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Tip revision: 9d594684d2bd4630b4501eac818563d0509628d4 authored by Matthias Templ on 14 August 2017, 12:14:11 UTC
version 2.0.6
Tip revision: 9d59468
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% Please edit documentation in R/adtestWrapper.R
\title{Wrapper for Anderson-Darling tests}
adtestWrapper(x, alpha = 0.05, R = 1000, robustEst = FALSE)

\method{print}{adtestWrapper}(x, ...)

\method{summary}{adtestWrapper}(object, ...)
\item{x}{compositional data of class data.frame or matrix}

\item{alpha}{significance level}

\item{R}{Number of Monte Carlo simulations in order to provide p-values.}


\item{...}{additional parameters for print and summary passed through}

\item{object}{an object of class adtestWrapper for the summary method}
\item{res }{ a list including each test result } \item{check }{
information about the rejection of the null hypothesis} \item{alpha}{ the
underlying significance level } \item{info}{ further information which is
used by the print and summary method. } \item{est}{ \dQuote{standard} for
standard estimation and \dQuote{robust} for robust estimation }
A set of Anderson-Darling tests (Anderson and Darling, 1952) are applied as
proposed by Aitchison (Aichison, 1986).
First, the data is transformed using the \sQuote{ilr}-transformation.  After
applying this transformation

- all (D-1)-dimensional marginal, univariate distributions are tested using
the univariate Anderson-Darling test for normality.

- all 0.5 (D-1)(D-2)-dimensional bivariate angle distributions are tested
using the Anderson-Darling angle test for normality.

- the (D-1)-dimensional radius distribution is tested using the
Anderson-Darling radius test for normality.

A print and a summary method are implemented. The latter one provides a similar output is proposed by (Pawlowsky-Glahn, et al. (2008). In addition
to that, p-values are provided.

a <- adtestWrapper(machineOperators, R=50) # choose higher value of R

Anderson, T.W. and Darling, D.A. (1952) \emph{Asymptotic theory
of certain goodness-of-fit criteria based on stochastic processes} Annals of
Mathematical Statistics, \bold{23} 193-212.

Aitchison, J. (1986) \emph{The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data}
Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman \& Hall Ltd.,
London (UK). 416p.
\code{\link{adtest}}, \code{\link{pivotCoord}}
Matthias Templ and Karel Hron
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