Tip revision: 2d95c15d3a2cc5984ffd4a9a2c4ad3496847ca9d authored by Oliver Contier on 28 February 2023, 15:15:53 UTC
fixed howtocite
fixed howtocite
Tip revision: 2d95c15
# os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS'] = '70'
# os.environ["MKL_NUM_THREADS"] = "70"
# os.environ["NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS"] = "70"
import copy
import os
import sys
import warnings
from os.path import join as pjoin
from os.path import pardir
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from fracridge import FracRidgeRegressor, fracridge
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
from nilearn.glm import threshold_stats_img
from nilearn.glm.first_level import FirstLevelModel, make_first_level_design_matrix
from nilearn.image import load_img, concat_imgs
from nilearn.masking import apply_mask, intersect_masks, unmask
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from scipy.stats import zscore
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from tqdm import tqdm
from dataset import ThingsMRIdataset
from utils import psc, ci_array, get_hrflib, regress_out
def get_nuisance_df(noiseregs, nuisance_tsv, include_all_aroma=False):
"""Make pd.DataFrame based on list of desired noise regressors and a nuisance_tsv file returned by fmriprep"""
noiseregs_copy = noiseregs[:]
nuisance_df = pd.read_csv(nuisance_tsv, sep='\t')
if include_all_aroma:
noiseregs_copy += [c for c in nuisance_df.columns if 'aroma' in c]
nuisance_df = nuisance_df[noiseregs_copy]
if 'framewise_displacement' in noiseregs_copy:
nuisance_df['framewise_displacement'] = nuisance_df['framewise_displacement'].fillna(0)
return nuisance_df
def df_to_boxcar_design(
design_df: pd.DataFrame,
frame_times: np.ndarray,
add_constant: bool = False
) -> pd.DataFrame:
Make boxcar design matrix from data frame with one regressor for each trial_type (and no constant).
CAVEAT: nilearn sorts the conditions alphabetically, not by onset.
dropcols = [] if add_constant else ['constant']
trialtypes = design_df['trial_type'].unique().tolist()
designmat = make_first_level_design_matrix(
hrf_model=None, drift_model=None, high_pass=None, drift_order=None, oversampling=1,
return designmat[trialtypes]
def load_masked(bold_file, mask, rescale='psc', dtype=np.single):
if rescale == 'psc':
return np.nan_to_num(psc(apply_mask(bold_file, mask, dtype=dtype)))
elif rescale == 'z':
return np.nan_to_num(zscore(apply_mask(bold_file, mask, dtype=dtype), nan_policy='omit', axis=0))
elif rescale == 'center':
data = np.nan_to_num(apply_mask(bold_file, mask, dtype=dtype))
data -= data.mean(axis=0)
return apply_mask(bold_file, mask, dtype=dtype)
class THINGSGLM(object):
Parent class for different GLMs to run on the things mri dataset,
mostly handling IO.
def __init__(self,
bidsroot: str,
subject: str,
out_deriv_name: str = 'glm',
noiseregs: list = ['trans_x', 'trans_y', 'trans_z', 'rot_x', 'rot_y', 'rot_z',
acompcors: bool or int = 10,
include_all_aroma: bool = False,
# include_manual_ica: bool = False,
hrf_model: str or None = 'spm + derivative',
noise_model: str = 'ols',
high_pass: float = .01,
sigscale_nilearn: bool or int or tuple = False,
standardize: bool = True,
verbosity: int = 3,
nruns_perses: int = 10,
nprocs: int = 1,
ntrs: int = 284,
tr: float = 1.5,
drift_model: str = 'cosine',
drift_order: int = 4,
fwhm: bool or None = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
stc_reftime: float = 0.75,
self.bidsroot = os.path.abspath(bidsroot)
self.include_all_aroma = include_all_aroma
# self.include_manual_ica = include_manual_ica
self.subject = subject
self.out_deriv_name = out_deriv_name
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.lowmem = lowmem
self.nprocs = nprocs
self.acompcors = acompcors = tr
self.ntrs = ntrs
self.nruns_perses = nruns_perses
self.high_pass = high_pass
self.hrf_model = hrf_model
self.noise_model = noise_model
self.drift_model = drift_model
self.drift_order = drift_order
self.sigscale_nilearn = sigscale_nilearn
self.standardize = standardize
self.fwhm = fwhm
