#' Monte-Carlo Standard Error (MCSE) #' #' This function returns the Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE). #' #' @inheritParams effective_sample #' #' #' @details \strong{Monte Carlo Standard Error (MCSE)} is another measure of #' accuracy of the chains. It is defined as standard deviation of the chains #' divided by their effective sample size (the formula for \code{mcse()} is #' from Kruschke 2015, p. 187). The MCSE \dQuote{provides a quantitative #' suggestion of how big the estimation noise is}. #' #' @references Kruschke, J. (2014). Doing Bayesian data analysis: A tutorial with R, JAGS, and Stan. Academic Press. #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' library(bayestestR) #' library(rstanarm) #' #' model <- stan_glm(mpg ~ wt + am, data = mtcars, chains = 1, refresh = 0) #' mcse(model) #' } #' @importFrom insight get_parameters #' @importFrom stats setNames #' @export mcse <- function(model, ...) { UseMethod("mcse") } #' @export mcse.brmsfit <- function(model, effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"), component = c("conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "all"), parameters = NULL, ...) { # check arguments effects <- match.arg(effects) component <- match.arg(component) params <- insight::get_parameters( model, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters ) ess <- effective_sample( model, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters ) .mcse(params, stats::setNames(ess$ESS, ess$Parameter)) } #' @rdname mcse #' @export mcse.stanreg <- function(model, effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"), component = c("location", "all", "conditional", "smooth_terms", "sigma", "distributional", "auxiliary"), parameters = NULL, ...) { # check arguments effects <- match.arg(effects) component <- match.arg(component) params <- insight::get_parameters( model, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters ) ess <- effective_sample( model, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters ) .mcse(params, stats::setNames(ess$ESS, ess$Parameter)) } #' @export mcse.stanfit <- mcse.stanreg #' @export mcse.blavaan <- mcse.stanreg #' @importFrom stats sd na.omit #' @keywords internal .mcse <- function(params, ess) { # get standard deviations from posterior samples stddev <- sapply(params, stats::sd) # check proper length, and for unequal length, shorten all # objects to common parameters if (length(stddev) != length(ess)) { common <- stats::na.omit(match(names(stddev), names(ess))) stddev <- stddev[common] ess <- ess[common] params <- params[common] } # compute mcse data.frame( Parameter = colnames(params), MCSE = stddev / sqrt(ess), stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL ) }