Where is the Apollo Project Documentation?

While the available online documentation is helpful and interesting, it is only a tiny fraction of the documentation produced by the Apollo project.  So where is the rest of it?

I don't actually know the full answer to the question posed above—for example, I don't currently know where many versions of the AGC source code is stored.  (Probably somewhere in the musty depths of Draper Labs, never to be viewed again by mortals such as you or I.)  But I do know where a lot of documentation is hiding.

MIT Museum

Here's a finding aid for the Charles Stark Draper Laboratory Historical Collection at the MIT Museum.

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center Archives

The U.S. Space & Rocket Center's archives, in Huntsville Alabama, mainly contains material from the Marshall Space Flight Center.  Consequently, it has a relatively large amount of material related to the Saturn rockets, and a sprinkling of other material.  There's little related to the AGC, none to the AGS, and a smidgeon related to the LVDC.  But a "smidgeon" is still greater than zero, and you still may find things of interest there that I'm not aware of.

The photo to the right is aisle 4, and gives you some idea of how much material you may have to sort through to find the tiny nuggets of content that are of value to you. Or perhaps this estimate might give you a better idea:

4 aisles × 2 sides/aisle × 15 bays/side × 9 shelves/bay × 3 feet/shelf = 3,240 linear feet

In the case of USSRC, quite a lot of the archive is devoted to Wernher von Braun's papers, as well as to photographs, videos, and commercially-published books, so the amount I had to look through was really just about half of aisle 4.  Among other difficulties is that you have to wear protective gloves to handle the material.

The policy of the archive is that while you cannot digitize any of the material for yourself, the archive is willing to digitize any document for you, for free ... whenever they get around to it.  Unfortunately, although they agreed readily to do the digitizations I requested, they never did get around to it even though I made repeated requests, and so I finally gave up asking after a year or so.  So there's that.  Furthermore, the collection is completely unindexed, other than the ongoing work they had been doing on von Braun's papers.  So there's that too.

Because the collection was unindexed, I took it upon myself to index just the small area—about 6 linear feet—where the IBM-related documents resided, plus a smattering from surrounding shelves.  (The IBM area was selected because the purpose of my visit was finding LVDC software, which IBM had written, of which there ended up being none in the archive.)  When I say I "indexed" the material, I mean that the archive allowed me to take snapshots, with my phone, of document title pages and tables of contents.  So if you want to see what material I found, you'll have to wade through a couple of hundred skewed, motion-blurred, badly out-of-focus photos, which you can find here:

Zipfile of snapshots from USSRC archives

The snapshots are categorized with numbers like "4A7" and "4F8".  4A7 means aisle 4, tier A, shelf 7.

Finally, there's one very important photo that's not in the zipfile, and that's from shelf 4G9, namely:

A rolled-up set of LVDA schematics

This was too fragile to take photographs of, but (by far!) it is the single thing I saw which I really wish we had.  Perhaps someday we'll be able to coax it out of the archive, even though I ended up failing miserably in doing so myself. 

Perhaps someone with more charm than I have could succeed where I failed.  (And believe me, that's not hard!)  Volunteers?  Anybody?

The Wonders of NARA

A lot of U.S. government documentation is not thrown away, but rather is eventually retired to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).  NARA maintains a number of centers about the country, in which the records for the geographical region associated with that center are stored.  I happen to live in Dallas, Texas, and since the Johnson Space Center (JSC)—formerly the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC)—is in the vicinity of Houston, my first hope was that perhaps JSC may have preserved some of the Apollo documentation.  Well, perhaps JSC has preserved such documentation—the extensive historical archive search engine on their website certain implies that they have!—but I was advised by the NASA history office that JSC's documentation would long since have been sent to the NARA center for the Southwest Region, which happens to be in Forth Worth, Texas, a mere hour from Dallas.   So I went over and looked.

It's difficult to believe the quantity of Apollo-related documentation to be found at NARA's Southwest Region center.  The NARA archivists measure it by shelf-foot rather than by document or by number of pages.  I can only assume that the amount of Apollo-related documentation lurking at the other NARA centers is equally staggering.

Indiana Jones

Normally, when you visit NARA, you're expected to know what you're looking for, so that the archivists can pull it from the stacks for you.  In other words, researchers such as myself are not allowed in the stacks.  I was lucky enough not to know exactly how to describe what I was looking for—namely, the AGC source code—but to know what it would look like when I saw it, so I had the privilege of being escorted into the stacks briefly for a visual survey of the MIT-related Apollo records.  It was much like the final scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, where the ark of the covenant is wheeled into a vast warehouse where it can never be found again.  The main difference, though, is that NARA stacks are more packed and not so open and airy as the Raiders warehouse.  The NARA personnel (at least in the Southwest region) are, however, very friendly, and very eager to help you find what you are looking for.  I've never had any experience with governmental entities as pleasant as my experiences at NARA.

"Record Group 255"

A summary of the records transferred to NARA-Southwest from the Johnson Space Center—so-called Record Group 255—can be seen by clicking here.   If you examine this summary, you'll find that the records for the Apollo Spacecraft Program Office—and these aren't all of the Apollo-related records, by any means—total an astounding 730 feet of shelf space.  (For some reason, the document linked above seems to double estimates of shelf-space, so you have to halve most of the estimates to get an accurate idea.)

Record Group 255 is subdivided into groupings identified by "entry numbers".  Apollo Spacecraft Program Office (ASPO) data begin at entry number E.205T5 ("general subject files") and end with entry number E.216 ("microfilm aperture cards of drawings"), but Apollo-related information may be found in many other groupings as well.  Each grouping is itself subdivided into a sequence of boxes; most of the boxes are 4" thick (i.e., capable of holding a 4"-thick stack of documents), though some boxes (like those holding "drawings" or microfilm) are much bigger.

Since M.I.T.'s Instrumentation Lab developed the AGC software, it seems logical to look for AGC data within the records designated E.209G, "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Documents"—fortunately, only 20 feet of shelf space.  The records within E.209G were never fully indexed when transferred from JSC to NARA, so I have prepared my own index, which you can view by clicking here.  The records for E.209G are stored in 59 four-inch-thick boxes, so to find any particular document, you need to know which box it is in, so that that box can be pulled from the stack.

