(function(window) { var SEGMENT_INFO_LIST = [ { url: 'mp4/test.mp4', type: 'video/mp4; codecs="mp4a.40.2,avc1.4d400d"', duration: 6.549, init: { offset: 0, size: 1413 }, media: [ { offset: 1413, size: 24034, timev: 0.095000, timea: 0, endtimev: 0.896666, endtimea: 0.882358 }, { offset: 25447, size: 21757, timev: 0.896666, timea: 0.882358, endtimev: 1.696666, endtimea: 1.671836 }, { offset: 47204, size: 23591, timev: 1.696666, timea: 1.671836, endtimev: 2.498333, endtimea: 2.461315 }, { offset: 70795, size: 22614, timev: 2.498333, timea: 2.461315, endtimev: 3.298333, endtimea: 3.297233 }, { offset: 93409, size: 18353, timev: 3.298333, timea: 3.297233, endtimev: 4.100000, endtimea: 4.086712}, { offset: 111762, size: 23935, timev: 4.100000, timea: 4.086712, endtimev: 4.900000, endtimea: 4.876190 }, { offset: 135697, size: 21911, timev: 4.900000, timea: 4.876190, endtimev: 5.701666, endtimea: 5.665668 }, { offset: 157608, size: 23776, timev: 5.701666, timea: 5.665668, endtimev: 6.501666, endtimea: 6.501587 }, { offset: 181384, size: 5843, timev: 6.501666, timea: 6.501587, endtimev: 6.501666, endtimea: 6.501678 }, ] }, { url: 'webm/test.webm', type: 'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"', duration: 6.552, init: { offset: 0, size: 4116 }, media: [ { offset: 4116, size: 26583, timev: 0.112000, timea: 0, endtimev: 0.913000, endtimea: 0.912000 }, { offset: 30699, size: 20555, timev: 0.913000, timea: 0.912000, endtimev: 1.714000, endtimea: 1.701000 }, { offset: 51254, size: 22668, timev: 1.714000, timea: 1.701000, endtimev: 2.515000, endtimea: 2.514000 }, { offset: 73922, size: 21943, timev: 2.515000, timea: 2.514000, endtimev: 3.315000, endtimea: 3.303000 }, { offset: 95865, size: 23015, timev: 3.315000, timea: 3.303000, endtimev: 4.116000, endtimea: 4.093000}, { offset: 118880, size: 20406, timev: 4.116000, timea: 4.093000, endtimev: 4.917000, endtimea: 4.906000 }, { offset: 139286, size: 21537, timev: 4.917000, timea: 4.906000, endtimev: 5.718000, endtimea: 5.695000 }, { offset: 160823, size: 24027, timev: 5.718000, timea: 5.695000, endtimev: 6.519000, endtimea: 6.508000 }, { offset: 184850, size: 5955, timev: 6.519000, timea: 6.508000, endtimev: 6.577000, endtimea: 6.577000}, ], } ]; EventExpectationsManager = function(test) { this.test_ = test; this.eventTargetList_ = []; this.waitCallbacks_ = []; }; EventExpectationsManager.prototype.expectEvent = function(object, eventName, description) { var eventInfo = { 'target': object, 'type': eventName, 'description': description}; var expectations = this.getExpectations_(object); expectations.push(eventInfo); var t = this; var waitHandler = this.test_.step_func(this.handleWaitCallback_.bind(this)); var eventHandler = this.test_.step_func(function(event) { object.removeEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); var expected = expectations[0]; assert_equals(event.target, expected.target, "Event target match."); assert_equals(event.type, expected.type, "Event types match."); assert_equals(eventInfo.description, expected.description, "Descriptions match for '" + event.type + "'."); expectations.shift(1); if (t.waitCallbacks_.length > 1) setTimeout(waitHandler, 0); else if (t.waitCallbacks_.length == 1) { // Immediately call the callback. waitHandler(); } }); object.addEventListener(eventName, eventHandler); }; EventExpectationsManager.prototype.waitForExpectedEvents = function(callback) { this.waitCallbacks_.push(callback); setTimeout(this.test_.step_func(this.handleWaitCallback_.bind(this)), 0); }; EventExpectationsManager.prototype.expectingEvents = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.eventTargetList_.length; ++i) { if (this.eventTargetList_[i].expectations.length > 0) { return true; } } return false; } EventExpectationsManager.prototype.handleWaitCallback_ = function() { if (this.waitCallbacks_.length == 0 || this.expectingEvents()) return; var callback = this.waitCallbacks_.shift(1); callback(); }; EventExpectationsManager.prototype.getExpectations_ = function(target) { for (var i = 0; i < this.eventTargetList_.length; ++i) { var