%{ open EcUtils open EcLocation open EcParsetree module L = Lexing module BI = EcBigInt let parse_error loc msg = raise (ParseError (loc, msg)) let pqsymb_of_psymb (x : psymbol) : pqsymbol = mk_loc x.pl_loc ([], x.pl_desc) let pqsymb_of_symb loc x : pqsymbol = mk_loc loc ([], x) let mk_tydecl ~locality (tyvars, name) body = { pty_name = name; pty_tyvars = tyvars; pty_body = body; pty_locality = locality; } let opdef_of_opbody ty b = match b with | None -> PO_abstr ty | Some (`Expr e ) -> PO_concr (ty, e) | Some (`Case bs) -> PO_case (ty, bs) | Some (`Reft rt) -> PO_reft (ty, rt) let lqident_of_fident (nm, name) = let module E = struct exception Invalid end in let nm = let for1 (x, args) = if args <> None then raise E.Invalid else unloc x in List.map for1 nm in try Some (nm, unloc name) with E.Invalid -> None let mk_peid_symb loc s ti = mk_loc loc (PEident (pqsymb_of_symb loc s, ti)) let mk_pfid_symb loc s ti = mk_loc loc (PFident (pqsymb_of_symb loc s, ti)) let peapp_symb loc s ti es = PEapp (mk_peid_symb loc s ti, es) let peget loc ti e1 e2 = peapp_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_get ti [e1;e2] let peset loc ti e1 e2 e3 = peapp_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_set ti [e1;e2;e3] let pfapp_symb loc s ti es = PFapp(mk_pfid_symb loc s ti, es) let pfget loc ti e1 e2 = pfapp_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_get ti [e1;e2] let pfset loc ti e1 e2 e3 = pfapp_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_set ti [e1;e2;e3] let pe_nil loc ti = mk_peid_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_nil ti let pe_cons loc ti e1 e2 = mk_loc loc (peapp_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_cons ti [e1; e2]) let pelist loc ti (es : pexpr list) : pexpr = List.fold_right (fun e1 e2 -> pe_cons loc ti e1 e2) es (pe_nil loc ti) let pf_nil loc ti = mk_pfid_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_nil ti let pf_cons loc ti e1 e2 = mk_loc loc (pfapp_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_cons ti [e1; e2]) let pflist loc ti (es : pformula list) : pformula = List.fold_right (fun e1 e2 -> pf_cons loc ti e1 e2) es (pf_nil loc ti) let mk_axiom ?(nosmt = false) ~locality (x, ty, pv, scv, vd, f) k = { pa_name = x; pa_tyvars = ty; pa_pvars = pv; pa_scvars = scv; pa_vars = vd; pa_formula = f; pa_kind = k; pa_nosmt = nosmt; pa_locality = locality; } let mk_simplify l = if l = [] then { pbeta = true; pzeta = true; piota = true; peta = true; plogic = true; pdelta = None; pmodpath = true; puser = true; pcost = false; } else let doarg acc = function | `Delta l -> if l = [] || acc.pdelta = None then { acc with pdelta = None } else { acc with pdelta = Some (oget acc.pdelta @ l) } | `Zeta -> { acc with pzeta = true } | `Iota -> { acc with piota = true } | `Beta -> { acc with pbeta = true } | `Eta -> { acc with peta = true } | `Logic -> { acc with plogic = true } | `ModPath -> { acc with pmodpath = true } | `User -> { acc with puser = true } | `Cost -> { acc with pcost = true } in List.fold_left doarg { pbeta = false; pzeta = false; piota = false; peta = false; plogic = false; pdelta = Some []; pmodpath = false; puser = false; pcost = false; } l let simplify_red = [`Zeta; `Iota; `Beta; `Eta; `Logic; `ModPath; `User; `Cost] let mk_pterm explicit head args = { fp_mode = if explicit then `Explicit else `Implicit; fp_head = head; fp_args = args; } let mk_core_tactic t = { pt_core = t; pt_intros = []; } let mk_tactic_of_tactics ts = mk_core_tactic (mk_loc ts.pl_loc (Pseq (unloc ts))) let mk_rel_pterm info = odfl ({ fp_mode = `Implicit; fp_head = FPCut (None, None); fp_args = []; }) info (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) let locality_as_local (lc : locality located) = match unloc lc with | `Global -> `Global | `Local -> `Local | `Declare -> parse_error (loc lc) (Some "cannot mark with 'declare' this kind of objects ") let bool_as_local b = if b then `Local else `Global (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) type prover = [ `Exclude | `Include | `Only] * psymbol type pi = [ | `DBHINT of pdbhint | `INT of int | `PROVER of prover list ] type smt = [ | `ALL | `ITERATE | `QUORUM of int | `MAXLEMMAS of int option | `MAXPROVERS of int | `PROVER of prover list | `TIMEOUT of int | `UNWANTEDLEMMAS of EcParsetree.pdbhint | `WANTEDLEMMAS of EcParsetree.pdbhint | `VERBOSE of int option | `VERSION of [ `Full | `Lazy ] | `DUMPIN of string located | `SELECTED | `DEBUG ] module SMT : sig val mk_pi_option : psymbol -> pi option -> smt val mk_smt_option : smt list -> pprover_infos end = struct let option_matching tomatch = let match_option = String.option_matching tomatch in fun s -> match match_option s.pl_desc with | [m] -> mk_loc s.pl_loc m | [] -> parse_error s.pl_loc (Some ("unknown option: " ^ (unloc s))) | ls -> let msg = Printf.sprintf "option `%s` is ambiguous. matching ones are: `%s`" (unloc s) (String.concat ", " ls) in parse_error s.pl_loc (Some msg) let option_matching = option_matching [ "all" ; "quorum" ; "timeout" ; "maxprovers" ; "maxlemmas" ; "wantedlemmas" ; "unwantedlemmas"; "prover" ; "verbose" ; "lazy" ; "full" ; "iterate" ; "dumpin" ; "selected" ; "debug" ] let as_int = function | None -> `None | Some (`INT n) -> `Some n | Some _ -> `Error let as_dbhint = function | None -> `None | Some (`DBHINT d) -> `Some d | Some _ -> `Error let as_prover = function | None -> `None | Some (`PROVER p) -> `Some p | Some _ -> `Error let get_error ~optional s name = let msg = Printf.sprintf "`%s`: %s`%s` option expected" (unloc s) (if optional then "optional " else "") name in parse_error s.pl_loc (Some msg) let get_as (name, getter) s o = match getter o with | `Some v -> v | `None | `Error -> get_error ~optional:false s name let get_opt_as (name, getter) s o = match getter o with | `Some v -> Some v | `None -> None | `Error -> get_error ~optional:true s name let get_as_none s o = if EcUtils.is_some o then let msg = Printf.sprintf "`%s`: no option expected" (unloc s) in parse_error s.pl_loc (Some msg) let mk_pi_option (s : psymbol) (o : pi option) : smt = let s = option_matching s in match unloc s with | "timeout" -> `TIMEOUT (get_as ("int" , as_int) s o) | "quorum" -> `QUORUM (get_as ("int" , as_int) s o) | "maxprovers" -> `MAXPROVERS (get_as ("int" , as_int) s o) | "maxlemmas" -> `MAXLEMMAS (get_opt_as ("int" , as_int) s o) | "wantedlemmas" -> `WANTEDLEMMAS (get_as ("dbhint", as_dbhint) s o) | "unwantedlemmas" -> `UNWANTEDLEMMAS (get_as ("dbhint", as_dbhint) s o) | "prover" -> `PROVER (get_as ("prover", as_prover) s o) | "verbose" -> `VERBOSE (get_opt_as ("int" , as_int) s o) | "lazy" -> `VERSION (get_as_none s o; `Lazy) | "full" -> `VERSION (get_as_none s o; `Full) | "all" -> get_as_none s o; (`ALL) | "iterate" -> get_as_none s o; (`ITERATE) | "selected" -> get_as_none s o; (`SELECTED) | "debug" -> get_as_none s o; (`DEBUG) | _ -> assert false let mk_smt_option (os : smt list) = let mprovers = ref None in let timeout = ref None in let pnames = ref None in let quorum = ref None in let all = ref None in let mlemmas = ref None in let wanted = ref None in let unwanted = ref None in let verbose = ref None in let version = ref None in let iterate = ref None in let dumpin = ref None in let selected = ref None in let debug = ref None in let is_universal p = unloc p = "" || unloc p = "!" in let ok_use_only pp p = if pp.pp_add_rm <> [] then let msg = "use-only elements must come at beginning" in parse_error (loc p) (Some msg) else if pp.pp_use_only <> [] && is_universal p then let msg = "cannot add universal to non-empty use-only" in parse_error (loc p) (Some msg) else match pp.pp_use_only with | [q] -> if is_universal q then let msg = "use-only part is already universal" in parse_error (loc p) (Some msg) | _ -> () in let add_prover (k, p) = let r = odfl empty_pprover_list !pnames in let pr = match k with | `Only -> ok_use_only r p; { r with pp_use_only = p :: r.pp_use_only } | `Include -> { r with pp_add_rm = (`Include, p) :: r.pp_add_rm } | `Exclude -> { r with pp_add_rm = (`Exclude, p) :: r.pp_add_rm } in pnames := Some pr in let do1 o = match o with | `ALL -> all := Some true | `QUORUM n -> quorum := Some n | `TIMEOUT n -> timeout := Some n | `MAXPROVERS n -> mprovers := Some n | `MAXLEMMAS n -> mlemmas := Some n | `WANTEDLEMMAS d -> wanted := Some d | `UNWANTEDLEMMAS d -> unwanted := Some d | `VERBOSE v -> verbose := Some v | `VERSION v -> version := Some v | `ITERATE -> iterate := Some true | `PROVER p -> List.iter add_prover p | `DUMPIN f -> dumpin := Some f | `SELECTED -> selected := Some true | `DEBUG -> debug := Some true in List.iter do1 os; oiter (fun r -> pnames := Some { r with pp_add_rm = List.rev r.pp_add_rm }) !pnames; { pprov_max = !mprovers; pprov_timeout = !timeout; pprov_cpufactor = None; pprov_names = !pnames; pprov_quorum = !quorum; pprov_verbose = !verbose; pprov_version = !version; plem_all = !all; plem_max = !mlemmas; plem_iterate = !iterate; plem_wanted = !wanted; plem_unwanted = !unwanted; plem_dumpin = !dumpin; plem_selected = !selected; psmt_debug = !debug; } end %} %token LIDENT %token UIDENT %token TIDENT %token MIDENT %token PUNIOP %token PBINOP %token PNUMOP %token PPSTOP %token UINT %token DECIMAL %token STRING (* Tokens *) %token ANDA AND (* asym : &&, sym : /\ *) %token ORA OR (* asym : ||, sym : \/ *) %token<[`Raw|`Eq]> RING %token<[`Raw|`Eq]> FIELD %token ABORT %token ABBREV %token ABSTRACT %token ADMIT %token ADMITTED %token ALGNORM %token ALIAS %token AMP %token APPLY %token AS %token ASSERT %token ASSUMPTION %token ASYNC %token AT %token AUTO %token AXIOM %token AXIOMATIZED %token BACKS %token BACKSLASH %token BETA %token BY %token BYEQUIV %token BYPHOARE %token BYPR %token BYUPTO %token CALL %token CASE %token CBV %token CEQ %token CFOLD %token CHANGE %token CHOARE %token CLASS %token CLEAR %token CLONE %token COLON %token COLONTILD %token COMMA %token CONGR %token CONSEQ %token CONST %token COST %token DEBUG %token DECLARE %token DELTA %token DLBRACKET %token DO %token DONE %token DOT %token DOTDOT %token DOTTICK %token DROP %token DUMP %token EAGER %token ECALL %token ELIF %token ELIM %token ELSE %token END %token EOF %token EQ %token EQUIV %token ETA %token EXACT %token EXFALSO %token EXIST %token EXIT %token EXLIM %token EXPECT %token EXPORT %token FEL %token FIRST %token FISSION %token FOR %token FORALL %token FROM %token FUN %token FUSION %token FWDS %token GEN %token GLOB %token GOAL %token HAT %token HAVE %token HINT %token HOARE %token IDTAC %token IF %token IFF %token IMPL %token IMPORT %token IMPOSSIBLE %token IN %token INCLUDE %token INDUCTIVE %token INLINE %token INTERLEAVE %token INSTANCE %token INSTANTIATE %token IOTA %token IS %token KILL %token LARROW %token LAST %token LBRACE %token LBRACKET %token LEAT %token LEFT %token LEMMA %token LESAMPLE %token LET %token LLARROW %token LOCAL %token LOCATE %token LOGIC %token LONGARROW %token LOSSLESS %token LPAREN %token LPBRACE %token MATCH %token MINUS %token MODPATH %token