function [V,F,b,bc] = triangulate_curves(P,varargin) % TRIANGULATE_CURVES Construct a (properly slitted) mesh for a given set of curves and % determine corresponding boundary conditions for solving diffusion curves. % % [V,F,b,bc] = triangulate_curves(P,varargin) % % Inputs: % #curve by 1 list of lists of curve points % Optional: % 'BoundingBox' followed by whether to include bounding box (otherwise % there better be an outer loop. % % Example: % clf; % % get curve (user draws) % Praw = {}; % while true % [Prawc,p] = get_pencil_curve(); % if size(Prawc,1) == 1 || sum((max(Prawc)-min(Prawc)).^2,2)<1e-5 % fprintf('continuing\n'); % break; % end % Praw{end+1} = Prawc; % %% remove plot % %delete(p); % end % % Simplify % P = cell(numel(Praw),1); % for c = 1:numel(Praw) % P{c} = dpsimplify(Praw{c},0.001); % end % [V,F,b,bc] = triangulate_curves(P); % W = harmonic(V,F,b,bc); % colors = random_color(4*numel(P)); % RGB = W * colors; % tsurf(F,[V W(:,4)],'FaceVertexCData',clamp(RGB),fphong,'EdgeColor','none');axis equal;view(2) % % default values use_bounding_box = true; % Map of parameter names to variable names params_to_variables = containers.Map( ... {'BoundingBox'}, ... {'use_bounding_box'}); v = 1; while v <= numel(varargin) param_name = varargin{v}; if isKey(params_to_variables,param_name) assert(v+1<=numel(varargin)); v = v+1; % Trick: use feval on anonymous function to use assignin to this workspace feval(@()assignin('caller',params_to_variables(param_name),varargin{v})); else error('Unsupported parameter: %s',varargin{v}); end v=v+1; end E = []; % list of all points PP = []; % list of curve sizes to determine from boundary markers which curve edge came % from curve_pos_ind = 0; for c = 1:numel(P) if isstruct(P{c}) Pc = P{c}.P; Ec = P{c}.E; else Pc = P{c}; Ec = [1:size(Pc,1)-1;2:size(Pc,1)]'; end % inefficient appending curve_pos_ind = [curve_pos_ind curve_pos_ind(end)+size(Ec,1)]; E = [E;size(PP,1)+Ec]; PP = [PP;Pc]; end l = normrow(PP(E(:,1),:)-PP(E(:,2),:)); [PP,~,J] = remove_duplicate_vertices(PP,0); E = J(E); Facets = []; Facets.facets = mat2cell(E,ones(size(E,1),1),2); Facets.boundary_marker = (1:size(E,1))'+1; % need unique set of points %assert(size(PP,1) == size(unique(PP,'rows'),1)); max_area = 1e16;min(l)^2; for pass = 1:2 prefix = tempprefix(); if use_bounding_box BB = bounding_box(PP); BB = bsxfun(@plus,1.1*bsxfun(@minus,BB,mean(BB)),mean(BB)); bb_flag = 'c'; else BB = []; bb_flag = ''; end writePOLY_triangle([prefix '.poly'],[PP;BB],Facets,[]); % Careful, triangle does not understand scientific notation flags = sprintf('-q30pa%0.17f%s',max_area,bb_flag); %flags = '-cp'; command = [path_to_triangle ' ' flags ' ' prefix]; command [status, result] = system( command ); if(status ~= 0) error(result); end [V,I] = readNODE([prefix '.1.node']); F = readELE([prefix '.1.ele']); max_area = mean(doublearea(V,F))*2; end [~,BE,BM] = readPOLY_triangle([prefix '.1.poly']); BE = BE(BM>1,:); BM = BM(BM>1,:)-1; % Re-orient edges to follow original curve BEdotE = sum((V(BE(:,1),:)-V(BE(:,2),:)).*(PP(E(BM,1),:)-PP(E(BM,2),:)),2); BE(BEdotE<=0,:) = fliplr(BE(BEdotE<=0,:)); uBE = unique(sort(BE,2),'rows'); % boundary conditions (to be thinned) % #V by #curves * 2 (left/right) * 2 (source-to-dest/dest-to-source) bc = sparse(size(V,1),(numel(curve_pos_ind)-1)*2*2); paths = []; for c = 1:numel(P) % Boundary edges of this curve BEp = BE(BM>curve_pos_ind(c) & BM<=curve_pos_ind(c+1),:); BMp = BM(BM>curve_pos_ind(c) & BM<=curve_pos_ind(c+1)); % Assumes E and thus BM are in order % source of curve sc = E(curve_pos_ind(c)+1,1); path = [sc]; % loop over original curve for e = (curve_pos_ind(c)+1):curve_pos_ind(c+1) % dest of last original edge is source of next se = path(end); assert(se == E(e,1)); de = E(e,2); BEe = BEp(BMp==e,:); A = adjacency_matrix(BEe); [~,pathe] = graphshortestpath(A,se,de); path = [path pathe(2:end)]; end % Arc length parameterization of path path_edge_lens = sqrt(sum((V(path(2:end),:)-V(path(1:end-1),:)).