Raw File
/* Based on the public domain implementation in
 * crypto_hash/keccakc512/simple/ from http://bench.cr.yp.to/supercop.html
 * by Ronny Van Keer
 * and the public domain "TweetFips202" implementation
 * from https://twitter.com/tweetfips202
 * by Gilles Van Assche, Daniel J. Bernstein, and Peter Schwabe */

#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "fips202.h"
#include "keccakf1600.h"

#define NROUNDS 24
#define ROL(a, offset) ((a << offset) ^ (a >> (64-offset)))
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

* Name:        keccak_absorb
* Description: Absorb step of Keccak;
*              non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state.
* Arguments:   - uint64_t *s:             pointer to (uninitialized) output Keccak state
*              - unsigned int r:          rate in bytes (e.g., 168 for SHAKE128)
*              - const unsigned char *m:  pointer to input to be absorbed into s
*              - unsigned long long mlen: length of input in bytes
*              - unsigned char p:         domain-separation byte for different Keccak-derived functions
static void keccak_absorb(uint64_t *s,
                          unsigned int r,
                          const unsigned char *m, unsigned long long int mlen,
                          unsigned char p)
  unsigned long long i;
  unsigned char t[200];

  while (mlen >= r)
    KeccakF1600_StateXORBytes(s, m, 0, r);
    mlen -= r;
    m += r;

  for (i = 0; i < r; ++i)
    t[i] = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < mlen; ++i)
    t[i] = m[i];
  t[i] = p;
  t[r - 1] |= 128;

  KeccakF1600_StateXORBytes(s, t, 0, r);

* Name:        keccak_squeezeblocks
* Description: Squeeze step of Keccak. Squeezes full blocks of r bytes each.
*              Modifies the state. Can be called multiple times to keep squeezing,
*              i.e., is incremental.
* Arguments:   - unsigned char *h:               pointer to output blocks
*              - unsigned long long int nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed (written to h)
*              - uint64_t *s:                    pointer to in/output Keccak state
*              - unsigned int r:                 rate in bytes (e.g., 168 for SHAKE128)
static void keccak_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *h, unsigned long long int nblocks,
                                 uint64_t *s,
                                 unsigned int r)
  while(nblocks > 0)
    KeccakF1600_StateExtractBytes(s, h, 0, r);
    h += r;

/********** cSHAKE128 ***********/

void cshake128_simple_absorb(uint64_t s[25], uint16_t cstm, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen)
  unsigned char sep[8];
  unsigned int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
    s[i] = 0;

  /* Absorb customization (domain-separation) string */
  sep[0] = 0x01;
  sep[1] = 0xa8;
  sep[2] = 0x01;
  sep[3] = 0x00;
  sep[4] = 0x01;
  sep[5] = 16; // fixed bitlen of cstm
  sep[6] = cstm & 0xff;
  sep[7] = cstm >> 8;

  KeccakF1600_StateXORBytes(s, sep, 0, 8);

  /* Absorb input */
  keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE128_RATE, in, inlen, 0x04);

void cshake128_simple_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long nblocks, uint64_t *s)
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE128_RATE);

void cshake128_simple(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outlen, uint16_t cstm, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen)
  uint64_t s[25];
  unsigned char t[SHAKE128_RATE];
  unsigned int i;

  cshake128_simple_absorb(s, cstm, in, inlen);

  /* Squeeze output */
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, outlen/SHAKE128_RATE, s, SHAKE128_RATE);
  output += (outlen/SHAKE128_RATE)*SHAKE128_RATE;

  if (outlen%SHAKE128_RATE)
    keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHAKE128_RATE);
    for (i = 0; i < outlen%SHAKE128_RATE; i++)
      output[i] = t[i];

* Name:        shake128_absorb
* Description: Absorb step of the SHAKE128 XOF.
*              non-incremental, starts by zeroeing the state.
* Arguments:   - uint64_t *s:                     pointer to (uninitialized) output Keccak state
*              - const unsigned char *input:      pointer to input to be absorbed into s
*              - unsigned long long inputByteLen: length of input in bytes
void shake128_absorb(uint64_t *s, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputByteLen)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
    s[i] = 0;

  keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE128_RATE, input, inputByteLen, 0x1F);

