Raw File
Tip revision: a47ed37e05cc2f848d43cb70a627db5c518ba0c0 authored by Jason Gross on 12 July 2022, 18:21:59 UTC
Remove path sensitivity in traceback output, test 12
Tip revision: a47ed37
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import shutil, os, os.path, sys, re
from argparse_compat import argparse
from custom_arguments import add_libname_arguments, update_env_with_libnames, add_logging_arguments, process_logging_arguments, LOG_ALWAYS, DEFAULT_VERBOSITY
from split_file import UnsupportedCoqVersionError
from import_util import get_file_statements_insert_references, sort_files_by_dependency, classify_require_kind, EXPORT, REQUIRE_EXPORT
from file_util import write_to_file
from memoize import memoize
from minimizer_drivers import run_binary_search
import diagnose_error
import util

# {Windows,Python,coqtop} is terrible; we fail to write to (or read
# from?) coqtop.  But we can wrap it in a batch scrip, and it works
# fine.
SCRIPT_DIRECTORY = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DEFAULT_COQTOP = 'coqtop' if != 'nt' else os.path.join(SCRIPT_DIRECTORY, 'coqtop.bat')

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Remove useless Requires in a file')
parser.add_argument('input_files', metavar='INFILE', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
                    help='.v files to update')
parser.add_argument('--in-place', '-i', metavar='SUFFIX', dest='suffix', nargs='?', type=str, default='',
                    help='update files in place (makes backup if SUFFIX supplied)')
parser.add_argument('--update-all', '--all', dest='update_all',
                    action='store_const', default=False, const=True,
                    help=("also update all .v files listed in any _CoqProject file passed to -f (implies --in-place, requires -f)"))
parser.add_argument('--absolutize', dest='absolutize',
                    action='store_const', default=False, const=True,
                    help=("Replace Requires with fully qualified versions."))
parser.add_argument('--timeout', dest='timeout', metavar='SECONDS', type=int, default=-1,
                    help=("Use a timeout; make sure Coq is " +
                          "killed after running for this many seconds. " +
                          "If 0, there is no timeout.  If negative, then " +
                          "twice the initial run of the script is used.\n\n" +
                          "Default: -1"))
parser.add_argument('--no-keep-exports', dest='keep_exports',
                    action='store_const', default=True, const=False,
                    help=("Allow the removal of Require lines that have Export in them"))
parser.add_argument('--no-timeout', dest='timeout', action='store_const', const=0,
                    help=("Do not use a timeout"))
parser.add_argument('--keep-going', '-k', dest='keep_going', action='store_const', const=True, default=False,
                    help=("Keep going when some files can't be minimized."))
parser.add_argument('--coqbin', metavar='COQBIN', dest='coqbin', type=str, default='',
                    help='The path to a folder containing the coqc and coqtop programs.')
parser.add_argument('--coqc', metavar='COQC', dest='coqc', type=str, default='coqc',
                    help='The path to the coqc program.')

def mark_exports(state, keep_exports):
    return tuple((text_as_bytes, ranges, bool(keep_exports and ranges and classify_require_kind(text_as_bytes, ranges) in (EXPORT, REQUIRE_EXPORT)))
                 for text_as_bytes, ranges in state)


def trailing_whitespace(text):
    return ''.join(sorted('(\s*)$', text, flags=re.DOTALL).groups()[0]))

def leading_whitespace(text):
    return ''.join(sorted('^(\s*)', text, flags=re.DOTALL).groups()[0]))

def whitespace_to_key(ws):
    return (ws.count('\n'), ws.count('\t'), ws.count(' '), len(ws), ws)

def gobble_whitespace_text(before, after):
    before_ws, after_ws = trailing_whitespace(before), leading_whitespace(after)
    assert(whitespace_to_key('') < whitespace_to_key(' ')) # sanity check
    if before_ws and after_ws:
        if whitespace_to_key(before_ws) < whitespace_to_key(after_ws):
            return (before[:-len(before_ws)], after)
            return (before, after[len(after_ws):])
    elif before_ws:
        return (before[:-len(before_ws)], after)
    elif after_ws:
        return (before, after[len(after_ws):])
        return (before, after)

def gobble_whitespace(before, after):
    assert(before is bytes(before))
    assert(after is bytes(after))
    before, after = gobble_whitespace_text(before.decode('utf-8'), after.decode('utf-8'))
    return (before.encode('utf-8'), after.encode('utf-8'))

def step_state(state, action):
    ret = []
    state = list(state)
    while len(state) > 0:
        (text_as_bytes, references, force_keep), state = state[0], state[1:]
        if references:
            (start, end, _loc, _append, _ty), new_references = references[0], tuple(references[1:])
            if action == SKIP or action is None:
                ret.append((text_as_bytes, new_references, force_keep))
            elif action == REMOVE and not force_keep:
                if new_references: # still other imports, safe to just remove
                    pre_text_as_bytes, post_text_as_bytes = gobble_whitespace(text_as_bytes[:start], text_as_bytes[end:])
                    ret.append((pre_text_as_bytes + post_text_as_bytes, new_references, force_keep))
                else: # no other imports; remove this line completely
                    if ret and state:
                        prev_text_as_bytes, post_text_as_bytes = gobble_whitespace(ret[-1][0], state[0][0])
                        ret[-1] = (prev_text_as_bytes,) + ret[-1][1:]
                        state[0] = (post_text_as_bytes,) + state[0][1:]
                    elif ret:
                        ret[-1] = (ret[-1][0].rstrip(),) + ret[-1][1:]
                    elif state:
                        state[0] = (state[0][0].lstrip(),) + state[0][1:]
                raise ValueError
            return tuple(ret)
            ret.append((text_as_bytes, references, force_keep))
    return None

def state_to_contents(state):
    return ''.join(reversed([v[0].decode('utf-8') for v in state]))

