Raw File
The module contains functions computing hopping parameters
with arbitrary rotations of atomic orbitals based on the table of
empirical diatomic couplings defined in the module params.
Computations are based mostly on analytical equations derived in
[A.V. Podolskiy and P. Vogl, Phys. Rev. B. 69, 233101 (2004)].
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import sys
import math
from .constants import *
import warnings

#  NN - Si-Si
PARAMS_SI_SI = {'ss_sigma': -1.9413,
                '1s1s_sigma': -3.3081,
                's1s_sigma': -1.6933,
                'sp_sigma': 2.7836,
                '1sp_sigma': 2.8428,
                'sd_sigma': -2.7998,
                '1sd_sigma': -0.7003,
                'pp_sigma': 4.1068,
                'pp_pi': -1.5934,
                'pd_sigma': -2.1073,
                'pd_pi': 1.9977,
                'dd_sigma': -1.2327,
                'dd_pi': 2.5145,
                'dd_delta': -2.4734}

#  NN - Si-H
PARAMS_H_SI = {'ss_sigma': -3.9997,
               's1s_sigma': -1.6977,
               'sp_sigma': 4.2518,
               'sd_sigma': -2.1055}

PARAMS_H_H = {'ss_sigma': 1}

# 1NN - Bi-Bi
PARAMS_BI_BI1 = {'ss_sigma': -0.608,
                 'sp_sigma': 1.320,
                 'pp_sigma': 1.854,
                 'pp_pi': -0.600}

# 2NN - Bi-Bi
PARAMS_BI_BI2 = {'ss_sigma': -0.384,
                 'sp_sigma': 0.433,
                 'pp_sigma': 1.396,
                 'pp_pi': -0.344}

# 3NN - Bi-Bi
PARAMS_BI_BI3 = {'ss_sigma': 0,
                 'sp_sigma': 0,
                 'pp_sigma': 0.156,
                 'pp_pi': 0}

# # 1NN - Bi-Bi
# PARAMS_BI_BI1 = {'ss_sigma': -0.92,
#                  'sp_sigma': 1.99,
#                  'pp_sigma': 2.79,
#                  'pp_pi': -0.9}

def me_diatomic(bond, n, l_min, l_max, m, which_neighbour):
    The function looks up into the table of parameters making a query parametrized by:

    :param bond:   a bond type represented by a list of atom labels
    :param n:      combination of the principal quantum numbers of atoms
    :param l_min:  min(l1, l2), where l1 and l2 are orbital quantum numbers of atoms
    :param l_max:  max(l1, l2), where l1 and l2 are orbital quantum numbers of atoms
    :param m:      symmetry of the electron wave function in the diatomic molecule
                   takes values "sigma", "pi" and "delta"
    :return:       numerical value of the corresponding tabular parameter
    :rtype:        float

    label = n[0] + ORBITAL_QN[l_min] + n[1] + ORBITAL_QN[l_max] + '_' + M_QN[m]

    # if n == '00':
    #     label = ORBITAL_QN[l_min] + ORBITAL_QN[l_max] + '_' + M_QN[m]
    # elif n == '01':
    #     label = 'c' + ORBITAL_QN[l_max] + '_' + M_QN[m]
    # elif n == '11':
    #     label = 'cc' + '_' + M_QN[m]
    # else:
    #     raise ValueError('Wrong value of the value variable')

        if which_neighbour == 0:
            return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'PARAMS_' + bond)[label]
        elif which_neighbour == 100:
            return 0
            return getattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'PARAMS_' + bond + str(which_neighbour))[label]
    except KeyError:
        warnings.warn('There is no parameter PARAMS_' +
                      bond + '[' + label + ']' + ' in the dictionary', UserWarning)
        return 0

def d_me(N, l, m1, m2):
    Computes rotational matrix elements according to
    A.V. Podolskiy and P. Vogl, Phys. Rev. B. 69, 233101 (2004)

    :param N:    directional cosine relative to z-axis
    :param l:    orbital quantum number
    :param m1:   magnetic quantum number
    :param m2:   magnetic quantum number
    :return:     rotational matrix element

    prefactor = ((0.5 * (1 + N)) ** l) * (((1 - N) / (1 + N)) ** (m1 * 0.5 - m2 * 0.5)) * \
        math.sqrt(math.factorial(l + m2) * math.factorial(l - m2) *
                  math.factorial(l + m1) * math.factorial(l - m1))

    ans = 0

    for t in range(2 * l + 2):
        if l + m2 - t >= 0 and l - m1 - t >= 0 and t + m1 - m2 >= 0:
            ans += ((-1) ** t) * (((1 - N) / (1 + N)) ** t) / \
                   (math.factorial(l + m2 - t) * math.factorial(l - m1 - t) *
                    math.factorial(t) * math.factorial(t + m1 - m2))

    return np.nan_to_num(ans * prefactor)

def tau(m):
    if m < 0:
        return 0
        return 1

def a_coef(m, gamma):