MODULE %token MOVE %token NE %token NOSMT %token NOT %token NOTATION %token OF %token OP %token PCENT %token PHOARE %token PIPE %token PIPEGT %token PIPEPIPEGT %token PLUS %token POSE %token PR %token PRAGMA %token PRBOUNDED %token PRED %token PRINT %token PROC %token PROGRESS %token PROOF %token PROVER %token QED %token QUESTION %token RARROW %token RBOOL %token RBRACE %token RBRACKET %token RCONDF %token RCONDT %token REALIZE %token REFLEX %token REMOVE %token RENAME %token REPLACE %token REQUIRE %token RES %token RETURN %token REWRITE %token RIGHT %token RND %token RNDSEM %token RPAREN %token RPBRACE %token RRARROW %token RWNORMAL %token SCHEMA %token SEARCH %token SECTION %token SELF %token SEMICOLON %token SEQ %token SHARP %token SHARPPIPE %token SIM %token SIMPLIFY %token SKIP %token SLASH %token SLASHEQ %token SLASHGT %token SLASHSHARP %token SLASHSLASHGT %token SLASHTILDEQ %token SLASHSLASH %token SLASHSLASHEQ %token SLASHSLASHTILDEQ %token SLASHSLASHSHARP %token SMT %token SOLVE %token SP %token SPLIT %token SPLITWHILE %token STAR %token STRICT %token SUBST %token SUFF %token SWAP %token SYMMETRY %token THEN %token THEORY %token TICKBRACE %token TICKPAREN %token TICKPIPE %token TILD %token TIME %token TIMEOUT %token TOP %token TRANSITIVITY %token TRIVIAL %token TRY %token TYPE %token UNDERSCORE %token UNDO %token UNROLL %token VAR %token WHILE %token WHY3 %token WITH %token WLOG %token WP %token ZETA %token NOP LOP1 ROP1 LOP2 ROP2 LOP3 ROP3 LOP4 ROP4 NUMOP %token LTCOLON DASHLT GT LT GE LE LTSTARGT LTLTSTARGT LTSTARGTGT %token < Lexing.position> FINAL %nonassoc prec_below_comma %nonassoc COMMA ELSE %nonassoc IN %nonassoc prec_below_IMPL %right IMPL LEAT %nonassoc IFF %right ORA OR %right ANDA AND %nonassoc NOT %nonassoc EQ NE %nonassoc prec_below_order %left NOP %left GT LT GE LE %left LOP1 %right ROP1 %right QUESTION %left LOP2 MINUS PLUS %right ROP2 %right RARROW %left LOP3 STAR SLASH %right ROP3 %left LOP4 AT AMP HAT BACKSLASH %right ROP4 %nonassoc LBRACE %right SEMICOLON %nonassoc prec_tactic %type global %type prog %type is_uniop %type is_binop %type is_numop %start prog global is_uniop is_binop is_numop %% (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) _lident: | x=LIDENT { x } | ABORT { "abort" } | ADMITTED { "admitted" } | ASYNC { "async" } | DEBUG { "debug" } | DUMP { "dump" } | EXPECT { "expect" } | FIRST { "first" } | GEN { "gen" } | INTERLEAVE { "interleave" } | LAST { "last" } | LEFT { "left" } | RIGHT { "right" } | SOLVE { "solve" } | STRICT { "strict" } | WLOG { "wlog" } | EXLIM { "exlim" } | ECALL { "ecall" } | FROM { "from" } | EXIT { "exit" } | x=RING { match x with `Eq -> "ringeq" | `Raw -> "ring" } | x=FIELD { match x with `Eq -> "fieldeq" | `Raw -> "field" } %inline _uident: | x=UIDENT { x } %inline _tident: | x=TIDENT { x } %inline _mident: | x=MIDENT { x } %inline lident: x=loc(_lident) { x } %inline uident: x=loc(_uident) { x } %inline tident: x=loc(_tident) { x } %inline mident: x=loc(_mident) { x } %inline _ident: | x=_lident { x } | x=_uident { x } %inline ident: | x=loc(_ident) { x } %inline uint: n=UINT { n } bdmident_: | x=mident { Some x } | UNDERSCORE { None } %inline bdmident: | x=loc(bdmident_) { x } %inline word: | n=loc(UINT) { try BI.to_int (unloc n) with BI.Overflow -> parse_error (loc n) (Some "literal is too large") } %inline sword: | n=word { n } | MINUS n=word { -n } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline namespace: | nm=rlist1(UIDENT, DOT) { nm } | TOP nm=rlist0(prefix(DOT, UIDENT), empty) { EcCoreLib.i_top :: nm } | SELF nm=rlist0(prefix(DOT, UIDENT), empty) { EcCoreLib.i_self :: nm } _genqident(X): | x=X { ([], x) } | xs=namespace DOT x=X { (xs, x) } genqident(X): | x=loc(_genqident(X)) { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline qident: x=genqident(_ident ) { x } %inline uqident: x=genqident(_uident) { x } %inline lqident: x=genqident(_lident) { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline _boident: | x=_lident { x } | x=_uident { x } | x=PUNIOP { x } | x=PBINOP { x } | x=PNUMOP { x } | x=PPSTOP { x } | x=loc(STRING) { if not (EcCoreLib.is_mixfix_op (unloc x)) then parse_error x.pl_loc (Some "invalid mixfix operator"); unloc x } %inline _oident: | x=_boident { x } | x=paren(PUNIOP) { x } %inline boident: x=loc(_boident) { x } %inline oident: x=loc( _oident) { x } qoident: | x=boident { pqsymb_of_psymb x } | xs=namespace DOT x=oident | xs=namespace DOT x=loc(NOP) { { pl_desc = (xs, unloc x); pl_loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) mod_ident1: | x=uident { (x, None) } | x=uident LPAREN args=plist1(loc(mod_qident), COMMA) RPAREN { (x, Some args) } %inline mod_qident: | x=rlist1(mod_ident1, DOT) { x } | _l=TOP DOT x=rlist1(mod_ident1, DOT) { (mk_loc (EcLocation.make $startpos(_l) $endpos(_l)) EcCoreLib.i_top, None) :: x } | _l=SELF DOT x=rlist1(mod_ident1, DOT) { (mk_loc (EcLocation.make $startpos(_l) $endpos(_l)) EcCoreLib.i_self, None) :: x } fident: | nm=mod_qident DOT x=lident { (nm, x) } | x=lident { ([], x) } f_or_mod_ident: | nm=mod_qident DOT x=lident { let fv = mk_loc (EcLocation.make $startpos(nm) $endpos(x)) (nm, x) in FM_FunOrVar fv } | x=lident { let fv = mk_loc (EcLocation.make $startpos(x) $endpos(x)) ([], x) in FM_FunOrVar fv} | m=loc(mod_qident) { FM_Mod m } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline ordering_op: | GT { ">" } | LT { "<" } | GE { ">=" } | LE { "<=" } %inline uniop: | x=NOP { Printf.sprintf "[%s]" x } | NOT { "[!]" } | PLUS { "[+]" } | MINUS { "[-]" } %inline sbinop: | EQ { "=" } | NE { "<>" } | PLUS { "+" } | MINUS { "-" } | STAR { "*" } | SLASH { "/" } | AT { "@" } | OR { "\\/" } | ORA { "||" } | AND { "/\\" } | ANDA { "&&" } | AMP { "&" } | HAT { "^" } | BACKSLASH { "\\" } | x=LOP1 | x=LOP2 | x=LOP3 | x=LOP4 | x=ROP1 | x=ROP2 | x=ROP3 | x=ROP4 | x=NOP { x } %inline binop: | op=sbinop { op } | IMPL { "=>" } | IFF { "<=>" } %inline numop: | op=NUMOP { op } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) is_binop: binop EOF {} is_uniop: uniop EOF {} is_numop: numop EOF {} (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) pside_: | x=_lident { Printf.sprintf "&%s" x } | x=word { Printf.sprintf "&%d" x } pside: | x=brace(pside_) { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Patterns *) lpattern_u: | x=ident { LPSymbol x } | LPAREN p=plist2(bdident, COMMA) RPAREN { LPTuple p } | LPBRACE fs=rlist1(lp_field, SEMICOLON) SEMICOLON? RPBRACE { LPRecord fs } lp_field: | f=qident EQ x=ident { (f, x) } %inline lpattern: | x=loc(lpattern_u) { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Expressions: program expression, real expression *) tyvar_byname1: | x=tident EQ ty=loc(type_exp) { (x, ty) } tyvar_annot: | lt = plist1(loc(type_exp), COMMA) { TVIunamed lt } | lt = plist1(tyvar_byname1, COMMA) { TVInamed lt } %inline tvars_app: | LTCOLON k=loc(tyvar_annot) GT { k } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline sexpr: x=loc(sexpr_u) { x } %inline expr: x=loc( expr_u) { x } sexpr_u: | e=sexpr PCENT p=uqident { PEscope (p, e) } | e=sexpr p=loc(prefix(PCENT, _lident)) { if unloc p = "top" then PEscope (pqsymb_of_symb p.pl_loc "", e) else let p = lmap (fun x -> "%" ^ x) p in PEapp (mk_loc (loc p) (PEident (pqsymb_of_psymb p, None)), [e]) } | LPAREN e=expr COLONTILD ty=loc(type_exp) RPAREN { PEcast (e, ty) } | n=uint { PEint n } | d=DECIMAL { PEdecimal d } | x=qoident ti=tvars_app? { PEident (x, ti) } | op=loc(numop) ti=tvars_app? { peapp_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc ti [] } | se=sexpr DLBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e=loc(plist1(expr, COMMA)) RBRACKET { let e = List.reduce1 (fun _ -> lmap (fun x -> PEtuple x) e) (unloc e) in peget (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) ti se e } | se=sexpr DLBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e1=loc(plist1(expr, COMMA)) LARROW e2=expr RBRACKET { let e1 = List.reduce1 (fun _ -> lmap (fun x -> PEtuple x) e1) (unloc e1) in peset (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) ti se e1 e2 } | TICKPIPE ti=tvars_app? e=expr PIPE { peapp_symb e.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_abs ti [e] } | LBRACKET ti=tvars_app? es=loc(plist0(expr, SEMICOLON)) RBRACKET { unloc (pelist es.pl_loc ti es.pl_desc) } | LBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e1=expr op=loc(DOTDOT) e2=expr RBRACKET { let id = PEident (mk_loc op.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_dinter, ti) in PEapp(mk_loc op.pl_loc id, [e1; e2]) } | LPAREN es=plist0(expr, COMMA) RPAREN { PEtuple es } | r=loc(RBOOL) { PEident (mk_loc r.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_dbool, None) } | LPBRACE fields=rlist1(expr_field, SEMICOLON) SEMICOLON? RPBRACE { PErecord (None, fields) } | LPBRACE b=sexpr WITH fields=rlist1(expr_field, SEMICOLON) SEMICOLON? RPBRACE { PErecord (Some b, fields) } | e=sexpr DOTTICK x=qident { PEproj (e, x) } | e=sexpr DOTTICK n=loc(word) { if n.pl_desc = 0 then parse_error n.pl_loc (Some "tuple projection start at 1"); PEproji(e,n.pl_desc - 1) } expr_u: | e=sexpr_u { e } | e=sexpr args=sexpr+ { PEapp (e, args) } | op=loc(uniop) ti=tvars_app? e=expr { peapp_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc ti [e] } | e=expr_chained_orderings %prec prec_below_order { fst e } | e1=expr op=loc(binop) ti=tvars_app? e2=expr { peapp_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc ti [e1; e2] } | c=expr QUESTION e1=expr COLON e2=expr %prec LOP2 { PEif (c, e1, e2) } | IF c=expr THEN e1=expr ELSE e2=expr { PEif (c, e1, e2) } | MATCH e=expr WITH PIPE? bs=plist0(p=mcptn(sbinop) IMPL be=expr { (p, be) }, PIPE) END { PEmatch (e, bs) } | LET p=lpattern EQ e1=expr IN e2=expr { PElet (p, (e1, None), e2) } | LET p=lpattern COLON ty=loc(type_exp) EQ e1=expr IN e2=expr { PElet (p, (e1, Some ty), e2) } | r=loc(RBOOL) TILD e=sexpr { let id = PEident(mk_loc r.