\name{RMcoord} \alias{RMcoord} \title{Coordinates in the mixed model representation} \description{ This function is used to define, in the (rare) case, coordinates that differ from the original coordinates to define a covariance matrix for a random effect model \code{~ RMmodel() + Z @ RMcoord(coord=X, RMmodel2())} } \usage{ RMcoord(C0, coord, dist) } \arguments{ \item{C0}{covariance function of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}.} \item{coord, dist}{either coordinates or a the lower matrix of a distance matrix can be passed } } \value{ \command{\link{RMcoord}} returns an object of class \code{\link[=RMmodel-class]{RMmodel}}. } \author{Martin Schlather, \email{schlather@math.uni-mannheim.de} } \seealso{ \command{\link{RMmodel}}, \command{\link{RFfit}}. } \keyword{spatial} \keyword{models} \examples{ ## For examples see the help page of 'RFformula' ## ## todo \dontshow{FinalizeExample()} }