self.stc_reftime = stc_reftime # fmriprep interpolates to mean of all slice times
self.overwrite = overwrite
self.ds = ThingsMRIdataset(self.bidsroot)
self.n_sessions = len(self.ds.things_sessions)
self.nruns_total = self.n_sessions * self.nruns_perses
self.subj_prepdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f'sub-{self.subject}')
self.subj_outdir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', out_deriv_name, f'sub-{self.subject}')
self.icalabelled_dir = pjoin(bidsroot, 'derivatives', 'ICAlabelled', f'sub-{self.subject}')
if not os.path.exists(self.subj_outdir):
if acompcors:
noiseregs += [f'a_comp_cor_{i:02}' for i in range(self.acompcors)]
self.noiseregs = noiseregs
self.frame_times_tr = np.arange(0, self.ntrs *, + self.stc_reftime
# get image dimensions
example_img = load_img(self.ds.layout.get(session='things01', extension='nii.gz',
suffix='bold', subject='01')[0].path)
self.nx, self.ny,, self.ntrs = example_img.shape
self.n_samples_total, self.nvox_masked, self.union_mask = None, None, None
def _get_events_files(self):
return self.ds.layout.get(task='things', subject=self.subject, suffix='events')
def _get_bold_files(self):
bold_files = [
pjoin(self.subj_prepdir, f'ses-{sesname}', 'func',
f'sub-{self.subject}_ses-{sesname}_task-things_run-{run_i + 1}_space-T1w_desc-preproc_bold.nii.gz')
for sesname in self.ds.things_sessions for run_i in range(10)
for boldfile in bold_files:
assert os.path.exists(boldfile), f'\nboldfile not found:\n{boldfile}\n'
return bold_files
def _get_masks(self):
masks = [
pjoin(self.subj_prepdir, f'ses-{sesname}', 'func',
f'sub-{self.subject}_ses-{sesname}_task-things_run-{run_i + 1}_space-T1w_desc-brain_mask.nii.gz')
for sesname in self.ds.things_sessions for run_i in range(10)
for mask in masks:
assert os.path.exists(mask), f'\nmask not found:\n{mask}\n'
return masks
def _get_nuisance_tsvs(self):
nuisance_tsvs = [
pjoin(self.subj_prepdir, f'ses-{sesname}', 'func',
f'sub-{self.subject}_ses-{sesname}_task-things_run-{run_i + 1}_desc-confounds_timeseries.tsv')
for sesname in self.ds.things_sessions for run_i in range(10)
for tsv in nuisance_tsvs:
assert os.path.exists(tsv), f'\nnuisance tsv not found:\n{tsv}\n'
return nuisance_tsvs
def _get_ica_txts(self):
ica_txts = [
pjoin(self.icalabelled_dir, f'ses-{sesname}',
f'sub-{self.subject}_ses-{sesname}_task-things_run-{run_i + 1:02d}.txt')
for sesname in self.ds.things_sessions for run_i in range(10)
for txt in ica_txts:
assert os.path.exists(txt), f'\nica tsv not found:\n{txt}\n'
return ica_txts
def get_inputs(self):
event_files = self._get_events_files()
bold_files = self._get_bold_files()
masks = self._get_masks()
nuisance_tsvs = self._get_nuisance_tsvs()
assert len(event_files) == len(bold_files) == len(nuisance_tsvs) == len(
masks), f'\ninputs have unequal length\n'
return event_files, bold_files, nuisance_tsvs, masks
def add_union_mask(self, masks):
"""Create a union mask based on the run-wise brain masks"""
self.union_mask = intersect_masks(masks, threshold=0)
def vstack_data_masked(self, bold_files, rescale_runwise='psc', rescale_global='off', dtype=np.single):
arrs = Parallel(n_jobs=20)(
delayed(load_masked)(bf, self.union_mask, rescale_runwise, dtype) for bf in bold_files
if rescale_global == 'psc':
data = np.nan_to_num(psc(np.vstack(arrs)))
elif rescale_global == 'z':
data = np.nan_to_num(zscore(np.vstack(arrs), nan_policy='omit', axis=0))
elif rescale_global:
data = np.vstack(arrs)
data -= data.mean(axis=0)
data = np.vstack(arrs)
self.nvox_masked = data.shape[1]
return data.astype(dtype)
def load_data_concat_volumes(self, bold_files):
print('concatinating bold files')
bold_imgs = [nib.Nifti2Image.from_image(load_img(b)) for b in tqdm(bold_files, 'loading nifti files')]
return concat_imgs(bold_imgs, verbose=self.verbosity)
def init_glm(self, mask):
print(f'instantiating model with nprocs: {self.nprocs}')
return FirstLevelModel(
minimize_memory=self.lowmem, mask_img=mask, verbose=self.verbosity, noise_model=self.noise_model,, standardize=self.standardize, signal_scaling=self.sigscale_nilearn, n_jobs=self.nprocs,