/* This file implements the logo frame, which is the main frame that contains the terminal, turtle graphics and the editor. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation "wxTerminal.h" #endif // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif // for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you // need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #include extern std::string pathString; #include #include extern "C" int readingInstruction; #include #include "LogoFrame.h" #include "wxGlobals.h" #include #include #include #include #include //buffered_DC #include "wxTurtleGraphics.h" #include "TextEditor.h" #ifndef __WXMSW__ #include "config.h" #endif #ifdef __WXMAC__ #include "CoreFoundation/CFBundle.h" #endif #include "wxTerminal.h" /* must come after wxTurtleGraphics.h */ #include // in Visual Studio 6.0, min and max are not defined up this point #ifndef max #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif #ifndef min #define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif using namespace std; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Globals // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // This is for the input for terminal-like behavior char input_buffer [MAXINBUFF+1]; // How far into the input_buffer we are int input_index = 0; // Where the cursor is in the input_buffer int input_current_pos = 0; // Input mode in logo enum LogoInputMode { LogoNormalInputMode, LogoCharInputMode, LogoLineInputMode }; LogoInputMode logo_input_mode; extern "C" int reading_char_now; // the terminal DC wxFont old_font; wxTextAttr old_style; // when edit is called in logo TextEditor * editWindow; // the turtle graphics we are using TurtleCanvas * turtleGraphics; // this contains the previous 3 window wxBoxSizer *topsizer; LogoFrame *logoFrame; LogoEventManager *logoEventManager; // used to calculate where the cursor should be int cur_x = 0, cur_y = 0; int first = 1; int last_logo_x = 0, last_logo_y = 0; int last_input_x = 0, last_input_y = 0; // the menu wxMenuBar* menuBar; extern "C" void wxTextScreen(); // This is for stopping logo asynchronously #ifdef SIG_TAKES_ARG extern "C" void logo_stop(int); extern "C" void logo_pause(int); #else extern "C" void logo_stop(); extern "C" void logo_pause(); #endif int logo_stop_flag = 0; int logo_pause_flag = 0; // this is a static reference to the main terminal wxTerminal *wxTerminal::terminal; // This is a static reference to the working directory wxString originalWorkingDir; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constants // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { Menu_File = 200, Menu_File_Save, Menu_File_Save_As, Menu_File_Load, Menu_File_Page_Setup, Menu_File_Print_Text, Menu_File_Print_Text_Prev, Menu_File_Print_Turtle, Menu_File_Print_Turtle_Prev, Menu_Edit = 300, Menu_Edit_Copy, Menu_Edit_Paste, Menu_Logo = 400, Menu_Logo_Stop, Menu_Logo_Pause, Menu_Font = 500, Menu_Font_Choose, Menu_Font_Inc, Menu_Font_Dec, Menu_Help = 600, Menu_Help_Man, Edit_Menu_File = 700, Edit_Menu_File_Close_Accept, Edit_Menu_File_Close_Reject, Edit_Menu_File_Page_Setup, Edit_Menu_File_Print_Text, Edit_Menu_Edit = 800, Edit_Menu_Edit_Copy, Edit_Menu_Edit_Paste, Edit_Menu_Edit_Cut, Edit_Menu_Edit_Find, Edit_Menu_Edit_Find_Next }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // misc functions // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- char *new_c_string_from_wx_string(wxString wxStr) { char *cStr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (wxStr.length() + 1)); strncpy(cStr, (const char*)wxStr.mb_str(), wxStr.length()); cStr[wxStr.length()] = '\0'; return cStr; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LogoApplication class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool LogoApplication::OnInit() { // capture the original working directory for any later relative file loads originalWorkingDir = wxGetCwd(); logoFrame = new LogoFrame (_T("Berkeley Logo")); logoFrame->Show(TRUE); SetTopWindow(logoFrame); #ifndef __WXMAC__ m_mainLoop = new wxEventLoop(); #endif logoEventManager = new LogoEventManager(this); return TRUE; } extern "C" int start (int, char **); int LogoApplication::OnRun() { wxEventLoop::SetActive(m_mainLoop); //SetExitOnFrameDelete(true); wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir()); // fix the working directory in mac #ifdef __WXMAC__ char path[1024]; CFBundleRef mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); assert( mainBundle ); CFURLRef mainBundleURL = CFBundleCopyBundleURL( mainBundle); assert( mainBundleURL); CFStringRef cfStringRef = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath( mainBundleURL, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle); assert( cfStringRef); CFStringGetCString( cfStringRef, path, 1024, kCFStringEncodingASCII); CFRelease( mainBundleURL); CFRelease( cfStringRef); //std::string pathString(path); pathString = path; pathString+="/Contents/Resources/"; // chdir(pathString.c_str()); #endif // capture the command line arguments from wxWidgets for the interpreter int argc = this->argc; char **argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *) * argc); for(int i=0; iargv[i]); } // pass control to the interpreter start(argc, argv); // cleanup the captured command line arguments for(int i=0; iPending() ) { while( m_logoApp->Pending() ) m_logoApp->Dispatch(); } else { if(force_yield || foo == 0) { if(!inside_yield) { inside_yield++; m_logoApp->ProcessIdle(); m_logoApp->Yield(TRUE); inside_yield--; } } } if(foo == 0) { wx_refresh(); foo = yield_delay; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // LogoFrame class // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE (LogoFrame, wxFrame) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Save, LogoFrame::OnSave) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Save_As, LogoFrame::OnSaveAs) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Load, LogoFrame::OnLoad) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Page_Setup, TurtleCanvas::OnPageSetup) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Print_Text, LogoFrame::OnPrintText) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Print_Text_Prev, LogoFrame::OnPrintTextPrev) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Print_Turtle, TurtleCanvas::PrintTurtleWindow) EVT_MENU(Menu_File_Print_Turtle_Prev, TurtleCanvas::TurtlePrintPreview) EVT_MENU(wxID_EXIT, LogoFrame::OnQuit) EVT_MENU(Menu_Edit_Copy, LogoFrame::DoCopy) EVT_MENU(Menu_Edit_Paste, LogoFrame::DoPaste) EVT_MENU(Menu_Logo_Pause, LogoFrame::DoPause) EVT_MENU(Menu_Logo_Stop, LogoFrame::DoStop) EVT_MENU(Menu_Font_Choose, LogoFrame::OnSelectFont) EVT_MENU(Menu_Font_Inc, LogoFrame::OnIncreaseFont) EVT_MENU(Menu_Font_Dec, LogoFrame::OnDecreaseFont) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_File_Close_Accept, LogoFrame::OnEditCloseAccept) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_File_Close_Reject, LogoFrame::OnEditCloseReject) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_File_Page_Setup, TurtleCanvas::OnPageSetup) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_File_Print_Text, LogoFrame::OnEditPrint) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_Edit_Copy, LogoFrame::OnEditCopy) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_Edit_Cut, LogoFrame::OnEditCut) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_Edit_Paste, LogoFrame::OnEditPaste) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_Edit_Find, LogoFrame::OnEditFind) EVT_MENU(Edit_Menu_Edit_Find_Next, LogoFrame::OnEditFindNext) EVT_CLOSE(LogoFrame::OnCloseWindow) END_EVENT_TABLE() #include "ucblogo.xpm" extern "C" void wxSetTextColor(int fg, int bg); //this should compute the size based on the chosen font! LogoFrame::LogoFrame (const wxChar *title, int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height) : wxFrame( (wxFrame *) NULL, -1, title, wxPoint(xpos, ypos), wxSize(width, height)) { // the topsizer allows different resizeable segments in the main frame (i.e. for // turtle graphics and the terminal displaying simultaneously) SetMinSize(wxSize(100, 100)); SetIcon(wxIcon(ucblogo)); logoFrame = this; topsizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); wxTerminal::terminal = new wxTerminal (this, -1, wxPoint(-1, -1), TERM_COLS, TERM_ROWS, _T("")); turtleGraphics = new TurtleCanvas( this ); wxFont f(FONT_CFG(wx_font_face, wx_font_size)); wxTerminal::terminal->SetFont(f); AdjustSize(); wxSetTextColor(7+SPECIAL_COLORS, 0+SPECIAL_COLORS); editWindow = new TextEditor( this, -1, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(100,60), wxTE_MULTILINE|wxTE_RICH, f); wxTerminal::terminal->isEditFile=0; topsizer->Add( editWindow, 1, // make vertically stretchable wxEXPAND | // make horizontally stretchable wxALL, // and make border all around 2 ); topsizer->Add( turtleGraphics, 4, // make vertically stretchable wxEXPAND | // make horizontally stretchable wxALL, // and make border all around 2 ); topsizer->Add( wxTerminal::terminal, 1, // make vertically stretchable wxEXPAND | // make horizontally stretchable wxALL, // and make border all around 2 ); topsizer->Layout(); topsizer->Show(wxTerminal::terminal, 1); topsizer->Show(turtleGraphics, 0); topsizer->Show(editWindow, 0); SetSizer( topsizer ); //SetAutoLayout(true); //topsizer->Fit(this); //topsizer->SetSizeHints(this); wxTerminal::terminal->SetFocus(); SetUpMenu(); } extern "C" int wx_leave_mainloop; void LogoFrame::OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent& event) { logo_stop_flag = 1; wx_leave_mainloop++; Destroy(); } extern "C" int need_save; void LogoFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (need_save) { wxMessageDialog dialog( NULL, _T("Save workspace before quitting?"), _T("Quit Logo"), wxYES_DEFAULT|wxYES_NO|wxCANCEL); switch ( dialog.ShowModal() ) { case wxID_YES: LogoFrame::OnSave(event); /* falls through */ case wxID_NO: Close(TRUE); } } else Close(TRUE); } void LogoFrame::SetUpMenu(){ int i; if(!menuBar) menuBar = new wxMenuBar( wxMB_DOCKABLE ); else for(i=menuBar->GetMenuCount()-1;i>=0;i--) delete menuBar->Remove(i); wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu; fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Load, _T("Load Logo Session \tCtrl-O")); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Save, _T("Save Logo Session \tCtrl-S")); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Save_As, _T("Save As...")); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Page_Setup, _T("Page Setup")); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Print_Text, _T("Print Text Window")); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Print_Text_Prev, _T("Print Preview Text Window")); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Print_Turtle, _T("Print Turtle Graphics")); fileMenu->Append( Menu_File_Print_Turtle_Prev, _T("Turtle Graphics Print Preview")); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); fileMenu->Append(wxID_EXIT, _T("Quit UCBLogo \tCtrl-Q")); wxMenu *editMenu = new wxMenu; menuBar->Append(fileMenu, _T("&File")); menuBar->Append(editMenu, _T("&Edit")); wxMenu *logoMenu = new wxMenu; // #ifdef __WXMSW__ // editMenu->Append(Menu_Edit_Copy, _T("Copy \tCtrl-C")); // editMenu->Append(Menu_Edit_Paste, _T("Paste \tCtrl-V")); // // logoMenu->Append(Menu_Logo_Pause, _T("Pause \tCtrl-P")); // logoMenu->Append(Menu_Logo_Stop, _T("Stop \tCtrl-S")); // #else editMenu->Append(Menu_Edit_Copy, _T("Copy \tCtrl-C")); editMenu->Append(Menu_Edit_Paste, _T("Paste \tCtrl-V")); logoMenu->Append(Menu_Logo_Pause, _T("Pause \tAlt-P")); logoMenu->Append(Menu_Logo_Stop, _T("Stop \tAlt-S")); // #endif menuBar->Append(logoMenu, _T("&Logo")); wxMenu *fontMenu = new wxMenu; fontMenu->Append(Menu_Font_Choose, _T("Select Font...")); fontMenu->Append(Menu_Font_Inc, _T("Increase Font Size \tCtrl-+")); fontMenu->Append(Menu_Font_Dec, _T("Decrease Font Size \tCtrl--")); menuBar->Append(fontMenu, _T("&Font")); /*wxMenu *helpMenu = new wxMenu; helpMenu->Append(Menu_Help_Man, _T("Browse Online Manual")); menuBar->Append(helpMenu, _T("&Help"));*/ SetMenuBar(menuBar); } void LogoFrame::DoCopy(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ wxTerminal::terminal->DoCopy(); } void LogoFrame::DoPaste(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ wxTerminal::terminal->DoPaste(); } extern "C" void new_line(FILE *); int firstloadsave = 1; extern "C" void *save_name; void doSave(char * name); void doLoad(char * name); extern "C" void *cons(void*, void*); extern "C" void lsave(void*); void LogoFrame::OnSave(wxCommandEvent& event) { if (save_name != NIL) { lsave(cons(save_name, NIL)); } else { OnSaveAs(event); } } void LogoFrame::OnSaveAs(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxFileDialog dialog(this, _T("Save Logo Workspace"), (firstloadsave ? wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir() : ""), wxEmptyString, _T("Logo workspaces(*.lg)|*.lg|All files(*)|*"), // "*", wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT|wxFD_CHANGE_DIR ); // dialog.SetFilterIndex(1); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { doSave((char *)dialog.GetPath().char_str(wxConvUTF8)); new_line(stdout); } firstloadsave = 0; } void LogoFrame::OnLoad(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ wxFileDialog dialog ( this, _T("Load Logo Workspace"), (firstloadsave ? wxStandardPaths::Get().GetDocumentsDir() : ""), wxEmptyString, _T("Logo workspaces(*.lg)|*.lg|All files(*)|*"), // "*", wxFD_OPEN|wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST|wxFD_CHANGE_DIR ); if (dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { doLoad((char *)dialog.GetPath().char_str(wxConvUTF8)); new_line(stdout); } firstloadsave = 0; } void LogoFrame::OnPrintText(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ wxHtmlEasyPrinting *htmlPrinter=wxTerminal::terminal->htmlPrinter; if(!htmlPrinter){ htmlPrinter = new wxHtmlEasyPrinting(_T(""), logoFrame); int fontsizes[] = { 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 }; htmlPrinter->SetFonts(_T("Courier"),_T("Courier"), fontsizes); } wxString *textString = wxTerminal::terminal->get_text(); htmlPrinter->PrintText(*textString); delete textString; } void LogoFrame::OnPrintTextPrev(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ wxHtmlEasyPrinting *htmlPrinter=wxTerminal::terminal->htmlPrinter; if(!htmlPrinter){ htmlPrinter = new wxHtmlEasyPrinting(_T(""), logoFrame); int fontsizes[] = { 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 }; htmlPrinter->SetFonts(_T("Courier"),_T("Courier"), fontsizes); } wxString *textString = wxTerminal::terminal->get_text(); htmlPrinter->PreviewText(*textString,_T("")); } extern "C" void wxSetFont(char *fm, int sz); void LogoFrame::OnSelectFont(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)) { wxFontData data; data.SetInitialFont(wxTerminal::terminal->GetFont()); wxFontDialog dialog(this, data); if ( dialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK ) { wxFontData retData = dialog.GetFontData(); wxFont font = retData.GetChosenFont(); wxSetFont((char *)font.GetFaceName().char_str(wxConvUTF8), font.GetPointSize()); } } void LogoFrame::OnIncreaseFont(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ int expected; wxFont font = wxTerminal::terminal->GetFont(); expected = font.GetPointSize()+1; // see that we have the font we are trying to use // since for some fonts, the next size is +2 while(font.GetPointSize() != expected && expected <= 24){ expected++; font.SetPointSize(expected); } wxSetFont(wx_font_face, expected); } void LogoFrame::OnDecreaseFont(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ int expected; wxFont