// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // #ifndef _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // "secure" CRT not available on all platforms --add this at the top of all CPP files that give "function or variable may be unsafe" warnings #endif #define _CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE // make VS accept POSIX functions without _ #include "Basics.h" #define FORMAT_SPECIALIZE // to get the specialized version of the format routines #include "File.h" #include "Config.h" #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #define NOMINMAX #include "Windows.h" #ifndef CNTK_UWP #include #endif #include #pragma comment(lib, "Shlwapi.lib") #endif #ifdef __unix__ #include #include // for PATH_MAX #endif #define PCLOSE_ERROR -1 #define WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE (1024 * 1024) #include #include "half.hpp" namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { // File creation // filename - the path // fileOptions - options to open the file File::File(const std::wstring& filename, int fileOptions) { Init(filename.c_str(), fileOptions); } File::File(const std::string& filename, int fileOptions) { // this converts from string to wstring, and then to wchar_t* Init(Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(filename).c_str(), fileOptions); } File::File(const wchar_t* filename, int fileOptions) { Init(filename, fileOptions); } template static bool IsNonFilePath(const String& filename) { return filename.front() == '|' || // "| command": output pipe filename.back() == '|' || // "command |": input pipe (filename.size() == 1 && filename[0] == '-'); // "-": stdin/stdout } // test if a file exists // If the pathname is a pipe, it is considered to exist. template /*static*/ bool File::Exists(const String& filename) { return IsNonFilePath(filename) || fexists(filename); } template /*static*/ bool File::Exists (const string& filename); template /*static*/ bool File::Exists(const wstring& filename); template /*static*/ void File::MakeIntermediateDirs(const String& filename) { if (!IsNonFilePath(filename)) msra::files::make_intermediate_dirs(filename); } //template /*static*/ void File::MakeIntermediateDirs (const string& filename); // implement this if needed template /*static*/ void File::MakeIntermediateDirs(const wstring& filename); // all constructors call this void File::Init(const wchar_t* filename, int fileOptions) { m_filename = filename; m_options = fileOptions; if (m_filename.empty()) RuntimeError("File: filename is empty"); const auto outputPipe = (m_filename.front() == '|'); const auto inputPipe = (m_filename.back() == '|'); // translate the options string into a string for fopen() const auto reading = !!(fileOptions & fileOptionsRead); const auto writing = !!(fileOptions & fileOptionsWrite); const auto appending = !!(fileOptions & fileOptionsAppend); if (!reading && !writing && !appending) RuntimeError("File: either fileOptionsRead or fileOptionsWrite or fileOptionsAppend must be specified"); // convert fileOptions to fopen()'s mode string wstring options = reading ? L"r" : L""; if (writing || appending) { // if we already are reading the file, change to read/write or append options.clear(); options.append(writing ? L"w" : L"a"); if (!outputPipe && m_filename != L"-") { options.append(L"+"); msra::files::make_intermediate_dirs(m_filename.c_str()); // writing to regular file -> also create the intermediate directories as a convenience } } if (fileOptions & fileOptionsBinary) options += L"b"; else options += L"t"; // add sequential flag to allocate big read buffer if (fileOptions & fileOptionsSequential) options += L"S"; // now open the file // Special path syntax understood here: // - "-" refers to stdin or stdout // - "|cmd" writes to a pipe // - "cmd|" reads from a pipe m_pcloseNeeded = false; m_seekable = false; if (m_filename == L"-") // stdin/stdout { if (writing && reading) RuntimeError("File: cannot specify fileOptionsRead and fileOptionsWrite at once with path '-'"); m_file = writing ? stdout : stdin; } else if (outputPipe || inputPipe) // pipe syntax { #ifdef CNTK_UWP RuntimeError("File: