Raw File
# Set the runtime locale manually

<!--todo: The Angular CLI sets the locale ID token as part of the translation. -->

<!--todo: To override the provider for the locale ID token. -->

The initial installation of Angular already contains locale data for English in the United States \(`en-US`\).
The [Angular CLI][AioCliMain] automatically includes the locale data and sets the `LOCALE_ID` value when you use the `--localize` option with [`ng build`][AioCliBuild] command.

To manually set the runtime locale of an application to one other than the automatic value, complete the following actions.

1.  Search for the Unicode locale ID in the language-locale combination in the [`@angular/common/locales/`][UnpkgBrowseAngularCommonLocales] directory.
1.  Set the [`LOCALE_ID`][AioApiCoreLocaleId] token.

The following example sets the value of `LOCALE_ID` to `fr` for French.

<code-example header="src/app/app.module.ts" path="i18n/doc-files/app.module.ts" region="locale-id"></code-example>

<!-- links -->

[AioApiCoreLocaleId]: api/core/LOCALE_ID "LOCALE_ID | Core - API | Angular"

[AioCliMain]: cli "CLI Overview and Command Reference | Angular"
[AioCliBuild]: cli/build "ng build | CLI | Angular"

<!-- external links -->

[UnpkgBrowseAngularCommonLocales]: https://unpkg.com/browse/@angular/common/locales/ "@angular/common/locales/ | Unpkg"

<!-- end links -->

@reviewed 2022-02-28
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