# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Base.require is the implementation for the `import` statement # Cross-platform case-sensitive path canonicalization if is_unix() && !is_apple() # assume case-sensitive filesystems, don't have to do anything isfile_casesensitive(path) = isfile(path) elseif is_windows() # GetLongPathName Win32 function returns the case-preserved filename on NTFS. function isfile_casesensitive(path) isfile(path) || return false # Fail fast basename(Filesystem.longpath(path)) == basename(path) end elseif is_apple() # HFS+ filesystem is case-preserving. The getattrlist API returns # a case-preserved filename. In the rare event that HFS+ is operating # in case-sensitive mode, this will still work but will be redundant. # Constants from const ATRATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT = 5 const ATTR_CMN_NAME = 1 const BITMAPCOUNT = 1 const COMMONATTR = 5 const FSOPT_NOFOLLOW = 1 # Don't follow symbolic links const attr_list = zeros(UInt8, 24) attr_list[BITMAPCOUNT] = ATRATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT attr_list[COMMONATTR] = ATTR_CMN_NAME # This essentially corresponds to the following C code: # attrlist attr_list; # memset(&attr_list, 0, sizeof(attr_list)); # attr_list.bitmapcount = ATTR_BIT_MAP_COUNT; # attr_list.commonattr = ATTR_CMN_NAME; # struct Buffer { # u_int32_t total_length; # u_int32_t filename_offset; # u_int32_t filename_length; # char filename[max_filename_length]; # }; # Buffer buf; # getattrpath(path, &attr_list, &buf, sizeof(buf), FSOPT_NOFOLLOW); function isfile_casesensitive(path) isfile(path) || return false path_basename = String(basename(path)) local casepreserved_basename const header_size = 12 buf = Vector{UInt8}(length(path_basename) + header_size + 1) while true ret = ccall(:getattrlist, Cint, (Cstring, Ptr{Void}, Ptr{Void}, Csize_t, Culong), path, attr_list, buf, sizeof(buf), FSOPT_NOFOLLOW) systemerror(:getattrlist, ret ≠ 0) filename_length = unsafe_load( convert(Ptr{UInt32}, pointer(buf) + 8)) if (filename_length + header_size) > length(buf) resize!(buf, filename_length + header_size) continue end casepreserved_basename = view(buf, (header_size+1):(header_size+filename_length-1)) break end # Hack to compensate for inability to create a string from a subarray with no allocations. Vector{UInt8}(path_basename) == casepreserved_basename && return true # If there is no match, it's possible that the file does exist but HFS+ # performed unicode normalization. See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/qa/qa1235/_index.html. isascii(path_basename) && return false Vector{UInt8}(normalize_string(path_basename, :NFD)) == casepreserved_basename end else # Generic fallback that performs a slow directory listing. function isfile_casesensitive(path) isfile(path) || return false dir, filename = splitdir(path) any(readdir(dir) .== filename) end end function load_hook(prefix::String, name::String, ::Void) name_jl = "$name.jl" path = joinpath(prefix, name_jl) isfile_casesensitive(path) && return abspath(path) path = joinpath(prefix, name_jl, "src", name_jl) isfile_casesensitive(path) && return abspath(path) path = joinpath(prefix, name, "src", name_jl) isfile_casesensitive(path) && return abspath(path) return nothing end load_hook(prefix::String, name::String, path::String) = path load_hook(prefix, name::String, ::Any) = throw(ArgumentError("unrecognized custom loader in LOAD_PATH: $prefix")) _str(x::AbstractString) = String(x) _str(x) = x # `wd` is a working directory to search. defaults to current working directory. # if `wd === nothing`, no extra path is searched. function find_in_path(name::String, wd::Union{Void,String}) isabspath(name) && return name base = name if endswith(name,".jl") base = name[1:end-3] else name = string(base,".jl") end if wd !== nothing isfile_casesensitive(joinpath(wd,name)) && return joinpath(wd,name) end path = nothing path = _str(load_hook(_str(Pkg.dir()), base, path)) for dir in LOAD_PATH path = _str(load_hook(_str(dir), base, path)) end return path end find_in_path(name::AbstractString, wd::AbstractString = pwd()) = find_in_path(String(name), String(wd)) function find_in_node_path(name::String, srcpath, node::Int=1) if myid() == node return find_in_path(name, srcpath) else return remotecall_fetch(find_in_path, node, name, srcpath) end end function find_source_file(file::String) (isabspath(file) || isfile(file)) && return file file2 = find_in_path(file) file2 !