    if m == 0:
        return 1.0 / math.sqrt(2)
        return ((-1) ** abs(m)) * \
               (tau(m) * math.cos(abs(m) * gamma) - tau(-m) * math.sin(abs(m) * gamma))

def b_coef(m, gamma):

    return ((-1) ** abs(m)) * \
           (tau(m) * math.sin(abs(m) * gamma) + tau(-m) * math.cos(abs(m) * gamma))

def s_me(N, l, m1, m2, gamma):

    return a_coef(m1, gamma) * \
           (((-1) ** abs(m2)) * d_me(N, l, abs(m1), abs(m2)) + d_me(N, l, abs(m1), -abs(m2)))

def t_me(N, l, m1, m2, gamma):

    if m1 == 0:
        return 0
        return b_coef(m1, gamma) * \
               (((-1) ** abs(m2)) * d_me(N, l, abs(m1), abs(m2)) - d_me(N, l, abs(m1), -abs(m2)))

def me(atom1, ll1, atom2, ll2, coords, which_neighbour=0):
    Computes the non-diagonal matrix element of the tight-binding Hamiltonian -
    coupling between two sites, both are described by LCAO basis sets.
    This function is evoked in the member function _get_me() of the Hamiltonian object.

    atom1 : tb.Orbitals
        basis set associated with the first site
    ll1 : int
        index specifying a particular orbital in the basis set for the first site
    atom2 : tb.Orbitals
        basis set associated with the first site
    ll2 : int
        index specifying a particular orbital in the basis set for the second site
    coords : array
        coordinates of radius vector pointing from one site to another
    which_neighbour : int
        Order of a nearest neighbour (first-, second-, third- etc)

    ans : float
        Inter-atomic matrix element


    # determine type of bonds
    atoms = sorted([item.upper() for item in [atom1.title, atom2.title]])
    atoms = atoms[0] + '_' + atoms[1]

    # quantum numbers for the first atom
    n1 = atom1.orbitals[ll1]['n']
    l1 = atom1.orbitals[ll1]['l']
    m1 = atom1.orbitals[ll1]['m']
    s1 = atom1.orbitals[ll1]['s']

    # quantum numbers for the second atom
    n2 = atom2.orbitals[ll2]['n']
    l2 = atom2.orbitals[ll2]['l']
    m2 = atom2.orbitals[ll2]['m']
    s2 = atom2.orbitals[ll2]['s']

    if s1 == s2:

        L = coords[0]
        M = coords[1]
        N = coords[2]

        gamma = math.atan2(L, M)

        if l1 > l2:
            code = [n2, n1]
        elif l1 == l2:
            code = [min(n1, n2), max(n1, n2)]
            code = [n1, n2]

        for j, item in enumerate(code):
            if item == 0:
                code[j] = ""
                code[j] = str(item)

        l_min = min(l1, l2)
        l_max = max(l1, l2)

        prefactor = (-1) ** ((l1 - l2 + abs(l1 - l2)) * 0.5)
        ans = 2 * a_coef(m1, gamma) * a_coef(m2, gamma) * \
            d_me(N, l1, abs(m1), 0) * d_me(N, l2, abs(m2), 0) * \
            me_diatomic(atoms, code, l_min, l_max, 0, which_neighbour)

        for m in range(1, l_min+1):
            ans += (s_me(N, l1, m1, m, gamma) * s_me(N, l2, m2, m, gamma) +
                    t_me(N, l1, m1, m, gamma) * t_me(N, l2, m2, m, gamma)) * \
                   me_diatomic(atoms, code, l_min, l_max, m, which_neighbour)

        return prefactor * ans
        return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":

    x0 = np.array([0, 0, 0], dtype=float)
    x1 = np.array([1, 1, 1], dtype=float)

    coords = x0 - x1
    coords /= np.linalg.norm(coords)


    # print d_me(coords[2], 0, 0, 0)
    # print d_me(-coords[2], 0, 0, 0)
    # print d_me(-coords[2], 1, 0, 0)

    print(d_me(-coords[2], 1, 1, 0))
    print(d_me(-coords[2], 1, 0, 1))
    print(d_me(-coords[2], 2, 1, 0))
    print(d_me(-coords[2], 2, 0, 1))
    print(d_me(-coords[2], 2, 2, 1))
    print(d_me(-coords[2], 2, 1, 2))
    print(d_me(coords[2], 1, 1, 0))
    print(d_me(coords[2], 1, 0, 1))
    print(d_me(coords[2], 2, 1, 0))
    print(d_me(coords[2], 2, 0, 1))
    print(d_me(coords[2], 2, 2, 1))
    print(d_me(coords[2], 2, 1, 2))
    # print d_me(-coords[2], 1, -1, 0)
    # print d_me(-coords[2], 1, 0, -1)
    # print d_me(-coords[2], 1, -1, -1)
    # print d_me(-coords[2], 1, 1, 1)
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