% fields, Tools for spatial data % Copyright 2004-2011, Institute for Mathematics Applied Geosciences % University Corporation for Atmospheric Research % Licensed under the GPL -- www.gpl.org/licenses/gpl.html \name{ozone} \alias{ozone} \title{ Data set of ozone measurements at 20 Chicago monitoring stations. } \description{ The \code{ozone} data is a list of components, x and y. x component is longitude and latitude position of each of the 20 Chicago monitoring stations, y is the average daily ozone values over the time period 6/3/87-8/30/87. } \format{ This data set is a list containing the following components: \describe{ \item{lon.lat}{ Longitude-latitude positions of monitoring stations. } \item{x}{An approximate Cartesian set of coordinates for the locations where the units are in miles. The origin is in the center of the locations. } \item{y}{ Average daily ozone values over 1987 summer. } } } \source{ AIRS, the EPA air quality data base. } \seealso{ Tps, Krig } \examples{ fit<- Tps(ozone$x, ozone$y) # fitting a surface to ozone measurements. surface( fit, type="I") } \keyword{datasets} % docclass is function % Converted by Sd2Rd version 1.21.