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_dbitstring, None) in let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in PEapp (mk_loc loc id, [e]) } | FUN pd=ptybindings IMPL e=expr | FUN pd=ptybindings COMMA e=expr { PElambda (pd, e) } | FORALL pd=ptybindings COMMA e=expr { PEforall (pd, e) } | EXIST pd=ptybindings COMMA e=expr { PEexists (pd, e) } expr_field: | x=qident EQ e=expr { { rf_name = x ; rf_tvi = None; rf_value = e; } } expr_ordering: | e1=expr op=loc(ordering_op) ti=tvars_app? e2=expr { (op, ti, e1, e2) } expr_chained_orderings: | e=expr_ordering { let (op, ti, e1, e2) = e in (peapp_symb op.pl_loc (unloc op) ti [e1; e2], e2) } | e1=loc(expr_chained_orderings) op=loc(ordering_op) ti=tvars_app? e2=expr { let (lce1, (e1, le)) = (e1.pl_loc, unloc e1) in let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in (peapp_symb loc "&&" None [EcLocation.mk_loc lce1 e1; EcLocation.mk_loc loc (peapp_symb op.pl_loc (unloc op) ti [le; e2])], e2) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) bdident_: | x=ident { Some x } | UNDERSCORE { None } %inline bdident: | x=loc(bdident_) { x } pty_varty: | x=loc(bdident+) { (unloc x, mk_loc (loc x) PTunivar) } | x=bdident+ COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { (x, ty) } %inline ptybinding1: | LPAREN bds=plist1(pty_varty, COMMA) RPAREN { bds } | x=loc(bdident) { [[unloc x], mk_loc (loc x) PTunivar] } ptybindings: | x=ptybinding1+ { List.flatten x } | x=bdident+ COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { [x, ty] } ptybindings_decl: | x=ptybinding1+ { List.flatten x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) sc_var_ty: | x=ident+ COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { (x,ty) } sc_ptybinding1: | LBRACE bds=plist1(sc_var_ty, COMMA) RBRACE { bds } sc_ptybindings_decl: | x=sc_ptybinding1+ { List.flatten x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Formulas *) %inline sform_r(P): x=loc(sform_u(P)) { x } %inline form_r(P): x=loc( form_u(P)) { x } %inline sform: x=sform_r(none) { x } %inline form: x=form_r (none) { x } %inline sform_h: x=loc(sform_u(hole)) { x } %inline form_h: x=loc( form_u(hole)) { x } %inline hole: UNDERSCORE { PFhole } %inline none: IMPOSSIBLE { assert false } orcl_time(P): | m=uident DOT f=lident COLON c=form_r(P) { (m,f, c) } cost_calls(P,S): | calls=rlist1(orcl_time(P), S) { calls } costs(P): | LBRACKET c=form_r(P) RBRACKET {PC_costs(c,[])} | LBRACKET c=form_r(P) SEMICOLON calls=cost_calls(P,SEMICOLON) RBRACKET {PC_costs(c,calls)} qident_or_res_or_glob: | x=qident { GVvar x } | x=loc(RES) { GVvar (mk_loc x.pl_loc ([], "res")) } | GLOB mp=loc(mod_qident) { GVglob (mp, []) } | GLOB mp=loc(mod_qident) BACKSLASH ex=brace(plist1(qident, COMMA)) { GVglob (mp, ex) } pfpos: | i=sword { `Index i } | f=bracket(form_h) off=pfoffset? { `Match (f, off) } pfoffset: | PLUS w=word { w } | MINUS w=word { -w } pffilter: | LBRACKET flat=iboption(SLASH) rg=plist0( i=pfpos? COLON j=pfpos? { `Range (i, j) } | i=pfpos { `Single i }, COMMA) RBRACKET { PFRange (flat, rg) } | LPBRACE flat=iboption(SLASH) x=ident IN h=form_h RPBRACE { PFMatch (flat, x, h) } | LPBRACE flat=iboption(SLASH) f=form FOR xs=plist1(ident, COMMA) IN h=form_h RPBRACE { PFMatchBuild (flat, xs, f, h) } | LBRACE flat=iboption(SLASH) exclude=iboption(TILD) rooted=iboption(HAT) h=pffilter_pattern RBRACE { PFKeep (flat, rooted, exclude, h) } pffilter_pattern: | f=form_h { `Pattern f} | LBRACE xs=plist0(x=qoident s=loc(pside)? { (x, s) }, COMMA) RBRACE { `VarSet xs } sform_u(P): | x=P { x } | f=sform_r(P) PCENT p=uqident { PFscope (p, f) } | f=sform_r(P) p=loc(prefix(PCENT, _lident)) { if unloc p = "top" then PFscope (pqsymb_of_symb p.pl_loc "", f) else let p = lmap (fun x -> "%" ^ x) p in PFapp (mk_loc (loc p) (PFident (pqsymb_of_psymb p, None)), [f]) } | SHARP pf=pffilter* x=ident { PFref (x, pf) } | LPAREN f=form_r(P) COLONTILD ty=loc(type_exp) RPAREN { PFcast (f, ty) } | n=uint { PFint n } | d=DECIMAL { PFdecimal d } | x=loc(RES) { PFident (mk_loc x.pl_loc ([], "res"), None) } | x=qoident ti=tvars_app? { PFident (x, ti) } | x=mident { PFmem x } | se=sform_r(P) DLBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e=loc(plist1(form_r(P), COMMA)) RBRACKET { let e = List.reduce1 (fun _ -> lmap (fun x -> PFtuple x) e) (unloc e) in pfget (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) ti se e } | se=sform_r(P) DLBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e1=loc(plist1(form_r(P), COMMA))LARROW e2=form_r(P) RBRACKET { let e1 = List.reduce1 (fun _ -> lmap (fun x -> PFtuple x) e1) (unloc e1) in pfset (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) ti se e1 e2 } | x=sform_r(P) s=loc(pside) { PFside (x, s) } | op=loc(numop) ti=tvars_app? { pfapp_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc ti [] } | TICKPIPE ti=tvars_app? e =form_r(P) PIPE { pfapp_symb e.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_abs ti [e] } | LPAREN fs=plist0(form_r(P), COMMA) RPAREN { PFtuple fs } | LPBRACE fields=rlist1(form_field, SEMICOLON) SEMICOLON? RPBRACE { PFrecord (None, fields) } | LPBRACE b=sform WITH fields=rlist1(form_field, SEMICOLON) SEMICOLON? RPBRACE { PFrecord (Some b, fields) } | LBRACKET ti=tvars_app? es=loc(plist0(form_r(P), SEMICOLON)) RBRACKET { (pflist es.pl_loc ti es.pl_desc).pl_desc } | f=sform_r(P) DOTTICK x=qident { PFproj (f, x) } | f=sform_r(P) DOTTICK n=loc(word) { if n.pl_desc = 0 then parse_error n.pl_loc (Some "tuple projection start at 1"); PFproji(f,n.pl_desc - 1) } | HOARE LBRACKET hb=hoare_body(P) RBRACKET { hb } | EQUIV LBRACKET eb=equiv_body(P) RBRACKET { eb } | EAGER LBRACKET eb=eager_body(P) RBRACKET { eb } | PR LBRACKET mp=loc(fident) args=paren(plist0(form_r(P), COMMA)) AT pn=mident COLON event=form_r(P) RBRACKET { PFprob (mp, args, pn, event) } | r=loc(RBOOL) { PFident (mk_loc r.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_dbool, None) } | LBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e1=form_r(P) op=loc(DOTDOT) e2=form_r(P) RBRACKET { let id = PFident(mk_loc op.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_dinter, ti) in PFapp(mk_loc op.pl_loc id, [e1; e2]) } form_u(P): | GLOB mp=loc(mod_qident) { PFglob mp } | e=sform_u(P) { e } | e=sform_r(P) args=sform_r(P)+ { PFapp (e, args) } | op=loc(uniop) ti=tvars_app? e=form_r(P) { pfapp_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc ti [e] } | f=form_chained_orderings(P) %prec prec_below_order { fst f } | e1=form_r(P) op=loc(binop) ti=tvars_app? e2=form_r(P) { pfapp_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc ti [e1; e2] } | c=form_r(P) QUESTION e1=form_r(P) COLON e2=form_r(P) %prec LOP2 { PFif (c, e1, e2) } | MATCH f=form_r(P) WITH PIPE? bs=plist0(p=mcptn(sbinop) IMPL bf=form_r(P) { (p, bf) }, PIPE) END { PFmatch (f, bs) } | EQ LBRACE xs=plist1(qident_or_res_or_glob, COMMA) RBRACE { PFeqveq (xs, None) } | EQ LBRACE xs=plist1(qident_or_res_or_glob, COMMA) RBRACE LPAREN m1=mod_qident COMMA m2=mod_qident RPAREN { PFeqveq (xs, Some (m1, m2)) } | EQ LPBRACE xs=plist1(form_r(P), COMMA) RPBRACE { PFeqf xs } | IF c=form_r(P) THEN e1=form_r(P) ELSE e2=form_r(P) { PFif (c, e1, e2) } | LET p=lpattern EQ e1=form_r(P) IN e2=form_r(P) { PFlet (p, (e1, None), e2) } | LET p=lpattern COLON ty=loc(type_exp) EQ e1=form_r(P) IN e2=form_r(P) { PFlet (p, (e1, Some ty), e2) } | FORALL pd=pgtybindings COMMA e=form_r(P) { PFforall (pd, e) } | EXIST pd=pgtybindings COMMA e=form_r(P) { PFexists (pd, e) } | FUN pd=ptybindings COMMA e=form_r(P) { PFlambda (pd, e) } | FUN pd=ptybindings IMPL e=form_r(P) { PFlambda (pd, e) } | r=loc(RBOOL) TILD e=sform_r(P) { let id = PFident (mk_loc r.pl_loc EcCoreLib.s_dbitstring, None) in let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in PFapp (mk_loc loc id, [e]) } | PHOARE pb=phoare_body(P) { pb } | CHOARE pb=choare_body(P) { pb } | COST pb=coe_body(P) { pb } | LOSSLESS mp=loc(fident) { PFlsless mp } form_field: | x=qident EQ f=form { { rf_name = x; rf_tvi = None; rf_value = f; } } form_ordering(P): | f1=form_r(P) op=loc(ordering_op) ti=tvars_app? f2=form_r(P) { (op, ti, f1, f2) } form_chained_orderings(P): | f=form_ordering(P) { let (op, ti, f1, f2) = f in (pfapp_symb op.pl_loc (unloc op) ti [f1; f2], f2) } | f1=loc(form_chained_orderings(P)) op=loc(ordering_op) ti=tvars_app? f2=form_r(P) { let (lcf1, (f1, le)) = (f1.pl_loc, unloc f1) in let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in (pfapp_symb loc "&&" None [EcLocation.mk_loc lcf1 f1; EcLocation.mk_loc loc (pfapp_symb op.pl_loc (unloc op) ti [le; f2])], f2) } hoare_bd_cmp : | LE { EcFol.FHle } | EQ { EcFol.FHeq } | GE { EcFol.FHge } hoare_body(P): mp=loc(fident) COLON pre=form_r(P) LONGARROW post=form_r(P) { PFhoareF (pre, mp, post) } phoare_body(P): LBRACKET mp=loc(fident) COLON pre=form_r(P) LONGARROW post=form_r(P) RBRACKET cmp=hoare_bd_cmp bd=sform_r(P) { PFBDhoareF (pre, mp, post, cmp, bd) } choare_body(P): | LBRACKET mp=loc(fident) COLON pre=form_r(P) LONGARROW post=form_r(P) RBRACKET TIME c=costs(P) { PFChoareF (pre, mp, post, c) } | LBRACKET mp=loc(fident) RBRACKET TIME c=costs(P) { PFChoareFT (mp, c) } coe_ty: | COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { ty} coe_body(P): | LBRACKET o=loc(empty) f=form_r(P) COLON e=expr ty=coe_ty? RBRACKET { PFCoe (mk_loc (loc o) None, None, f, e, ty) } | LPAREN m=bdmident COLON mt=memtype RPAREN LBRACKET f=form_r(P) COLON e=expr ty=coe_ty? RBRACKET { PFCoe (m, Some mt, f, e, ty) } equiv_body(P): mp1=loc(fident) TILD mp2=loc(fident) COLON pre=form_r(P) LONGARROW post=form_r(P) { PFequivF (pre, (mp1, mp2), post) } eager_body(P): | s1=stmt COMMA mp1=loc(fident) TILD mp2=loc(fident) COMMA s2=stmt COLON pre=form_r(P) LONGARROW post=form_r(P) { PFeagerF (pre, (s1, mp1, mp2,s2), post) } pgtybinding1: | x=ptybinding1 { List.map (fun (xs, ty) -> (xs, PGTY_Type ty)) x } | LPAREN x=uident LTCOLON mi=mod_type_with_restr RPAREN { [[mk_loc (loc x) (Some x)], PGTY_ModTy mi] } | pn=mident { [[mk_loc (loc pn) (Some pn)], PGTY_Mem None] } | LPAREN pn=mident COLON mt=memtype RPAREN { [[mk_loc (loc pn) (Some pn)], PGTY_Mem (Some mt)] } pgtybindings: | x=pgtybinding1+ { List.flatten x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Type expressions *) simpl_type_exp: | UNDERSCORE { PTunivar } | x=qident { PTnamed x } | x=tident { PTvar x } | tya=type_args x=qident { PTapp (x, tya) } | GLOB m=loc(mod_qident) { PTglob m } | LPAREN ty=type_exp RPAREN { ty } type_args: | ty=loc(simpl_type_exp) { [ty] } | LPAREN tys=plist2(loc(type_exp), COMMA) RPAREN { tys } type_exp: | ty=simpl_type_exp { ty } | ty=plist2(loc(simpl_type_exp), STAR) { PTtuple ty } | ty1=loc(type_exp) RARROW ty2=loc(type_exp) { PTfun(ty1,ty2) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Parameter declarations *) var_or_anon: | x=loc(UNDERSCORE) { mk_loc x.pl_loc None } | x=ident { mk_loc x.pl_loc (Some x) } typed_vars_or_anons: | xs=var_or_anon+ COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { List.map (fun v -> (v, ty)) xs } | xs=var_or_anon+ { List.map (fun v -> (v, mk_loc v.pl_loc PTunivar)) xs } param_decl: | LPAREN aout=plist0(typed_vars_or_anons, COMMA) RPAREN { List.flatten aout } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Statements *) lvalue_u: | x=loc(fident) { match lqident_of_fident x.pl_desc with | None -> parse_error x.pl_loc None | Some v -> PLvSymbol (mk_loc x.pl_loc v) } | LPAREN p=plist2(qident, COMMA) RPAREN { PLvTuple p } | x=loc(fident) DLBRACKET ti=tvars_app? e=expr RBRACKET { match lqident_of_fident x.pl_desc with | None -> parse_error x.pl_loc None | Some v -> PLvMap (mk_loc x.pl_loc v, ti, e) } %inline lvalue: | x=loc(lvalue_u) { x } base_instr: | x=lident { PSident x } | x=lvalue LESAMPLE e=expr { PSrnd (x, e) } | x=lvalue LARROW e=expr { PSasgn (x, e) } | x=lvalue LEAT f=loc(fident) LPAREN es=loc(plist0(expr, COMMA)) RPAREN { PScall (Some x, f, es) } | f=loc(fident) LPAREN es=loc(plist0(expr, COMMA)) RPAREN { PScall (None, f, es) } | ASSERT LPAREN c=expr RPAREN { PSassert c } instr: | bi=base_instr SEMICOLON { bi } | i=if_expr { i } | WHILE LPAREN c=expr RPAREN b=block { PSwhile (c, b) } | MATCH e=expr WITH PIPE? bs=plist0(match_branch, PIPE) END SEMICOLON { PSmatch (e, `Full bs) } | IF LPAREN e=expr IS c=opptn RPAREN b1=block b2=option(prefix(ELSE, block)) { PSmatch (e, `If ((c, b1), b2)) } %inline if_expr: | IF c=paren(expr) b=block el=if_else_expr { PSif ((c, b), fst el, snd el) } if_else_expr: | /* empty */ { ([], []) } | ELSE b=block { ([], b) } | ELIF e=paren(expr) b=block el=if_else_expr { ((e, b) :: fst el, snd el) } match_branch: | c=opptn IMPL b=block { (c, b) } block: | i=loc(base_instr) SEMICOLON { [i] } | stmt=brace(stmt) { stmt } stmt: aout=loc(instr)* { aout } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Module definition *) var_decl: | VAR xs=plist1(lident, COMMA) COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { (xs, ty) } loc_decl_names: | x=plist1(lident, COMMA) { (`Single, x) } | LPAREN x=plist2(lident, COMMA) RPAREN { (`Tuple, x) } loc_decl_r: | VAR x=loc(loc_decl_names) { { pfl_names = x; pfl_type = None; pfl_init = None; } } | VAR x=loc(loc_decl_names) COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { { pfl_names = x; pfl_type = Some ty; pfl_init = None; } } | VAR x=loc(loc_decl_names) COLON ty=loc(type_exp) LARROW e=expr { { pfl_names = x; pfl_type = Some ty; pfl_init = Some e; } } | VAR x=loc(loc_decl_names) LARROW e=expr { { pfl_names = x; pfl_type = None; pfl_init = Some e; } } loc_decl: | x=loc_decl_r SEMICOLON { x } memtype_decl: | x=loc(loc_decl_names) COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { x,ty } memtype: | LBRACE m=rlist0(memtype_decl,COMMA) RBRACE {m} ret_stmt: | RETURN e=expr SEMICOLON { Some e } | empty { None } fun_def_body: | LBRACE decl=loc_decl* s=stmt rs=ret_stmt RBRACE { { pfb_locals = decl; pfb_body = s ; pfb_return = rs ; } } fun_decl: | x=lident pd=param_decl ty=prefix(COLON, loc(type_exp))? { let frestr = { pmre_name = x; pmre_orcls = None; pmre_compl = None; } in { pfd_name = x; pfd_tyargs = pd; pfd_tyresult = odfl (mk_loc x.pl_loc PTunivar) ty; pfd_uses = frestr; } } minclude_proc: | PLUS? xs=plist1(lident,COMMA) { `MInclude xs } | MINUS xs=plist1(lident,COMMA) { `MExclude xs } mod_item: | v=var_decl { Pst_var v } | MODULE x=uident c=mod_cast? EQ m=loc(mod_body) { Pst_mod (x, odfl [] c, m) } | PROC decl=loc(fun_decl) EQ body=fun_def_body { let { pl_desc = decl; } = decl in Pst_fun (decl, body) } | PROC x=lident EQ f=loc(fident) { Pst_alias (x, f) } | INCLUDE v=boption(VAR) m=loc(mod_qident) xs=bracket(minclude_proc)? { Pst_include (m, v, xs) } | IMPORT VAR ms=loc(mod_qident)+ { Pst_import ms } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Modules *) mod_body: | m=mod_qident { Pm_ident m } | LBRACE stt=loc(mod_item)* RBRACE { Pm_struct stt } mod_def_or_decl: | locality=locality MODULE header=mod_header c=mod_cast? EQ ptm_body=loc(mod_body) { let ptm_header = match c with None -> header | Some c -> Pmh_cast(header,c) in { ptm_def = `Concrete { ptm_header; ptm_body; }; ptm_locality = locality; } } | locality=locality MODULE ptm_name=uident LTCOLON ptm_modty=mod_type_with_restr { { ptm_def = `Abstract { ptm_name; ptm_modty; }; ptm_locality = locality; } } mod_header: | x=uident { Pmh_ident x } | mh=loc(mod_header_params) { Pmh_params mh } | LPAREN mh=mod_header c=mod_cast RPAREN { Pmh_cast(mh,c) } mod_cast: | COLON c=plist1(uqident,COMMA) { c } mod_header_params: | mh=mod_header p=mod_params { mh,p } mod_params: | LPAREN a=plist1(sig_param, COMMA) RPAREN { a } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Memory restrictions *) mem_restr_el: | PLUS el=f_or_mod_ident { PMPlus el } | MINUS el=f_or_mod_ident { PMMinus el } | el=f_or_mod_ident { PMDefault el } mem_restr: | ol=rlist0(mem_restr_el,COMMA) { ol } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* qident optionally taken in a (implicit) module parameters. *) qident_inparam: | SHARP q=qident { { inp_in_params = true; inp_qident = q; } } | q=qident { { inp_in_params = false; inp_qident = q; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Oracle restrictions *) oracle_restr: | LBRACE ol=rlist0(qident_inparam,COMMA) RBRACE { ol } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Complexity restrictions *) compl_el: | o=qident_inparam COLON c=form_r(none) { (o, c) } compl_restr: | TICKBRACE self=form_r(none) RBRACE { PCompl (self,[]) } | TICKBRACE self=form_r(none) COMMA c=rlist1(compl_el,COMMA) RBRACE { PCompl (self,c) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Module restrictions *) fun_restr: | orcl=oracle_restr cl=compl_restr { (Some orcl, Some cl) } | cl=compl_restr orcl=oracle_restr { (Some orcl, Some cl) } | orcl=oracle_restr { (Some orcl, None) } | cl=compl_restr { (None, Some cl) } mod_restr_el: | f=lident COLON fr=fun_restr { let orcl, cmpl = fr in { pmre_name = f; pmre_orcls = orcl; pmre_compl = cmpl; } } mod_restr: | LBRACE mr=mem_restr RBRACE { { pmr_mem = mr; pmr_procs = [] } } | LBRACKET l=rlist1(mod_restr_el,COMMA) RBRACKET { { pmr_mem = []; pmr_procs = l } } | LBRACE mr=mem_restr RBRACE LBRACKET l=rlist1(mod_restr_el,COMMA) RBRACKET { { pmr_mem = mr; pmr_procs = l } } | LBRACKET l=rlist1(mod_restr_el,COMMA) RBRACKET LBRACE mr=mem_restr RBRACE { { pmr_mem = mr; pmr_procs = l } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Modules interfaces *) %inline mod_type: | x = qident { x } %inline mod_type_with_restr: | x = qident { { pmty_pq = x; pmty_mem = None; } } | x = qident mr=mod_restr { { pmty_pq = x; pmty_mem = Some mr; } } sig_def: | pi_locality=loc(locality) MODULE TYPE pi_name=uident args=sig_params* mr=mod_restr? EQ i=sig_body { let pi_sig = Pmty_struct { pmsig_params = List.flatten args; pmsig_body = i; pmsig_restr = mr; } in { pi_name; pi_sig; pi_locality = locality_as_local pi_locality; } } sig_body: | body=sig_struct_body { body } sig_struct_body: | LBRACE ty=signature_item* RBRACE { ty } sig_params: | LPAREN params=plist1(sig_param, COMMA) RPAREN { params } sig_param: | x=uident COLON i=mod_type { (x, i) } signature_item: | INCLUDE i=mod_type xs=bracket(minclude_proc)? qs=brace(qident*)? { let qs = omap (List.map (fun x -> { inp_in_params = false; inp_qident = x; })) qs in `Include (i, xs, qs) } | PROC x=lident pd=param_decl COLON ty=loc(type_exp) fr=fun_restr? { let orcl, compl = odfl (None,None) fr in let frestr = { pmre_name = x; pmre_orcls = orcl; pmre_compl = compl; } in `FunctionDecl { pfd_name = x; pfd_tyargs = pd; pfd_tyresult = ty; pfd_uses = frestr; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline locality: | (* empty *) { `Global } | LOCAL { `Local } | DECLARE { `Declare } | LOCAL DECLARE | DECLARE LOCAL { parse_error (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) (Some "cannot mix declare & local") } %inline is_local: | lc=loc(locality) { locality_as_local lc } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* EcTypes declarations / definitions *) typaram: | x=tident { (x, []) } | x=tident LTCOLON tc=plist1(lqident, AMP) { (x, tc) } typarams: | empty { [] } | x=tident { [(x, [])] } | xs=paren(plist1(typaram, COMMA)) { xs } %inline tyd_name: | tya=typarams x=ident { (tya, x) } dt_ctor_def: | x=oident { (x, []) } | x=oident OF ty=plist1(loc(simpl_type_exp), AMP) { (x, ty) } %inline datatype_def: | LBRACKET PIPE? ctors=plist1(dt_ctor_def, PIPE) RBRACKET { ctors } rec_field_def: | x=ident COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { (x, ty); } %inline record_def: | LBRACE fields=rlist1(rec_field_def, SEMICOLON) SEMICOLON? RBRACE { fields } typedecl: | locality=locality TYPE td=rlist1(tyd_name, COMMA) { List.map (fun x -> mk_tydecl ~locality x (PTYD_Abstract [])) td } | locality=locality TYPE td=tyd_name LTCOLON tcs=rlist1(qident, COMMA) { [mk_tydecl ~locality td (PTYD_Abstract tcs)] } | locality=locality TYPE td=tyd_name EQ te=loc(type_exp) { [mk_tydecl ~locality td (PTYD_Alias te)] } | locality=locality TYPE td=tyd_name EQ te=record_def { [mk_tydecl ~locality td (PTYD_Record te)] } | locality=locality TYPE td=tyd_name EQ te=datatype_def { [mk_tydecl ~locality td (PTYD_Datatype te)] } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Type classes *) typeclass: | loca=is_local TYPE CLASS x=lident inth=tc_inth? EQ LBRACE body=tc_body RBRACE { { ptc_name = x; ptc_inth = inth; ptc_ops = fst body; ptc_axs = snd body; ptc_loca = loca; } } tc_inth: | LTCOLON x=lqident { x } tc_body: | ops=tc_op* axs=tc_ax* { (ops, axs) } tc_op: | OP x=oident COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { (x, ty) } tc_ax: | AXIOM x=ident COLON ax=form { (x, ax) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Type classes (instances) *) tycinstance: | loca=is_local INSTANCE x=qident WITH typ=tyvars_decl? ty=loc(type_exp) ops=tyci_op* axs=tyci_ax* { { pti_name = x; pti_type = (odfl [] typ, ty); pti_ops = ops; pti_axs = axs; pti_args = None; pti_loca = loca; } } | loca=is_local INSTANCE x=qident c=uoption(UINT) p=uoption(UINT) WITH typ=tyvars_decl? ty=loc(type_exp) ops=tyci_op* axs=tyci_ax* { { pti_name = x; pti_type = (odfl [] typ, ty); pti_ops = ops; pti_axs = axs; pti_args = Some (`Ring (c, p)); pti_loca = loca; } } tyci_op: | OP x=oident EQ tg=qoident { (x, ([], tg)) } | OP x=oident EQ tg=qoident LTCOLON tvi=plist0(loc(type_exp), COMMA) GT { (x, (tvi, tg)) } tyci_ax: | PROOF x=ident BY tg=tactic_core { (x, tg) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Operator definitions *) pred_tydom: | ty=loc(type_exp) { [ty] } | tys=plist2(loc(simpl_type_exp), AMP) { tys } | tys=paren(plist2(loc(type_exp), COMMA)) { tys } tyvars_decl: | LBRACKET tyvars=rlist0(typaram, COMMA) RBRACKET { tyvars } | LBRACKET tyvars=rlist2(tident , empty) RBRACKET { List.map (fun x -> (x, [])) tyvars } op_or_const: | OP { `Op } | CONST { `Const } operator: | locality=locality k=op_or_const st=nosmt tags=bracket(ident*)? x=plist1(oident, COMMA) tyvars=tyvars_decl? args=ptybindings_decl? sty=prefix(COLON, loc(type_exp))? b=seq(prefix(EQ, loc(opbody)), opax?)