font = wxTerminal::terminal->GetFont(); expected = font.GetPointSize()-1; // see that we have the font we are trying to use while(font.GetPointSize() != expected && expected >= 6){ expected--; font.SetPointSize(expected); } wxSetFont(wx_font_face, expected); } extern "C" void *Unbound; extern "C" void *IncreaseFont(void *) { wxCommandEvent dummy; logoFrame->OnIncreaseFont(dummy); return Unbound; } extern "C" void *DecreaseFont(void *) { wxCommandEvent dummy; logoFrame->OnDecreaseFont(dummy); return Unbound; } void LogoFrame::AdjustSize() { int char_width, char_height; wxTerminal::terminal->GetCharSize(&char_width, &char_height); wxSize sz(char_width * TERM_COLS, char_height * TERM_ROWS + 5 ); SetClientSize(sz); //Layout(); } void LogoFrame::DoStop(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ logo_stop_flag = 1; } void LogoFrame::DoPause(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ logo_pause_flag = 1; } void LogoFrame::OnEditCloseAccept(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->OnCloseAccept(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditCloseReject(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->OnCloseReject(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditPrint(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->DoPrint(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditCopy(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->DoCopy(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditCut(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->DoCut(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditPaste(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->Paste(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditFind(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->OnFind(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditFindNext(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->OnFindNext(); } void LogoFrame::OnEditSave(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event)){ editWindow->OnSave(); } void LogoFrame::SetUpEditMenu(){ int i; for(i=menuBar->GetMenuCount()-1;i>=0;i--) delete menuBar->Remove(i); wxMenu *fileMenu = new wxMenu; fileMenu->Append( Edit_Menu_File_Close_Accept, _T("Close and Accept Changes \tAlt-A")); fileMenu->Append( Edit_Menu_File_Close_Reject, _T("Close and Revert Changes \tAlt-R")); fileMenu->AppendSeparator(); fileMenu->Append( Edit_Menu_File_Page_Setup, _T("Page Setup")); fileMenu->Append( Edit_Menu_File_Print_Text, _T("Print... \tCtrl-P")); wxMenu *editMenu = new wxMenu; menuBar->Append(fileMenu, _T("&File")); menuBar->Append(editMenu, _T("&Edit")); editMenu->Append(Edit_Menu_Edit_Cut, _T("Cut \tCtrl-X")); editMenu->Append(Edit_Menu_Edit_Copy, _T("Copy \tCtrl-C")); editMenu->Append(Edit_Menu_Edit_Paste, _T("Paste \tCtrl-V")); editMenu->AppendSeparator(); editMenu->Append(Edit_Menu_Edit_Find, _T("Find... \tCtrl-F")); editMenu->Append(Edit_Menu_Edit_Find_Next, _T("Find Next \tCtrl-G")); wxMenu *fontMenu = new wxMenu; fontMenu->Append(Menu_Font_Choose, _T("Select Font...")); fontMenu->Append(Menu_Font_Inc, _T("Increase Font Size \tCtrl-+")); fontMenu->Append(Menu_Font_Dec, _T("Decrease Font Size \tCtrl--")); menuBar->Append(fontMenu, _T("&Font")); logoFrame->SetMenuBar(menuBar); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxTerminal // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_MY_CUSTOM_COMMAND, 7777) END_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_MY_CUSTOM_COMMAND) #define EVT_MY_CUSTOM_COMMAND(id, fn) \ DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY( \ wxEVT_MY_CUSTOM_COMMAND, id, -1, \ (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)(wxCommandEventFunction)&fn, \ (wxObject *) NULL \ ), BEGIN_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DECLARE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TERM_CUSTOM_COMMAND, 7777) END_DECLARE_EVENT_TYPES() DEFINE_EVENT_TYPE(wxEVT_TERM_CUSTOM_COMMAND) #define wxEVT_TERM_CUSTOM_COMMAND(id, fn) \ DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE_ENTRY( \ wxEVT_TERM_CUSTOM_COMMAND, id, -1, \ (wxObjectEventFunction)(wxEventFunction)(wxCommandEventFunction)&fn, \ (wxObject *) NULL \ ), BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(wxTerminal, wxWindow) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(wxTerminal::OnEraseBackground) EVT_PAINT(wxTerminal::OnPaint) EVT_CHAR(wxTerminal::OnChar) EVT_LEFT_DOWN(wxTerminal::OnLeftDown) EVT_LEFT_UP(wxTerminal::OnLeftUp) EVT_MOTION(wxTerminal::OnMouseMove) //EVT_MY_CUSTOM_COMMAND(-1, wxTerminal::Flush) EVT_SIZE(wxTerminal::OnSize) EVT_KILL_FOCUS(wxTerminal::LoseFocus) END_EVENT_TABLE() wxCommandEvent * haveInputEvent = new wxCommandEvent(wxEVT_MY_CUSTOM_COMMAND); extern "C" void color_init(void); wxTerminal::wxTerminal(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, int width, int height, const wxString& name) : wxScrolledWindow(parent, id, pos, wxSize(-1, -1), wxWANTS_CHARS|wxVSCROLL, name) // wxScrolledWindow(parent, id, pos, wxSize(-1, -1), wxWANTS_CHARS, name) { //allocating char structures. term_chars = (wxterm_char_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(wxterm_char_buffer)); memset(term_chars, '\0', sizeof(wxterm_char_buffer)); term_lines = (wxterm_line_buffer *) malloc(sizeof(wxterm_line_buffer)); memset(term_lines, 0, sizeof(wxterm_line_buffer)); term_chars->next = 0; term_lines->next = 0; //initializations curr_line_pos.buf = term_lines; curr_line_pos.offset = 0; line_of(curr_line_pos).buf = term_chars; line_of(curr_line_pos).offset = 0; curr_char_pos.buf = term_chars; curr_char_pos.offset = 0; //curr_char_pos line_length not used! //initializing history m_command_history = new wxCommandHistory(HIST_MAX); m_width = width; m_height = height; m_currMode = 0; y_max = 0; x_max = m_width - 1; // start us out not in char mode logo_input_mode = LogoNormalInputMode; // For printing the text htmlPrinter = 0; // set_mode_flag(DESTRUCTBS); wxTerminal::terminal = this; int i; m_selecting = FALSE; m_selx1 = m_sely1 = m_selx2 = m_sely2 = 0; m_seloldx1 = m_seloldy1= m_seloldx2 = m_seloldy2 = 0; //m_marking = FALSE; m_curX = -1; m_curY = -1; // m_boldStyle = FONT; GetColors(m_colors); color_init(); SetBackgroundStyle(wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM); SetBackgroundColour(TurtleCanvas::colors[m_curBG]); SetMinSize(wxSize(50, 50)); for(i = 0; i < 16; i++) m_colorPens[i] = wxPen(m_colors[i], 1, wxSOLID); m_printerFN = 0; m_printerName = 0; wxClientDC dc(this); GetCharSize(&m_charWidth, &m_charHeight); //dc.GetTextExtent("M", &m_charWidth, &m_charHeight); // m_charWidth--; m_inputReady = FALSE; m_inputLines = 0; // int x, y; //GetSize(&x, &y); // parent->SetSize(-1,-1, m_charWidth * width, m_charHeight * height + 1); // SetScrollbars(m_charWidth, m_charHeight, 0, 30); //SetScrollRate(0, m_charHeight); //SetVirtualSize(m_charWidth * width, 2 * m_charHeight); //1 row (nothing displayed yet) // ResizeTerminal(width, height); } wxTerminal::~wxTerminal() { delete m_command_history; //clean up the buffers wxTerminal::terminal = 0; } void wxTerminal::deferUpdate(int flag) { if (flag) set_mode_flag(DEFERUPDATE); else clear_mode_flag(DEFERUPDATE); } void wxTerminal::set_mode_flag(int flag) { m_currMode |= flag; } void wxTerminal::clear_mode_flag(int flag) { m_currMode &= ~flag; } bool wxTerminal::SetFont(const wxFont& font) { wxWindow::SetFont(font); m_normalFont = font; m_underlinedFont = font; m_underlinedFont.SetUnderlined(TRUE); m_boldFont = font; m_boldFont.SetWeight(wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD); m_boldUnderlinedFont = m_boldFont; m_boldUnderlinedFont.SetUnderlined(TRUE); GetCharSize(&m_charWidth, &m_charHeight); // wxClientDC // dc(this); // dc.GetTextExtent("M", &m_charWidth, &m_charHeight); // m_charWidth--; ResizeTerminal(m_width, m_height); if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { Refresh(); } return TRUE; } void wxTerminal::GetCharSize(int *cw, int *ch) { wxClientDC dc(this); //int dummy; //dc.GetTextExtent("M", cw, &dummy); //dc.GetTextExtent("(", &dummy, ch); int descent, extlead; dc.GetTextExtent(wxString("M", wxConvUTF8, wxString::npos), cw, ch, &descent, &extlead); //for the tails of g's and y's, if needed. #ifdef __WXMSW__ *ch += descent + extlead + 1; #endif } void wxTerminal::GetColors(wxColour colors[16] /*, wxTerminal::BOLDSTYLE boldStyle*/) { colors[0] = wxColour(0, 0, 0); // black colors[1] = wxColour(255, 0, 0); // red colors[2] = wxColour(0, 255, 0); // green colors[3] = wxColour(255, 0, 255); // yellow colors[4] = wxColour(0, 0, 255); // blue colors[5] = wxColour(255, 255, 0); // magenta colors[6] = wxColour(0, 255, 255); // cyan colors[7] = wxColour(255, 255, 255); // white colors[8] = wxColour(0, 0, 0); // black colors[9] = wxColour(255, 0, 0); // red colors[10] = wxColour(0, 255, 0); // green colors[11] = wxColour(255, 0, 255); // yellow colors[12] = wxColour(0, 0, 255); // blue colors[13] = wxColour(255, 255, 0); // magenta colors[14] = wxColour(0, 255, 255); // cyan colors[15] = wxColour(255, 255, 255); // white } /* * ProcessInput() * * passes input to logo, one line at a time * and prints to terminal as well * * assumes cursor is set at last logo position already */ void wxTerminal::ProcessInput() { //pass input up to newline. int i; for(i = 0; i < input_index; i++) { if(input_buffer[i] == '\n') break; } PassInputToTerminal(i+1,input_buffer); //include '\n' last_logo_x = cursor_x; last_logo_y = cursor_y; PassInputToInterp(); m_inputLines--; if(!m_inputLines) m_inputReady = FALSE; } /* * Flush() * * Handles output from logo */ void wxTerminal::Flush (){ set_mode_flag(BOLD); if(output_index == 0) { clear_mode_flag(BOLD); return; } bool cursor_moved = FALSE; if(input_index != 0){ // set the cursor in the proper place setCursor(last_logo_x, last_logo_y); // scroll_region(last_logo_y, last_logo_y + 1, -1); cursor_moved = TRUE; } //calculate new cursor location if (output_index != 0) { ClearSelection(); //eventually, only clear if overlap with updated region? PassInputToTerminal(output_index, output_buffer); output_index = 0; } //save current cursor position to last_logo last_logo_x = cursor_x; last_logo_y = cursor_y; clear_mode_flag(BOLD); if(cursor_moved/* && readingInstruction*/){ cursor_moved = FALSE; if(m_inputReady && readingInstruction) { ProcessInput(); } else { //pass the input up to the current input location to terminal //e.g. cpos is 6, then pass chars 0 to 5 to terminal (6 chars) PassInputToTerminal(input_current_pos, input_buffer); int new_cursor_x = cursor_x, new_cursor_y = cursor_y; //pass the rest of input to terminal //e.g. inputindex is 20, then pass chars 6 to 19 to terminal (14 chars) PassInputToTerminal(input_index-input_current_pos, input_buffer+input_current_pos); // set last_input coords last_input_x = cursor_x; last_input_y = cursor_y; // and set cursor back to proper location setCursor(new_cursor_x, new_cursor_y); } } if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { Refresh(); } } /* PassInputToInterp() takes all characters in the input buffer up to the FIRST '\n' and hands them off to the logo interpreter if logo_char_mode, then just send the character ** does not edit cursor locations! */ void wxTerminal::PassInputToInterp() { int i; if (logo_input_mode == LogoCharInputMode) { //buff[buff_index++] = input_buffer[--input_index]; buff_push(input_buffer[--input_index]); input_index = 0; input_current_pos = 0; } else { for (i = 0; i < input_index; i++) { buff_push(input_buffer[i]); if(input_buffer[i] == '\n') { break; } } int saw_newline = i; // Save the command into command history. if (logo_input_mode == LogoNormalInputMode) { m_command_history->handle_command_entered(input_buffer, saw_newline); } for(i = saw_newline + 1; i < input_index; i++) { input_buffer[i - saw_newline - 1] = input_buffer[i]; } // a to b, length is b - a + 1 input_index = input_index - saw_newline - 1; input_current_pos = input_index; } } void wxTerminal::DoCopy(){ if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { // This data objects are held by the clipboard, // so do not delete them in the app. wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject(GetSelection()) ); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } void wxTerminal::DoPaste(){ if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { if (wxTheClipboard->IsSupported( wxDF_TEXT )) { wxClientDC dc(this); wxTextDataObject data; wxTheClipboard->GetData( data ); wxString s = data.GetText(); int i; //char chars[2]; char c; int num_newlines = 0; int len; char prev = ' '; for (i = 0; i < s.Length() && input_index < MAXINBUFF; i++){ len = 1; c = s.GetChar(i); if (c == '\n') { num_newlines++; } if (prev == ' ' && c == ' ') { continue; } prev = c; if(input_index < MAXINBUFF) { input_buffer[input_index++] = c; } else { break; } ClearSelection(); PassInputToTerminal(len, &c); } m_inputLines = num_newlines; input_current_pos = input_index; } wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } void wxTerminal::LoseFocus (wxFocusEvent & event) { } extern "C" int keyact_set(void); extern "C" void do_keyact(int); /* OnChar is called each time the user types a character in the main terminal window */ void wxTerminal::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { ClearSelection(); int keyCode = 0, len; char buf[10]; keyCode = (int)event.GetKeyCode(); if (!readingInstruction && !reading_char_now && keyact_set()) { if (keyCode == WXK_RETURN) { keyCode = '\n'; } else if (keyCode == WXK_BACK) { keyCode = 8; } else if (keyCode >= WXK_START) { /* ignore it */ return; //not sure about this (evan) } else { } if (event.ControlDown()) keyCode &= 0237; if (event.AltDown()) keyCode += 0200; do_keyact(keyCode); } else if (logo_input_mode == LogoCharInputMode) { if (keyCode == WXK_RETURN) { keyCode = '\n'; } else if (keyCode == WXK_BACK) { keyCode = 8; } else if (keyCode >= WXK_START) { /* ignore it */ return; //not sure about this (evan) } else { } if (event.ControlDown()) keyCode &= 0237; if (event.AltDown()) keyCode += 0200; if(input_index < MAXINBUFF) { input_buffer[input_index++] = keyCode; input_current_pos++; PassInputToInterp(); } } else if (keyCode == WXK_RETURN) { //the following condition should never happen. //input_buffer is size MAXINBUFF+1, to leave room for \n char //this is the only code segment that's allowed to add a \n //in that last slot. if(input_index > MAXINBUFF) fprintf(stderr, "onChar: WXK_RETURN, moved past end of input buffer. Should never happen!\n"); if(input_current_pos < input_index) { setCursor(last_input_x, last_input_y); } // buf[0] = 10; //buf[1] = 13; //len = 2; input_buffer[input_index++] = '\n'; input_current_pos = input_index; char newline = '\n'; PassInputToTerminal(1,&newline); m_inputReady = TRUE; m_inputLines++; if (readingInstruction || logo_input_mode == LogoLineInputMode) { setCursor(last_logo_x, last_logo_y); ProcessInput(); } else { last_input_x = cursor_x; last_input_y = cursor_y; } } else if (keyCode == WXK_BACK) { handle_backspace(); } else if (keyCode == WXK_UP) { // up handle_history_prev(); } else if (keyCode == WXK_DOWN) { // down handle_history_next(); } else if (keyCode == WXK_LEFT) { // left handle_left(); } else if (keyCode == WXK_RIGHT) { // right handle_right(); } else if (keyCode == WXK_TAB) { // tab //do nothing for now. could be tab completion later. } else if (keyCode == WXK_DELETE) { // DEL key if(input_current_pos < input_index) { handle_right(); handle_backspace(); } } else if (keyCode == WXK_HOME) { //HOME key handle_home(); } else if (keyCode == WXK_END) { //END key handle_end(); } else if (keyCode >= WXK_START) { /* ignore it */ } else { if(input_index >= MAXINBUFF) return; buf[0] = keyCode; len = 1; int doInsert = 0; if (input_current_pos < input_index ) { // we are in the middle of input doInsert = 1; int i; for (i = input_index; i >= input_current_pos + 1; i--) { input_buffer[i] = input_buffer[i - 1]; } input_buffer[input_current_pos] = keyCode; input_index++; input_current_pos++; } else { input_buffer[input_index++] = keyCode; input_current_pos++; } if (doInsert) { cur_x = cursor_x; cur_y = cursor_y; //remember, input_current_pos - 1 has last character typed PassInputToTerminal(input_index - (input_current_pos - 1), (input_buffer + (input_current_pos - 1))); //now the cursor is where the last input position is last_input_x = cursor_x; last_input_y = cursor_y; //set cursor back to cursorPos if (cur_x == x_max) setCursor(0, cur_y + 1); else setCursor(cur_x+1, cur_y); } else { PassInputToTerminal(len, buf); //now the cursor is where the last input position is last_input_x = cursor_x; last_input_y = cursor_y; } } if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { Refresh(); } } void wxTerminal::handle_backspace() { if (input_index == 0) return; if (input_current_pos == 0) return; bool removing_newline = FALSE; if(input_buffer[input_current_pos-1] == '\n') { removing_newline = TRUE; } for (int i = input_current_pos; i < input_index; i++) { input_buffer[i-1] = input_buffer[i]; } input_index--; input_current_pos--; cur_x = cursor_x - 1, cur_y = cursor_y; if(cur_x < 0) { wxterm_linepos cpos = GetLinePosition(cursor_y - 1); // x_max if wrapped line, line_length otherwise. cur_x = min(x_max, line_of(cpos).line_length); cur_y = cursor_y - 1; setCursor(cur_x, cur_y); } else { setCursor(cur_x, cur_y); } PassInputToTerminal(input_index - input_current_pos, input_buffer + input_current_pos); //cursor_x , cursor_y now at input's last location last_input_x = cursor_x; last_input_y = cursor_y; if(removing_newline) { //add a second newline, to erase contents of the last //input line. //this causes a very specific "feature".... //if last input line contains other noninput chars //then doing this will erase them too //this situation can happen when you use setcursor and hit Backspace... //it's a very specific situation that should not clash with //intended behavior... char nl = '\n'; PassInputToTerminal(1, &nl); PassInputToTerminal(1, &nl); //pass two newlines m_inputLines--; //merged two lines } else { char spc = ' '; PassInputToTerminal(1, &spc); } //set cursor back to backspace'd location setCursor(cur_x,cur_y); } void wxTerminal::handle_home() { setCursor(last_logo_x, last_logo_y); input_current_pos = 0; } void wxTerminal::handle_end() { setCursor(last_input_x, last_input_y); input_current_pos = input_index; } void wxTerminal::handle_clear_to_end() { #if 0 //old code that put spaces everyhwere... int xval; int yval; xval = cursor_x; yval = cursor_y; int i; for (i = input_current_pos; i < input_index; i++) { if(input_buffer[i] == '\n') { input_buffer[i] = '\n'; } else { input_buffer[i] = ' '; } } PassInputToTerminal(input_index-input_current_pos, &input_buffer[i]); setCursor(xval, yval); #else //make the current position the end of the buffer //update line structure accordingly char_of(curr_char_pos) = '\0'; line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length = cursor_x; y_max = cursor_y; #endif } void wxTerminal::handle_history_prev() { const char *history_line = m_command_history->handle_previous(input_buffer, input_index); if (history_line == NULL) { // End of history reached. wxBell(); // Don't overwrite oldest item. return; } update_command_from_history(history_line); } void wxTerminal::handle_history_next() { const char *history_line = m_command_history->handle_next(input_buffer, input_index); if (history_line == NULL) { // End of history reached. wxBell(); } update_command_from_history(history_line); } void wxTerminal::update_command_from_history(const char *command_string) { int command_len = 0; // jump to beginning handle_home(); if (command_string != NULL) { command_len = strlen(command_string); strcpy(input_buffer, command_string); PassInputToTerminal(command_len, input_buffer); } m_inputLines = 0; input_current_pos = command_len; // clear to old end of input_buffer handle_clear_to_end(); input_index = command_len; // cursor_x, cursor_y now at input's last location last_input_x = cursor_x; last_input_y = cursor_y; } void wxTerminal::handle_left() { if(input_current_pos > 0) { if (cursor_x - 1 < 0) { //if previous char is a newline, then cursor goes to line_length //otherwise, it's a wrapped line, and should go to the end // just use min... wxterm_linepos cpos = GetLinePosition(cursor_y - 1); setCursor(min(x_max, line_of(cpos).line_length), cursor_y - 1); } else { setCursor(cursor_x - 1, cursor_y); } input_current_pos--; } } void wxTerminal::handle_right() { if(input_current_pos < input_index) { if (input_buffer[input_current_pos] == '\n' || cursor_x + 1 > x_max) { setCursor(0, cursor_y + 1); } else { setCursor(cursor_x + 1, cursor_y); } input_current_pos++; } } void wxTerminal::setCursor (int x, int y, bool fromLogo) { int vis_x,vis_y; GetViewStart(&vis_x,&vis_y); if(fromLogo) { //need to change to unscrolled coordinates if(x < 0 || x > m_width || y < 0 || y > m_height) { return; } //GetViewStart(&cursor_x,&cursor_y); cursor_x = x; cursor_y = vis_y + y; } else { cursor_x = x; cursor_y = y; } int want_x, want_y; want_x = cursor_x; want_y = cursor_y; if(cursor_y < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "cursor_y < 0 in setcursor. BAD \n"); } cursor_y = min(cursor_y,y_max); curr_line_pos = GetLinePosition(cursor_y); curr_char_pos = line_of(curr_line_pos); if(cursor_y < want_y || cursor_x > curr_char_pos.line_length) { cursor_x = curr_char_pos.line_length; } curr_char_pos.offset = curr_char_pos.offset + cursor_x; adjust_charpos(curr_char_pos); if(fromLogo && (cursor_x != want_x || cursor_y != want_y)) { //add spaces until we get to desired location if(cursor_x > x_max) { cursor_x = 0; cursor_y++; inc_linepos(curr_line_pos); } char space = ' '; char newline = '\n'; while(cursor_y != want_y) { PassInputToTerminal(1,&newline); } while(cursor_x != want_x) { PassInputToTerminal(1,&space); } } if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { if(cursor_y >= vis_y && cursor_y <= vis_y + m_height - 1) { } else { Scroll(-1, cursor_y); // Refresh(); } } } void wxTerminal::OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event) { int x, y; GetSize(&x, &y); //leave one char on the right for scroll bar width if (m_width == (x / m_charWidth) - 1 && m_height == y / m_charHeight) return; x = (x / m_charWidth) - 1; y = y / m_charHeight; if (x < 1) x = 1; if (y < 1) y = 1; ResizeTerminal(x,y); Scroll(-1, cursor_y); Refresh(); } wxMemoryDC * currentMemDC = NULL; wxBitmap * currentBitmap = NULL; int oldWidth = -1; int oldHeight = -1; void wxTerminal::OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { //don't erase background.. for double buffering! } extern "C" void wxSetTextColor(int fg, int bg) { wxTerminal::terminal->m_curFG = fg; wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG = bg; wxTerminal::terminal->SetBackgroundColour( TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG]); } void wxTerminal::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &WXUNUSED(event)) { wxBufferedPaintDC dc(this); DoPrepareDC(dc); dc.SetBackground(TurtleCanvas::colors[m_curBG]); dc.Clear(); OnDraw(dc); } void wxTerminal::OnDraw(wxDC& dc) { //DebugOutputBuffer(); wxRect rectUpdate = GetUpdateRegion().GetBox(); CalcUnscrolledPosition(rectUpdate.x, rectUpdate.y, &rectUpdate.x, &rectUpdate.y); int lineFrom = rectUpdate.y / m_charHeight; int lineTo = rectUpdate.GetBottom() / m_charHeight; if ( lineTo > y_max) lineTo = y_max; //find the position! wxterm_linepos tlpos; tlpos.buf = term_lines; wxterm_charpos tline; tlpos.offset = lineFrom; adjust_linepos(tlpos); if (HasSelection()) { UpdateNormalizedTextSelection(); UpdateSelectionColors(); } for ( int line = lineFrom; line <= lineTo; line++ ) { tline = line_of(tlpos); for ( int col = 0; col < tline.line_length; col++ ) { DrawText(dc, m_curFG, m_curBG, mode_of(tline), col, line, 1, &char_of(tline)); inc_charpos(tline); } inc_linepos(tlpos); } //draw text cursor as line if visible if(lineFrom <= cursor_y && cursor_y <= lineTo && !