I have scanned various documents from E.209G which are important to the Virtual Apollo project, but which aren't available elsewhere online, or which are only available in a corrupted form elsewhere online.  You can find these scans on my Links page.

Finding Aids


Important note:  The aids in this section, from 2004, were designed to allow you to find specific documents in numbered boxes at NARA Southwest.  Since that time, NARA SW has moved to a new physical facility and (coincidentally or not) many of these items were reboxed. The new boxes have different numbers.  Items previously in the same boxes as each other are now sometimes separated into different boxes.  I have no way to supply the new box numbers without physically going through the boxes again ... which I will not do.  Therefore, use this material as a way to find out what documents NARA SW has, but not to identify specific shelf or box numbers.  You'll have to interact with NARA archivists to physically locate documents.

My goal in sifting through NARA's JSC holdings was, of course, to locate versions of Colossus and Luminary (and Sundisk and Skylark) software not previously available on the web.  In this, I was ultimately unsuccessful.  However, as I expanded my search beyond merely the MIT technical documentation described above, I found it expedient to create some finding aids that would let me come back (perhaps a few months or years) later and retrieve documents from NARA that are interesting but not immediately urgent.
As you will perceive, these miserable little finding aids barely scratch the surface.  Perhaps 10-20% of documents are covered.  Drawings have not been covered at all.


The previous section essentially covers my recon of NARA SW in 2004.  Beginning in 2018 I have again been visiting NARA, this time not to raid their collection of Apollo Program documents on paper, but instead to raid their collection of Apollo engineering drawings stored on microform.  These are drawings (and sometimes documents too) that have been photographed, and the photographic negative is stored instead of the original paper document.  (Actually, I think they keep the paper documents somewhere too, just not in any place accessible.  And frankly, since the original drawings were physically huge, I don't want to deal with them anyway.)

The photographic negatives are attached to something called an "aperture card", which is a regular computer punch-card that has relevant information about the drawing (such as the title, drawing number, number of sheets, etc) into which a small rectangular hole has been cut.  The negative is then taped into the hole.  Here's an incompetent snapshot of one I made with my phone:

The TITLE "X-Y INTERFACE TEST" not the actual title of drawing 2014179, by the way, but just an abbreviated form of it that will fit into the 21 characters allotted for it on the card.  As far as the rest of the metadata is concerned, the "TYPE DOC" of 01 appears to mean it's a drawing rather than a document.  This is sheet 05 (of 007 total) of REV LTR "A" of drawing number 2014179.  Sheet 05 apparently was photographed in 02 (NO FRM) frames, of which this one is frame 01 (FRM NO). 

Or here a slightly-less incompetent shot, of drawing 1902566, "CABLE ASSY W540", for which no sheet number is shown after the drawing number (thus implying that it is sheet 1), of which the slide is for frame 2 of 12:

The aperture cards are stored in numbered boxes.  The boxes, I guess, are standard computer punch-card boxes, which (according to wikepedia) nominally store about 2000 aperture cards each.  In fact, though, aperture cards are slightly thicker than plain punch cards due to the photographic negative taped into it, so 1800 cards/box is better estimate.  There are about 1200 boxes.  You do the math.  By no means are all of the cards from MIT/IL drawings.  There are many cards as well from AC Electronics, North American Aviation, Grumman, and so on.  Also by no means is the collection complete, and there are many gaps in which drawings are missing.

If you go to NARA, there's a special machine used to view the negatives, or to scan them.  At present, that's a universal microfilm scanner (i.e., it can read any kind of microfilm, including aperture cards) available to visiting researchers such as myself.  The NARA archivists themselves have a different machine, in a secure area, that's specialized for aperture cards alone.  The specialized machine can read the entire card, much more conveniently, including the punch-card data, and thus automatically associate the metadata on the punch card directly with the scanned negative.  And needless to say, the latter machine produces much better scans than the former.   Due to the fact that the aperture cards are outgassing formaldehyde into the storage facility — which is a bad thing — NARA has an ongoing program to scan the entire collection and then move all of the physical boxes to yet another facility for safe, permanent, but physically inaccessible storage.  Unfortunately, it is unclear whether this will be a good or a bad development for researchers interested in the collection.  You see, the metadata on the punch cards is of underwhelming quality for some segments of the collection.  For example, I've seen entire boxes of North American Aviation cards with no titles at all, and thus you could only access those scans if you knew precisely which drawing number you needed.  At the same time, NARA has a price-structure for accessing their data (see below), and if you can't determine the specific drawings you need to see, the cost escalates quite quickly.  On the other hand, as long as the boxes of aperture cards remain physically available as they are now, you can at least go to the facility, however inconveniently, and look in the boxes to see what's in them.   So it's both bad and good when I tell you that NARA's scanning program will probably take a decade or so to complete.

Assuming that you can't find the drawing you want among those we make available, you can get scans of aperture cards in various ways:

If you want to do any of those things, your first step is to email NARA with your document/drawing request.  They will be quite responsive, in my experience.  But I'd recommend not giving them a sob story about what you're doing with the material or why you'd be worthy to receive it from them.  They'll give you the scans you ask for whether or not you're worthy, as long as you pay, and they won't give you a discount on account of the worthiness of your request.  Or at least, I didn't get any discount, and I'm more worthy than you are.    Plus, they appear to be really, really busy all the time. So there's not really much point in gabbing to them about your quest, unless you just like telling people your story. 

The good news is that if you know the exact drawing number, you can find out the physical box it's located in by using the following handy-dandy table.  If you don't know the exact drawing number, you probably aren't going to be able to get a copy of the drawing anyway.  The reason you might need to know the box number is that if you were to visit the facility to do your own scanning, you're not going to request the cards for individual drawings, but rather you're going to request the box numbers you want them to bring you.  I'm currently in the process of scanning boxes 431-477 in their entirety, and making them available online.  It will take a couple of years. 

