"""Install tensor2tensor.""" from setuptools import find_packages from setuptools import setup setup( name='tensor2tensor', version='1.15.4', description='Tensor2Tensor', long_description=( 'Tensor2Tensor, or T2T for short, is a library of ' 'deep learning models and datasets designed to make deep ' 'learning more accessible and accelerate ML research. ' 'T2T was developed by researchers and engineers in the Google ' 'Brain team and a community of users. It is now in maintenance ' 'mode -- we keep it running and welcome bug-fixes, but encourage ' 'users to use the successor library Trax.'), author='Google Inc.', author_email='no-reply@google.com', url='http://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor', license='Apache 2.0', packages=find_packages(), package_data={ 'tensor2tensor.data_generators': ['test_data/*'], 'tensor2tensor.data_generators.wikisum': ['test_data/*'], 'tensor2tensor.visualization': [ 'attention.js', 'TransformerVisualization.ipynb' ], }, scripts=[ 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-trainer', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-datagen', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-decoder', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-make-tf-configs', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-eval', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-exporter', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-query-server', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-insights-server', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-avg-all', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-bleu', 'tensor2tensor/bin/t2t-translate-all', ], install_requires=[ 'absl-py', 'bz2file', 'dopamine-rl', 'flask', 'future', 'gevent', 'gin-config', 'google-api-python-client', 'gunicorn', 'gym', 'h5py', 'kfac', 'mesh-tensorflow', 'numpy', 'oauth2client', 'opencv-python', 'Pillow', 'pypng', 'requests', 'scipy', 'six', 'sympy', 'tensorflow-datasets', 'tensorflow-gan', 'tensorflow-probability==0.7.0', 'tqdm', ], extras_require={ 'tensorflow': ['tensorflow>=1.15.0'], 'tensorflow-hub': ['tensorflow-hub>=0.1.1'], 'tests': [ # Needed to fix a Travis pytest error. # https://github.com/Julian/jsonschema/issues/449#issuecomment-411406525 'attrs>=17.4.0', 'pytest>=3.8.0', 'mock', 'jupyter', 'matplotlib', # Need atari extras for Travis tests, but because gym is already in # install_requires, pip skips the atari extras, so we instead do an # explicit pip install gym[atari] for the tests. # 'gym[atari]', ], 'allen': ['Pillow==5.1.0', 'pandas==0.23.0'], }, classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: Science/Research', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Apache Software License', 'Topic :: Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence', ], dependency_links=[ 'git+https://github.com/tensorflow/cleverhans.git#egg=cleverhans' ], keywords='tensorflow machine learning', )