? { let gloc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in let sty = sty |> ofdfl (fun () -> mk_loc (b |> omap (loc |- fst) |> odfl gloc) PTunivar) in { po_kind = k; po_name = List.hd x; po_aliases = List.tl x; po_tags = odfl [] tags; po_tyvars = tyvars; po_args = odfl [] args; po_def = opdef_of_opbody sty (omap (unloc |- fst) b); po_ax = obind snd b; po_nosmt = st; po_locality = locality; } } | locality=locality k=op_or_const st=nosmt tags=bracket(ident*)? x=plist1(oident, COMMA) tyvars=tyvars_decl? args=ptybindings_decl? COLON LBRACE sty=loc(type_exp) PIPE reft=form RBRACE AS rname=ident { { po_kind = k; po_name = List.hd x; po_aliases = List.tl x; po_tags = odfl [] tags; po_tyvars = tyvars; po_args = odfl [] args; po_def = opdef_of_opbody sty (Some (`Reft (rname, reft))); po_ax = None; po_nosmt = st; po_locality = locality; } } opbody: | e=expr { `Expr e } | bs=opbr+ { `Case bs } opax: | AXIOMATIZED BY x=ident { x } opbr: | WITH ptn=plist1(opcase, COMMA) IMPL e=expr { { pop_patterns = ptn; pop_body = e; } } %inline opcase: | x=ident EQ p=opptn { { pop_name = x; pop_pattern = p; } } %inline opptn: | p=mcptn(sbinop) { p } | p=paren(mcptn(binop)) { p } mcptn(BOP): | c=qoident tvi=tvars_app? ps=bdident* { PPApp ((c, tvi), ps) } | LBRACKET tvi=tvars_app? RBRACKET { let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in PPApp ((pqsymb_of_symb loc EcCoreLib.s_nil, tvi), []) } | op=loc(uniop) tvi=tvars_app? { PPApp ((pqsymb_of_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc, tvi), []) } | op=loc(uniop) tvi=tvars_app? x=bdident { PPApp ((pqsymb_of_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc, tvi), [x]) } | x1=bdident op=loc(BOP) tvi=tvars_app? x2=bdident { PPApp ((pqsymb_of_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc, tvi), [x1; x2]) } | x1=bdident op=loc(ordering_op) tvi=tvars_app? x2=bdident { PPApp ((pqsymb_of_symb op.pl_loc op.pl_desc, tvi), [x1; x2]) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Predicate definitions *) predicate: | locality=locality PRED x=oident { { pp_name = x; pp_tyvars = None; pp_def = PPabstr []; pp_locality = locality; } } | locality=locality PRED x=oident tyvars=tyvars_decl? COLON sty=pred_tydom { { pp_name = x; pp_tyvars = tyvars; pp_def = PPabstr sty; pp_locality = locality; } } | locality=locality PRED x=oident tyvars=tyvars_decl? p=ptybindings? EQ f=form { { pp_name = x; pp_tyvars = tyvars; pp_def = PPconcr (odfl [] p, f); pp_locality = locality; } } | locality=locality INDUCTIVE x=oident tyvars=tyvars_decl? p=ptybindings? EQ b=indpred_def { { pp_name = x; pp_tyvars = tyvars; pp_def = PPind (odfl [] p, b); pp_locality = locality; } } indpred_def: | PIPE? ctors=plist0(ip_ctor_def, PIPE) | ctors=bracket(plist0(ip_ctor_def, PIPE)) { ctors } ip_ctor_def: | x=oident bd=pgtybindings? fs=prefix(OF, plist1(sform, AMP))? { { pic_name = x; pic_bds = odfl [] bd; pic_spec = odfl [] fs; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Notations *) nt_binding1: | x=ident { (x, mk_loc (loc x) PTunivar) } | x=ident COLON ty=loc(type_exp) { (x, ty) } nt_argty: | ty=loc(type_exp) { ([], ty) } | xs=plist0(ident, COMMA) LONGARROW ty=loc(type_exp) { (xs, ty) } nt_arg1: | x=ident { (x, ([], None)) } | LPAREN x=ident COLON ty=nt_argty RPAREN { (x, snd_map some ty) } nt_bindings: | DASHLT bd=plist0(nt_binding1, COMMA) GT { bd } notation: | locality=loc(locality) NOTATION x=loc(NOP) tv=tyvars_decl? bd=nt_bindings? args=nt_arg1* codom=prefix(COLON, loc(type_exp))? EQ body=expr { { nt_name = x; nt_tv = tv; nt_bd = odfl [] bd; nt_args = args; nt_codom = ofdfl (fun () -> mk_loc (loc body) PTunivar) codom; nt_body = body; nt_local = locality_as_local locality; } } abrvopt: | b=boption(MINUS) x=ident { match unloc x with | "printing" -> (not b, `Printing) | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } abrvopts: | opts=bracket(abrvopt+) { opts } abbreviation: | locality=loc(locality) ABBREV opts=abrvopts? x=oident tyvars=tyvars_decl? args=ptybindings_decl? sty=prefix(COLON, loc(type_exp))? EQ b=expr { let sty = sty |> ofdfl (fun () -> mk_loc (loc b) PTunivar) in { ab_name = x; ab_tv = tyvars; ab_args = odfl [] args; ab_def = (sty, b); ab_opts = odfl [] opts; ab_local = locality_as_local locality; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) mempred_binding: | TICKBRACE u=uident+ RBRACE { PT_MemPred u } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Global entries *) lemma_decl: | x=ident tyvars=tyvars_decl? predvars=mempred_binding? scvars=sc_ptybindings_decl? pd=pgtybindings? COLON f=form { x,tyvars,predvars,scvars,pd,f } nosmt: | NOSMT { true } | empty { false } axiom_tc: | /* empty */ { PLemma None } | BY bracket(empty) { PLemma (Some None) } | BY t=tactics { PLemma (Some (Some t)) } axiom: | l=locality AXIOM ids=bracket(ident+)? o=nosmt d=lemma_decl { mk_axiom ~locality:l ~nosmt:o d (PAxiom (odfl [] ids)) } | l=locality SCHEMA o=nosmt d=lemma_decl { mk_axiom ~locality:l ~nosmt:o d PSchema } | l=locality LEMMA o=nosmt d=lemma_decl ao=axiom_tc { mk_axiom ~locality:l ~nosmt:o d ao } | l=locality EQUIV x=ident pd=pgtybindings? COLON p=loc( equiv_body(none)) ao=axiom_tc | l=locality HOARE x=ident pd=pgtybindings? COLON p=loc( hoare_body(none)) ao=axiom_tc | l=locality PHOARE x=ident pd=pgtybindings? COLON p=loc(phoare_body(none)) ao=axiom_tc | l=locality CHOARE x=ident pd=pgtybindings? COLON p=loc(choare_body(none)) ao=axiom_tc { mk_axiom ~locality:l (x, None, None, None, pd, p) ao } proofend: | QED { `Qed } | ADMITTED { `Admit } | ABORT { `Abort } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Theory interactive manipulation *) theory_clear_item1: | l=genqident(STAR) { match List.rev (fst (unloc l)) with | [] -> None | x :: xs -> Some (mk_loc (loc l) (List.rev xs, x)) } theory_clear_items: | xs=theory_clear_item1* { xs } theory_open: | loca=is_local b=boption(ABSTRACT) THEORY x=uident { (loca, b, x) } theory_close: | END xs=bracket(theory_clear_items)? x=uident { (odfl [] xs, x) } theory_clear: | CLEAR xs=bracket(theory_clear_items) { xs } section_open : SECTION x=option(uident) { x } section_close : END SECTION x=option(uident) { x } import_flag: | IMPORT { `Import } | EXPORT { `Export } theory_require: | nm=prefix(FROM, uident)? REQUIRE ip=import_flag? x=theory_require_1+ { (nm, x, ip) } theory_require_1: | x=uident { (x, None) } | LBRACKET x=uident AS y=uident RBRACKET { (x, Some y) } theory_import: IMPORT xs=uqident* { xs } theory_export: EXPORT xs=uqident* { xs } module_import: | IMPORT VAR xs=loc(mod_qident)+ { xs } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Instruction matching *) %inline im_block_start: | LBRACE { Without_anchor } | LPBRACE { With_anchor } %inline im_block_end: | RBRACE { Without_anchor } | RPBRACE { With_anchor } im_block: | a1=im_block_start s=im_stmt a2=im_block_end { ((a1, a2), s) } im_stmt_atomic: | UNDERSCORE { IM_Any } | LARROW | UNDERSCORE LARROW UNDERSCORE { IM_Assign } | LESAMPLE | UNDERSCORE LESAMPLE UNDERSCORE { IM_Sample } | LEAT | UNDERSCORE LEAT UNDERSCORE { IM_Call } | IF { IM_If (None, None) } | WHILE { IM_While None } | n=lident { IM_Named (n, None) } im_stmt_base_r(S): | x=im_stmt_atomic S { x } | IF x1=im_block { IM_If (Some x1, None) } | IF x1=im_block ELSE x2=im_block { IM_If (Some x1, Some x2) } | WHILE x=im_block { IM_While (Some x) } | x=paren(im_stmt) S { IM_Parens x } | s=im_repeat_mark x=im_stmt_base_r(S) { IM_Repeat (s, x) } im_stmt_base(S): | x=im_stmt_base_r(S) { x } | xs=plist2(im_stmt_base_r(empty), PIPE) S { IM_Choice xs } im_stmt_seq_r: | x=im_stmt_base(empty) { [x] } | x=im_stmt_base(SEMICOLON) xs=im_stmt_seq_r { x :: xs } %inline im_stmt_seq_named: | x=im_stmt_seq_r AS n=lident { IM_Named (n, Some (IM_Seq x)) } im_stmt_seq: | x=im_stmt_seq_named { [x] } | xs=im_stmt_seq_r { xs } | x=im_stmt_seq_named SEMICOLON xs=im_stmt_seq { x :: xs } %inline im_stmt: | xs=im_stmt_seq? { IM_Seq (odfl [] xs) } im_base_repeat_mark: | x=im_range NOT { IM_R_Repeat x } | x=im_range_question QUESTION { IM_R_May x } im_repeat_mark: | b=boption(TILD) x=im_base_repeat_mark { (not b, x) } im_range: | empty { (None, None) } | i=word { (Some i, Some i) } | LBRACKET n=word DOTDOT m=word RBRACKET { (Some n, Some m) } | LBRACKET n=word DOTDOT RBRACKET { (Some n, None) } | LBRACKET DOTDOT m=word RBRACKET { (None, Some m) } im_range_question: | empty { None } | i=word { Some i } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* tactic *) ipcore_name: | s=_lident { s } | s=_uident { s } | s=_mident { s } ipcore: | PLUS { `Revert } | UNDERSCORE { `Clear } | QUESTION { `Anonymous None } | n=word QUESTION { `Anonymous (Some (Some n)) } | STAR { `Anonymous (Some None) } | s=ipcore_name { `Named s } %inline sharp: | SHARP { false } | SHARPPIPE {true} %inline icasemode: | /* empty */ { `One } | opt=icasemode_full_opt wb=sharp { `Full (opt, wb, None) } | i=word NOT opt=icasemode_full_opt wb=sharp { `Full (opt, wb, Some (`AtMost i)) } | NOT opt=icasemode_full_opt wb=sharp { `Full (opt, wb, Some (`AsMuch)) } %inline icasemode_full_opt: | h=iboption(TILD) d=iboption(SLASH) { (h, d) } ip_repeat: | i=ioption(word) NOT { i } | i=word { Some i } ipsubsttop: | LTSTARGT { None } | LTLTSTARGT { Some `RtoL } | LTSTARGTGT { Some `LtoR } crushmode: | PIPEGT { { cm_simplify = false; cm_solve = false; } } | SLASHGT { { cm_simplify = true ; cm_solve = false; } } | PIPEPIPEGT { { cm_simplify = false; cm_solve = true ; } } | SLASHSLASHGT { { cm_simplify = true ; cm_solve = true ; } } intro_pattern: | x=ipcore { IPCore x } | HAT { IPDup } | LBRACKET mode=icasemode RBRACKET { IPCase (mode, []) } | LBRACKET mode=icasemode ip=loc(intro_pattern)+ RBRACKET { IPCase (mode, [ip]) } | LBRACKET mode=icasemode ip=plist2(loc(intro_pattern)*, PIPE) RBRACKET { IPCase (mode, ip) } | i=ioption(ip_repeat) o=rwocc? RARROW { IPRw (o, `LtoR, i) } | i=ioption(ip_repeat) o=rwocc? LARROW { IPRw (o, `RtoL, i) } | i=ioption(ip_repeat) RRARROW { IPSubst (`LtoR, i) } | i=ioption(ip_repeat) LLARROW { IPSubst (`RtoL, i) } | LBRACE xs=loc(ipcore_name)+ RBRACE { IPClear xs } | SLASHSLASH { IPDone None } | SLASHSLASHEQ { IPDone (Some `Default) } | SLASHSLASHTILDEQ { IPDone (Some `Variant) } | SLASHSHARP { IPSmt (false, { (SMT.mk_smt_option []) with plem_max = Some (Some 0) }) } | SLASHSLASHSHARP { IPSmt (true, { (SMT.mk_smt_option []) with plem_max = Some (Some 0) }) } | SLASHEQ { IPSimplify `Default } | SLASHTILDEQ { IPSimplify `Variant } | SLASH f=pterm { IPView f } | AT s=rwside o=rwocc? SLASH x=sform_h { IPDelta ((s, o), x) } | ip=ipsubsttop { IPSubstTop (None, ip) } | n=word NOT ip=ipsubsttop { IPSubstTop (Some n, ip) } | MINUS { IPBreak } | cm=crushmode { IPCrush cm } gpterm_head(F): | exp=iboption(AT) p=qident tvi=tvars_app? { (exp, FPNamed (p, tvi)) } | LPAREN exp=iboption(AT) UNDERSCORE? COLON f=F RPAREN { (exp, FPCut f) } gpoterm_head(F): | x=gpterm_head(F?) { x } | UNDERSCORE { (false, FPCut None) } gpterm_arg: | LPAREN LTCOLON m=loc(mod_qident) RPAREN { EA_mod m } | f=sform_h { match unloc f with | PFhole -> EA_none | _ -> EA_form f } | LPAREN COLON exp=iboption(AT) p=qident tvi=tvars_app? args=loc(gpterm_arg)* RPAREN { EA_proof (mk_pterm exp (FPNamed (p, tvi)) args) } gpterm(F): | hd=gpterm_head(F) { mk_pterm (fst hd) (snd hd) [] } | LPAREN hd=gpterm_head(F) args=loc(gpterm_arg)* RPAREN { mk_pterm (fst hd) (snd hd) args } gpoterm(F): | hd=gpoterm_head(F) { mk_pterm (fst hd) (snd hd) [] } | LPAREN hd=gpoterm_head(F) args=loc(gpterm_arg)* RPAREN { mk_pterm (fst hd) (snd hd) args } %inline pterm: | pt=gpoterm(form) { pt } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) pcutdef1: | p=qident tvi=tvars_app? args=loc(gpterm_arg)* { { ptcd_name = p; ptcd_tys = tvi; ptcd_args = args; } } pcutdef: | cd=pcutdef1 { cd } | LPAREN cd=pcutdef1 RPAREN { cd } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) pmempred_arg: | TICKPAREN m=bdmident COLON f=form RPAREN { (m,f) } | TICKPAREN m=loc(empty) f=form RPAREN { (mk_loc (loc m) None,f) } pmempred_args: | l=pmempred_arg* { l } pcutdef_schema1: | p=qident tvi=tvars_app? mt=memtype pargs=loc(pmempred_args) exprs=loc(sexpr*) { { ptcds_name = p; ptcds_tys = tvi; ptcds_mt = mt; ptcds_mps = pargs; ptcds_exprs = exprs; } } pcutdef_schema: | LPAREN cd=pcutdef_schema1 RPAREN { cd } (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *) %inline rwside: | MINUS { `RtoL } | empty { `LtoR } rwrepeat: | NOT { (`All , None ) } | QUESTION { (`Maybe, None ) } | n=word NOT { (`All , Some n) } | n=word QUESTION { (`Maybe, Some n) } rwocc: | LBRACE x=word+ RBRACE { (`Inclusive (EcMaps.Sint.of_list x)) } | LBRACE MINUS x=word+ RBRACE { (`Exclusive (EcMaps.Sint.of_list x)) } | LBRACE PLUS RBRACE { (`All) } rwpr_arg: | i=ident { (i, None) } | i=ident f=form { (i, Some f) } rwarg1: | SLASHSLASH { RWDone None } | SLASHSLASHEQ { RWDone (Some `Default) } | SLASHSLASHTILDEQ { RWDone (Some `Variant) } | SLASHSHARP { RWSmt (false, { (SMT.mk_smt_option []) with plem_max = Some (Some 0) }) } | SLASHSLASHSHARP { RWSmt (true, { (SMT.mk_smt_option []) with plem_max = Some (Some 0) }) } | SLASHEQ { RWSimpl `Default } | SLASHTILDEQ { RWSimpl `Variant } | s=rwside r=rwrepeat? o=rwocc? p=bracket(form_h)? fp=rwpterms { RWRw ((s, r, o, p), fp) } | s=rwside r=rwrepeat? o=rwocc? SLASH x=sform_h %prec prec_tactic { RWDelta ((s, r, o, None), x); } | PR s=bracket(rwpr_arg) { RWPr s } | AMP f=pterm { RWApp f } | SHARP SMT { RWSmt (false, SMT.mk_smt_option []) } | SHARP SMT COLON pi=bracket(smt_info) { RWSmt (false, pi) } | SHARP SMT COLON dbmap=paren(dbmap1*) { RWSmt (false, SMT.mk_smt_option [`WANTEDLEMMAS dbmap]) } | SHARP x=ident { let tactics = [("ring", `Ring); ("field", `Field)] in match List.Exceptionless.assoc (unloc x) tactics with | Some x -> RWTactic x | None -> let msg = "invalid rw-tactic: " ^ (unloc x) in parse_error (loc x) (Some msg) } | EQUIV aout=bracket( s=side x=qident argsl=paren(loc(plist0(expr, COMMA))) resl=sexpr argsr=paren(loc(plist0(expr, COMMA))) resr=sexpr { RWEquiv (s, x, (argsl, resl), (argsr, resr)) } ) { aout } rwpterms: | f=pterm { [(`LtoR, f)] } | LPAREN fs=rlist2(rwpterm, COMMA) RPAREN { fs } rwpterm: | s=rwside f=pterm { (s, f) } rwarg: | r=loc(rwarg1) { (None, r) } | rg=loc(tcfc) COLON r=loc(rwarg1) { (Some rg, r) } genpattern: | l=sform_h %prec prec_tactic { `Form (None, l) } | o=rwocc l=sform_h %prec prec_tactic { `Form (Some o, l) } | LPAREN exp=iboption(AT) UNDERSCORE COLON f=form RPAREN { `ProofTerm (mk_pterm exp (FPCut (Some f)) []) } | LPAREN LPAREN exp=iboption(AT) UNDERSCORE COLON f=form RPAREN args=loc(gpterm_arg)* RPAREN { `ProofTerm (mk_pterm exp (FPCut (Some f)) args) } | AT x=ident { `LetIn x } simplify_arg: | DELTA l=qoident* { `Delta l } | ZETA { `Zeta } | IOTA { `Iota } | BETA { `Beta } | ETA { `Eta } | LOGIC { `Logic } | MODPATH { `ModPath } | COST { `ModPath } simplify: | l=simplify_arg+ { l } | SIMPLIFY { simplify_red } | SIMPLIFY l=qoident+ { `Delta l :: simplify_red } | SIMPLIFY DELTA { `Delta [] :: simplify_red } cbv: | CBV { simplify_red } | CBV l=qoident+ { `Delta l :: simplify_red } | CBV DELTA { `Delta [] :: simplify_red } conseq: | empty { None, None } | UNDERSCORE LONGARROW UNDERSCORE { None, None } | f1=form LONGARROW { Some f1, None } | f1=form LONGARROW UNDERSCORE { Some f1, None } | f2=form { None, Some f2 } | LONGARROW f2=form { None, Some f2 } | UNDERSCORE LONGARROW f2=form { None, Some f2 } | f1=form LONGARROW f2=form { Some f1, Some f2 } conseq_xt: | c=conseq { c, None } | c=conseq COLON cmp=hoare_bd_cmp? bd=sform { c, Some (CQI_bd (cmp, bd)) } | UNDERSCORE COLON cmp=hoare_bd_cmp? bd=sform { (None, None), Some (CQI_bd (cmp, bd)) } | c=conseq COLON TIME co=costs(none) { c, Some (CQI_c co) } | UNDERSCORE COLON TIME co=costs(none) { (None, None), Some (CQI_c co) } ci_cost_el: | o=loc(fident) x=ident? COLON co=costs(none) {o, x, co} abs_call_info: | TIME LBRACKET xc=rlist0(ci_cost_el, COMMA) RBRACKET { xc } call_info: | f1=form LONGARROW f2=form { CI_spec (f1, f2, None) } | f1=form LONGARROW f2=form TIME co=costs(none) { CI_spec (f1, f2, Some co) } | f=form { CI_inv (f, None) } | f=form TIME co=costs(none) { CI_inv (f, Some (`Std co)) } | f=form SEMICOLON inf=abs_call_info { let info = `CostAbs inf in CI_inv (f, Some info) } | bad=form COMMA p=form { CI_upto (bad,p,None) } | bad=form COMMA p=form COMMA q=form { CI_upto (bad,p,Some q) } tac_dir: | BACKS { Backs } | FWDS { Fwds } | empty { Backs } icodepos_r: | IF { (`If :> cp_match) } | WHILE { (`While :> cp_match) } | LARROW { (`Assign :> cp_match) } | LESAMPLE { (`Sample :> cp_match) } | LEAT { (`Call :> cp_match) } %inline icodepos: | HAT x=icodepos_r { x } codepos1_wo_off: | i=sword { (`ByPos i :> cp_base) } | k=icodepos i=option(brace(sword)) { (`ByMatch (i, k) :> cp_base) } codepos1: | cp=codepos1_wo_off { (0, cp) } | cp=codepos1_wo_off AMP PLUS i=word { ( i, cp) } | cp=codepos1_wo_off AMP MINUS i=word { (-i, cp) } %inline nm1_codepos: | i=codepos1 k=ID(DOT { 0 } | QUESTION { 1 } ) { (i, k) } codepos: | nm=rlist0(nm1_codepos, empty) i=codepos1 { (List.rev nm, i) } o_codepos1: | UNDERSCORE { None } | i=codepos1 { Some i} s_codepos1: | n=codepos1 { Single n } | n1=codepos1 n2=codepos1 { Double (n1, n2) } semrndpos1: | b=boption(STAR) c=codepos1 { (b, c) } semrndpos: | n=semrndpos1 { Single n } | n1=semrndpos1 n2=semrndpos1 { Double (n1, n2) } while_tac_info: | inv=sform { { wh_inv = inv; wh_vrnt = None; wh_bds = None; } } | inv=sform vrnt=sform { { wh_inv = inv; wh_vrnt = Some vrnt; wh_bds = None; } } | inv=sform vrnt=sform k=sform eps=sform { { wh_inv = inv; wh_vrnt = Some vrnt; wh_bds = Some (`Bd (k, eps)); } } | inv=sform vrnt=sform k=sform TIME co=costs(none) { { wh_inv = inv; wh_vrnt = Some vrnt; wh_bds = Some (`Cost (k, co)); } } async_while_tac_info: | LBRACKET t1=expr COMMA f1=form RBRACKET LBRACKET t2=expr COMMA f2=form RBRACKET p0=sform p1=sform COLON inv=sform { { asw_test = ((t1, f1), (t2,f2)); asw_pred = (p0, p1); asw_inv = inv; } } rnd_info: | empty { PNoRndParams } | f=sform { PSingleRndParam f } | f=sform g=sform { PTwoRndParams (f, g) } | phi=sform d1=sform d2=sform d3=sform d4=sform p=sform? { PMultRndParams ((phi, d1, d2, d3, d4), p) } swap_info: | s=side? p=swap_pos { s,p } swap_pos: | i1=word i2=word i3=word { SKbase (i1, i2, i3) } | p=sword { SKmove p } | i1=word p=sword { SKmovei (i1, p) } | LBRACKET i1=word DOTDOT i2=word RBRACKET p=sword { SKmoveinter (i1, i2, p) } side: | LBRACE n=word RBRACE { match n with | 1 -> `Left | 2 -> `Right | _ -> parse_error (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) (Some "variable side must be 1 or 2") } occurences: | p=paren(word+) { if List.mem 0 p then parse_error (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) (Some "`0' is not a valid occurence"); p } dbmap1: | f=dbmap_flag? x=dbmap_target { { pht_flag = odfl `Include f; pht_kind = (fst x); pht_name = (snd x); } } %inline dbmap_flag: | PLUS { `Include } | MINUS { `Exclude } %inline dbmap_target: | AT x=uqident { (`Theory, x) } | x=qident { (`Lemma , x) } dbhint: | m=dbmap1 { [m] } | m=paren(dbmap1*) { m } %inline prod_form: | f1=sform f2=sform { (Some f1, Some f2) } | UNDERSCORE f2=sform { (None , Some f2) } | f1=sform UNDERSCORE { (Some f1, None ) } app_bd_info: | empty { PAppNone } | f=sform { PAppSingle f } | TIME co=costs(none) { PAppCost co } | f=prod_form g=prod_form s=sform? { PAppMult (s, fst f, snd f, fst g, snd g) } revert: | cl=ioption(brace(loc(ipcore_name)+)) gp=genpattern* { { pr_clear = odfl [] cl; pr_genp = gp; } } %inline have_or_suff: | HAVE { `Have } | SUFF { `Suff } logtactic: | REFLEX { Preflexivity } | ASSUMPTION { Passumption } | MOVE vw=prefix(SLASH, pterm)* gp=prefix(COLON, revert)? { Pmove { pr_rev = odfl prevert0 gp; pr_view = vw; } } | CLEAR l=loc(ipcore_name)+ { Pclear l } | CONGR { Pcongr } | TRIVIAL { Ptrivial } | SMT pi=smt_info { Psmt pi } | SMT LPAREN dbmap=dbmap1* RPAREN { Psmt (SMT.mk_smt_option [`WANTEDLEMMAS dbmap]) } | SPLIT { Psplit } | FIELD eqs=ident* { Pfield eqs } | RING eqs=ident* { Pring eqs } | ALGNORM { Palg_norm } | EXIST a=iplist1(loc(gpterm_arg), empty) { Pexists a } | LEFT { Pleft } | RIGHT { Pright } | ELIM COLON? e=revert { Pelim (e, None) } | ELIM SLASH p=qident COLON? e=revert { Pelim (e, Some p) } | APPLY { Papply (`Top `Apply, None) } | APPLY e=pterm { Papply (`Apply ([e], `Apply), None) } | APPLY COLON e=pterm rv=revert { Papply (`Apply ([e], `Apply), Some rv) } | APPLY es=prefix(SLASH, pterm)+ { Papply (`Apply (es, `Apply), None) } | APPLY e=pterm IN x=ident { Papply (`ApplyIn (e, x), None) } | APPLY COLON e=pterm rv=revert IN x=ident { Papply (`ApplyIn (e, x), Some rv) } | EXACT { Papply (`Top `Exact, None) } | EXACT e=pterm { Papply (`Apply ([e], `Exact), None) } | EXACT COLON e=pterm rv=revert { Papply (`Apply ([e], `Exact), Some rv) } | EXACT es=prefix(SLASH, pterm)+ { Papply (`Apply (es, `Exact), None) } | l=simplify { Psimplify (mk_simplify l) } | l=cbv { Pcbv (mk_simplify l) } | CHANGE f=sform { Pchange f } | REWRITE a=rwarg+ { Prewrite (a, None) } | REWRITE a=rwarg+ IN x=ident { Prewrite (a, Some x) } | RWNORMAL f=sform WITH ps=qident+ { Prwnormal (f, ps) } | SUBST l=sform* { Psubst l } | m=have_or_suff ip=loc(intro_pattern)* COLON p=form %prec prec_below_IMPL { Pcut (m, ip, p, None) } | m=have_or_suff ip=loc(intro_pattern)* COLON p=form BY t=loc(tactics) { Pcut (m, ip, p, Some t) } | GEN HAVE x=loc(ipcore_name) ip=prefix(COMMA, loc(intro_pattern)*)? COLON ids=loc(ipcore_name)* SLASH f=form %prec prec_below_IMPL { Pgenhave (x, ip, ids, f) } | HAVE ip=loc(intro_pattern)* CEQ fp=pcutdef { Pcutdef (ip, fp) } | INSTANTIATE ip=loc(intro_pattern)* CEQ fp=pcutdef_schema { Pcutdef_sc (ip, fp) } | POSE o=rwocc? x=ident xs=ptybindings? CEQ p=form_h %prec prec_below_IMPL { Ppose (x, odfl [] xs, o, p) } | POSE x=mident { Pmemory x } | WLOG b=boption(SUFF) COLON ids=loc(ipcore_name)* SLASH f=form { Pwlog (ids, b, f) } eager_info: | h=ident { LE_done h } | LPAREN h=ident COLON s1=stmt TILD s2=stmt COLON pr=form LONGARROW po=form RPAREN { LE_todo (h, s1, s2, pr, po) } eager_tac: | SEQ n1=codepos1 n2=codepos1 i=eager_info COLON p=sform { Peager_seq (i, (n1, n2), p) } | IF { Peager_if } | WHILE i=eager_info { Peager_while i } | PROC { Peager_fun_def } | PROC i=eager_info f=sform { Peager_fun_abs (i, f) } | CALL info=gpterm(call_info) { Peager_call info } | info=eager_info COLON p=sform { Peager (info, p) } form_or_double_form: | f=sform { Single f } | LPAREN UNDERSCORE COLON f1=form LONGARROW f2=form RPAREN { Double (f1, f2) } %inline if_cost_option: | CEQ f=sform {f} %inline if_option: | s=option(side) { `Head (s) } | s=option(side) i1=o_codepos1 i2=o_codepos1 COLON f=sform { `Seq (s, (i1, i2), f) } | CEQ f=sform { `Seq (None, (None, None), f) } | s=option(side) i=codepos1? COLON LPAREN UNDERSCORE COLON f1=form LONGARROW f2=form RPAREN { match s with | None -> let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in parse_error loc (Some ( "must provide a side when only one code-position is given")) | Some s -> `SeqOne (s, i, f1, f2) } byequivopt: | b=boption(MINUS) x=lident { match unloc x with | "eq" -> not b | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } inlineopt: | LBRACKET b=boption(MINUS) x=lident RBRACKET { match unloc x with | "tuple" -> `UseTuple (not b) | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } interleavepos: | LBRACKET c=word COLON n=word RBRACKET { c, n } interleave_info: | s=side? c1=interleavepos c2=interleavepos c3=interleavepos* k=word { (s, c1, c2 :: c3, k) } phltactic: | PROC { Pfun `Def } | PROC f=sform { Pfun (`Abs (f, None)) } | PROC f=sform COLON inf=abs_call_info { Pfun (`Abs (f, Some inf)) } | PROC bad=sform p=sform q=sform? { Pfun (`Upto (bad, p, q)) } | PROC STAR { Pfun `Code } | SEQ s=side? d=tac_dir pos=s_codepos1 COLON p=form_or_double_form f=app_bd_info { Papp (s, d, pos, p, f) } | WP n=s_codepos1? { Pwp (n, None) } | WP n=s_codepos1? CEQ f=sform { Pwp (n, Some f) } | SP n=s_codepos1? { Psp n } | SKIP { Pskip } | WHILE s=side? info=while_tac_info { Pwhile (s, info) } | ASYNC WHILE info=async_while_tac_info { Pasyncwhile info } | CALL s=side? info=gpterm(call_info) { Pcall (s, info) } | RCONDT s=side? i=codepos1 cost=option(if_cost_option) { Prcond (s, true, i, cost) } | RCONDF s=side? i=codepos1 cost=option(if_cost_option) { Prcond (s, false, i, cost) } | MATCH c=oident s=side? i=codepos1 { Prmatch (s, unloc c, i) } | IF opt=if_option { Pcond opt } | MATCH s=loc(side?) eq=boption(EQ) { match unloc s, eq with | None , false -> Pmatch (`DSided `ConstrSynced) | None , true -> Pmatch (`DSided `Eq) | Some s, false -> Pmatch (`SSided s) | Some _, true -> parse_error s.pl_loc (Some "cannot give side and '='") } | SWAP info=iplist1(loc(swap_info), COMMA) %prec prec_below_comma { Pswap info } | INTERLEAVE info=loc(interleave_info) { Pinterleave info } | CFOLD s=side? c=codepos NOT n=word { Pcfold (s, c, Some n) } | CFOLD s=side? c=codepos { Pcfold (s, c, None) } | RND s=side? info=rnd_info c=prefix(COLON, semrndpos)? { Prnd (s, c, info) } | RNDSEM s=side? c=codepos1 { Prndsem (s, c) } | INLINE s=side? u=inlineopt? o=occurences? f=plist1(loc(fident), empty) { Pinline (`ByName (s, u, (f, o))) } | INLINE s=side? u=inlineopt? p=codepos { Pinline (`CodePos (s, u, p)) } | INLINE s=side? u=inlineopt? STAR { Pinline (`All (s, u)) } | KILL s=side? o=codepos { Pkill (s, o, Some 1) } | KILL s=side? o=codepos NOT n=word { Pkill (s, o, Some n) } | KILL s=side? o=codepos NOT STAR { Pkill (s, o, None) } | ALIAS s=side? o=codepos { Palias (s, o, None) } | ALIAS s=side? o=codepos WITH x=lident { Palias (s, o, Some x) } | ALIAS s=side? o=codepos x=lident EQ e=expr { Pset (s, o, false, x,e) } | FISSION s=side? o=codepos AT d1=word COMMA d2=word { Pfission (s, o, (1, (d1, d2))) } | FISSION s=side? o=codepos NOT i=word AT d1=word COMMA d2=word { Pfission (s, o, (i, (d1, d2))) } | FUSION s=side? o=codepos AT d1=word COMMA d2=word { Pfusion (s, o, (1, (d1, d2))) } | FUSION s=side? o=codepos NOT i=word AT d1=word COMMA d2=word { Pfusion (s, o, (i, (d1, d2))) } | UNROLL b=boption(FOR) s=side? o=codepos { Punroll (s, o, b) } | SPLITWHILE s=side? o=codepos COLON c=expr %prec prec_tactic { Psplitwhile (c, s, o) } | BYPHOARE info=gpterm(conseq)? { Pbydeno (`PHoare, (mk_rel_pterm info, true, None)) } | BYEQUIV eq=bracket(byequivopt)? info=gpterm(conseq)? { Pbydeno (`Equiv, (mk_rel_pterm info, odfl true eq, None)) } | BYEQUIV eq=bracket(byequivopt)? info=gpterm(conseq)? COLON bad1=sform { Pbydeno (`Equiv, (mk_rel_pterm info, odfl true eq, Some bad1)) } | BYUPTO { Pbyupto } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (None, None, None)) } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? info1=gpterm(conseq_xt) { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (Some info1, None, None)) } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? info1=gpterm(conseq_xt) info2=gpterm(conseq_xt) UNDERSCORE? { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (Some info1, Some info2, None)) } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? info1=gpterm(conseq_xt) UNDERSCORE info3=gpterm(conseq_xt) { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (Some info1, None, Some info3)) } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? info1=gpterm(conseq_xt) info2=gpterm(conseq_xt) info3=gpterm(conseq_xt) { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (Some info1,Some info2,Some info3)) } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? UNDERSCORE info2=gpterm(conseq_xt) UNDERSCORE? { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (None,Some info2, None)) } | CONSEQ cq=cqoptions? UNDERSCORE UNDERSCORE info3=gpterm(conseq_xt) { Pconseq (odfl [] cq, (None,None,Some info3)) } | CONSEQ cm=crushmode { Pconseqauto cm } | ELIM STAR { Phrex_elim } | b=ID(EXIST STAR { false } | EXLIM { true }) l=iplist1(sform, COMMA) %prec prec_below_comma { Phrex_intro (l, b) } | ECALL s=side? x=paren(p=qident tvi=tvars_app? fs=sform* { (p, tvi, fs) }) { Phecall (s, x) } | EXFALSO { Pexfalso } | BYPR { PPr None } | BYPR f1=sform f2=sform { PPr (Some (f1, f2)) } | FEL at_pos=codepos1 cntr=sform delta=sform q=sform f_event=sform some_p=fel_pred_specs inv=sform? { let info = { pfel_cntr = cntr; pfel_asg = delta; pfel_q = q; pfel_event = f_event; pfel_specs = some_p; pfel_inv = inv; } in Pfel (at_pos, info) } | SIM cm=crushmode? info=eqobs_in { Psim (cm, info) } | REPLACE rk=repl_kind h1=repl_hyp h2=repl_hyp { Ptrans_stmt (rk, TFform(fst h1, snd h1, fst h2, snd h2)) } | REPLACE STAR rk=repl_kind { Ptrans_stmt (rk, TFeq) } | TRANSITIVITY tk=trans_kind h1=trans_hyp h2=trans_hyp { Ptrans_stmt (tk, TFform(fst h1, snd h1, fst h2, snd h2)) } | TRANSITIVITY STAR tk=trans_kind { Ptrans_stmt (tk, TFeq) } | SYMMETRY { Psymmetry } | EAGER t=eager_tac { t } | HOARE { Phoare } | PRBOUNDED { Pprbounded } | PHOARE SPLIT i=bdhoare_split { Pbdhoare_split i } | PHOARE EQUIV s=side pr=sform po=sform { Pbd_equiv (s, pr, po) } | AUTO { Pauto } | LOSSLESS { Plossless } bdhoare_split: | b1=sform b2=sform b3=sform? { BDH_split_bop (b1,b2,b3) } | b1=sform b2=sform COLON f=sform { BDH_split_or_case (b1,b2,f) } | NOT b1=sform b2=sform { BDH_split_not (Some b1,b2) } %inline trans_kind: | s=side c=brace(stmt) { TKstmt(s, c) } | f=loc(fident) { TKfun (f) } %inline trans_hyp: | LPAREN p=form LONGARROW q=form RPAREN { (p,q) } %inline repl_kind: | s=side p=im_block BY c=brace(stmt) { TKparsedStmt (s, p, c) } %inline repl_hyp: | h=trans_hyp { h } fel_pred_spec: | f=loc(fident) COLON p=sform { (f, p) } fel_pred_specs: | LBRACKET assoc_ps = plist0(fel_pred_spec, SEMICOLON) RBRACKET {assoc_ps} eqobs_in_pos: | i1=codepos1 i2=codepos1 { (i1, i2) } eqobs_in_eqglob1: | LPAREN mp1= uoption(loc(fident)) TILD mp2= uoption(loc(fident)) COLON geq=form RPAREN {((mp1, mp2),geq) } | LPAREN UNDERSCORE? COLON geq=form RPAREN { ((None,None), geq) } eqobs_in_inv: | SLASH inv=sform { inv } eqobs_in_eqinv: | geqs=eqobs_in_eqglob1* inv=eqobs_in_inv? { (geqs,inv) } eqobs_in_eqpost: | COLON f=sform { f } eqobs_in: | pos=eqobs_in_pos? i=eqobs_in_eqinv p=eqobs_in_eqpost? { { sim_pos = pos; sim_hint = i; sim_eqs = p; } } pgoptionkw: | x=loc(SPLIT) { mk_loc x.pl_loc "split" } | x=loc(SUBST) { mk_loc x.pl_loc "subst" } | x=lident { x } pgoption: | b=boption(MINUS) DELTA { (not b, `Delta None) } | b=boption(MINUS) DELTA COLON SPLIT { (not b, `Delta (Some `Split)) } | b=boption(MINUS) DELTA COLON CASE { (not b, `Delta (Some `Case)) } | b=boption(MINUS) x=pgoptionkw { match unloc x with | "split" -> (not b, `Split) | "solve" -> (not b, `Solve) | "subst" -> (not b, `Subst) | "disjunct" -> (not b, `Disjunctive) | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } %inline pgoptions: | AT? xs=bracket(pgoption+) { xs } cqoptionkw: | x=lident { x } cqoption: | b=boption(MINUS) x=cqoptionkw { match unloc x with | "frame" -> (not b, `Frame) | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } %inline cqoptions: | xs=bracket(cqoption+) { xs } caseoption: | b=boption(MINUS) x=lident { match unloc x with | "ambient" -> (not b, `Ambient) | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } %inline caseoptions: | AT xs=bracket(caseoption+) { xs } %inline do_repeat: | n=word? NOT { (`All, n) } | n=word? QUESTION { (`Maybe, n) } tactic_core_r: | IDTAC { Pidtac None } | IDTAC s=STRING { Pidtac (Some s) } | TRY t=tactic_core { Ptry t } | TRY NOT t=tactic_core { Pnstrict t } | BY t=tactics { Pby (Some t) } | BY bracket(empty) | DONE { Pby None } | SOLVE dp=word? base=option(paren(plist1(lident, COMMA))) { Psolve (dp, base) } | DO r=do_repeat? t=tactic_core { Pdo (odfl (`All, None) r, t) } | LPAREN s=tactics RPAREN { Pseq s } | ADMIT { Padmit } | CASE vw=prefix(SLASH, pterm)* opts=ioption(caseoptions) eq=ioption(postfix(boption(UNDERSCORE), COLON)) gp=revert { Pcase (odfl false eq, odfl [] opts, { pr_view = vw; pr_rev = gp; } ) } | PROGRESS opts=pgoptions? t=tactic_core? { Pprogress (odfl [] opts, t) } | x=logtactic { Plogic x } | x=phltactic { PPhl x } %inline tactic_core: | x=loc(tactic_core_r) { x } tactic_ip: | t=tactic_core %prec prec_below_IMPL { mk_core_tactic t } | t=tactic_core ip=plist1(tactic_genip, empty) { { pt_core = t; pt_intros = ip; } } %inline tactic_genip: | IMPL ip=loc(intro_pattern)+ { `Ip ip } | LEAT gn=revert { `Gen gn } tactic: | t=tactic_ip %prec prec_below_IMPL { t } | t1=tactic_ip ORA t2=tactic { let loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos in mk_core_tactic (mk_loc loc (Por (t1, t2))) } %inline tcfc_1: | i=loc(sword) { if i.pl_desc = 0 then parse_error i.pl_loc (Some "focus-index must be positive"); i.pl_desc } %inline tcfc_rg: | i1=tcfc_1 { (Some i1, Some i1) } | i1=tcfc_1 DOTDOT i2=tcfc_1 { (Some i1, Some i2) } | i1=tcfc_1 DOTDOT { (Some i1, None ) } | DOTDOT i2=tcfc_1 { (None , Some i2) } %inline tcfc_set: | xs=plist1(tcfc_rg, COMMA) { xs } %inline tcfc: | s1=tcfc_set { (Some s1, None) } | s1=tcfc_set? TILD s2=tcfc_set { (s1, Some s2) } tactic_chain_r: | LBRACKET ts=plist1(loc(tactics0), PIPE) RBRACKET { Psubtacs (List.map mk_core_tactic ts) } | LBRACKET ts=plist1(sep(tcfc, COLON, loc(tactics)), PIPE) RBRACKET { let ts = List.map (snd_map mk_tactic_of_tactics) ts in Pfsubtacs (ts, None) } | LBRACKET ts=plist1(sep(tcfc, COLON, loc(tactics)), PIPE) ELSE t=loc(tactics) RBRACKET { let ts = List.map (snd_map mk_tactic_of_tactics) ts in Pfsubtacs (ts, Some (mk_tactic_of_tactics t)) } | FIRST t=loc(tactics) { Pfirst (mk_tactic_of_tactics t, 1) } | LAST t=loc(tactics) { Plast (mk_tactic_of_tactics t, 1) } | FIRST n=word t=loc(tactics) { Pfirst (mk_tactic_of_tactics t, n) } | LAST n=word t=loc(tactics) { Plast (mk_tactic_of_tactics t, n) } | FIRST LAST { Protate (`Left , 1) } | LAST FIRST { Protate (`Right, 1) } | FIRST n=word LAST { Protate (`Left , n) } | LAST n=word FIRST { Protate (`Right, n) } | EXPECT n=word { Pexpect (`None, n) } | EXPECT n=word t=loc(tactics) { Pexpect (`Tactic (mk_tactic_of_tactics t), n) } | EXPECT n=word t=loc(paren(rlist1(tactic_chain_r, SEMICOLON))) { Pexpect (`Chain t, n) } | fc=tcfc COLON t=tactic { Pfocus (t, fc) } tactic_chain: | t=loc(tactic_chain_r) %prec prec_below_IMPL { mk_core_tactic (mk_loc