New Box Number Old Box Number Starting Card Number Ending Card Number Accession Number Entry Location
1 138 F01-200660 F01-200685 72A 1118 215
2 138 F01-200686 F01-200769 72A 1118 215
3 138 F01-200770 F01-600001 72A 1118 215
4 139 F01-600002 F01-848020 72A 1118 215
5 139 F01-848029 F01-852650 72A 1118 215
6 139 F01-852700 F01-880108 72A 1118 215
7 140 F01-880109 8F01-800110 72A 1118 215
8 140 8F01-800111 8F01-800264 72A 1118 215
9 140 8F01-800284 8F01-800453 72A 1118 215
10 141 8F01-800455 8F01-849910 72A 1118 215
11 141 8F01-849930 8G14-840028 72A 1118 215
12 141 8G14-840031 8G14-840237 72A 1118 215
13 142 8G14-840240 8G14-840476 72A 1118 215
14 142 8G14-840481 8G14-840761 72A 1118 215
15 142 8G14-840766 8G14-984034 72A 1118 215
16 143 8G14-984035 8G34-840383 72A 1118 215
17 143 8G34-840389 8G37-880009 72A 1118 215
18 143 G12-840500 G14-818477 72A 1118 215
19 144 G14-818481 G14-844517 72A 1118 215
20 144 G14-844518 G14-844999 72A 1118 215
21 144 G14-845000 G14-848029 72A 1118 215
22 145 G14-848030 G14-848271 72A 1118 215
23 145 G14-848272 G14-848598 72A 1118 215
24 145 G14-848600 G14-848827 72A 1118 215
25 146 G14-848827 G14-849176 72A 1118 215
26 146 G14-849177 G14-849389 72A 1118 215
27 146 G14-849391 G14-849677 72A 1118 215
28 147 G14-849680 G14-854328 72A 1118 215
29 147 G14-854329 G14-855114 72A 1118 215
30 147 G14-855116 G14-860559 72A 1118 215
31 460 B14-000002 B16-301096 72A 1131 215
32 460 B16-301102 B16-334117 72A 1131 215
33 460 B16-334117 B16-716012 72A 1131 215
34 461 B16-717014 B17-320050 72A 1131 215
35 461 B16-320051 B17-880005 72A 1131 215
36 461 B17-880007 C11-000429 72A 1131 215
37 462 C11-000433 C11-002900 72A 1131 215
38 462 C11-002903 C11-007204 72A 1131 215
39 462 C11-007205 C12-000347 72A 1131 215
40 463 C12-000348 C12-4215014 72A 1131 215
41 463 C12-4215015 D9-2976 72A 1131 215
42 463 D9-3053 D9-5794 72A 1131 215
43 464 D9-5801 D9-8001 72A 1131 215
44 464 D9-8002 D9-20047 72A 1131 215
45 464 D9-20048 DTT-320382 72A 1131 215
46 465 DX-13170 N24-818510 72A 1131 215
47 465 N24-818575 N34-980000 72A 1131 215
48 465 N34-980003 N56-980001 72A 1131 215
49 466 8N14-810002 F01-100501 72A 1131 215
50 466 F01-100503 F01-140007 72A 1131 215
51 466 F01-140020 F01-200124 72A 1131 215
52 467 F01-200125 F01-200216 72A 1131 215
53 467 F01-200216 F01-200390 72A 1131 215
54 467 F01-200400 F01-200418 72A 1131 215
55 468 F01-200418 F01-200429 72A 1131 215
56 468 F01-200429 F01-200430 72A 1131 215
57 468 F01-200431 F01-200470 72A 1131 215
58 469 F01-200483 F01-200540 72A 1131 215
59 469 F01-200541 F01-200610 72A 1131 215
60 469 F01-200610 F01-200660 72A 1131 215
61 469A G17-823583 G17-848160 72A 1131 215
62 469A G17-848170 G17-848239 72A 1131 215
63 469A G17-848240 G17-848592 72A 1131 215
64 469B G17-850000 G17-850389 72A 1131 215
65 469B G17-850400 G17-851038 72A 1131 215
66 469B G17-851411 G17-852326 72A 1131 215
67 469C G17-852327 G17-853038 72A 1131 215
108 475 G16-852634 G16-853177 72A 1131 215
109 476 G16-853178 G16-853749 72A 1131 215
110 476 G16-853785 G16-854381 72A 1131 215
111 476 G16-854400 G16-855192 72A 1131 215
112 477 G16-855200 G16-858092 72A 1131 215
113 477 G16-858095 G16-858338 72A 1131 215
114 477 G16-858339 G16-981109 72A 1131 215
115 478 G16-981126 G16-985363 72A 1131 215
116 478 G16-985365 G17-818110 72A 1131 215
117 478 G17-818112 G17-820199 72A 1131 215
118 479 G17-820215 G17-820989 72A 1131 215
119 479 G17-820990 G17-822125 72A 1131 215
120 479 G17-822150 G17-823582 72A 1131 215
121 186 V16-321390 V16-327285 72A 1382 215
122 186 V16-327292 V16-333008 72A 1382 215
123 186 V16-330010 V16-335001 72A 1382 215
124 187 V16-335001 V16-337001 72A 1382 215
125 187 V16-337003 V16-394004 72A 1382 215
126 187 V16-400001 V16-420144 72A 1382 215
127 188 V16-420145 V16-420315 72A 1382 215
128 188 V16-420316 V16-420602 72A 1382 215
129 188 V16-420603 V16-420652 72A 1382 215
130 189 V16-420656 V16-442083 72A 1382 215
131 189 V16-442091 V16-447171 72A 1382 215
132 189 V16-447171 V16-450410 72A 1382 215
133 190 V16-450431 V16-450811 72A 1382 215
134 190 V16-450811 V16-450911 72A 1382 215
135 190 V16-450911 V16-452749 72A 1382 215
136 191 V16-452750 V16-480125 72A 1382 215
137 191 V16-480126 V16-540133 72A 1382 215
138 191 V16-540134 V16-556001 72A 1382 215
139 192 V16-556010 V16-600001 72A 1382 215
140 192 V16-600003 V16-601430 72A 1382 215
141 192 V16-601439 V16-612022 72A 1382 215
142 193 V16-613001 V16-614036 72A 1382 215
143 193 V16-614038 V16-700012 72A 1382 215
144 193 V16-700017 V16-724020 72A 1382 215
145 194 V16-730002 V16-757261 72A 1382 215
146 194 V16-757262 V16-761234 72A 1382 215
147 194 V16-761235 V16-761589 72A 1382 215
148 195 V16-761590 V16-765212 72A 1382 215
149 195 V16-764213 V16-764808 72A 1382 215
150 195 V16-764808 V16-880118 72A 1382 215
151 196 V16-880128 V16-975061 72A 1382 215
152 196 V16-975061 V16-975181 72A 1382 215
153 196 V16-975182 V16-976689 72A 1382 215
154 197 V16-976690 V17-321050 72A 1382 215
155 197 V17-322001 V17-331679 72A 1382 215
156 197 V17-331682 V17-331858 72A 1382 215