(m_currMode & CURSORINVISIBLE)) { int c_x = cursor_x; int c_y = cursor_y; int t_x = c_x*m_charWidth; int t_y = c_y*m_charHeight; dc.SetPen(wxPen(TurtleCanvas::colors[terminal->m_curFG],1)); dc.DrawLine( t_x, t_y, t_x, t_y + m_charHeight); } } // gets the click coordinate (unscrolled) in terms of characters void wxTerminal::GetClickCoords(wxMouseEvent& event, int *click_x, int *click_y) { // pixel coordinates *click_x = event.GetX(); *click_y = event.GetY(); CalcUnscrolledPosition(*click_x, *click_y, click_x, click_y); // convert to character coordinates *click_x = *click_x / m_charWidth; *click_y = *click_y / m_charHeight; if(*click_x < 0) { *click_x = 0; } else if(*click_x > x_max) { *click_x = x_max; } if(*click_y < 0) { *click_y = 0; } else if(*click_y > y_max) { *click_y = y_max; } } void wxTerminal::OnLeftDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { m_selecting = TRUE; int click_x, click_y; GetClickCoords(event, &click_x, &click_y); m_selx1 = m_selx2 = click_x; m_sely1 = m_sely2 = click_y; //Refresh(); event.Skip(); //let native handler reset focus } void wxTerminal::OnLeftUp(wxMouseEvent& event) { if ((m_sely2 != m_sely1 || m_selx2 != m_selx1)) { if (wxTheClipboard->Open() ) { // This data objects are held by the clipboard, // so do not delete them in the app. wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject(GetSelection()) ); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } m_selecting = FALSE; if (HasCapture()) { // uncapture mouse ReleaseMouse(); } } void wxTerminal::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent& event) { if(m_selecting) { int click_x, click_y; GetClickCoords(event, &click_x, &click_y); m_selx2 = click_x; m_sely2 = click_y; if(!HasCapture()) { CaptureMouse(); } } if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { Refresh(); } } void wxTerminal::ClearSelection() { if (m_sely2 != m_sely1 || m_selx2 != m_selx1) { m_sely2 = m_sely1; m_selx2 = m_selx1; } if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { Refresh(); } } bool wxTerminal::HasSelection() { return(m_selx1 != m_selx2 || m_sely1 != m_sely2); } /* * Calculate the highlighting region for the selected text. * * For single line selections, the two y values will be identical and the * x values need to be normalized so m_selx1 < m_selx2. * * For multi-line selections, the two y values need to be normalized so * m_sely1 < m_sely2. However, the x value assignment is more complex. * The highlighting code will mark characters: * - from m_selx1 to the end of the line on the first line * - all characters on middle lines * - from the beginning of the last line to m_selx2 * * Therefore, for multi-line selections, m_selx1 and m_selx2 must be assigned * based on m_sely1 and m_sely2. */ void wxTerminal::UpdateNormalizedTextSelection() { if (m_sely1 == m_sely2 && m_selx1 > m_selx2) { // Single row selection, from right to left // - copy the y values as-is // - normalize the x values m_normalized_sel_x1 = m_selx2; m_normalized_sel_y1 = m_sely1; m_normalized_sel_x2 = m_selx1; m_normalized_sel_y2 = m_sely2; } else if (m_sely1 > m_sely2) { // Multi-row selection, from bottom to top // - normalize the y values // - swap the x values so they stay with the y values m_normalized_sel_x1 = m_selx2; m_normalized_sel_y1 = m_sely2; m_normalized_sel_x2 = m_selx1; m_normalized_sel_y2 = m_sely1; } else { // Single or multi-row selection, from top-left to bottom-right // - copy both the x and y values as-is, since y is already in proper form m_normalized_sel_x1 = m_selx1; m_normalized_sel_y1 = m_sely1; m_normalized_sel_x2 = m_selx2; m_normalized_sel_y2 = m_sely2; } } /* * Calculate the foreground and background colors for selection highlighting. * This tries to follow the system preferences with the caveat that the current * terminal background color might be set to something that doesn't contrast with * the system selection background color. In that case, the system settings for selection * are swapped. This does assume the system will provide reasonable contrast between * the two colors. * * Use the wxWidgets 3.1.x calculation of luminance so this can be updated to just use * that API when 3.1.x becomes GA: * https://docs.wxwidgets.org/3.1.5/classwx_colour.html#ab26df3bfab77f5a3c54e9caff93c78f8 */ void wxTerminal::UpdateSelectionColors() { double terminal_background_luminance = 0.299 * TurtleCanvas::colors[m_curBG].Red() / 255 + 0.587 * TurtleCanvas::colors[m_curBG].Green() / 255 + 0.114 * TurtleCanvas::colors[m_curBG].Blue() / 255; double system_background_luminance = 0.299 * wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT).Red() / 255 + 0.587 * wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT).Green() / 255 + 0.114 * wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT).Blue() / 255; if (abs(terminal_background_luminance - system_background_luminance) >= 0.5) { // Reasonable contrast between system selection background and terminal background. m_selection_foreground = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); m_selection_background = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT); } else { // Invert the usage of the system colors so the selection stands out. m_selection_foreground = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT); m_selection_background = wxSystemSettings::GetColour(wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); } } /* * Gets characters from x1,y1 up to , but not including x2,y2 */ wxString wxTerminal::GetChars(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int tx,ty; if(y1 > y2 || (y1 == y2 && x1 > x2)) { tx = x1; ty = y1; x1 = x2; y1 = y2; x2 = tx; y2 = ty; } //this case from dragging the mouse position off screen. if(x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if(x2 < 0) x2 = 0; if(y1 < 0) y1 = 0; if(y2 < 0) y2 = 0; wxString ret; if(0 < y1 && y1 > y_max) { return ret; } wxterm_charpos a = GetCharPosition(0,y1); a.offset = a.offset + min(x1, max(0,a.line_length - 1)); adjust_charpos(a); wxterm_charpos b = GetCharPosition(0,min(y2, y_max)); b.offset = b.offset + min(x2, b.line_length); adjust_charpos(b); while(a.buf != b.buf) { // size 10, offset 5, copy 10-5=5 chars... yup ret.Append(wxString::FromAscii(a.buf->cbuf+a.offset, WXTERM_CB_SIZE-a.offset)); if(a.buf->next) { a.offset = 0; a.buf = a.buf->next; } else { //bad fprintf(stderr, "BAD (getchars)\n"); } } ret.Append(wxString::FromAscii(a.buf->cbuf+a.offset, b.offset - a.offset)); return ret; } wxString wxTerminal::GetSelection() { return GetChars(m_selx1,m_sely1,m_selx2,m_sely2); } void wxTerminal::SelectAll() { m_selx1 = 0; m_sely1 = 0; m_selx2 = x_max; m_sely2 = y_max; //Refresh(); } wxterm_linepos wxTerminal::GetLinePosition(int y) { wxterm_linepos lpos; lpos.buf = term_lines; lpos.offset = y; adjust_linepos(lpos); return lpos; } wxterm_charpos wxTerminal::GetCharPosition(int x, int y) { wxterm_charpos ret = line_of(GetLinePosition(y)); if(x > ret.line_length) { fprintf(stderr, "invalid longer than linelength: %d\n", ret.line_length); } ret.offset = ret.offset + x; adjust_charpos(ret); return ret; } void wxTerminal::DrawText(wxDC& dc, int fg_color, int bg_color, int flags, int x, int y, int len, char *string) { wxString str((const char *)string, wxConvUTF8, len); if(flags & BOLD) { if(flags & UNDERLINE) dc.SetFont(m_boldUnderlinedFont); else dc.SetFont(m_boldFont); } else { if(flags & UNDERLINE) dc.SetFont(m_underlinedFont); else dc.SetFont(m_normalFont); } int coord_x, coord_y; bool normal_colors = !