== nothing && return file2 file2 = joinpath(JULIA_HOME, DATAROOTDIR, "julia", "base", file) return isfile(file2) ? file2 : nothing end function find_all_in_cache_path(mod::Symbol) name = string(mod) paths = String[] for prefix in LOAD_CACHE_PATH path = joinpath(prefix, name*".ji") if isfile_casesensitive(path) push!(paths, path) end end return paths end # these return either the array of modules loaded from the path / content given # or an Exception that describes why it couldn't be loaded function _include_from_serialized(content::Vector{UInt8}) return ccall(:jl_restore_incremental_from_buf, Any, (Ptr{UInt8}, Int), content, sizeof(content)) end function _include_from_serialized(path::String) return ccall(:jl_restore_incremental, Any, (Cstring,), path) end # returns an array of modules loaded, or an Exception that describes why it failed # and also attempts to load the same file across all nodes (if toplevel_node and myid() == master) # and it reconnects the Base.Docs.META function _require_from_serialized(node::Int, mod::Symbol, path_to_try::String, toplevel_load::Bool) local restored = nothing local content::Vector{UInt8} if toplevel_load && myid() == 1 && nprocs() > 1 # broadcast top-level import/using from node 1 (only) if node == myid() content = open(read, path_to_try) else content = remotecall_fetch(open, node, read, path_to_try) end restored = _include_from_serialized(content) isa(restored, Exception) && return restored results = sizehint!(Vector{Tuple{Int,Any}}(), nprocs()) @sync for p in procs() if p != myid() @async begin result = remotecall_fetch(p) do let m = try _include_from_serialized(content) catch ex isa(ex, Exception) ? ex : ErrorException(string(ex)) end isa(m, Exception) ? m : nothing end end push!(results, (p, result)) end end end for (id, m) in results if m !== nothing warn("Node state is inconsistent: node $id failed to load cache from $path_to_try. Got:") warn(m, prefix="WARNING: ") end end elseif node == myid() restored = _include_from_serialized(path_to_try) else content = remotecall_fetch(open, node, read, path_to_try) restored = _include_from_serialized(content) end if !isa(restored, Exception) for M in restored::Vector{Any} if isdefined(M, Base.Docs.META) push!(Base.Docs.modules, M) end end end return restored end # returns `true` if require found a precompile cache for this mod, but couldn't load it # returns `false` if the module isn't known to be precompilable # returns the set of modules restored if the cache load succeeded function _require_search_from_serialized(node::Int, mod::Symbol, sourcepath::String, toplevel_load::Bool) if node == myid() paths = find_all_in_cache_path(mod) else paths = @fetchfrom node find_all_in_cache_path(mod) end for path_to_try in paths::Vector{String} if node == myid() if stale_cachefile(sourcepath, path_to_try) continue end else if @fetchfrom node stale_cachefile(sourcepath, path_to_try) continue end end restored = _require_from_serialized(node, mod, path_to_try, toplevel_load) if isa(restored, Exception) if isa(restored, ErrorException) && endswith(restored.msg, " uuid did not match cache file.") # can't use this cache due to a module uuid mismatch, # defer reporting error until after trying all of the possible matches DEBUG_LOADING[] && info("JL_DEBUG_LOADING: Failed to load $path_to_try because $(restored.msg)") continue end warn("Deserialization checks failed while attempting to load cache from $path_to_try.") throw(restored) else return restored end end return !isempty(paths) end # this value is set by `require` based on whether JULIA_DEBUG_LOADING # is presently defined as an environment variable # and makes the logic in this file noisier about what it is doing and why const DEBUG_LOADING = Ref(false) # to synchronize multiple tasks trying to import/using something const package_locks = Dict{Symbol,Condition}() # to notify downstream consumers that a module was successfully loaded # Callbacks take the form (mod::Symbol) -> nothing. # WARNING: This is an experimental feature and might change later, without deprecation. const package_callbacks = Any[] # used to optionally track dependencies when requiring a module: const _concrete_dependencies = Any[] # these dependency versions are "set in stone", and the process should try to avoid invalidating them const _require_dependencies = Any[] # a list of (path, mtime) tuples that are the file dependencies of the module currently being precompiled const _track_dependencies = Ref(false) # set this to true to track the list of file dependencies function _include_dependency(_path::AbstractString) prev = source_path(nothing) if prev === nothing if myid() == 1 path = abspath(_path) else path = joinpath(remotecall_fetch(abspath, 1, "."), _path) end else path = joinpath(dirname(prev), _path) end if myid() == 1 && _track_dependencies[] push!