157 198 V17-331860 V17-333108 72A 1382 215
158 198 V17-333110 V17-410201 72A 1382 215
159 198 V17-410202 V17-420510 72A 1382 215
160 199 V17-420601 V17-441121 72A 1382 215
161 199 V17-441122 V17-450123 72A 1382 215
162 199 V17-450125 V17-451199 72A 1382 215
163 200 V17-451200 V17-470219 72A 1382 215
164 200 V17-470220 V17-614003 72A 1382 215
165 200 V17-615001 V17-757009 72A 1382 215
166 201 V17-757011 V18-302005 72A 1382 215
167 201 V18-303001 V24-328116 72A 1382 215
168 201 V24-328117 V24-328233 72A 1382 215
169 202 V24-328224 V24-590027 72A 1382 215
170 202 V24-590028 V24-798150 72A 1382 215
171 202 V24-798151 8V24-710001 72A 1382 215
68 469C G17-853039 G17-853499 72A 1131 215
69 469C G17-853512 G17-854329 72A 1131 215
70 469D G17-854330 G17-880066 72A 1131 215
71 469D G17-880075 G17-981033 72A 1131 215
72 469D G17-981033 G17-981039 72A 1131 215
73 469E G17-981039 G17-981082 72A 1131 215
74 469E G17-981083 G17-985499 72A 1131 215
75 469E G17-985500 G24-818399 72A 1131 215
76 469F G24-818402 G34-854080 72A 1131 215
77 469F G34-854105 G36-850345 72A 1131 215
78 469F G36-850346 G36-855263 72A 1131 215
79 469G G36-880001 G36-985027 72A 1131 215
80 469G G36-985027 G36-985100 72A 1131 215
81 469G G36-985100 G37-980059 72A 1131 215
82 469H G37-980059 V14-000025 72A 1131 215
83 469H V14-590001 V14-949014 72A 1131 215
84 469H V14-945015 V14-975138 72A 1131 215
85 469I V14-975138 V15-300214 72A 1131 215
86 469I V15-300221 V15-420102 72A 1131 215
87 469I V15-420103 V16-310001 72A 1131 215
88 469J V16-310001 V16-311105 72A 1131 215
89 469J V16-311106 V16-320000 72A 1131 215
90 469J V16-320001 V16-321389 72A 1131 215
91 470 G14-860561 G14-981124 72A 1131 215
92 470 G14-981125 G14-984251 72A 1131 215
93 470 G14-984254 G14-986972 72A 1131 215
94 471 G14-984973 G15-824206 72A 1131 215
95 471 G15-824260 G16-818188 72A 1131 215
96 471 G16-818190 G16-820593 72A 1131 215
97 472 G16-820626 G16-821637 72A 1131 215
98 472 G16-821639 G16-823949 72A 1131 215
99 472 G16-823950 G16-828234 72A 1131 215
100 473 G16-828235 G16-848043 72A 1131 215
101 473 G16-848044 G16-848673 72A 1131 215
102 473 G16-848690 G16-850411 72A 1131 215
103 474 G16-850413 G16-851103 72A 1131 215
104 474 G16-851110 G16-851529 72A 1131 215
105 474 G16-851530 G16-851732 72A 1131 215
106 475 G16-851733 G16-851942 72A 1131 215
107 475 G16-851943 G16-852633 72A 1131 215
172 203 8V24-710002 V34-900101 72A 1382 215
173 203 V34-900601 V34-945072 72A 1382 215
174 203 V34-945076 V34-975061 72A 1382 215
175 204 V34-975062 V35-300782 72A 1382 215
176 204 V35-300783 V36-310002 72A 1382 215
177 204 V36-310002 V36-311004 72A 1382 215
178 205 V36-311004 V36-316199 72A 1382 215
179 205 V36-316207 V36-317215 72A 1382 215
180 205 V36-317223 V36-321609 72A 1382 215
181 206 V36-321410 V36-331074 72A 1382 215
182 206 V36-331075 V36-334507 72A 1382 215
183 206 V36-334508 V36-421007 72A 1382 215
184 207 V36-421100 V36-421100 72A 1382 215
185 207 V36-421100 V36-421300 72A 1382 215
186 207 V36-421300 V36-421400 72A 1382 215
187 208 V36-421400 V36-421450 72A 1382 215
188 208 V36-421450 v36-421457 72A 1382 215
189 208 V36-421500 V36-421500 72A 1382 215
190 209 V36-421500 V36-421600 72A 1382 215
191 209 V36-421600 V36-421650 72A 1382 215
192 209 V36-421650 V36-421701 72A 1382 215
193 210 V36-421701 V36-421750 72A 1382 215
194 210 V36-421750 V36-421800 72A 1382 215
195 210 V36-421800 V36-421900 72A 1382 215
196 211 V36-421900 V36-421910 72A 1382 215
197 211 V36-421910 V36-421920 72A 1382 215
198 211 V36-421920 V36-421930 72A 1382 215
199 212 V36-421930 V36-427109 72A 1382 215
200 212 V36-427109 V36-427929 72A 1382 215
201 212 V36-427939 V36-441361 72A 1382 215
202 213 V36-341362 V36-444063 72A 1382 215
203 213 V36-444201 V36-447061 72A 1382 215
204 213 V36-447501 V36-531719 72A 1382 215
205 214 V36-531720 V36-571001 72A 1382 215
206 214 V36-571012 V36-575530 72A 1382 215
207 214 V36-575531 V36-601300 72A 1382 215
208 215 V36-601301 V36-610201 72A 1382 215
209 215 V36-610221 V36-613565 72A 1382 215
210 215 V36-613570 V36-716312 72A 1382 215
211 215A V36-716330 V36-761012 72A 1382 215
212 215A V36-761013 V36-761117 72A 1382 215
213 215A V36-761118 V36-761999 72A 1382 215
214 215B V36-762012 V36-771029 72A 1382 215
215 215B V36-771031 V36-771190 72A 1382 215
216 215B V36-771221 V36-933701 72A 1382 215
217 215C V36-940101 V36-977021 72A 1382 215
218 215C V36-977022 V36-977056 72A 1382 215
219 215C V36-977057 3V36-421300 72A 1382 215
220 215D 3V36-421300 V37-311510 72A 1382 215
221 215D V37-312561 V37-327443 72A 1382 215
222 215D V37-328801 V37-334017 72A 1382 215
223 215E V37-334036 V37-350201 72A 1382 215
224 215E V37-350210 V37-424107 72A 1382 215
225 215E V37-424108 V37-426300 72A 1382 215
226 215F V37-426300 V37-426450 72A 1382 215
227 215F V37-426450 V37-426550 72A 1382 215
228 215F V37-426+550 V37-426701 72A 1382 215
229 215G V37-426701 V37-426861 72A 1382 215
230 215G V37-426900 V37-626920 72A 1382 215
231 215G V37-426920 V37-440050 72A 1382 215
232 215H V37-440051 V37-445002 72A 1382 215
233 215H V37-445002 V37-460852 72A 1382 215