* Name:        shake128_squeezeblocks
* Description: Squeeze step of SHAKE128 XOF. Squeezes full blocks of SHAKE128_RATE bytes each.
*              Modifies the state. Can be called multiple times to keep squeezing,
*              i.e., is incremental.
* Arguments:   - unsigned char *output:      pointer to output blocks
*              - unsigned long long nblocks: number of blocks to be squeezed (written to output)
*              - uint64_t *s:                pointer to in/output Keccak state
void shake128_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long nblocks, uint64_t *s)
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE128_RATE);

void shake128(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outlen, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
  uint64_t s[25] = {0};
  unsigned char t[SHAKE128_RATE];
  unsigned long long nblocks = outlen/SHAKE128_RATE;
  size_t i;

  /* Absorb input */
  keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE128_RATE, input, inlen, 0x1F);

  /* Squeeze output */
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE128_RATE);

  output += nblocks*SHAKE128_RATE;
  outlen -= nblocks*SHAKE128_RATE;

  if (outlen)
    keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHAKE128_RATE);
    for (i = 0; i < outlen; i++)
      output[i] = t[i];

void shake256_absorb(uint64_t *s, const unsigned char *input, unsigned int inputByteLen)
  int i;
  for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
    s[i] = 0;

	keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE256_RATE, input, inputByteLen, 0x1F);

void shake256_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long nblocks, uint64_t *s)
	keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE256_RATE);

* Name:        shake256
* Description: SHAKE256 XOF with non-incremental API
* Arguments:   - unsigned char *output:      pointer to output
*              - unsigned long long outlen:  requested output length in bytes
               - const unsigned char *input: pointer to input
               - unsigned long long inlen:   length of input in bytes
void shake256(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outlen,
              const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
  uint64_t s[25] = {0};
  unsigned char t[SHAKE256_RATE];
  unsigned long long nblocks = outlen/SHAKE256_RATE;
  size_t i;

  /* Absorb input */
  keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE256_RATE, input, inlen, 0x1F);

  /* Squeeze output */
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE256_RATE);


    keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHAKE256_RATE);
      output[i] = t[i];

* Name:        sha3_256
* Description: SHA3-256 with non-incremental API
* Arguments:   - unsigned char *output:      pointer to output
*              - const unsigned char *input: pointer to input
*              - unsigned long long inlen:   length of input in bytes
void sha3_256(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
  uint64_t s[25] = {0};
  unsigned char t[SHA3_256_RATE];
  size_t i;

  /* Absorb input */
  keccak_absorb(s, SHA3_256_RATE, input, inlen, 0x06);

  /* Squeeze output */
  keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHA3_256_RATE);

      output[i] = t[i];

* Name:        sha3_512
* Description: SHA3-512 with non-incremental API
* Arguments:   - unsigned char *output:      pointer to output
*              - const unsigned char *input: pointer to input
*              - unsigned long long inlen:   length of input in bytes
void sha3_512(unsigned char *output, const unsigned char *input, unsigned long long inlen)
  uint64_t s[25] = {0};
  unsigned char t[SHA3_512_RATE];
  size_t i;

  /* Absorb input */
  keccak_absorb(s, SHA3_512_RATE, input, inlen, 0x06);

  /* Squeeze output */
  keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHA3_512_RATE);

      output[i] = t[i];

/********** cSHAKE256 ***********/

void cshake256_simple_absorb(uint64_t s[25], uint16_t cstm, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen)
  unsigned char sep[8];
  unsigned int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 25; i++)
    s[i] = 0;

  /* Absorb customization (domain-separation) string */
  sep[0] = 0x01;
  sep[1] = 0x88;
  sep[2] = 0x01;
  sep[3] = 0x00;
  sep[4] = 0x01;
  sep[5] = 16; // fixed bitlen of cstm
  sep[6] = cstm & 0xff;
  sep[7] = cstm >> 8;

  KeccakF1600_StateXORBytes(s, sep, 0, 8);

  /* Absorb input */
  keccak_absorb(s, SHAKE256_RATE, in, inlen, 0x04);

void cshake256_simple_squeezeblocks(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long nblocks, uint64_t *s)
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, nblocks, s, SHAKE256_RATE);

void cshake256_simple(unsigned char *output, unsigned long long outlen, uint16_t cstm, const unsigned char *in, unsigned long long inlen)
  uint64_t s[25];
  unsigned char t[SHAKE256_RATE];
  unsigned int i;

  cshake256_simple_absorb(s, cstm, in, inlen);

  /* Squeeze output */
  keccak_squeezeblocks(output, outlen/SHAKE256_RATE, s, SHAKE256_RATE);
  output += (outlen/SHAKE256_RATE)*SHAKE256_RATE;

    keccak_squeezeblocks(t, 1, s, SHAKE256_RATE);
    for (i = 0; i < outlen%SHAKE256_RATE; i++)
      output[i] = t[i];
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