info = this.eventTargetList_[i]; if (info.target == target) { return info.expectations; } } var expectations = []; this.eventTargetList_.push({ 'target': target, 'expectations': expectations }); return expectations; }; function loadData_(test, url, callback, isBinary) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); request.open("GET", url, true); if (isBinary) { request.responseType = 'arraybuffer'; } request.onload = test.step_func(function(event) { if (request.status != 200) { assert_unreached("Unexpected status code : " + request.status); return; } var response = request.response; if (isBinary) { response = new Uint8Array(response); } callback(response); }); request.onerror = test.step_func(function(event) { assert_unreached("Unexpected error"); }); request.send(); } function openMediaSource_(test, mediaTag, callback) { var mediaSource = new MediaSource(); var mediaSourceURL = URL.createObjectURL(mediaSource); var eventHandler = test.step_func(onSourceOpen); function onSourceOpen(event) { mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', eventHandler); URL.revokeObjectURL(mediaSourceURL); callback(mediaSource); } mediaSource.addEventListener('sourceopen', eventHandler); mediaTag.src = mediaSourceURL; } var MediaSourceUtil = {}; MediaSourceUtil.loadTextData = function(test, url, callback) { loadData_(test, url, callback, false); }; MediaSourceUtil.loadBinaryData = function(test, url, callback) { loadData_(test, url, callback, true); }; MediaSourceUtil.fetchManifestAndData = function(test, manifestFilename, callback) { var baseURL = ''; var manifestURL = baseURL + manifestFilename; MediaSourceUtil.loadTextData(test, manifestURL, function(manifestText) { var manifest = JSON.parse(manifestText); assert_true(MediaSource.isTypeSupported(manifest.type), manifest.type + " is supported."); var mediaURL = baseURL + manifest.url; MediaSourceUtil.loadBinaryData(test, mediaURL, function(mediaData) { callback(manifest.type, mediaData); }); }); }; MediaSourceUtil.extractSegmentData = function(mediaData, info) { var start = info.offset; var end = start + info.size; return mediaData.subarray(start, end); } MediaSourceUtil.getMediaDataForPlaybackTime = function(mediaData, segmentInfo, playbackTimeToAdd) { assert_less_than_equal(playbackTimeToAdd, segmentInfo.duration); var mediaInfo = segmentInfo.media; var start = mediaInfo[0].offset; var numBytes = 0; var segmentIndex = 0; while (segmentIndex < mediaInfo.length && Math.min(mediaInfo[segmentIndex].timev, mediaInfo[segmentIndex].timea) <= playbackTimeToAdd) { numBytes += mediaInfo[segmentIndex].size; ++segmentIndex; } return mediaData.subarray(start, numBytes + start); } function getFirstSupportedType(typeList) { for (var i = 0; i < typeList.length; ++i) { if (window.MediaSource && MediaSource.isTypeSupported(typeList[i])) return typeList[i]; } return ""; } function getSegmentInfo() { for (var i = 0; i < SEGMENT_INFO_LIST.length; ++i) { var segmentInfo = SEGMENT_INFO_LIST[i]; if (window.MediaSource && MediaSource.isTypeSupported(segmentInfo.type)) { return segmentInfo; } } return null; } var audioOnlyTypes = ['audio/mp4;codecs="mp4a.40.2"', 'audio/webm;codecs="vorbis"']; var videoOnlyTypes = ['video/mp4;codecs="avc1.4D4001"', 'video/webm;codecs="vp8"']; var audioVideoTypes = ['video/mp4;codecs="avc1.4D4001,mp4a.40.2"', 'video/webm;codecs="vp8,vorbis"']; MediaSourceUtil.AUDIO_ONLY_TYPE = getFirstSupportedType(audioOnlyTypes); MediaSourceUtil.VIDEO_ONLY_TYPE = getFirstSupportedType(videoOnlyTypes); MediaSourceUtil.AUDIO_VIDEO_TYPE = getFirstSupportedType(audioVideoTypes); MediaSourceUtil.SEGMENT_INFO = getSegmentInfo(); MediaSourceUtil.getSubType = function(mimetype) { var slashIndex = mimetype.indexOf("/"); var semicolonIndex = mimetype.indexOf(";"); if (slashIndex <= 0) { assert_unreached("Invalid mimetype '" + mimetype + "'"); return; } var start = slashIndex + 1; if (semicolonIndex >= 0) { if (semicolonIndex <= start) { assert_unreached("Invalid mimetype '" + mimetype + "'"); return; } return mimetype.substr(start, semicolonIndex - start) } return mimetype.substr(start); }; MediaSourceUtil.append = function(test, sourceBuffer, data, callback) { function onUpdate() { sourceBuffer.removeEventListener("update", onUpdate); callback(); } sourceBuffer.addEventListener("update", onUpdate); sourceBuffer.addEventListener('error', test.unreached_func("Unexpected event 'error'")); sourceBuffer.appendBuffer(data); }; MediaSourceUtil.appendUntilEventFires = function(test, mediaElement, eventName, sourceBuffer, mediaData, segmentInfo, startingIndex) { var eventFired = false; function onEvent() { mediaElement.removeEventListener(eventName, onEvent); eventFired = true; } mediaElement.addEventListener(eventName, onEvent); var i = startingIndex; var onAppendDone = function() { if (eventFired || (i >= (segmentInfo.media.length - 1))) return; i++; if (i < segmentInfo.media.length) { MediaSourceUtil.append(test, sourceBuffer, MediaSourceUtil.extractSegmentData(mediaData, segmentInfo.media[i]), onAppendDone); } }; MediaSourceUtil.append(test, sourceBuffer, MediaSourceUtil.extractSegmentData(mediaData, segmentInfo.media[i]), onAppendDone); }; function addExtraTestMethods(test) { test.eventExpectations_ = new EventExpectationsManager(test); test.expectEvent = function(object, eventName, description) { test.eventExpectations_.expectEvent(object, eventName, description); }; test.waitForExpectedEvents = function(callback) { test.eventExpectations_.waitForExpectedEvents(callback); }; test.waitForCurrentTimeChange = function(mediaElement, callback) { var initialTime = mediaElement.currentTime; var onTimeUpdate = test.step_func(function() { if (mediaElement.currentTime != initialTime) { mediaElement.removeEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate); callback(); } }); mediaElement.addEventListener('timeupdate', onTimeUpdate); } var oldTestDone = test.done.bind(test); test.done = function() { if (test.status == test.PASS) { assert_false(test.eventExpectations_.expectingEvents(), "No pending event expectations."); } oldTestDone(); }; }; window['MediaSourceUtil'] = MediaSourceUtil; window['media_test'] = function(testFunction, description, options) { options = options || {}; return async_test(function(test) { addExtraTestMethods(test); testFunction(test); }, description, options); }; window['mediasource_test'] = function(testFunction, description, options) { return media_test(function(test) { var mediaTag = document.createElement("video"); if (!document.body) { document.body = document.createElement("body"); } document.body.appendChild(mediaTag); test.removeMediaElement_ = true; test.add_cleanup(function() { if (test.removeMediaElement_) { document.body.removeChild(mediaTag); test.removeMediaElement_ = false; } }); openMediaSource_(test, mediaTag, function(mediaSource) { testFunction(test, mediaTag, mediaSource); }); }, description, options); }; window['mediasource_testafterdataloaded'] = function(testFunction, description, options) { mediasource_test(function(test, mediaElement, mediaSource) { var segmentInfo = MediaSourceUtil.SEGMENT_INFO; if (!segmentInfo) { assert_unreached("No segment info compatible with this MediaSource implementation."); return; } mediaElement.addEventListener('error', test.unreached_func("Unexpected event 'error'")); var sourceBuffer = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(segmentInfo.type); MediaSourceUtil.loadBinaryData(test, segmentInfo.url, function(mediaData) { testFunction(test, mediaElement, mediaSource, segmentInfo, sourceBuffer, mediaData); }); }, description, options); } function timeRangesToString(ranges) { var s = "{"; for (var i = 0; i < ranges.length; ++i) { s += " [" + ranges.start(i).toFixed(3) + ", " + ranges.end(i).toFixed(3) + ")"; } return s + " }"; } window['assertBufferedEquals'] = function(obj, expected, description) { var actual = timeRangesToString(obj.buffered); assert_equals(actual, expected, description); }; window['assertSeekableEquals'] = function(obj, expected, description) { var actual = timeRangesToString(obj.seekable); assert_equals(actual, expected, description); }; })(window);