234 215H V37-470125 V37-610005 72A 1382 215
235 215I V37-610021 3V37-424200 72A 1382 215
236 215I 3V37-424200 V54-975600 72A 1382 215
237 215I V56-000011 V56-421960 72A 1382 215
238 215J V56-421960 V56-446201 72A 1382 215
239 215J V56-460850 V57-426501 72A 1382 215
240 215J V57-426950 MAO107-023 72A 1382 215
431 442 102010 1000275 73A 1235 215
432 442 100283 1002237 73A 1235 215
433 442 1002240 1002323 73A 1235 215
434 443 1002323 1002325 73A 1235 215
435 443 1002325 1002349 73A 1235 215
436 443 1002349 1003081 73A 1235 215
437 444 1003082 1003733 73A 1235 215
438 444 1003733 1005799 73A 1235 215
439 444 1006002 1006898 73A 1235 215
440 445 1006904 1007131 73A 1235 215
441 445 1007141 1007547 73A 1235 215
442 445 1007548 1008271 73A 1235 215
443 446 1008283 1010253 73A 1235 215
444 446 1010254 1010493 73A 1235 215
445 446 1010494 1011399 73A 1235 215
446 447 1011400 1014219 73A 1235 215
447 447 1014221 1014999 73A 1235 215
448 447 1015000 1015739 73A 1235 215
449 448 1015740 1016118 73A 1235 215
450 448 1016122 1019690 73A 1235 215
451 448 1019691 1021200 73A 1235 215
452 449 1021200 1897187 73A 1235 215
453 449 1897190 1900098 73A 1235 215
454 449 1900100 1900712 73A 1235 215
455 450 1900713 1900943 73A 1235 215
456 450 1900943 1901695 73A 1235 215
457 450 1901700 1902397 73A 1235 215
458 451 1902404 2003120 73A 1235 215
459 451 2003121 2005061 73A 1235 215
460 451 2005062 5007114 73A 1235 215
461 452 2007115 2007239 73A 1235 215
462 452 2007240 2010084 73A 1235 215
463 452 2010085 2012508 73A 1235 215
464 453 2012509 2014643 73A 1235 215
465 453 2014644 2015500 73A 1235 215
466 453 2015502 2018632 73A 1235 215
467 454 2018634 2021670 73A 1235 215
468 454 2021971 2900541 73A 1235 215
469 454 2900542 2901129 73A 1235 215
470 455 2901143 6010677 73A 1235 215
471 455 6010678 6015000 73A 1235 215
472 455 6015000 8106098 73A 1235 215
473 456 JDC0001 JDC04390 73A 1235 215
474 456 JDC04409 JDC10709 73A 1235 215
475 456 JDC10710 JDC12621 73A 1235 215
476 457 JDC12622 JDC18874 73A 1235 215
477 457 JDC19021 MC25-922 73A 1235 215
478 458 A6L-000001 A6L-103013 73A 1235 215
479 458 A6L-103014 A6L-400000 73A 1235 215
480 458 A6L-400000 A6L-653012 73A 1235 215
481 459 A7L-001 A7L-070 73A 1235 215
482 459 A7L-100000 A7L-100000 73A 1235 215
483 459 A7L-100000 A7L-100000 73A 1235 215
484 460 A7L-100000 A7L-100000 73A 1235 215
485 460 A7L-100000 A7L-100006 73A 1235 215
486 460 A7L-100006 A7LB-101200 73A 1235 215
487 461 A7L-121201 A7L-107000 73A 1235 215
488 461 A7L-167001 A7L-201018 73A 1235 215
489 461 A7L-201019 A7L-205002 73A 1235 215
490 462 A7L-206000 ST13N062 73A 1235 215
491 462 ST32L063 PL8124B0015 73A 1235 215
492 462 PL88124V0006 PL8825700732 73A 1235 215
493 837 5-9605-S-18 209-21106 73A 1685 215
494 837 209-21107 209-31512 73A 1685 215
495 837 209-31514 209-41240 73A 1685 215
496 838 209-41241 209-47960 73A 1685 215
497 838 209-49100 209-80041 73A 1685 215
498 838 209-80042 D5-14346 73A 1685 215
499 839 D5-14346 60B84700 73A 1685 215
500 839 DL-00618 RSR20133 73A 1685 215
501 839 RSR-20134 7553529 73A 1685 215
502 840 LDW090-21721 LDW270-53010 73A 1685 215
503 840 LDW270-53020 LDW280-10319 73A 1685 215
504 840 LDW280-10321 LDW280-10743 73A 1685 215
505 841 LDW280-10744 LDW280-11216 73A 1685 215
506 841 LDW280-11217 LDW280-11532 73A 1685 215
507 841 LDW280-11533 LDW280-11869 73A 1685 215
508 842 LDW280-11870 LDW280-14316 73A 1685 215
509 842 LDW280-14317 LDW280-16065 73A 1685 215
510 842 LDW280-16066 LDW280-17381 73A 1685 215
511 843 LDW280-17382 LDW280-17677 73A 1685 215
512 843 LDW280-17682 LDW280-18029 73A 1685 215
513 843 LDW280-18030 LDW280-18425 73A 1685 215
514 844 LDW280-18426 LDW280-18797 73A 1685 215
515 844 LDW280-18800 LDW280-23074 73A 1685 215
516 844 LDW280-23075 LDW280-23543 73A 1685 215
517 845 LDW280-23544 LDW280-25661 73A 1685 215
518 845 LDW280-25662 LDW280-28176 73A 1685 215
519 845 LDW280-28178 LDW280-28555 73A 1685 215
520 846 LDW280-28559 LDW280-28885 73A 1685 215
521 846 LDW280-28887 LDW280-51607 73A 1685 215
522 846 LDW280-51608 LDW280-52663 73A 1685 215
523 847 LDW280-52665 LDW280-53279 73A 1685 215
524 847 LDW280-53282 LDW280-53846 73A 1685 215
525 847 LDW280-53848 LDW280-54352 73A 1685 215
526 848 LDW280-54353 LDW280-54702 73A 1685 215
527 848 LDW280-54714 LDW280-58357 73A 1685 215
528 848 LDW280-58359 LDW280-60791 73A 1685 215
529 849 LDW280-60804 LDW280M10106 73A 1685 215
530 849 LDW280M10107 LDW280M10541 73A 1685 215
531 849 LDW280M10542 LDW280M10882 73A 1685 215
532 850 LDW280M10885 LDW280M11260 73A 1685 215
533 850 LDW280M11261 LDW280M14827 73A 1685 215
534 850 LDW280M14828 LDW280M17166 73A 1685 215
535 851 LDW280M17167 LDW280M17519 73A 1685 215
536 851 LDW280M17520 LDW280M17779 73A 1685 215
537 851 LDW280M17780 LDW280M18115 73A 1685 215
538 852 LDW280M18116 LDW280P11724 73A 1685 215
539 852 LDW280P11742 LDW280P18291 73A 1685 215
540 852 LDW280P18292 LDW300-55003 73A 1685 215
541 853 LDW300-56003 LDW303-53156 73A 1685 215
542 853 LDW303-710021 LDW310-56020 73A 1685 215
543 853 LDW310-57000 LDW320M10417 73A 1685 215
