function vernval(J) % vernval (verification and validation) % by Christian Himpe, 2013-2015 ( ) % released under BSD 2-Clause License ( ) %* if(exist('emgr')~=2) error('emgr not found! Get emgr at:'); else global ODE; ODE = []; fprintf('emgr (version: %g)\n',emgr('version')); end rand('seed',1009); if(nargin==0) J=4; end % number of inputs N = J*J; % number of states O = J; % number of outputs h = 0.01; % time step T = 1.0; % end time A = rand(N,N); % random system matrix A(1:N+1:end) = -0.55*N; % ensure stability A = 0.5*(A+A'); % symmetrize system matrix B = rand(N,J); % random input matrix C = B'; % ensure state-space symmetric system P = zeros(N,1); % parameter vector Q = ones(N,1)*[0,1.0]; % parameter range f = @(x,u,p) A*x+B*u+p; % linear dynamic system vector field g = @(x,u,p) C*x; % linear output functional G = @(x,u,p) A'*x+C'*u; % adjoint dynamic system vector field WC = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'c',P); Wc = emgr(G,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'c',P); WO = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'o',P); WX = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'x',P); WY = emgr(f,G,[J,N,O],[h,T],'y',P); dWCWc = norm(WC-Wc,'fro') dWCWY = norm(WC-WY,'fro') dWCWO = norm(WC-WO,'fro') dWCWX = norm(WC-WX,'fro') dWOWX = norm(WO-WX,'fro') dWXWY = norm(WX-WY,'fro') WC = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'c',P); WO = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'o',P); WX = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'x',P); WS = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'s',Q); WI = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'i',Q); WJ = emgr(f,g,[J,N,O],[h,T],'j',Q); dWCWS = norm(WC-WS{1},'fro') dWOWI = norm(WO-WI{1},'fro') dWXWJ = norm(WX-WJ{1},'fro') dWIWJ = norm(WI{2}-WJ{2},'fro') end