(flags & INVERSE); bool selected_colors = false; if (HasSelection()) { if (m_normalized_sel_y1 == m_normalized_sel_y2) { // Single row selection selected_colors = y == m_normalized_sel_y1 && x >= m_normalized_sel_x1 && x < m_normalized_sel_x2; } else if (m_normalized_sel_y1 < m_normalized_sel_y2) { // Multi-row selection if (y == m_normalized_sel_y1) { // First row selected_colors = x >= m_normalized_sel_x1; } else if (y == m_normalized_sel_y2) { // Last row selected_colors = x < m_normalized_sel_x2; } else if (y > m_normalized_sel_y1 && y < m_normalized_sel_y2) { // Middle row selected_colors = true; } } } dc.SetBackgroundMode(wxSOLID); if (selected_colors) { dc.SetTextBackground(m_selection_background); dc.SetTextForeground(m_selection_foreground); } else if (normal_colors) { dc.SetTextBackground(TurtleCanvas::colors[bg_color]); dc.SetTextForeground(TurtleCanvas::colors[fg_color]); } else { dc.SetTextBackground(TurtleCanvas::colors[fg_color]); dc.SetTextForeground(TurtleCanvas::colors[bg_color]); } coord_y = y * m_charHeight; coord_x = x * (m_charWidth); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.Length(); i++, coord_x += m_charWidth) { dc.DrawText(str.Mid(i, 1), coord_x, coord_y); } } void wxTerminal::Bell() { wxBell(); } void wxTerminal::RenumberLines(int new_width) { //m_width is the OLD WIDTH at this point of the code. wxterm_linepos l_pos; l_pos.buf = term_lines; l_pos.offset = 0; wxterm_charpos c_pos; c_pos.buf = term_chars; c_pos.line_length = 0; c_pos.offset = 0; wxterm_charpos last_logo_pos = GetCharPosition(last_logo_x,last_logo_y); //IMPORTANT: // * line_number stores the current line we're looking at, // * c_pos.line_length is how far into the current line we are // * c_pos.offset is the offset into the BUFFER int line_number = 0; //run until see '\0' int next_line = 0; // flag to say "mark next line". while(char_of(c_pos) != '\0') { if(c_pos.buf == curr_char_pos.buf && c_pos.offset == curr_char_pos.offset) { cursor_x = c_pos.line_length; cursor_y = line_number; curr_line_pos = l_pos; } if(c_pos.buf == last_logo_pos.buf && c_pos.offset == last_logo_pos.offset) { last_logo_x = c_pos.line_length; last_logo_y = line_number; } if(char_of(c_pos) == '\n') { next_line = 1; } else { c_pos.line_length++; if(c_pos.line_length == new_width) { next_line = 1; } } inc_charpos(c_pos); if(next_line) { line_of(l_pos).line_length = c_pos.line_length; inc_linepos(l_pos); line_of(l_pos).buf = c_pos.buf; line_of(l_pos).offset = c_pos.offset; c_pos.line_length = 0; next_line = 0; line_number++; } } if(c_pos.buf == curr_char_pos.buf && c_pos.offset == curr_char_pos.offset) { cursor_x = c_pos.line_length; cursor_y = line_number; curr_line_pos = l_pos; } if(c_pos.buf == last_logo_pos.buf && c_pos.offset == last_logo_pos.offset) { last_logo_x = c_pos.line_length; last_logo_y = line_number; } line_of(l_pos).line_length = c_pos.line_length; y_max = line_number; //sanity check on variables //fprintf(stderr, "cursor %d %d\n", cursor_x, cursor_y); //fprintf(stderr, "lastlogopos xy %d %d\n", last_logo_x, last_logo_y); } void wxTerminal::ResizeTerminal(int width, int height) { /* ** Set terminal size */ if(width != m_width) { //need to renumber the lines RenumberLines(width); m_width = width; x_max = m_width - 1; } m_height = height; //reset virtual size SetScrollRate(0, m_charHeight); //number of lines is y_max + 1 SetVirtualSize(m_width*m_charWidth,(y_max+1)*m_charHeight); } void wxTerminal::DebugOutputBuffer() { //debugging wxterm_linepos lpos; lpos.buf = term_lines; lpos.offset = 0; wxterm_charpos pos_1 = line_of(lpos); // fprintf(stderr, "WXTERMINAL STATS: \n width: %d, height: %d, \n cw: %d, ch: %d \n x_max: %d, y_max: %d \n cursor_x: %d, cursor_y: %d \n last_logo_x : %d, last_logo_y: %d \ncurr_charpos buf %ld offset %d \ncurr_line buf %ld offset %d\n", m_width, m_height, m_charWidth, m_charHeight, x_max, y_max,cursor_x, cursor_y, last_logo_x, last_logo_y,(long)curr_char_pos.buf, curr_char_pos.offset, (long)curr_line_pos.buf, curr_line_pos.offset); // fprintf(stderr, "WXTERMINAL CHARACTER BUFFER\n###############\n"); while(char_of(pos_1) != '\0') { if(char_of(pos_1) == '\n') { fprintf(stderr, "\\n\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr,"%c", char_of(pos_1)); } inc_charpos(pos_1); } fprintf(stderr, "|"); fprintf(stderr, "\n#############\n"); fprintf(stderr, "WXTERMINAL LINE BUFFER\n##############\n"); for(int i = 0; i <= y_max; i++) { // fprintf(stderr, "LINE %d: buf: %ld, offset: %d, len: %d\n", i,(long)line_of(lpos).buf, line_of(lpos).offset, line_of(lpos).line_length); inc_linepos(lpos); } fprintf(stderr, "\n#############\n\n"); } void wxTerminal::InsertChar(char c) { //insert a character at current location //if there is a newline at the current location and we're not inserting one // scenario: // Buffer: abcde\nfgh // * X * // X = current position // * = line locations // // After insert k: // abcdek\nfgh // * X * if(char_of(curr_char_pos) == '\n' && c != '\n') { // check case if we're about to insert the last character of the line if(line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length < m_width - 1) { //have to add characters to current line, //bump characters up. wxterm_linepos lpos = curr_line_pos; wxterm_charpos pos_1 = curr_char_pos; wxterm_charpos pos_2 = pos_1; inc_charpos(pos_2); // Method of relocating characters: // need two variables, S = save, G = grab // // save 1, // S1 G // 12345678 // // grab 2, place 1, save 2 // // S2 G2 // _1345678 // // grab 3, place 2, save 3... // // S3 G3 // _1245678 // // etc... // ends when next position to grab is '\0' // (allocate buffer when necesary) // grab 8, place 7, save 8 // place 8 in that last position char save_char, save_mode; char grab_char, grab_mode; save_char = char_of(pos_1); save_mode = mode_of(pos_1); while(char_of(pos_2) != '\0') { grab_char = char_of(pos_2); grab_mode = mode_of(pos_2); char_of(pos_2) = save_char; mode_of(pos_2) = save_mode; save_char = grab_char; save_mode = grab_mode; inc_charpos(pos_1); inc_charpos(pos_2); } //insert "save" into pos2 char_of(pos_2) = save_char; mode_of(pos_2) = save_mode; //now bump all the lines up. //look at the current line number (cursor_y) // go until y_max, and adjust position of all lines +1 inc_linepos(lpos); for(int lnum = cursor_y+1; lnum <= y_max; lnum++) { inc_charpos(line_of(lpos)); inc_linepos(lpos); } } } char_of(curr_char_pos) = c; mode_of(curr_char_pos) = m_currMode; inc_charpos(curr_char_pos); } void wxTerminal::NextLine() { //points next line position to current char position, and increments line offset. inc_linepos(curr_line_pos); line_of(curr_line_pos).buf = curr_char_pos.buf; line_of(curr_line_pos).offset = curr_char_pos.offset; //line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length = 0; cursor_y++; if(cursor_y > y_max) { y_max = cursor_y; int x,y; GetVirtualSize(&x,&y); //y_max + 1 = number of lines SetVirtualSize(max(x,m_width*m_charWidth),max(y,(y_max+1)*m_charHeight)); } cursor_x = 0; } void wxTerminal::PassInputToTerminal(int len, char *data) { int i; int numspaces, j; wxterm_linepos lpos; wxterm_charpos pos_1, pos_2; int new_line_length; int vis_x,vis_y; GetViewStart(&vis_x,&vis_y); static int old_vis_y = 0; char spc = ' '; for(i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch(data[i]) { case TOGGLE_STANDOUT: // char 17 //enter/exit standout mode , ignore character m_currMode ^= INVERSE; break; case '\t': // formula is: (8 - (cursorpos%8)) spaces numspaces = (8 - (cursor_x % 8)); if(numspaces == 0) { numspaces = 8; } for(j = 0; j < numspaces; j++) { InsertChar(spc); cursor_x++; if(cursor_x > line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length) { line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length = cursor_x; } if(cursor_x > x_max) { //tab should stop inserting spaces. NextLine(); break; //out of the for loop } } break; case '\r': case '\n': new_line_length = cursor_x; InsertChar('\n'); if(i + 1 < len && ((data[i] == '\r' && data[i+1] == '\n') || //LF+CR (data[i] == '\n' && data[i+1] == '\r'))) { //CR+LF i++; } // this case triggers when you do // ? setcursor [0 0] // and then press // if this is commented out, it will still work, but the characters // will remain in the buffer! if(new_line_length < line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length && cursor_y < y_max) { //shift all the characters down. //(remove characters between inserted newline and end of line) lpos = curr_line_pos; inc_linepos(lpos); pos_1 = curr_char_pos; pos_2 = line_of(lpos); while(char_of(pos_1) != '\0') { if(char_of(pos_2) != '\0' && pos_2.buf == line_of(lpos).buf && pos_2.offset == line_of(lpos).offset) { line_of(lpos).buf = pos_1.buf; line_of(lpos).offset = pos_1.offset; inc_linepos(lpos); } char_of(pos_1) = char_of(pos_2); mode_of(pos_1) = mode_of(pos_2); inc_charpos(pos_1); inc_charpos(pos_2); } } line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length = new_line_length; NextLine(); break; default: InsertChar(data[i]); cursor_x++; if(cursor_x > line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length) { line_of(curr_line_pos).line_length = cursor_x; } if(cursor_x > x_max) { NextLine(); } break; } } if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { //scroll if cursor current cursor not visible or // if we're not reading an instruction (logo output) // old_vis_y keeps track of whether the screen has changed lately if((!readingInstruction && 1 || //don't use old_vis_y?? vis_y != old_vis_y) || cursor_y < vis_y || cursor_y > vis_y + m_height - 1) { Scroll(-1, cursor_y); old_vis_y = vis_y; //Refresh(); } } } wxString * wxTerminal::get_text() { // int i; wxString *outputString = new wxString(); outputString->Clear(); outputString->Append(_T("\n")); outputString->Append(_T("\n")); // The extra BR tag is needed to have the spacing between the first and second lines // the same as the remaining lines. outputString->Append(wxT("
\n")); wxString txt = GetChars(0,0,x_max,y_max); txt.Replace(_T("\n"),_T("
\n")); txt.Replace(" ", " "); outputString->Append(txt); outputString->Append(_T("
")); outputString->Append(_T("")); outputString->Append(_T("")); // delete textString; return outputString; } void wxTerminal::SelectPrinter(char *PrinterName) { if(m_printerFN) { if(m_printerName[0] == '#') fclose(m_printerFN); else #if defined(__WXMSW__) fclose(m_printerFN); #else pclose(m_printerFN); #endif m_printerFN = 0; } if(m_printerName) { free(m_printerName); m_printerName = 0; } if(strlen(PrinterName)) { m_printerName = strdup(PrinterName); } } void wxTerminal::PrintChars(int len, char *data) { char pname[100]; if(!m_printerFN) { if(!m_printerName) return; if(m_printerName[0] == '#') { #if defined(__WXMSW__) sprintf(pname, "lpt%d", m_printerName[1] - '0' + 1); #else sprintf(pname, "/dev/lp%d", m_printerName[1] - '0'); #endif m_printerFN = fopen(pname, "wb"); } else { #if defined(__WXMSW__) m_printerFN = fopen(m_printerName, "wb"); #else sprintf(pname, "lpr -P%s", m_printerName); m_printerFN = popen(pname, "w"); #endif } } if(m_printerFN) { fwrite(data, len, 1, m_printerFN); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions called from the interpreter thread // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setInputMode(LogoInputMode new_logo_input_mode) { // if turning charmode off, flush the // buffer (not the input buffer, logo's buffer) if (logo_input_mode == LogoCharInputMode && new_logo_input_mode != LogoCharInputMode) { char tmp; while(!buff_empty) { buff_pop(tmp); } } logo_input_mode = new_logo_input_mode; } extern "C" void setNormalInputMode() { setInputMode(LogoNormalInputMode); } extern "C" void setCharInputMode() { setInputMode(LogoCharInputMode); } extern "C" void setLineInputMode() { setInputMode(LogoLineInputMode); } extern "C" void wxClearText() { wxTerminal::terminal->ClearScreen(); // output_index = 0; } void wxTerminal::ClearScreen() { if(y_max > 0) { int x,y; GetVirtualSize(&x,&y); SetVirtualSize(max(x,m_width*m_charWidth),max(y,(y_max+1+m_height)*m_charHeight)); Scroll(-1,y_max+1); int vx,vy; GetViewStart(&vx,&vy); //pretend setcursor from logo so that it can insert spaces if needed wxClientDC dc(this); setCursor(0,y_max + 1 - vy, TRUE); if(!(m_currMode & DEFERUPDATE)) { Refresh(); } } } //currently does nothing. void wxTerminal::EnableScrolling(bool want_scrolling) { //wxScrolledWindow::EnableScrolling(FALSE,want_scrolling); //doesn't work return; } extern "C" void flushFile(FILE * stream); extern "C" void wxSetCursor(int x, int y){ //just call wxTerminal::setCursor with a special flag. flushFile(stdout); wxTerminal::terminal->EnableScrolling(FALSE); wxClientDC dc(wxTerminal::terminal); wxTerminal::terminal->setCursor(x,y,TRUE); } extern "C" void wxSetFont(char *fm, int sz) { int adjust_label = 0; if(fm != wx_font_face) { strcpy(wx_font_face, fm); adjust_label++; } wx_font_size = sz; wxFont f(FONT_CFG(wx_font_face, wx_font_size)); wxTerminal::terminal->SetFont(f); editWindow->SetFont(f); //TurtleCanvas memDC, set size depending on scrunch! if(adjust_label) { turtleGraphics->SetFont(f); } logoFrame->AdjustSize(); } extern "C" void wx_enable_scrolling() { wxTerminal::terminal->EnableScrolling(TRUE); } extern enum s_md {SCREEN_TEXT, SCREEN_SPLIT, SCREEN_FULL} screen_mode; extern "C" int check_wx_stop(int force_yield, int pause_return_value) { logoEventManager->ProcessEvents(force_yield); //give focus to terminal if text window shown //and Frame has focus wxWindow * focus_win = wxWindow::FindFocus(); if(wxTerminal::terminal && //screen_mode != SCREEN_FULL && // screen_text or screen_split mode !(focus_win == (wxWindow *)wxTerminal::terminal) && (focus_win == (wxWindow *)logoFrame)) { wxTerminal::terminal->SetFocus(); } if (logo_stop_flag) { logo_stop_flag = 0; #ifdef SIG_TAKES_ARG logo_stop(0); #else logo_stop(); #endif return 1; } if (logo_pause_flag) { logo_pause_flag = 0; #ifdef SIG_TAKES_ARG logo_pause(0); #else logo_pause(); #endif return pause_return_value; } return 0; } extern "C" int internal_check(){ if (logo_stop_flag) { logo_stop_flag = 0; #ifdef SIG_TAKES_ARG logo_stop(0); #else logo_stop(); #endif return 1; } if (logo_pause_flag) { logo_pause_flag = 0; #ifdef SIG_TAKES_ARG logo_pause(0); #else logo_pause(); #endif return 1; } return 0; } extern "C" int getTermInfo(int type){ switch (type){ case X_COORD: return wxTerminal::terminal->cursor_x; break; case Y_COORD: int vx,vy; wxTerminal::terminal->GetViewStart(&vx,&vy); return wxTerminal::terminal->cursor_y - vy; break; case X_MAX: //return wxTerminal::terminal->x_max; return wxTerminal::terminal->m_width; break; case Y_MAX: //return wxTerminal::terminal->y_max; return wxTerminal::terminal->m_height; break; case EDIT_STATE: return editWindow->stateFlag; break; default: return -1; } return -1; } extern "C" void setTermInfo(int type, int val){ switch (type){ case X_COORD: //wxTerminal::terminal->x_coord=val; return; break; case Y_COORD: //wxTerminal::terminal->y_coord=val; return; break; case X_MAX: return; //wxTerminal::terminal->x_max=val; break; case Y_MAX: return; //wxTerminal::terminal->y_max=val; break; case EDIT_STATE: editWindow->stateFlag=val; break; } } extern "C" void doClose() { extern int wx_leave_mainloop; if(!wx_leave_mainloop) { logoFrame->Close(TRUE); } } extern "C" char * wx_get_original_dir_name(void) { return new_c_string_from_wx_string(originalWorkingDir); } extern "C" char * wx_get_current_dir_name(void) { return new_c_string_from_wx_string(wxGetCwd()); } extern "C" void wx_chdir(char *file_path) { bool success = wxSetWorkingDirectory(wxString::FromAscii(file_path)); assert(success); }