544 854 LDW320M10419 LDW330-10043 73A 1685 215
545 854 LDW330-10044 LDW330-53059 73A 1685 215
546 854 LDW330-53060 LDW340-10105 73A 1685 215
547 855 LDW340-10106 LDW340-10379 73A 1685 215
548 855 LDW340-10380 LDW340-11241 73A 1685 215
549 855 LDW340-11242 LDW340-15463 73A 1685 215
550 856 LDW340-15464 LDW340-23202 73A 1685 215
551 856 LDW340-23203 LDW340-51115 73A 1685 215
552 856 LDW340-51116 LDW340-53170 73A 1685 215
553 857 LDW340-53171 LDW340-54325 73A 1685 215
554 857 LDW340-54346 LDW340-56378 73A 1685 215
555 857 LDW340-56379 LDW340-60616 73A 1685 215
556 858 LDW340-60617 LDW340M10474 73A 1685 215
557 858 LDW340M10475 LDW340M10776 73A 1685 215
558 858 LDW340M10777 LDW340M11759 73A 1685 215
559 859 LDW340M11760 LDW340M15494 73A 1685 215
560 859 LDW340M15496 LDW340P16293 73A 1685 215
561 859 LDW340P21109 LDW360-21352 73A 1685 215
562 860 LDW360-21400 LDW360-53276 73A 1685 215
563 860 LDW360-53279 LDW380-54005 73A 1685 215
564 860 LDW380-54006 LDW390-21053 73A 1685 215
565 861 LDW390-21054 LDW390-21539 73A 1685 215
566 861 LDW390-21540 LDW390-21652 73A 1685 215
567 861 LDW390-21653 LDW390-21767 73A 1685 215
568 862 LDW390-21768 LDW390-21847 73A 1685 215
569 862 LDW390-21848 LDW390-21902 73A 1685 215
570 862 LDW390-21903 LDW390-21962 73A 1685 215
571 863 LDW390-21963 LDW390-28102 73A 1685 215
572 863 LDW390-28103 LDW390-28649 73A 1685 215
573 863 LDW390-28652 LDW390-28976 73A 1685 215
574 864 LDW390-28979 LDW390-51517 73A 1685 215
575 864 LDW390-51524 LDW390-51857 73A 1685 215
576 864 LDW390-51858 LDW390-52401 73A 1685 215
577 865 LDW390-52503 LDW390-52768 73A 1685 215
578 865 LDW390-52771 LDW390-53101 73A 1685 215
579 865 LDW390-53102 LDW390-53650 73A 1685 215
580 866 LDW390-53652 LDW390-53935 73A 1685 215
581 866 LDW390-53950 LDW390-54407 73A 1685 215
582 866 LDW390-54408 LDW390-54416 73A 1685 215
583 867 LDW390-54416 LDW390-54430 73A 1685 215
584 867 LDW390-54430 LDW390-56149 73A 1685 215
585 867 LDW390-56152 LDW390-58101 73A 1685 215
586 868 LDW390-58101 LDW390-59409 73A 1685 215
587 868 LDW390-59415 LDW390-59960 73A 1685 215
588 868 LDW390-60001 LDW390P10254 73A 1685 215
589 869 LDW390P10255 LDW410-1346 73A 1685 215
590 869 LDW410-1347 LDW410-2227 73A 1685 215
591 869 LDW410-2228 LDW410-2596 73A 1685 215
592 870 LDW410-2597 LDW410-3273 73A 1685 215
593 870 LDW410-3274 LDW410-3713 73A 1685 215
594 870 LDW410-3714 LDW410-4065 73A 1685 215
595 871 LDW410-4066 LDW410-4348 73A 1685 215
596 871 LDW410-4349 LDW410-4677 73A 1685 215
597 871 LDW410-4678 LDW410-4995 73A 1685 215
598 872 LDW410-4996 LDW410-6229 73A 1685 215
599 872 LDW410-6230 LDW410-6640 73A 1685 215
600 872 LDW410-6641 LDW410-8107 73A 1685 215
601 873 LDW410-8111 LDW410-9077 73A 1685 215
602 873 LDW410-9078 LDW410-9445 73A 1685 215
603 873 LDW410-9446 LDW410-9733 73A 1685 215
604 874 LDW410-9734 LDW410-9999 73A 1685 215
605 874 LDW410-10001 LDW410-10212 73A 1685 215
606 874 LDW410-10213 LDW410-10409 73A 1685 215
607 875 LDW410-10412 LDW410-10732 73A 1685 215
608 875 LDW410-10733 LDW410-10999 73A 1685 215
609 875 LDW410-11020 LDW410-11152 73A 1685 215
610 876 LDW410-11153 LDW410-11321 73A 1685 215
611 876 LDW410-11322 LDW410-11699 73A 1685 215
612 876 LDW410-11705 LDW410-11941 73A 1685 215
613 877 LDW410-11942 LDW410-12187 73A 1685 215
614 877 LDW410-12188 LDW410-12448 73A 1685 215
615 877 LDW410-12449 LDW410-12591 73A 1685 215
616 878 LDW410-12592 LDW410-12755 73A 1685 215
617 878 LDW410-12755 LDW410-12964 73A 1685 215
618 878 LDW410-12965 LDW410-13216 73A 1685 215
619 879 LDW410-13217 LDW410-13376 73A 1685 215
620 879 LDW410-13377 LDW410-13518 73A 1685 215
621 879 LDW410-13519 LDW410-13754 73A 1685 215
622 880 LDW410-13754 LDW410-13951 73A 1685 215
623 880 LDW410-13952 LDW410-14156 73A 1685 215
624 880 LDW410-14157 LDW410-14374 73A 1685 215
625 881 LDW410-14375 LDW410-14697 73A 1685 215
626 881 LDW410-14698 LDW410-22129 73A 1685 215
627 881 LDW410-22131 LDW410-32021 73A 1685 215
628 882 LDW410-32030 LDW410-32585 73A 1685 215
629 882 LDW410-32586 LDW410-42101 73A 1685 215
630 882 LDW410-42102 LDW410-43013 73A 1685 215
631 883 LDW410-43014 LDW410-62047 73A 1685 215
632 883 LDW410-62048 LDW410-62332 73A 1685 215
633 883 LDW410-62333 LDW410-62679 73A 1685 215
634 884 LDW410-62681 LDW410-62901 73A 1685 215
635 884 LDW410-62902 LDW410-64187 73A 1685 215
636 884 LDW410-64188 LDW410-66339 73A 1685 215
637 885 LDW410-66341 LDW410-66679 73A 1685 215
638 885 LDW410-66681 LDW410-66974 73A 1685 215
639 885 LDW410-66975 LDW410-67548 73A 1685 215
640 886 LDW410-67549 LDW410-67853 73A 1685 215
641 886 LDW410-67854 LDW410-81621 73A 1685 215
642 886 LDW410-81622 LDW410-82381 73A 1685 215
643 887 LDW410-82382 LDW410M13679 73A 1685 215
644 887 LDW410M14393 LDW420-1501 73A 1685 215
645 887 LDW420-1520 LDW420-11554 73A 1685 215
646 888 LDW420-11555 LDW420-13399 73A 1685 215
647 888 LDW420-13400 LDW420-13836 73A 1685 215
648 888 LDW420-13837 LDW420-31095 73A 1685 215
649 889 LDW420-31096 LDW420-63021 73A 1685 215
650 889 LDW420-63022 LDW420-83224 73A 1685 215
651 889 LDW420-83225 LDW420M13227 73A 1685 215
