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_can_print_value(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p x", "c"]) def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: (jdb) Array(2., dtype=float32) (jdb) """) f(jnp.array(2., jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_can_print_value_in_jit(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p x", "c"]) @jax.jit def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: (jdb) array(2., dtype=float32) (jdb) """) f(jnp.array(2., jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_can_print_multiple_values(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p x, y", "c"]) @jax.jit def f(x): y = x + 1. debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: (jdb) (array(2., dtype=float32), array(3., dtype=float32)) (jdb) """) f(jnp.array(2., jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_can_print_context(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["l", "c"]) @jax.jit def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y f(2.) jax.effects_barrier() expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) > .*debugger_test\.py\([0-9]+\) @jax\.jit def f\(x\): y = jnp\.sin\(x\) -> debugger\.breakpoint\(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli"\) return y .* \(jdb\) """) self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_can_print_backtrace(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["bt", "c"]) @jax.jit def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb:.* \(jdb\) Traceback:.* """) f(2.) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_can_work_with_multiple_stack_frames(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["l", "u", "p x", "d", "c"]) def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y @jax.jit def g(x): y = f(x) return jnp.exp(y) expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) > .*debugger_test\.py\([0-9]+\) def f\(x\): y = jnp\.sin\(x\) -> debugger\.breakpoint\(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli"\) return y .* \(jdb\) > .*debugger_test\.py\([0-9]+\).* @jax\.jit def g\(x\): -> y = f\(x\) return jnp\.exp\(y\) .* \(jdb\) array\(2\., dtype=float32\) \(jdb\) > .*debugger_test\.py\([0-9]+\) def f\(x\): y = jnp\.sin\(x\) -> debugger\.breakpoint\(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli"\) return y .* \(jdb\) """) g(jnp.array(2., jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_can_use_multiple_breakpoints(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p y", "c", "p y", "c"]) def f(x): y = x + 1. debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, ordered=True, backend="cli") return y @jax.jit def g(x): y = f(x) * 2. debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, ordered=True, backend="cli") return jnp.exp(y) expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: (jdb) array(3., dtype=float32) (jdb) Entering jdb: (jdb) array(6., dtype=float32) (jdb) """) g(jnp.array(2., jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_works_with_vmap(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p y", "c", "p y", "c"]) # On TPU, the breakpoints can be reordered inside of vmap but can be fixed # by ordering sends. # TODO(sharadmv): change back to ordered = False when sends are ordered ordered = jax.default_backend() == "tpu" def f(x): y = x + 1. debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, ordered=ordered, backend="cli") return 2. * y @jax.jit @jax.vmap def g(x): y = f(x) return jnp.exp(y) expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: (jdb) array(1., dtype=float32) (jdb) Entering jdb: (jdb) array(2., dtype=float32) (jdb) """) g(jnp.arange(2., dtype=jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_works_with_pmap(self): if jax.local_device_count() < 2: raise unittest.SkipTest("Test requires >= 2 devices.") stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p y", "c", "p y", "c"]) def f(x): y = jnp.sin(x) debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y @jax.pmap def g(x): y = f(x) return jnp.exp(y) expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) array\(.*, dtype=float32\) \(jdb\) Entering jdb: \(jdb\) array\(.*, dtype=float32\) \(jdb\) """) g(jnp.arange(2., dtype=jnp.float32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_works_with_pjit(self): if jax.default_backend() != "tpu": raise unittest.SkipTest("`pjit` doesn't work with CustomCall.") stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p y", "c"]) def f(x): y = x + 1 debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") return y def g(x): y = f(x) return jnp.exp(y) g = pjit.pjit( g, in_shardings=jax.sharding.PartitionSpec("dev"), out_shardings=jax.sharding.PartitionSpec("dev"), ) with jax.sharding.Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()), ["dev"]): arr = (1 + np.arange(8)).astype(np.int32) expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) {} \(jdb\) """.format(re.escape(repr(arr)))) g(jnp.arange(8, dtype=jnp.int32)) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_uses_local_before_global_scope(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p foo", "c"]) foo = "outer" def f(x): foo = "inner" debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") del foo return x del foo expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) 'inner' \(jdb\) """) f(2.) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_debugger_accesses_globals(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p foo", "c"]) @jax.jit def g(): debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) \*\*\* NameError: name 'foo' is not defined \(jdb\) """) g() jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_can_limit_num_frames(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["u", "p x", "c"]) def g(): debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli", num_frames=2) @jax.jit def f(): x = 2 g() return x _ = f() expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) .* .* .* .* .* .* .* \(jdb\) 2 \(jdb\) """) jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["u", "u", "c"]) def g2(): debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli", num_frames=2) @jax.jit def f2(): x = 2 g2() return x expected = ".*At topmost frame.*" _ = f2() jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) def test_can_handle_dictionaries_with_unsortable_keys(self): stdin, stdout = make_fake_stdin_stdout(["p x", "p weird_dict", "p weirder_dict", "c"]) @jax.jit def f(): weird_dict = {(lambda x: x): 2., (lambda x: x * 2): 3} weirder_dict = {(lambda x: x): weird_dict} x = 2. debugger.breakpoint(stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, backend="cli") del weirder_dict return x expected = _format_multiline(r""" Entering jdb: \(jdb\) 2.0 \(jdb\) \(jdb\) \(jdb\) """) _ = f() jax.effects_barrier() self.assertRegex(stdout.getvalue(), expected) if __name__ == '__main__': absltest.main(testLoader=jtu.JaxTestLoader())