(_require_dependencies, (path, mtime(path))) end return path, prev end """ include_dependency(path::AbstractString) In a module, declare that the file specified by `path` (relative or absolute) is a dependency for precompilation; that is, the module will need to be recompiled if this file changes. This is only needed if your module depends on a file that is not used via `include`. It has no effect outside of compilation. """ function include_dependency(path::AbstractString) _include_dependency(path) return nothing end # We throw PrecompilableError(true) when a module wants to be precompiled but isn't, # and PrecompilableError(false) when a module doesn't want to be precompiled but is struct PrecompilableError <: Exception isprecompilable::Bool end function show(io::IO, ex::PrecompilableError) if ex.isprecompilable print(io, "Declaring __precompile__(true) is only allowed in module files being imported.") else print(io, "Declaring __precompile__(false) is not allowed in files that are being precompiled.") end end precompilableerror(ex::PrecompilableError, c) = ex.isprecompilable == c precompilableerror(ex::WrappedException, c) = precompilableerror(ex.error, c) precompilableerror(ex, c) = false # Call __precompile__ at the top of a file to force it to be precompiled (true), or # to be prevent it from being precompiled (false). __precompile__(true) is # ignored except within "require" call. """ __precompile__(isprecompilable::Bool=true) Specify whether the file calling this function is precompilable. If `isprecompilable` is `true`, then `__precompile__` throws an exception when the file is loaded by `using`/`import`/`require` *unless* the file is being precompiled, and in a module file it causes the module to be automatically precompiled when it is imported. Typically, `__precompile__()` should occur before the `module` declaration in the file, or better yet `VERSION >= v"0.4" && __precompile__()` in order to be backward-compatible with Julia 0.3. If a module or file is *not* safely precompilable, it should call `__precompile__(false)` in order to throw an error if Julia attempts to precompile it. `__precompile__()` should *not* be used in a module unless all of its dependencies are also using `__precompile__()`. Failure to do so can result in a runtime error when loading the module. """ function __precompile__(isprecompilable::Bool=true) if (myid() == 1 && JLOptions().use_compilecache != 0 && isprecompilable != (0 != ccall(:jl_generating_output, Cint, ())) && !(isprecompilable && toplevel_load::Bool)) throw(PrecompilableError(isprecompilable)) end end function require_modname(name::AbstractString) # This function can be deleted when the deprecation for `require` # is deleted. # While we could also strip off the absolute path, the user may be # deliberately directing to a different file than what got # cached. So this takes a conservative approach. if Bool(JLOptions().use_compilecache) if endswith(name, ".jl") tmp = name[1:end-3] for prefix in LOAD_CACHE_PATH path = joinpath(prefix, tmp*".ji") if isfile(path) return tmp end end end end return name end """ reload(name::AbstractString) Force reloading of a package, even if it has been loaded before. This is intended for use during package development as code is modified. """ function reload(name::AbstractString) if isfile(name) || contains(name,Filesystem.path_separator) # for reload("path/file.jl") just ask for include instead error("use `include` instead of `reload` to load source files") else # reload("Package") is ok require(Symbol(require_modname(name))) end end # require always works in Main scope and loads files from node 1 toplevel_load = true """ require(module::Symbol) This function is part of the implementation of `using` / `import`, if a module is not already defined in `Main`. It can also be called directly to force reloading a module, regardless of whether it has been loaded before (for example, when interactively developing libraries). Loads a source file, in the context of the `Main` module, on every active node, searching standard locations for files. `require` is considered a top-level operation, so it sets the current `include` path but does not use it to search for files (see help for `include`). This function is typically used to