652 890 LDW420M13228 LDW420M42164 73A 1685 215
653 890 LDW420M42172 LDW420P13106 73A 1685 215
654 890 LDW420P13152 LDW430-2379 73A 1685 215
655 891 LDW430-2381 LDW430-6252 73A 1685 215
656 891 LDW430-6153 LDW430-51423 73A 1685 215
657 891 LDW430-51430 LDW430-54206 73A 1685 215
658 892 LDW430-54207 LDW430-62390 73A 1685 215
659 892 LDW430-62391 LDW430-64475 73A 1685 215
660 892 LDW430-64489 LDW430-64928 73A 1685 215
661 893 LDW430-64929 LDW430M2216 73A 1685 215
662 893 LDW430M2221 LDW430M64418 73A 1685 215
663 893 LDW430M64431 LDW450-1323 73A 1685 215
664 894 LDW450-1324 LDW450-1995 73A 1685 215
665 894 LDW450-1996 LDW450-2933 73A 1685 215
666 894 LDW450-2937 LDW450-5621 73A 1685 215
667 895 LDW450-5622 LDW450-9634 73A 1685 215
668 895 LDW450-9635 LDW451-11131 73A 1685 215
669 895 LDW451-11132 LDW940-30140 73A 1685 215
670 896 LDD410-1171 LED410-40622 73A 1685 215
671 896 LED410-40623 LID340-25117 73A 1685 215
672 896 LID340-25125 LIS330-11006 73A 1685 215
673 897 LIS330-11007 LIS510-10001 73A 1685 215
674 897 LIS510-20900 LSC270-713 73A 1685 215
676 898 LSC330-409 LSC350-80806 73A 1685 215
677 898 LSC350-80900 LSC400-77104 73A 1685 215
678 898 LSC400A0101 LSC400F0515 73A 1685 215
679 899 LSC400F0601 LSC400R0803 73A 1685 215
680 899 LSC400R0901 LSC410-22056 73A 1685 215
681 899 LSC410-22057 LSC430-64320 73A 1685 215
682 900 LSC430-64330 LSC550-1611 73A 1685 215
683 900 LSC550-1612 LSK410-3130 73A 1685 215
684 900 LSK410-3140 LTM280-28853 73A 1685 215
685 901 LTM280-30104 LTT430-20610 73A 1685 215
686 901 LTT410-20761 LEO280 73A 1685 215
687 901 LEO280 LEO390 73A 1685 215
688 901 LEO390 LEO938 73A 1685 215
689 135 JA6L-101001 CA6L-107036 71A1520 215
690 135 BA6L-10900 EA6L-276037 71A1520 215
298 100 1B79042 1B79295 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
301 101 1B79961 1B80358 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
302 101 1B80358 1B80669 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
303 101 1B80669 1B81046 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
304 102 1B81046 1B81953 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
306 102 1B82464 83193 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
307 103 1B83547 1B83577 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
309 103 1B83585 1B83588 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
310 104 1B83588 1B83719 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
312 104 1B83979 1B84566 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
313 105 1B84567 1B84768 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
314 105 1B84768 1B84781 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
315 105 1B84782 1B84784 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
321 107 1B85947 1B86415 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
322 108 1B86415 1B86425 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
323 108 1B86425 1B56490 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
324 108 1B86446 1B86727 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
326 109 1B87005 1B87510 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
327 109 1B87510 1B88082 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
328 110 1B88082 1B88818 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
329 110 1B88818 1B89181 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
330 110 1B89181 1B89526 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
334 111 1B91229 1B92617 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
336 111 1B92701 1B93591 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
331 112 1B92617 1B92701 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
332 112 1B90664 1B90960 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
337 113 1B93591 1B94159 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
338 113 1B94159 1B95645 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
339 113 1B95945 1B105702 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
340 114 52E230017 52E40011 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
342 114 53D230246 52D440331 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
343 115 82-88715 53D230246 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
344 115 52-85703 52-88715 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
345 115 52-79706 52-85703 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
347 116 IT-44173 32-11000 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
348 116 IT-17863 IT-44173 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
342 114 53D230246 52D440331 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
343 115 52-88715 53D230246 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
345 115 52-79706 52-85703 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
346 116 32-11117 52-72579 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
347 116 IT-44173 32-11000 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
348 116 IT-17863 IT-44173 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6

