import { animate, state, style, trigger, transition } from '@angular/animations'; import { Component, EventEmitter, HostBinding, Inject, Input, OnInit, Output } from '@angular/core'; import { CurrentDateToken } from 'app/shared/current-date'; import { WindowToken } from 'app/shared/window'; const LOCAL_STORAGE_NAMESPACE = 'aio-notification/'; @Component({ selector: 'aio-notification', templateUrl: 'notification.component.html', animations: [ trigger('hideAnimation', [ state('show', style({height: '*'})), state('hide', style({height: 0})), // this should be kept in sync with the animation durations in: // - aio/src/styles/2-modules/_notification.scss // - aio/src/app/app.component.ts : notificationDismissed() transition('show => hide', animate(250)) ]) ] }) export class NotificationComponent implements OnInit { private get localStorage() { return this.window.localStorage; } @Input() icon: string; @Input() iconLabel: string; @Input() buttonText: string; @Input() actionUrl: string; @Input() notificationId: string; @Input() expirationDate: string; @Output() dismissed = new EventEmitter(); @HostBinding('@hideAnimation') showNotification: 'show'|'hide'; constructor( @Inject(WindowToken) private window: Window, @Inject(CurrentDateToken) private currentDate: Date ) {} ngOnInit() { const previouslyHidden = this.localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_NAMESPACE + this.notificationId) === 'hide'; const expired = this.currentDate > new Date(this.expirationDate); this.showNotification = previouslyHidden || expired ? 'hide' : 'show'; } dismiss() { this.localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_NAMESPACE + this.notificationId, 'hide'); this.showNotification = 'hide';; } }