load library code, and is implicitly called by `using` to load packages. When searching for files, `require` first looks for package code under `Pkg.dir()`, then tries paths in the global array `LOAD_PATH`. `require` is case-sensitive on all platforms, including those with case-insensitive filesystems like macOS and Windows. """ function require(mod::Symbol) _require(mod::Symbol) # After successfully loading notify downstream consumers for callback in package_callbacks invokelatest(callback, mod) end end function _require(mod::Symbol) # dependency-tracking is only used for one top-level include(path), # and is not applied recursively to imported modules: old_track_dependencies = _track_dependencies[] _track_dependencies[] = false DEBUG_LOADING[] = haskey(ENV, "JULIA_DEBUG_LOADING") global toplevel_load loading = get(package_locks, mod, false) if loading !== false # load already in progress for this module wait(loading) return end package_locks[mod] = Condition() last = toplevel_load::Bool try toplevel_load = false # perform the search operation to select the module file require intends to load name = string(mod) path = find_in_node_path(name, nothing, 1) if path === nothing throw(ArgumentError("Module $name not found in current path.\nRun `Pkg.add(\"$name\")` to install the $name package.")) end # attempt to load the module file via the precompile cache locations doneprecompile = false if JLOptions().use_compilecache != 0 doneprecompile = _require_search_from_serialized(1, mod, path, last) if !isa(doneprecompile, Bool) return # success end end # if the module being required was supposed to have a particular version # but it was not handled by the precompile loader, complain for (concrete_mod, concrete_uuid) in _concrete_dependencies if mod === concrete_mod warn("""Module $mod with uuid $concrete_uuid is missing from the cache. This may mean module $mod does not support precompilation but is imported by a module that does.""") if JLOptions().incremental != 0 # during incremental precompilation, this should be fail-fast throw(PrecompilableError(false)) end end end if doneprecompile === true || JLOptions().incremental != 0 # spawn off a new incremental pre-compile task from node 1 for recursive `require` calls # or if the require search declared it was pre-compiled before (and therefore is expected to still be pre-compilable) cachefile = compilecache(mod) m = _require_from_serialized(1, mod, cachefile, last) if isa(m, Exception) warn("The call to compilecache failed to create a usable precompiled cache file for module $name. Got:") warn(m, prefix="WARNING: ") # fall-through, TODO: disable __precompile__(true) error so that the normal include will succeed else return # success end end # just load the file normally via include # for unknown dependencies try if last && myid() == 1 && nprocs() > 1 # include on node 1 first to check for PrecompilableErrors eval(Main, :(Base.include_from_node1($path))) # broadcast top-level import/using from node 1 (only) @sync begin for p in filter(x -> x != 1, procs()) @async remotecall_fetch(p) do eval(Main, :(Base.include_from_node1($path); nothing)) end end end else eval(Main, :(Base.include_from_node1($path))) end catch ex if doneprecompile === true || JLOptions().use_compilecache == 0 || !precompilableerror(ex, true) rethrow() # rethrow non-precompilable=true errors end # the file requested `__precompile__`, so try to build a cache file and use that cachefile = compilecache(mod) m = _require_from_serialized(1, mod, cachefile, last) if isa(m, Exception) warn(m, prefix="WARNING: ") # TODO: disable __precompile__(true) error and do normal include instead of error error("Module $mod declares __precompile__(true) but require failed to create a usable precompiled cache file.") end end finally toplevel_load = last loading = pop!(package_locks, mod) notify(loading, all=true) _track_dependencies[] = old_track_dependencies end nothing end # remote/parallel load """ include_string(code::AbstractString, filename::AbstractString="string") Like `include`, except reads code from the given string rather than from a file. Since there is no file path involved, no path processing or fetching from node 1 is done. """ include_string(txt::String, fname::String) = ccall(:jl_load_file_string, Any, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Cstring), txt, sizeof(txt), fname) include_string(txt::AbstractString, fname::AbstractString="string") = include_string(String(txt), String(fname)) function source_path(default::Union{AbstractString,Void}="") t = current_task() while true s = t.storage if s !