\name{symbol.freq} \alias{symbol.freq} \title{Graphic Representation of a Frequency Table} \description{ This function can be used to represent contingency tables graphically. Frequency counts are represented as the heights of "thermometers" by default; you can also specify \code{symbol='circle'} to the function. There is an option to include marginal frequencies, which are plotted on a halved scale so as to not overwhelm the plot. If you do not ask for marginal frequencies to be plotted using \code{marginals=T}, \code{symbol.freq} will ask you to click the mouse where a reference symbol is to be drawn to assist in reading the scale of the frequencies. \code{label} attributes, if present, are used for x- and y-axis labels. Otherwise, names of calling arguments are used. } \usage{ symbol.freq(x, y, symbol = c("thermometer", "circle"), marginals = FALSE, orig.scale = FALSE, inches = 0.25, width = 0.15, subset, srtx = 0, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{first variable to cross-classify} \item{y}{second variable} \item{symbol}{specify \code{"thermometer"} (the default) or \code{"circle"}} \item{marginals}{set to \code{TRUE} to add marginal frequencies (scaled by half) to the plot} \item{orig.scale}{set to \code{TRUE} when the first two arguments are numeric variables; this uses their original values for x and y coordinates)} \item{inches}{see \code{\link{symbols}}} \item{width}{see \code{thermometers} option in \code{symbols}} \item{subset}{the usual subsetting vector} \item{srtx}{rotation angle for x-axis labels} \item{\dots}{other arguments to pass to \code{symbols}} } \author{Frank Harrell} \seealso{\code{\link{symbols}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ getHdata(titanic) attach(titanic) age.tertile <- cut2(titanic$age, g=3) symbol.freq(age.tertile, pclass, marginals=T, srtx=45) detach(2) }} \keyword{hplot}