pipes are not supported in UWP"); #else if (inputPipe && outputPipe) RuntimeError("File: pipes cannot specify fileOptionsRead and fileOptionsWrite at once"); if (inputPipe != reading) RuntimeError("File: pipes must use consistent fileOptionsRead/fileOptionsWrite"); const auto command = inputPipe ? m_filename.substr(0, m_filename.size() - 1) : m_filename.substr(1); m_file = _wpopen(command.c_str(), options.c_str()); if (!m_file) RuntimeError("File: error exexuting pipe command '%S': %s", command.c_str(), strerror(errno)); m_pcloseNeeded = true; #endif } else attempt([=]() // regular file: use a retry loop { m_file = fopenOrDie(filename, options.c_str()); m_seekable = true; }); } // determine the directory for a given pathname // (wstring only for now; feel free to make this a template if needed) /*static*/ wstring File::DirectoryPathOf(wstring path) { #ifdef _WIN32 // Win32 accepts forward slashes, but it seems that PathRemoveFileSpec() does not // TODO: // "PathCchCanonicalize does the / to \ conversion as a part of the canonicalization, it's // probably a good idea to do that anyway since I suspect that the '..' characters might // confuse the other PathCch functions" [Larry Osterman] // "Consider GetFullPathName both for canonicalization and last element finding." [Jay Krell] path = msra::strfun::ReplaceAll(path, L"/", L"\\"); HRESULT hr; #ifdef CNTK_UWP // UWP-TODO: find a replacement for PathRemoveFileSpec RuntimeError("Not supported for UWP"); #else if (IsWindows8OrGreater()) // PathCchRemoveFileSpec() only available on Windows 8+ { typedef HRESULT(*PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc)(_Inout_updates_(_Inexpressible_(cchPath)) PWSTR, _In_ size_t); HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll")); if (hinstLib == nullptr) RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: LoadLibrary() unexpectedly failed."); PathCchRemoveFileSpecProc PathCchRemoveFileSpec = reinterpret_cast(GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "PathCchRemoveFileSpec")); if (!PathCchRemoveFileSpec) RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: GetProcAddress() unexpectedly failed."); // this is the actual function call we care about hr = PathCchRemoveFileSpec(&path[0], path.size()); FreeLibrary(hinstLib); } else // on Windows 7-, use older PathRemoveFileSpec() instead hr = PathRemoveFileSpec(&path[0]) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; #endif if (hr == S_OK) // done path.resize(wcslen(&path[0])); else if (hr == S_FALSE) // nothing to remove: use . path = L"."; else RuntimeError("DirectoryPathOf: Path(Cch)RemoveFileSpec() unexpectedly failed with 0x%08x.", (unsigned int)hr); #else auto pos = path.find_last_of(L"/"); if (pos != path.npos) path.erase(pos); else // if no directory path at all, use current directory return L"."; #endif return path; } // determine the file name for a given pathname // (wstring only for now; feel free to make this a template if needed) /*static*/ wstring File::FileNameOf(wstring path) { #ifdef WIN32 static const wstring delim = L"\\:/"; #else static const wstring delim = L"/"; #endif auto pos = path.find_last_of(delim); if (pos != path.npos) return path.substr(pos + 1); else // no directory path return path; } // get path of current executable /*static*/ wstring File::GetExecutablePath() { #ifdef WIN32 wchar_t path[33000]; if (GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, _countof(path)) == 0) LogicError("GetExecutablePath: GetModuleFileNameW() unexpectedly failed."); return path; #else // from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4025370/can-an-executable-discover-its-own-path-linux pid_t pid = getpid(); char path[PATH_MAX + 1] = { 0 }; sprintf(path, "/proc/%d/exe", pid); char dest[PATH_MAX + 1] = { 0 }; if (readlink(path, dest, PATH_MAX) == -1) RuntimeError("GetExecutableDirectory: readlink() call failed."); else return Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(dest); #endif } // skip to given delimiter character void File::SkipToDelimiter(int delim) { int ch = 0; while (ch != delim) { ch = fgetc(m_file); if (feof(m_file)) { printf("Unexpected end of file\n"); LogicError("Unexpected end of file\n"); } } } bool File::IsTextBased() { return !!