== nothing && haskey(s, :SOURCE_PATH) return s[:SOURCE_PATH] end if t === t.parent return default end t = t.parent end end function source_dir() p = source_path(nothing) p === nothing ? p : dirname(p) end """ @__FILE__ -> AbstractString `@__FILE__` expands to a string with the absolute file path of the file containing the macro. Returns `nothing` if run from a REPL or an empty string if evaluated by `julia -e `. Alternatively see [`PROGRAM_FILE`](@ref). """ macro __FILE__() source_path() end """ @__DIR__ -> AbstractString `@__DIR__` expands to a string with the directory part of the absolute path of the file containing the macro. Returns `nothing` if run from a REPL or an empty string if evaluated by `julia -e `. """ macro __DIR__() source_dir() end include_from_node1(path::AbstractString) = include_from_node1(String(path)) function include_from_node1(_path::String) path, prev = _include_dependency(_path) tls = task_local_storage() tls[:SOURCE_PATH] = path local result try if myid()==1 # sleep a bit to process file requests from other nodes nprocs()>1 && sleep(0.005) result = Core.include(path) nprocs()>1 && sleep(0.005) else result = include_string(remotecall_fetch(readstring, 1, path), path) end finally if prev === nothing delete!(tls, :SOURCE_PATH) else tls[:SOURCE_PATH] = prev end end result end """ include(path::AbstractString) Evaluate the contents of the input source file in the current context. Returns the result of the last evaluated expression of the input file. During including, a task-local include path is set to the directory containing the file. Nested calls to `include` will search relative to that path. All paths refer to files on node 1 when running in parallel, and files will be fetched from node 1. This function is typically used to load source interactively, or to combine files in packages that are broken into multiple source files. """ include # defined in sysimg.jl """ evalfile(path::AbstractString, args::Vector{String}=String[]) Load the file using [`include`](@ref), evaluate all expressions, and return the value of the last one. """ function evalfile(path::AbstractString, args::Vector{String}=String[]) return eval(Module(:__anon__), Expr(:toplevel, :(const ARGS = $args), :(eval(x) = Main.Core.eval(__anon__,x)), :(eval(m,x) = Main.Core.eval(m,x)), :(Main.Base.include($path)))) end evalfile(path::AbstractString, args::Vector) = evalfile(path, String[args...]) function create_expr_cache(input::String, output::String, concrete_deps::Vector{Any}) rm(output, force=true) # Remove file if it exists code_object = """ while !eof(STDIN) eval(Main, deserialize(STDIN)) end """ io, pobj = open(pipeline(detach(`$(julia_cmd()) -O0 --output-ji $output --output-incremental=yes --startup-file=no --history-file=no --color=$(have_color ? "yes" : "no") --eval $code_object`), stderr=STDERR), "w", STDOUT) try serialize(io, quote empty!(Base.LOAD_PATH) append!(Base.LOAD_PATH, $LOAD_PATH) empty!(Base.LOAD_CACHE_PATH) append!(Base.LOAD_CACHE_PATH, $LOAD_CACHE_PATH) empty!(Base.DL_LOAD_PATH) append!(Base.DL_LOAD_PATH, $DL_LOAD_PATH) empty!(Base._concrete_dependencies) append!(Base._concrete_dependencies, $concrete_deps) Base._track_dependencies[] = true end) source = source_path(nothing) if source !== nothing serialize(io, quote task_local_storage()[:SOURCE_PATH] = $(source) end) end serialize(io, :(Base.include($(abspath(input))))) if source !== nothing serialize(io, :(delete!(task_local_storage(), :SOURCE_PATH))) end close(io) wait(pobj) return pobj catch kill(pobj) close(io) rethrow() end end compilecache(mod::Symbol) = compilecache(string(mod)) """ Base.compilecache(module::String) Creates a precompiled cache file for a module and all of its dependencies. This can be used to reduce package load times. Cache files are stored in `LOAD_CACHE_PATH[1]`, which defaults to `~/.julia/lib/VERSION`. See [Module initialization and precompilation](@ref) for important notes. """ function compilecache(name::String) myid() == 1 || error("can only precompile from node 1") # decide where to get the source file from path = find_in_path(name, nothing) path === nothing && throw(ArgumentError("$name not found in path")) path = String(path) # decide where to put the resulting cache file cachepath = LOAD_CACHE_PATH[1] if !isdir(cachepath) mkpath(cachepath) end cachefile::String = abspath(cachepath, name*".ji") # build up the list of modules that we want the precompile process to preserve concrete_deps = copy(_concrete_dependencies) for existing in names(Main) if isdefined(Main, existing) mod = getfield(Main, existing) if isa(mod, Module) && !