(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcSymbols open EcUtils open EcMaps (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type ident = { id_symb : symbol; id_tag : int; } type idents = ident list (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let name x = x.id_symb let id_compare i1 i2 = i2.id_tag - i1.id_tag let tag x = x.id_tag (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let id_equal : ident -> ident -> bool = (==) let id_hash id = id.id_tag let id_ntr_compare (id1 : ident) (id2 : ident) = if id_equal id1 id2 then 0 else match String.compare id1.id_symb id2.id_symb with | 0 -> id_compare id1 id2 | n -> n (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) module Collection = MakeMSH(struct type t = ident let tag = fun (x : ident) -> x.id_tag end) module Sid = Collection.S module Mid = Collection.M module Hid = Collection.H (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let fv_singleton x = Mid.singleton x 1 let fv_union m1 m2 = Mid.union (fun _ m n -> Some (m+n)) m1 m2 let fv_diff m1 m2 = Mid.diff (fun _ _ _ -> None) m1 m2 let fv_add x m = Mid.change (fun x -> Some ((odfl 0 x) + 1)) x m (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type t = ident let create (x : symbol) = { id_symb = x; id_tag = EcUid.unique () } let fresh (id : t) = create (name id) let tostring (id : t) = Printf.sprintf "%s/%d" id.id_symb id.id_tag (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let pp_ident fmt id = Format.fprintf fmt "%s" (name id)