(m_options & fileOptionsText); } // File Destructor // closes the file // Note: this does not check for errors when the File corresponds to pipe stream. In this case, use Flush() before closing a file you are writing. File::~File(void) { int rc = 0; if (m_pcloseNeeded) { #ifdef CNTK_UWP assert(false); // cannot happen #else rc = _pclose(m_file); if ((rc == PCLOSE_ERROR) && !std::uncaught_exception()) { RuntimeError("File: failed to close file at %S", m_filename.c_str()); } #endif } else if (m_file != stdin && m_file != stdout && m_file != stderr) { rc = fclose(m_file); if ((rc != FCLOSE_SUCCESS) && !std::uncaught_exception()) { RuntimeError("File: failed to close file at %S", m_filename.c_str()); } } } void File::Flush() { fflushOrDie(m_file); } // read a line // End of line is denoted by one of these, i.e. we don't support the old Mac OS convention of CR // - LF // - CR+LF // - EOF static bool fgetc(char& c, FILE * f) { int ci = getc(f); c = (char) ci; return ci != EOF; } static inline bool BeginsWithUnicodeBOM(const char * s) { return ((unsigned char)s[0] == 0xEF && (unsigned char)s[1] == 0xBB && (unsigned char)s[2] == 0xBF); } // read a 8-bit string until newline is hit template static void fgets(STRING & s, FILE * f) { s.resize(0); char c; while (fgetc(c, f)) { if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') { if (c == '\r' && (!fgetc(c, f) || c != '\n')) RuntimeError("fgets: malformed text file, CR without LF"); break; } s.push_back(c); // strip Unicode BOM // We strip it from any string, not just at the start. // This allows to UNIX-'cat' multiple UTF-8 files with BOMs. // Since the BOM is otherwise invalid within a file, this is well-defined and upwards compatible. if (s.size() == 3 && BeginsWithUnicodeBOM(s.c_str())) s.clear(); } } // GetLine - get a line from the file // str - string void File::GetLine(string& str) { fgets(str, m_file); } static void PushBackString(vector& lines, const string& s) { lines.push_back(s); } static void PushBackString(vector& lines, string& s) { lines.push_back(Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(s)); } // GetLines - get all lines from a file template static void FileGetLines(File& file, /*out*/ std::vector& lines) { lines.clear(); string line; while (!file.IsEOF()) { file.GetLine(line); PushBackString(lines, line); } } void File::GetLines(std::vector& lines) { FileGetLines(*this, lines); }; void File::GetLines(std::vector& lines) { FileGetLines(*this, lines); } // Put a zero/space terminated wstring into a file // val - value to write to the file File& File::operator<<(const std::wstring& val) { WriteString(val.c_str()); return *this; } // Put a zero/space terminated string into a file // val - value to write to the file File& File::operator<<(const std::string& val) { WriteString(val.c_str()); return *this; } // Put a marker in the file, the marker depends on the file type // marker - marker to place in the file File& File::operator<<(FileMarker marker) { File& file = *this; switch (marker) { case fileMarkerBeginFile: // beginning of file marker // TODO: why not write a BOM? break; case fileMarkerEndFile: // end of file marker // use ^Z for end of file for text files // TODO: What?? if (m_options & fileOptionsText) file << char(26); break; case fileMarkerBeginList: // Beginning of list marker // no marker written for either break; case fileMarkerListSeparator: // separate elements of a list // do nothing for now, built in space deliminter for all types (before type) // future: make this customizable, so you can specify a separator (i.e. ',') break; case fileMarkerEndList: // end of line/list marker if (m_options & fileOptionsText) file.WriteString("\r\n"); break; case fileMarkerBeginSection: // beginning of section case fileMarkerEndSection: // end of section assert(false); // sections should use a string modifier break; } return file; } // PutMarker for beginning of list support (lists with a count) // count - [in] the number of elements in the list File& File::PutMarker(FileMarker marker, size_t count) { assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginList); marker; // only beginning of list supported for count markers *this << count; return *this; } // PutMarker for section beginning and ending tags // section - [in]name of section File& File::PutMarker(FileMarker marker, const std::string& section) { File& file = *this; // only the section markers take a string parameter assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginSection || marker == fileMarkerEndSection); marker; file << section; return file; } // PutMarker for section beginning and ending tags // section - [in]name of section File& File::PutMarker(FileMarker marker, const std::wstring& section) { File& file = *this; // only the section markers take a string parameter assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginSection || marker == fileMarkerEndSection); marker; file << section; return file; } // Get a zero terminated wstring from a file // val - value to read from the file File& File::operator>>(std::wstring& val) { if (IsTextBased()) val = fgetwtoken(m_file); else val = fgetwstring(m_file); return *this; } // Get a zero terminated string from a file // val - value to read from the file File& File::operator>>(std::string& val) { if (IsTextBased()) val = fgettoken(m_file); else val = fgetstring(m_file); return *this; } // ReadChars - read a specified number of characters, and reset read pointer if requested // val - [in,out] return value will be returned here // cnt - number of characters to read // reset - reset the read pointer void File::ReadChars(std::string& val, size_t cnt, bool reset) { size_t pos = 0; // (initialize to keep compiler happy) if (reset) pos = GetPosition(); val.resize(cnt); char* str = const_cast(val.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) *this >> str[i]; if (reset) SetPosition(pos); } // ReadChars - read a specified number of characters, and reset read pointer if requested // val - [in,out] return value will be returned here // cnt - number of characters to read // reset - reset the read pointer void File::ReadChars(std::wstring& val, size_t cnt, bool reset) { size_t pos = 0; // (initialize to keep compiler happy) if (reset) pos = GetPosition(); val.resize(cnt); wchar_t* str = const_cast(val.c_str()); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i) *this >> str[i]; if (reset) SetPosition(pos); } // WriteString - outputs a string into the file // str - the string to output // size - size of the string to output, if zero null terminated void File::WriteString(const char* str, int size) { if (size > 0) { fwprintf(m_file, L" %.*hs", size, str); } else { if (IsTextBased()) fwprintf(m_file, L" %hs", str); else fputstring(m_file, str); } } // ReadString - reads a string into the file // str - the string buffer to read the string into // size - size of the string buffer incl. zero terminator (we fail if input is too long) void File::ReadString(char* str, int size) { if (IsTextBased()) { fgettoken(m_file, str, size); if (BeginsWithUnicodeBOM(str)) for (; str[3]; str++) str[0] = str[3]; // delete it from start of line } else fgetstring(m_file, str, size); } // WriteString - outputs a string into the file // if writing to text based file and spaces are embedded, writes quotes around string // BUGBUG: This should be consistent between char and wchar_t versions // str - the string to output // size - size of the string to output, if zero null terminated void File::WriteString(const wchar_t* str, int size) { #ifdef EMBEDDED_SPACES // start of implementation of embedded space support with quoting // not complete, not sure if we need it bool spacefound = false; wchar_t quote = 0; if (IsTextBased()) { // search for embedded spaces and quotes wstring searchString = L" \"'~"; const wchar_t* result = NULL; while (result = wcspbrk(str, searchString.c_str())) { if (IsWhiteSpace(*result)) spacefound = true; searchString.find(*result, 0); } } #endif if (size > 0) { fwprintf(m_file, L" %.