Raw File
Tip revision: 8af5152cf7107c3a369b996f5bad3473d329050c authored by Matt Bull on 08 April 2021, 15:56:30 UTC
Fix params.gff undefined and remove CLIMB upload (#99)
Tip revision: 8af5152
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

// enable dsl2
nextflow.preview.dsl = 2

// include modules
include {printHelp} from './modules/'
include {makeFastqSearchPath} from './modules/'

// import subworkflows
include {articNcovNanopore} from './workflows/' 
include {ncovIllumina} from './workflows/'
include {ncovIlluminaCram} from './workflows/'

if ({
    exit 0

if (params.profile){
    println("Profile should have a single dash: -profile")

if ( params.illumina ) {
   if ( ! ) {
       println("Please supply a directory containing fastqs or CRAMs with --directory. Specify --cram if supplying a CRAMs directory")
       println("Use --help to print help")
   if ( (params.bed && ! params.ref) || (!params.bed && params.ref) ) {
       println("--bed and --ref must be supplied together")
} else if ( params.nanopolish ) {
   if (! params.basecalled_fastq ) {
       println("Please supply a directory containing basecalled fastqs with --basecalled_fastq. This is the output directory from guppy_barcoder or guppy_basecaller - usually fastq_pass. This can optionally contain barcodeXX directories, which are auto-detected.")
   if (! params.fast5_pass ) {
       println("Please supply a directory containing fast5 files with --fast5_pass (this is the fast5_pass directory)")
   if (! params.sequencing_summary ) {
       println("Please supply the path to the sequencing_summary.txt file from your run with --sequencing_summary")
   if ( params.bed || params.ref ) {
       println("ivarBed and alignerRefPrefix only work in illumina mode")
} else if ( params.medaka ) {
   if (! params.basecalled_fastq ) {
       println("Please supply a directory containing basecalled fastqs with --basecalled_fastq. This is the output directory from guppy_barcoder or guppy_basecaller - usually fastq_pass. This can optionally contain barcodeXX directories, which are auto-detected.")
} else {
       println("Please select a workflow with --nanopolish, --illumina or --medaka, or use --help to print help")

if ( ! params.prefix ) {
     println("Please supply a prefix for your output files with --prefix")
     println("Use --help to print help")
} else {
     if ( params.prefix =~ /\// ){
         println("The --prefix that you supplied contains a \"/\", please replace it with another character")

// main workflow
workflow {
   if ( params.illumina ) {
       if (params.cram) {
           Channel.fromPath( "${}/**.cram" )
                  .map { file -> tuple(file.baseName, file) }
                  .set{ ch_cramFiles }
       else {
           fastqSearchPath = makeFastqSearchPath( params.illuminaPrefixes, params.illuminaSuffixes, params.fastq_exts )

	   Channel.fromFilePairs( fastqSearchPath, flat: true)
	          .filter{ !( it[0] =~ /Undetermined/ ) }
	          .set{ ch_filePairs }
   else {
       // Check to see if we have barcodes
       nanoporeBarcodeDirs = file("${params.basecalled_fastq}/barcode*", type: 'dir', maxdepth: 1 )
       nanoporeNoBarcode = file("${params.basecalled_fastq}/*.fastq", type: 'file', maxdepth: 1)

       if( nanoporeBarcodeDirs ) {
            // Yes, barcodes!
            Channel.fromPath( nanoporeBarcodeDirs )
                   .filter( ~/.*barcode[0-9]{1,4}$/ )
                   .filter{ d ->
                            def count = 0
                            for (x in d.listFiles()) {
                                if (x.isFile()) {
                                    count += x.countFastq()
                            count > params.minReadsPerBarcode
                   }.set{ ch_fastqDirs }
       } else if ( nanoporeNoBarcode ){
            // No, no barcodes
            Channel.fromPath( "${params.basecalled_fastq}", type: 'dir', maxDepth: 1 )
                    .set{ ch_fastqDirs }
      } else {
            println("Couldn't detect whether your Nanopore run was barcoded or not. Use --basecalled_fastq to point to the unmodified guppy output directory.")

     if ( params.nanopolish || params.medaka ) {
     } else if ( params.illumina ) {
         if ( params.cram ) {
         else {
     } else {
         println("Please select a workflow with --nanopolish, --illumina or --medaka")

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