Tip revision: 2d95c15d3a2cc5984ffd4a9a2c4ad3496847ca9d authored by Oliver Contier on 28 February 2023, 15:15:53 UTC
fixed howtocite
fixed howtocite
Tip revision: 2d95c15
#! /usr/env/python
import warnings
from os.path import exists as pexists
from os.path import join as pjoin
from bids import BIDSLayout
class ThingsMRIdataset:
Data loader for the THINGS-fMRI dataset.
def __init__(self, root_path: str, validate: bool = True):
# path attributes
assert isinstance(root_path, str)
self.root_path = root_path
self.rawdata_path = pjoin(self.root_path, 'rawdata')
self.sourcedata_path = pjoin(self.root_path, 'sourcedata')
self.derivs_path = pjoin(self.root_path, 'derivatives')
# pybids layout
self.layout = BIDSLayout(self.rawdata_path, validate=validate)
self.subjects = self.layout.get(return_type='id', target='subject')
self.sessions = self.layout.get(return_type='id', target='session')
self.things_sessions = [ses for ses in self.layout.get(return_type='id', target='session') if 'things' in ses]
runids = self.layout.get(return_type='id', target='run')
self.maxnruns = int(runids[-1]) # maximum number of runs per session
def update_layout(self, validate: bool = True):
self.layout = BIDSLayout(self.rawdata_path, validate=validate)
return None
def include_derivs(self):
"""Note that this only captures folders in the derivs_path which have a dataset_description.json."""
if pexists(self.derivs_path):
warnings.warn("Could not find derivatives directory\n{}".format(self.derivs_path))
return None
def get_reconall_anat(self, subject: str) -> dict:
"""Collect paths to relevant outputs of reconall"""
return dict(
wmseg=pjoin(self.derivs_path, 'reconall', f'sub-{subject}', 'mri', 'wm.seg.mgz'),
t1=pjoin(self.derivs_path, 'reconall', f'sub-{subject}', 'mri', 'nu.mgz'),
t1_brain=pjoin(self.derivs_path, 'reconall', f'sub-{subject}', 'mri', 'norm.mgz'),
def get_fieldmap_files(self, subject: str) -> dict:
phasediff_files = self.layout.get(subject=subject, return_type='file', extension='.nii.gz', suffix='phasediff')
mag1_files = self.layout.get(subject=subject, return_type='file', extension='.nii.gz', suffix='magnitude1')
mag2_files = self.layout.get(subject=subject, return_type='file', extension='.nii.gz', suffix='magnitude2')
return dict(
def get_fmriprep_t1w(self, subject):
return pjoin(self.root_path, 'derivatives', 'fmriprep', f'sub-{subject}', 'anat',