*ls", size, str); } else { if (IsTextBased()) fwprintf(m_file, L" %ls", str); else fputstring(m_file, str); } } // ReadString - reads a string from the file // str - the string buffer to read the string into // size - size of the string string buffer void File::ReadString(wchar_t* str, int size) { if (IsTextBased()) fgettoken(m_file, str, size); else fgetstring(m_file, str, size); } // IsUnicodeBOM - is the next characters the Unicode Byte Order Mark? // skip - skip the BOM mark if found (defaults to false) // returns - true if on a unicode BOM bool File::IsUnicodeBOM(bool skip) { File& file = *this; uint64_t pos = GetPosition(); // Note: This is where we will fail for non-seekable streams. // if we aren't at the beginning of the file, it can't be the byte order mark if (pos != 0) return false; // only exists for UNICODE files bool found = false; if (m_options & fileOptionsText) { char val[3] = { 0 }; for (size_t i = 0; i < _countof(val) && !file.IsEOF(); i++) val[i] = (char) getc(m_file); found = BeginsWithUnicodeBOM(val); } // restore pointer if no BOM or we aren't skipping it if (!found || !skip) { SetPosition(pos); } return found; } //Size - return the size of the file // WARNING: calling this will reset the EOF marker, so do so with care size_t File::Size() { if (!CanSeek()) RuntimeError("File: attempted to get Size() on non-seekable stream"); return filesize(m_file); } // IsEOF - if we have read past the end of the file // return - true if end of file has been found bool File::IsEOF() { return !!feof(m_file); } // IsWhiteSpace - are the next characters whitespace (space, \t, \r, \n, etc.)? // skip - skip the whitespace if found (defaults to false) // returns - true if whitespace found // TODO: This function actually consumes the white-space characters. Document that behavior. bool File::IsWhiteSpace(bool skip) { bool spaceFound = false; bool spaceCur = false; int c; do { c = fgetc(m_file); if (c == EOF) // hit the end return spaceFound; spaceCur = !!isspace(c); spaceFound = spaceFound || spaceCur; } while (spaceCur && skip); // put back the last character (EOF is ignored) ungetc(c, m_file); return spaceFound; } // EndOfLineOrEOF - are the next characters an end of line sequence ('\r\n') possibly preceeded by (space, \t)? EOF detected too // skip - skip the end of line if found (defaults to false) // returns - true if end of line found, EOF if end of file found, or false if nothing found, in which case any leading space will have been stripped int File::EndOfLineOrEOF(bool skip) { if (IsTextBased()) return fskipNewline(m_file, skip); else return false; } // Buffer write stream int File::Setvbuf() { return setvbuf(this->m_file, NULL, _IOFBF, WRITE_BUFFER_SIZE); } // Get a marker from the file // some are ignored others are expecting characters // must use GetMarker methods for those that require parameters File& File::operator>>(FileMarker marker) { File& file = *this; switch (marker) { case fileMarkerBeginFile: // beginning of file marker // check for Unicode BOM marker if (IsTextBased() && CanSeek()) // files from a pipe cannot begin with Unicode BOM, sorry IsUnicodeBOM(true); break; case fileMarkerEndFile: // end of file marker, should we throw if it's not the end of the file? if (!IsEOF()) RuntimeError("fileMarkerEndFile not found"); break; case fileMarkerBeginList: // Beginning of list marker // no marker written unless an list with a count header break; case fileMarkerListSeparator: // separate elements of a list // do nothing for now, built in space deliminter for all types (before type) // future: make this customizable, so you can specify a separator (i.e. ',') break; case fileMarkerEndList: // end of line/list marker if (IsTextBased()) { int found = EndOfLineOrEOF(true); if (found != (int) true) // EOF can also be returned RuntimeError("Newline not found"); } break; case fileMarkerBeginSection: // beginning of section case fileMarkerEndSection: // end of section assert(false); // sections should use a string modifier break; } return file; } // Get a marker from the file // some are ignored others are expecting characters // must use GetMarker methods for those that require parameters // This function will fail for non-seekable streams. bool File::IsMarker(FileMarker marker, bool skip) { bool retval = false; switch (marker) { case fileMarkerBeginFile: // beginning of file marker // check for Unicode BOM marker retval = IsUnicodeBOM(skip); break; case fileMarkerEndFile: // end of file marker, should we throw if it's not the end of the file? retval = IsEOF(); break; case fileMarkerBeginList: // Beginning of list marker // no marker written unless an list with a count header // should we try to validate BOL header (just know it's an int, not negative, etc.) break; case fileMarkerListSeparator: // separate elements of a list // do nothing for now, built in space deliminter for all types (before type) // future: make this customizable, so you can specify a separator (i.e. ',') break; case fileMarkerEndList: // end of line/list marker if (IsTextBased()) { int eolSeen = false; eolSeen = EndOfLineOrEOF(skip); retval = (eolSeen == (int) true); } break; case fileMarkerBeginSection: // beginning of section case fileMarkerEndSection: // end of section // can't destinquish from a string currently break; } return retval; } // GetMarker for beginning of list support (lists with a count) // count - [out] returns the number of elements in the list File& File::GetMarker(FileMarker marker, size_t& count) { assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginList); marker; // only beginning of list supported for count file markers // use text based try, so it can fail without an exception if (IsTextBased()) ftrygetText(m_file, count); else fget(m_file, count); return *this; } // GetMarker for section beginning and ending tags // section - [in]name of section that is expected File& File::GetMarker(FileMarker marker, const std::string& section) { // only the section markers take a string parameter assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginSection || marker == fileMarkerEndSection); marker; string str; *this >> str; if (str != section) RuntimeError("section name mismatch %s != %s", str.c_str(), section.c_str()); return *this; } // GetMarker for section beginning and ending tags // section - [in]name of section that is expected File& File::GetMarker(FileMarker marker, const std::wstring& section) { // only the section markers take a string parameter assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginSection || marker == fileMarkerEndSection); marker; wstring str; *this >> str; if (str != section) RuntimeError("section name mismatch %ls != %ls", str.c_str(), section.c_str()); return *this; } // TryGetMarker for section beginning and ending tags // section - [in]name of section that is expected bool File::TryGetMarker(FileMarker marker, const std::wstring& section) { // only the section markers take a string parameter assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginSection || marker == fileMarkerEndSection); marker; size_t pos = GetPosition(); std::wstring str; try { *this >> str; if (str == section) return true; } catch (...) { // eat } SetPosition(pos); return false; } // TryGetMarker for section beginning and ending tags // section - [in]name of section that is expected bool File::TryGetMarker(FileMarker marker, const std::string& section) { // only the section markers take a string parameter assert(marker == fileMarkerBeginSection || marker == fileMarkerEndSection); marker; size_t pos = GetPosition(); std::string str; try { *this >> str; if (str == section) return true; } catch (...) { return false; } SetPosition(pos); return false; } // GetPosition - Get position in a file uint64_t File::GetPosition() { if (!CanSeek()) RuntimeError("File: attempted to GetPosition() on non-seekable stream"); return fgetpos(m_file); } // Set the position in the file // pos - position in the file void File::SetPosition(uint64_t pos) { if (!CanSeek()) RuntimeError("File: attempted to SetPosition() on non-seekable stream"); fsetpos(m_file, pos); } // helper to load a matrix from a stream (file or string literal) // The input string is expected to contain one line per matrix row (natural printing order for humans). // Inputs: // - getLineFn: a lambda that fills a string with the next input line (=next matrix row) // The lambda returns an empty string to denote the end. // Outputs: // - numRows, numCols: matrix dimensions inferred from newlines // - array: matrix values in column-major order (ready for SetValue()) template static void LoadMatrixFromLambda(const F& getLineFn, const wstring& locationForMsg, vector& array, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols) { // load matrix into vector of vectors (since we don't know the size in advance) vector vec; std::vector> elements; size_t numColsInFirstRow = 0; std::string line; for(;;) { // get next input line getLineFn(line); if (line.empty()) break; // tokenize and parse vec.clear(); const char * p = line.c_str(); for (;;) { while (isspace((unsigned char)*p)) p++; if (!*p) break; char* ep; // will be set to point to first character that failed parsing double value = strtod(p, &ep); if (*ep != 0 && !isspace((unsigned char)*ep)) RuntimeError("LoadMatrixFromTextFile: Malformed number '%.15s...' in row %d of %ls", p, (int)elements.size(), locationForMsg.c_str()); p = ep; vec.push_back((ElemType)value); } size_t numElementsInRow = vec.size(); if (elements.empty()) numColsInFirstRow = numElementsInRow; else if (numElementsInRow != numColsInFirstRow) RuntimeError("Row %d has column dimension %d, inconsistent with previous dimension %d: %ls", (int)elements.size(), (int)numElementsInRow, (int)numColsInFirstRow, locationForMsg.c_str()); elements.push_back(vec); } numRows = elements.size(); numCols = numColsInFirstRow; // Perform transpose when copying elements from vectors to ElemType[], // in order to store in column-major format. array.resize(numRows * numCols); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) for (int j = 0; j < numRows; j++) array[i * numRows + j] = elements[j][i]; } // Load matrix from file. The file is a simple text file consisting of one line per matrix row, where each line contains the elements of the row separated by white space. template /*static*/ vector File::LoadMatrixFromTextFile(const std::wstring& filePath, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols) { File myfile(filePath, FileOptions::fileOptionsText | FileOptions::fileOptionsRead); // LoadMatrixFromLambda() reads its input lines from the following lambda // return the next input line, or empty string when the end is reached auto getLineFn = [&](string& line) { while (!myfile.IsEOF()) { myfile.GetLine(line); if (!line.empty()) return; // got the next line to return // End of file manifests as an empty line at the end. // Also, we allow empty lines within the file, as that may help to visually structure matrices that really are >2D tensors. } line.clear(); // empty line indicates end of file }; vector array; LoadMatrixFromLambda(getLineFn, filePath, array, numRows, numCols); return array; } // Load matrix from file. The file is a simple text file consisting of one line per matrix row, where each line contains the elements of the row separated by white space. template /*static*/ vector File::LoadMatrixFromStringLiteral(const std::string& literal, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols) { // LoadMatrixFromLambda() reads its input lines from the following lambda // return the next input line, or empty string when the end is reached size_t pos = 0; // cursor for traversing the string. The lambda takes this by reference and modifies it. auto getLineFn = [&](string& line) { // find first non-blank character of line pos = literal.find_first_not_of(" \r\n", pos); // skip previous line end and any leading spaces if (pos == string::npos) return line.clear(); // hit the end: return empty line // find end of line auto endPos = literal.find_first_of("\r\n", pos + 1); // find line end if (endPos == string::npos) endPos = literal.size(); // no LF required at very end, so that it looks pretty in BS source code line = literal.substr(pos, endPos - pos); pos = endPos; // and advance cursor (we position it on the LF, which is skipped in next round) return; }; vector array; LoadMatrixFromLambda(getLineFn, L"string literal", array, numRows, numCols); return array; } template vector File::LoadMatrixFromTextFile (const std::wstring& filePath, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols); template