% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/l_linkedStates.R \name{l_setLinkedStates} \alias{l_setLinkedStates} \title{Modify States of a Plot that are Linked in Loon's Standard Linking Model} \usage{ l_setLinkedStates(widget, states) } \arguments{ \item{widget}{widget path as a string or as an object handle} \item{states}{used linkable state names, see in details below} } \description{ Loon's standard linking model is based on three levels, the \code{linkingGroup} and \code{linkingKey} states and the \emph{used linkable states}. See the details below. } \details{ Loon's standard linking model is based on two states, \code{linkingGroup} and \code{linkingKey}. The full capabilities of the standard linking model are described here. However, setting the \code{linkingGroup} states for two or more displays to the same string is generally all that is needed for linking displays that plot data from the same data frame. Changing the linking group of a display is also the only linking-related action available on the analysis inspectors. The first linking level is as follows: loon's displays are linked if they share the same string in their \code{linkingGroup} state. The default linking group \code{'none'} is a keyword and leaves a display un-linked. The second linking level is as follows. All \code{n}-dimensional states can be linked between displays. We call these states \emph{linkable}. Further, only linkable states with the same name can be linked between displays. One consequence of this \emph{shared state name} rule is that, with the standard linking model, the \code{linewidth} state of a serialaxes display cannot be linked with the \code{size} state of a scatterplot display. Also, each display maintains a list that defines which of its linkable states should be used for linking; we call these states the \emph{used linkable} states. The default used linkable states are as follows \tabular{ll}{ Display \tab Default \emph{used linkable} states\cr scatterplot \tab \code{selected}, \code{color}, \code{active}, \code{size}\cr histogram \tab \code{selected}, \code{color}, \code{active}\cr serialaxes \tab \code{selected}, \code{color}, \code{active}\cr graph \tab \code{selected}, \code{color}, \code{active}, \code{size} } If any two displays are set to be linked (i.e. they share the same linking group) then the intersection of their \emph{used linkable} states are actually linked. The third linking level is as follows. Every display has a \code{n}-dimensional \code{linkingKey} state. Hence, every data point has an associated linking key. Data points between linked plots are linked if they share the same linking key. }