jobs: - job: hera_cal pool: vmImage: "ubuntu-16.04" variables: PYTHON: "3.6" ENV_NAME: hera_cal WITH_SUDO: true steps: - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin" displayName: Add conda to PATH - bash: ./ci/ displayName: Create Anaconda environment - bash: | source activate ${ENV_NAME} pip install --no-deps . cd ../ git clone cd hera_cal mkdir test-reports python -m pytest hera_cal --junitxml=test-reports/xunit.xml displayName: run hera_cal tests - job: hera_qm pool: vmImage: "ubuntu-16.04" variables: PYTHON: "3.6" ENV_NAME: hera_qm WITH_SUDO: true steps: - bash: echo "##vso[task.prependpath]$CONDA/bin" displayName: Add conda to PATH - bash: ./ci/ displayName: Create Anaconda environment - bash: | source activate ${ENV_NAME} pip install --no-deps . cd ../ git clone cd hera_qm mkdir test-reports python -m pytest hera_qm --junitxml=test-reports/xunit.xml displayName: run hera_qm tests