vector File::LoadMatrixFromTextFile(const std::wstring& filePath, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols); template vector File::LoadMatrixFromTextFile(const std::wstring& filePath, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols); template vector File::LoadMatrixFromStringLiteral (const std::string& literal, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols); template vector File::LoadMatrixFromStringLiteral(const std::string& literal, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols); template vector File::LoadMatrixFromStringLiteral(const std::string& literal, size_t& /*out*/ numRows, size_t& /*out*/ numCols); #ifndef CNTK_COMPONENT_VERSION #error CNTK_COMPONENT_VERSION must be set #endif // Note: this is a map that transfers the old reader and writer names to // the new naming scheme static const std::unordered_map s_deprecatedReaderWriterNameMap = { // legacy reader mapping { L"HTKMLFReader", L"Cntk.Reader.HTKMLF" }, { L"LMSequenceReader", L"Cntk.Reader.LMSequence" }, { L"LUSequenceReader", L"Cntk.Reader.LUSequence" }, { L"UCIFastReader", L"Cntk.Reader.UCIFast" }, { L"LibSVMBinaryReader", L"Cntk.Reader.SVMBinary" }, { L"SparsePCReader", L"Cntk.Reader.SparsePC" }, { L"Kaldi2Reader", L"Cntk.Reader.Kaldi2" }, { L"BinaryReader", L"Cntk.Reader.Binary" }, // legacy writer mapping { L"HTKMLFWriter", L"Cntk.Reader.HTKMLF" }, { L"BinaryWriter", L"Cntk.Reader.Binary" }, { L"LUSequenceWriter", L"Cntk.Reader.LUSequence" }, { L"LMSequenceWriter", L"Cntk.Reader.LMSequence" }, { L"Kaldi2Writer", L"Cntk.Reader.Kaldi2" }, // New type of readers/writers { L"CompositeDataReader", L"Cntk.Composite" }, { L"HTKDeserializers", L"Cntk.Deserializers.HTK" }, { L"CNTKTextFormatReader", L"Cntk.Deserializers.TextFormat" }, { L"CNTKBinaryReader", L"Cntk.Deserializers.Binary" }, { L"ImageReader", L"Cntk.Deserializers.Image" }, // Image writer { L"ImageWriter", L"Cntk.DelayLoadedExtensions" }, }; #ifdef _WIN32 FARPROC Plugin::LoadInternal(const std::wstring& plugin, const std::string& proc, bool isCNTKPlugin) { #ifdef CNTK_UWP // UWP-TODO RuntimeError("Not supported for UWP"); #else m_dllName = plugin; // For python modules we do not need to append anything. if(!boost::ends_with(m_dllName, L".pyd")) { if (isCNTKPlugin) { // map legacy names to new naming scheme auto entry = s_deprecatedReaderWriterNameMap.find(m_dllName); if (entry != s_deprecatedReaderWriterNameMap.end()) m_dllName = entry->second; m_dllName += L"-" + Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(CNTK_COMPONENT_VERSION); } m_dllName += L".dll"; } m_hModule = LoadLibrary(m_dllName.c_str()); if (m_hModule == NULL) RuntimeError("Plugin not found: '%ls'", m_dllName.c_str()); // create a variable of each type just to call the proper templated version FARPROC entryPoint = GetProcAddress(m_hModule, proc.c_str()); if (entryPoint == nullptr) RuntimeError("Symbol '%s' not found in plugin '%ls'", proc.c_str(), m_dllName.c_str()); return entryPoint; #endif } #else #define STRINGIFY(x) #x #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) void* Plugin::LoadInternal(const std::string& plugin, const std::string& proc, bool isCNTKPlugin) { string soName = plugin; wstring soNameW = Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToFixedWStringFromMultiByte(plugin); if (!boost::ends_with(soName, ".so")) { if (isCNTKPlugin) { // map legacy names to new naming scheme auto entry = s_deprecatedReaderWriterNameMap.find(soNameW); if (entry != s_deprecatedReaderWriterNameMap.end()) soName = Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToLegacyString(Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::ToUTF8(entry->second)); soName += "-" + std::string(TOSTRING(CNTK_COMPONENT_VERSION)); } soName += ".so"; } void* handle = dlopen(soName.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY); if (handle == NULL) RuntimeError("Plugin not found: '%s' (error: %s)", soName.c_str(), dlerror()); void* entryPoint = dlsym(handle, proc.c_str()); if (entryPoint == nullptr) RuntimeError("Symbol '%s' not found in plugin '%s'", proc.c_str(), soName.c_str()); return entryPoint; } #endif }}}