# the higher verbose_base, the less verbose we are, since we start at a higher level by default
def make_check_state(original_contents, verbose_base=4-DEFAULT_VERBOSITY, **kwargs):
    # original_contents is str
    expected_output, orig_cmds, orig_retcode, runtime = diagnose_error.get_coq_output(kwargs['coqc'], kwargs['coqc_args'], original_contents, kwargs['timeout'], verbose_base=2, **kwargs)
    def check_contents(contents):
        output, cmds, retcode, runtime = diagnose_error.get_coq_output(kwargs['coqc'], kwargs['coqc_args'], contents, kwargs['timeout'], verbose_base=2, **kwargs)
        # TODO: Should we be checking the error message and the retcode and the output, or just the retcode?
        retval = (diagnose_error.has_error(output) or output != expected_output or retcode != orig_retcode)
        if retval:
            kwargs['log']('Failed change.  Error when running "%s":\n%s' % ('" "'.join(cmds), output), level=verbose_base-1)
            kwargs['log']('Successful change', level=verbose_base)
            kwargs['log']('New contents:\n"""\n%s\n"""' % contents, level=verbose_base+1)
        return not retval

    def check_state(state):
        return check_contents(state_to_contents(state))

    return check_state

def make_save_state(filename, **kwargs):
    def save_state(state, final=False):
        contents = state_to_contents(state)
        if kwargs['inplace']:
            do_backup = kwargs['suffix'] is not None and len(kwargs['suffix']) > 0
            write_to_file(filename, contents, do_backup=do_backup, backup_ext=kwargs['suffix'])
        elif final:
    return save_state

if __name__ == '__main__':
    args = process_logging_arguments(parser.parse_args())
    env = {
        'log': args.log,
        'keep_exports': args.keep_exports,
        'keep_going': args.keep_going,
        'coqc': (args.coqc if args.coqbin == '' else os.path.join(args.coqbin, args.coqc)),
        'coqc_args': (args.coq_args if args.coq_args else tuple()),
        'timeout': args.timeout,
        'inplace': args.suffix != '', # it's None if they passed no argument, and '' if they didn't pass -i
        'suffix': args.suffix,
        'input_files': tuple( for f in args.input_files),
    update_env_with_libnames(env, args)

    for f in args.input_files: f.close()

    if args.update_all:
        if env['_CoqProject'] is None:
            parser.error('--update-all given without -f')
            env['inplace'] = True
            if env['suffix'] == '': env['suffix'] = None
            env['input_files'] = tuple(list(env['input_files']) + list(env['_CoqProject_v_files']))
        if len(env['input_files']) == 0:
            parser.error('no .v files listed in %s' % args.CoqProjectFile)
    elif len(env['input_files']) == 0:
        parser.error('not enough arguments (-f COQPROJECTFILE with .v files is required if no .v files are given)')

    for dirname, libname in env['libnames']:
        env['coqc_args'] = tuple(list(env['coqc_args']) + ['-R', dirname, libname])
    for dirname, libname in env['non_recursive_libnames']:
        env['coqc_args'] = tuple(list(env['coqc_args']) + ['-Q', dirname, libname])
    for dirname in env['ocaml_dirnames']:
        env['coqc_args'] = tuple(list(env['coqc_args']) + ['-I', dirname])

    env['input_files'] = sort_files_by_dependency(env['input_files'], update_globs=True, **env)

        failed = []
        for name in env['input_files']:
                annotated_contents = get_file_statements_insert_references(name, absolutize=(('lib',) if args.absolutize else tuple()), update_globs=True, types=('lib',), appends=('<>',), **env)
                if annotated_contents is None:
                    env['log']('ERROR: Failed to get references for %s' % name, level=LOG_ALWAYS)
                    failed.append((name, 'failed to get references'))
                    if env['keep_going']:
                annotated_contents = mark_exports(tuple(reversed(annotated_contents)), env['keep_exports'])
                save_state = make_save_state(name, **env)
                check_state = make_check_state(state_to_contents(annotated_contents), **env)
                verbose_check_state = make_check_state(state_to_contents(annotated_contents), verbose_base=DEFAULT_VERBOSITY, **env)
                env['log']('Running coq on initial contents...')
                if not verbose_check_state(annotated_contents):
                    env['log']('ERROR: Failed to update %s' % name, level=LOG_ALWAYS)
                    failed.append((name, 'failed to update'))
                    if env['keep_going']:
                valid_actions = (REMOVE,)
                final_state = run_binary_search(annotated_contents, check_state, step_state, save_state, valid_actions)
                if final_state is not None:
                    if not check_state(final_state):
                        env['log']('Internal error: Inconsistent final state on %s...' % name, level=LOG_ALWAYS)
                        failed.append((name, 'inconsistent final state'))
                        if not env['keep_going']:
                        env['log']('Saving final version of %s...' % name)
                        save_state(final_state, final=True)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
            except SystemExit:
            except BaseException as e:
                if env['keep_going']:
                    env['log']('Failure on %s with error %s' % (name, repr(e)), level=LOG_ALWAYS)
                    failed.append((name, e))
                    raise e
        if failed:
            env['log']('The following files failed:', level=LOG_ALWAYS)
            for name, e in failed:
                env['log'](name, level=LOG_ALWAYS)
    except UnsupportedCoqVersionError:
        env['log']('ERROR: Your version of coqc (%s) does not support -time' % env['coqc'], level=LOG_ALWAYS)
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