^2,2)); path_t = [0;cumsum(path_edge_lens)./sum(path_edge_lens)]; bc(path,(c-1)*2*2+([1 3])) = [path_t path_t]; bc(path,(c-1)*2*2+([2 4])) = 1-[path_t path_t]; % inefficient append paths = [paths path]; end % remove intersection points [upaths,~,IC] = unique(paths); counts = histc(paths,upaths); bc(upaths(counts>1),:) = 0; % disconnected mesh with each corner as distinct vertex W = V(F(:),:); m = size(F,1); G = bsxfun(@plus,[0 m 2*m],[1:m]'); % remap boundary conditions to new disconnected mesh bc = bc(F(:),:); % boundary left = reshape( ... ismember([F(:,[2 3]);F(:,[3 1]);F(:,[1 2])],BE,'rows'),m,3); right = reshape( ... ismember([F(:,[2 3]);F(:,[3 1]);F(:,[1 2])],fliplr(BE),'rows'),m,3); [touch,touchloc] = ismember(F,BE(:)); touch = reshape(touch,m,3); % definitely left or right b_left = G( left(:,[2 3 1])| left(:,[3 1 2])); b_right = G(right(:,[2 3 1])|right(:,[3 1 2])); b_left = b_left(:); b_right = b_right(:); %Z = repmat(1:size(G,1),1,3)'; %tsurf(G,[W Z],'FaceColor','g'); %hold on;plot(P(:,1),P(:,2),'-o','LineWidth',4); hold off; %hold on;plot_edges(V,BE,'--r','LineWidth',4); hold off; %hold on; plot3(W(b_right,1),W(b_right,2),Z(b_right,1),'or','LineWidth',4);hold off %hold on; plot3(W(b_left,1),W(b_left,2),Z(b_left,1),'ob','Linewidth',2);hold off %error % vertex to face incidence %V2F = sparse( ... % F(:), ... % repmat(1:size(F,1),1,3)', ... % [ones(size(F,1),1); 2*ones(size(F,1),1); 3*ones(size(F,1),1)], ... % size(V,1),size(F,1)); % Finding on the transpose is faster V2FT = sparse( ... repmat(1:size(F,1),1,3)', ... F(:), ... [ones(size(F,1),1); 2*ones(size(F,1),1); 3*ones(size(F,1),1)], ... size(F,1), ... size(V,1)); %J = 1:size(W,1); W2V = sparse((1:size(F,1)*3)',F(:),1,size(W,1),size(V,1)); % [~,first] = max((W2V*W2V')~=0,[],2); assert(numel(first)==size(W,1)); assert(all(first)); % default is to map to first occurrence J = first; VB = unique(BE)'; % loop over original vertices on curves for v = VB % Faces incident on v and index of corner in face %[~,IFv,CFv] = find(V2F(v,:)); [IFv,~,CFv] = find(V2FT(:,v)); Fv = F(IFv,:); [~,uE2Fv,uE] = edge_adjacency_matrix(Fv); isBE = ismember(uE,uBE,'rows'); A = uE2Fv(~isBE,:)' * uE2Fv(~isBE,:); [~,C] = conncomp(A); % loop over components for c = 1:max(C) min_fv = find(C==c,1); % first index in w for this component min_w = G(IFv(min_fv),CFv(min_fv)); % map all intances in this component to first J(G(sub2ind(size(G),IFv(C==c),CFv(C==c)))) = min_w; end end % remap all at once G = J(G); b_left = unique(J(b_left)'); b_right = unique(J(b_right)'); [W,I] = remove_unreferenced(W,G); % Remap boundary conditions bc(I,:) = bc; % Only keep referenced bc = bc(1:size(W,1),:); % Remap faces G = I(G); % remap left/right b_left = I(b_left); b_right = I(b_right); % Let shared vertices---internal curve endpoints---"float" % But really this should be left up to implementation b_shared = intersect(b_left,b_right); b_left = setdiff(b_left,b_shared); b_right = setdiff(b_right,b_shared); % zap left, right and shared accordingly bc(b_right,[1:4:end 2:4:end]) = 0; bc(b_left,[3:4:end 4:4:end]) = 0; bc(b_shared,:) = 0; has_b = any(bc,2); b = find(has_b); bc = bc(b,:); % rename V = W; F = G; end