Getting Started For the most up-to-date information see ## checkout and build jkreps@jkreps-md:/tmp > svn co svn+ssh://cm01.corp/lirepo/voldemort/trunk voldemort jkreps@jkreps-md:/tmp > cd voldemort jkreps@jkreps-md:/tmp/voldemort > ant ## start single node cluster and connect to table named ÒtestÓ jkreps@jkreps-md:/tmp/voldemort > ./bin/ config/single_node_cluster & jkreps@jkreps-md:/tmp/voldemort> ./bin/ test tcp://localhost:6666 ## run some random commands to put and get strings > help Commands: put key value -- Associate the given value with the key. get key -- Retrieve the value associated with the key. delete key -- Remove all values associated with the key. preflist key -- Get node preference list for given key. help -- Print this message. exit -- Exit from this shell. > put "hello" "there" > get "hello" version(0:1): "there" > preflist "hello" Node 0 host: localhost port: 6666 available: yes last checked: 4614 ms ago Example usage in example/java/voldemort/example/ Example configurations in config/ Code layout annotations - Helper annotations client - Code specific to the client cluster - domain model for a voldemort cluster routing - Code specific to routing requests serialization - Code for turning bytes into objects and vice versa server - Code for handling client requests store - All the store implementations used by both client and server utils - Helpers! versioning - Vector clock stuff xml - Code for serializing the configuration data...should probably be move to serialization Background Resources - Amazon Dynamo Paper -- - - OpenDHT and Bamboo papers - BDB Performance: - Origin of vector clocks: - Brewer's conjecture: Current build is from r19 Supporting other clients - Each store is available via all protcols, they are seperated by port - Wire format vs. protocol (HTTP vs. Tcp/IP), protocol buffers - How to abstract wire format? - A given serialization type may or may not be supported by the client language Socket servers share threadpool? A WireProtocol takes bytes and creates a voldemort request, and takes objects to create a voldemort response. Likewise the client does the opposite Connector.handleRequest()