\name{arcticLake} \alias{arcticLake} \docType{data} \title{ Artic lake sediment data } \description{ Sand, silt, clay compositions of 39 sediment samples at different water depths in an Arctic lake. This data set can be found on page 359 of the Aitchison book (see reference). } \usage{data(arcticLake)} \format{ A data frame with 39 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{sand}}{numeric vector of percentages of sand} \item{\code{silt}}{numeric vector of percentages of silt} \item{\code{clay}}{numeric vector of percentages of clay} } } \details{ The rows sum up to 100, except for rounding errors. The full data set including the water depth can be found in package compositions, for example. } \source{ Aitchison, J. (1986) \emph{The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data} Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman \& Hall Ltd., London (UK). 416p. } \examples{ data(arcticLake) } \keyword{datasets}