(mod === Main || mod === Core || mod === Base) mod = mod::Module if module_parent(mod) === Main && module_name(mod) === existing push!(concrete_deps, (existing, module_uuid(mod))) end end end end # run the expression and cache the result if isinteractive() || DEBUG_LOADING[] if isfile(cachefile) info("Recompiling stale cache file $cachefile for module $name.") else info("Precompiling module $name.") end end if !success(create_expr_cache(path, cachefile, concrete_deps)) error("Failed to precompile $name to $cachefile.") end return cachefile end module_uuid(m::Module) = ccall(:jl_module_uuid, UInt64, (Any,), m) isvalid_cache_header(f::IOStream) = 0 != ccall(:jl_read_verify_header, Cint, (Ptr{Void},), f.ios) function parse_cache_header(f::IO) modules = Dict{Symbol,UInt64}() while true n = ntoh(read(f, Int32)) n == 0 && break sym = Symbol(read(f, n)) # module symbol uuid = ntoh(read(f, UInt64)) # module UUID (mostly just a timestamp) modules[sym] = uuid end totbytes = ntoh(read(f, Int64)) # total bytes for file dependencies # read the list of files files = Tuple{String,Float64}[] while true n = ntoh(read(f, Int32)) n == 0 && break totbytes -= 4 + n + 8 @assert n >= 0 "EOF while reading cache header" # probably means this wasn't a valid file to be read by Base.parse_cache_header push!(files, (String(read(f, n)), ntoh(read(f, Float64)))) end @assert totbytes == 4 "header of cache file appears to be corrupt" # read the list of modules that are required to be present during loading required_modules = Dict{Symbol,UInt64}() while true n = ntoh(read(f, Int32)) n == 0 && break sym = Symbol(read(f, n)) # module symbol uuid = ntoh(read(f, UInt64)) # module UUID required_modules[sym] = uuid end return modules, files, required_modules end function parse_cache_header(cachefile::String) io = open(cachefile, "r") try !isvalid_cache_header(io) && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $cachefile.")) return parse_cache_header(io) finally close(io) end end function cache_dependencies(f::IO) defs, files, modules = parse_cache_header(f) return modules, files end function cache_dependencies(cachefile::String) io = open(cachefile, "r") try !isvalid_cache_header(io) && throw(ArgumentError("Invalid header in cache file $cachefile.")) return cache_dependencies(io) finally close(io) end end function stale_cachefile(modpath::String, cachefile::String) io = open(cachefile, "r") try if !isvalid_cache_header(io) DEBUG_LOADING[] && info("JL_DEBUG_LOADING: Rejecting cache file $cachefile due to it containing an invalid cache header.") return true # invalid cache file end modules, files, required_modules = parse_cache_header(io) # Check if transitive dependencies can be fullfilled for mod in keys(required_modules) if mod == :Main || mod == :Core || mod == :Base continue # Module is already loaded elseif isbindingresolved(Main, mod) continue end name = string(mod) path = find_in_node_path(name, nothing, 1) if path === nothing return true # Won't be able to fullfill dependency end end # check if this file is going to provide one of our concrete dependencies # or if it provides a version that conflicts with our concrete dependencies # or neither for (mod, uuid_req) in _concrete_dependencies uuid = get(modules, mod, UInt64(0)) if uuid !== UInt64(0) if uuid === uuid_req return false # this is the file we want end DEBUG_LOADING[] && info("JL_DEBUG_LOADING: Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it provides the wrong uuid (got $uuid) for $mod (want $uuid_req).") return true # cachefile doesn't provide the required version of the dependency end end # now check if this file is fresh relative to its source files if !samefile(files[1][1], modpath) DEBUG_LOADING[] && info("JL_DEBUG_LOADING: Rejecting cache file $cachefile because it is for file $(files[1][1])) not file $modpath.") return true # cache file was compiled from a different path end for (f, ftime_req) in files # Issue #13606: compensate for Docker images rounding mtimes # Issue #20837: compensate for GlusterFS truncating mtimes to microseconds ftime = mtime(f) if ftime != ftime_req && ftime != floor(ftime_req) && ftime != trunc(ftime_req, 6) DEBUG_LOADING[] && info("JL_DEBUG_LOADING: Rejecting stale cache file $cachefile (mtime $ftime_req) because file $f (mtime $ftime) has changed.") return true end end return false # fresh cachefile finally close(io) end end