t.pl_loc (Psubgoal (unloc t))) } | t=loc(tactic_chain_r) ip=plist1(tactic_genip, empty) { let t = mk_loc t.pl_loc (Psubgoal (unloc t)) in { pt_core = t; pt_intros = ip; } } subtactic: | t=tactic_chain | t=tactic { t } %inline subtactics: | x=rlist1(subtactic, SEMICOLON) { x } tactics: | t=tactic %prec SEMICOLON { [t] } | t=tactic SEMICOLON ts=subtactics { t :: ts } tactics0: | ts=tactics { Pseq ts } | x=loc(empty) { Pseq [mk_core_tactic (mk_loc x.pl_loc (Pidtac None))] } toptactic: | PLUS t=tactics { t } | STAR t=tactics { t } | MINUS t=tactics { t } | t=tactics { t } tactics_or_prf: | t=toptactic { `Actual t } | p=proof { `Proof p } proof: | PROOF modes=proofmode1* { let seen = Hashtbl.create 0 in List.fold_left (fun pmodes (mode, flag) -> if Hashtbl.mem seen mode then parse_error mode.pl_loc (Some "duplicated flag"); Hashtbl.add seen mode (); match unloc mode with | `Strict -> { pmodes with pm_strict = flag; }) { pm_strict = true; } modes } proofmode1: | b=boption(MINUS) pm=loc(proofmodename) { (pm, not b) } proofmodename: | STRICT { `Strict } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) tcd_toptactic: | t=toptactic { let l1 = $startpos(t) in let l2 = $endpos(t) in if l1.L.pos_fname <> l2.L.pos_fname then parse_error (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) (Some " command cannot span multiple files"); ((l1.L.pos_fname, (l1.L.pos_cnum, l2.L.pos_cnum)), t) } tactic_dump: | DUMP aout=STRING wd=word? t=paren(tcd_toptactic) { let infos = { tcd_source = fst t; tcd_width = wd; tcd_output = aout; } in (infos, snd t) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Theory cloning *) theory_clone: | local=is_local CLONE options=clone_opts? ip=clone_import? x=uqident y=prefix(AS, uident)? cw=clone_with? c=or3(clone_proof, clone_rename, clone_clear)* { let (cp, cr, cl) = List.fold_left (fun (cp, cr, cl) -> function | `Or13 x -> (cp@x, cr, cl) | `Or23 y -> (cp, cr@y, cl) | `Or33 z -> (cp, cr, cl@z)) ([], [], []) c in { pthc_base = x; pthc_name = y; pthc_ext = EcUtils.odfl [] cw; pthc_prf = cp; pthc_rnm = cr; pthc_clears = cl; pthc_opts = odfl [] options; pthc_local = local; pthc_import = ip; } } clone_import: | EXPORT { `Export } | IMPORT { `Import } | INCLUDE { `Include } clone_opt: | b=boption(MINUS) ABSTRACT { (not b, `Abstract) } clone_opts: | xs=bracket(clone_opt+) { xs } clone_with: | WITH x=plist1(clone_override, COMMA) { x } clone_lemma_tag: | x=ident { (`Include, x) } | MINUS x=ident { (`Exclude, x) } clone_lemma_base: | STAR x=bracket(clone_lemma_tag+)? { `All (odfl [] x) } | x=_ident { `Named x } clone_lemma_1_core: | l=genqident(clone_lemma_base) { match unloc l with | (xs, `Named x ) -> `Named (mk_loc l.pl_loc (xs, x), `Alias) | (xs, `All tags) -> begin match List.rev xs with | [] -> `All (None, tags) | x :: xs -> `All (Some (mk_loc l.pl_loc (List.rev xs, x)), tags) end } clone_lemma_1: | cl=clone_lemma_1_core { { pthp_mode = cl; pthp_tactic = None; } } | cl=clone_lemma_1_core BY t=tactic_core { { pthp_mode = cl; pthp_tactic = Some t; } } clone_lemma: | x=plist1(clone_lemma_1, COMMA) { x } clone_proof: | PROOF x=clone_lemma { x } clone_rename_kind: | TYPE { `Type } | OP { `Op } | PRED { `Pred } | LEMMA { `Lemma } | MODULE { `Module } | MODULE TYPE { `ModType } | THEORY { `Theory } clone_rename_1: | k=bracket(plist1(clone_rename_kind, COMMA))? r1=loc(STRING) AS r2=loc(STRING) { (odfl [] k, (r1, r2)) } clone_rename: | RENAME rnm=clone_rename_1+ { rnm } clone_clear_1: | ABBREV qs=qoident+ { List.map (fun x -> (`Abbrev, x)) qs } clone_clear: | REMOVE cl=clone_clear_1+ { List.flatten cl } opclmode: | EQ { `Alias } | LARROW { `Inline `Clear } | LE { `Inline `Keep } cltyparams: | empty { [] } | x=tident { [x] } | xs=paren(plist1(tident, COMMA)) { xs } clone_override: | TYPE ps=cltyparams x=qident mode=opclmode t=loc(type_exp) { (x, PTHO_Type (`BySyntax (ps, t), mode)) } | OP st=nosmt x=qoident tyvars=bracket(tident*)? p=ptybinding1* sty=ioption(prefix(COLON, loc(type_exp))) mode=loc(opclmode) e=expr { let ov = { opov_nosmt = st; opov_tyvars = tyvars; opov_args = List.flatten p; opov_retty = odfl (mk_loc mode.pl_loc PTunivar) sty; opov_body = e; } in (x, PTHO_Op (`BySyntax ov, unloc mode)) } | PRED x=qoident tyvars=bracket(tident*)? p=ptybinding1* mode=loc(opclmode) f=form { let ov = { prov_tyvars = tyvars; prov_args = List.flatten p; prov_body = f; } in (x, PTHO_Pred (`BySyntax ov, unloc mode)) } | AXIOM x=qoident mode=loc(opclmode) y=qoident { x, PTHO_Axiom (y, unloc mode) } | LEMMA x=qoident mode=loc(opclmode) y=qoident { x, PTHO_Axiom (y, unloc mode) } | MODULE x=uqident mode=loc(opclmode) y=uqident { (x, PTHO_Module (y, unloc mode)) } | MODULE TYPE x=uqident mode=loc(opclmode) y=uqident { (x, PTHO_ModTyp (y, unloc mode)) } | THEORY x=uqident mode=loc(opclmode) y=uqident { (x, PTHO_Theory (y, unloc mode)) } realize: | REALIZE x=qident { { pr_name = x; pr_proof = None; } } | REALIZE x=qident BY t=tactics { { pr_name = x; pr_proof = Some (Some t); } } | REALIZE x=qident BY bracket(empty) { { pr_name = x; pr_proof = Some None; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Printing *) print: | qs=qoident { Pr_any qs } | STAR qs=qoident { Pr_any qs } | TYPE qs=qident { Pr_ty qs } | OP qs=qoident { Pr_op qs } | THEORY qs=qident { Pr_th qs } | PRED qs=qoident { Pr_pr qs } | AXIOM qs=qident { Pr_ax qs } | LEMMA qs=qident { Pr_ax qs } | SCHEMA qs=qident { Pr_sc qs } | MODULE qs=qident { Pr_mod qs } | MODULE TYPE qs=qident { Pr_mty qs } | GLOB qs=loc(mod_qident) { Pr_glob qs } | GOAL n=sword { Pr_goal n } | REWRITE qs=qident { Pr_db (`Rewrite qs) } | SOLVE qs=ident { Pr_db (`Solve qs) } smt_info: | li=smt_info1* { SMT.mk_smt_option li} smt_info1: | t=word { `MAXLEMMAS (Some t) } | TIMEOUT EQ t=word { `TIMEOUT t } | p=prover_kind { `PROVER p } | PROVER EQ p=prover_kind { `PROVER p } | DUMP IN EQ file=loc(STRING) { `DUMPIN file } | x=lident po=prefix(EQ, smt_option)? { SMT.mk_pi_option x po } prover_kind1: | l=loc(STRING) { `Only , l } | PLUS l=loc(STRING) { `Include, l } | MINUS l=loc(STRING) { `Exclude, l } prover_kind: | LBRACKET lp=prover_kind1* RBRACKET { lp } %inline smt_option: | n=word { `INT n } | d=dbhint { `DBHINT d } | p=prover_kind { `PROVER p } gprover_info: | PROVER x=smt_info { x } | TIMEOUT t=word { { empty_pprover with pprov_timeout = Some t; } } | TIMEOUT STAR t=word { { empty_pprover with pprov_cpufactor = Some t; } } addrw: | local=is_local HINT REWRITE p=lqident COLON l=lqident* { (local, p, l) } hint: | local=is_local HINT EXACT base=lident? COLON l=qident* { { ht_local = local; ht_prio = 0; ht_base = base ; ht_names = l; } } | local=is_local HINT SOLVE i=word base=lident? COLON l=qident* { { ht_local = local; ht_prio = i; ht_base = base ; ht_names = l; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* User reduction *) reduction: | HINT SIMPLIFY opt=bracket(user_red_option*)? xs=plist1(user_red_info, COMMA) { (odfl [] opt, xs) } user_red_info: | x=qident i=prefix(AT, word)? { ([x], i) } | xs=paren(plist1(qident, COMMA)) i=prefix(AT, word)? { (xs, i) } user_red_option: | x=lident { match unloc x with | "reduce" -> `Delta | "eqtrue" -> `EqTrue | _ -> parse_error x.pl_loc (Some ("invalid option: " ^ (unloc x))) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Search pattern *) %inline search: x=sform_h { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Global entries *) global_action: | theory_open { GthOpen $1 } | theory_close { GthClose $1 } | theory_require { GthRequire $1 } | theory_import { GthImport $1 } | theory_export { GthExport $1 } | theory_clone { GthClone $1 } | theory_clear { GthClear $1 } | module_import { GModImport $1 } | section_open { GsctOpen $1 } | section_close { GsctClose $1 } | mod_def_or_decl { Gmodule $1 } | sig_def { Ginterface $1 } | typedecl { Gtype $1 } | typeclass { Gtypeclass $1 } | tycinstance { Gtycinstance $1 } | operator { Goperator $1 } | predicate { Gpredicate $1 } | notation { Gnotation $1 } | abbreviation { Gabbrev $1 } | reduction { Greduction $1 } | axiom { Gaxiom $1 } | tactics_or_prf { Gtactics $1 } | tactic_dump { Gtcdump $1 } | x=loc(realize) { Grealize x } | gprover_info { Gprover_info $1 } | addrw { Gaddrw $1 } | hint { Ghint $1 } | x=loc(proofend) { Gsave x } | PRINT p=print { Gprint p } | SEARCH x=search+ { Gsearch x } | LOCATE x=qident { Glocate x } | WHY3 x=STRING { GdumpWhy3 x } | PRAGMA x=pragma { Gpragma x } | PRAGMA PLUS x=pragma { Goption (x, `Bool true ) } | PRAGMA MINUS x=pragma { Goption (x, `Bool false) } | PRAGMA x=pragma EQ i=sword { Goption (x, `Int i) } pragma_r: | x=plist1(_lident, COLON) { String.concat ":" x } | u=_uident COLON x=plist1(_lident, COLON) { String.concat ":" (u :: x) } pragma: | x=loc(pragma_r) { x } stop: | EOF { } | DROP DOT { } global: | db=debug_global? g=global_action ep=FINAL { let lc = EcLocation.make $startpos ep in { gl_action = EcLocation.mk_loc lc g; gl_debug = db; } } debug_global: | TIME { `Timed } | DEBUG { `Break } prog_r: | g=global { P_Prog ([g], false) } | stop { P_Prog ([ ], true ) } | UNDO d=word FINAL { P_Undo d } | EXIT FINAL { P_Exit } | error { parse_error (EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos) None } prog: | x=loc(prog_r) { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline plist0(X, S): | aout=separated_list(S, X) { aout } iplist1_r(X, S): | x=X { [x] } | xs=iplist1_r(X, S) S x=X { x :: xs } %inline iplist1(X, S): | xs=iplist1_r(X, S) { List.rev xs } %inline plist1(X, S): | aout=separated_nonempty_list(S, X) { aout } %inline plist2(X, S): | x=X S xs=plist1(X, S) { x :: xs } %inline list2(X): | x=X xs=X+ { x :: xs } %inline empty: | /**/ { () } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) __rlist1(X, S): (* left-recursive *) | x=X { [x] } | xs=__rlist1(X, S) S x=X { x :: xs } %inline rlist0(X, S): | /* empty */ { [] } | xs=rlist1(X, S) { xs } %inline rlist1(X, S): | xs=__rlist1(X, S) { List.rev xs } %inline rlist2(X, S): | xs=__rlist1(X, S) S x=X { List.rev (x :: xs) } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline paren(X): | LPAREN x=X RPAREN { x } %inline brace(X): | LBRACE x=X RBRACE { x } %inline bracket(X): | LBRACKET x=X RBRACKET { x } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline seq(X, Y): | x=X y=Y { (x, y) } %inline prefix(S, X): | S x=X { x } %inline postfix(X, S): | x=X S { x } %inline sep(S1, X, S2): | x=S1 X y=S2 { (x, y) } %inline either(X, Y): | X {} | Y {} (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) or3(X, Y, Z): | x=X { `Or13 x } | y=Y { `Or23 y } | z=Z { `Or33 z } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline loc(X): | x=X { { pl_desc = x; pl_loc = EcLocation.make $startpos $endpos; } } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline iboption(X): | X { true } | { false } %inline uoption(X): | x=X { Some x } | UNDERSCORE { None } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline ior_(X, Y): | x=X { `Left x } | y=Y { `Right y } (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) %inline ID(X): | x=X { x }