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\title{Test case: output styles}
Test case: output styles
# This example illustrates some important output types
# The following output should be wrapped over multiple lines
a <- 1:100

cat("This some text!\\n")
message("This is a message!")
warning("This is a warning!")

# This is a multi-line block
  1 + 2
  2 + 2

stop("This is an error!", call. = FALSE)

# This code won't generally be run by CRAN. But it
# will be run by pkgdown
b <- 10
a + b
Other tests: \code{\link{test-crayon}},
  \code{\link{test-dont}}, \code{\link{test-figures}},
  \code{\link{test-links}}, \code{\link{test-lists}},
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