255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
350 117 IT-15702 IT-10889 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
351 117 5.2 0.00E+00 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
352 118 52E190019 52E200012 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
353 118 61A000001 61A290142 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
355 119 61A300119 61A310113 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
356 119 61A310114 61A310265 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
357 119 61A310266 61A330099 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
299 100 1B79295 1B79624 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
308 103 1B83577 1B83585 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
316 106 1B84784 1B84788 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
317 106 1B84788 1B85144 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
318 106 1B85115 1B85398 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
358 120 61A330100 61A760121 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
359 120 61A760126 61A762051 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
360 120 61A762061 61A762311 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
361 121 61A762312 61A830201 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
363 121 61A800301 61A820043 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
364 122 61A820044 61A830027 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
365 122 61A83032 61A830259 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
366 122 61A830259 61A840054 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
367 123 61A840055 61A860138 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
369 123 61B830011 61B850019 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
370 124 61A762100 61B

370 124 61A762100 61B850021 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
371 124 1B87399 61C830086 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
296 100 1B78502 1B78711 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
297 100 1B7811 1B79042 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
298 100 1B79042 1B79295 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
299 101 1B79295 1B79624 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
301 101 1B79961 1B80358 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
302 102 1B80358 1B80669 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
303 102 1B80669 1B81046 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
304 102 1B81046 1B81953 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
306 103 1B82464 83193 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
307 103 1B8354 1B83577 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
308 104 1B83577 1B83585 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
309 104 1B83585 1B83588 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
310 104 1B83588 1B83719 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
312 105 1B83979 1B84566 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
313 105 1B84567 1B84768 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
314 106 1B84768 1B84781 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
315 106 1B84782 1B84784 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
317 107 1B84788 1B85144 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
318 107 1B85115 1B5398 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
319 107 1B85398 1B85716 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
320 108 1B85716 1B85929-101670 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
322 108 1B86415 1B86425 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
323 109 1B86425 1B86490 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
324 109 1B86446 1B86727 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
325 109 1B86727 1B87003 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
327 110 1B87510 1B88082 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
328 110 1B88082 1B88818 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
329 111 1B88818 1B89181 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
330 111 1B89181 1B89526 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
332 112 1B90664 1B90960 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
333 112 1B90960 1B91228 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
334 112 1B91229 1B92617 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
335 113 1B92617 1B92701 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
337 113 1B93591 1B94159 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
338 114 1B94159 1B95645 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
339 114 1B95945 1B105702 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
340 114 52E440331 52E40011 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
342 115 53D230246 52D440331 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
343 115 52-88715 52D230246 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
373 125 61D010272 61D040064 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
374 125 61D040064 61D180203 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
376 126 61T050311 61T066099 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
377 126 61T066101 D-41086 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
378 126 T-046168 61D200051 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
379 127 61D200051 61D230125 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
381 127 61D440063 61V880000 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
382 128 61V880001 61E010745 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
383 128 61Eo10746 61E190007 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
384 128 61E190008 61H095192 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
344 116 52-85703 52-88715 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
346 116 32-11117 52-72579 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
347 117 IT-44173 32-11000 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
348 117 IT-17863 IT-44173 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
349 117 IT-10889 IT-10889 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
351 118 5.2 0.00E+00 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
352 118 52E190019 52E200012 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
353 119 61A000001 61A290142 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
354 119 61A00001 61A300119 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
356 120 61A310114 61A310265 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
358 120 61A330100 61A760121 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
359 121 61A760126 61A762051 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
360 121 61A762061 61A762311 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
361 121 61A762312 61A830201 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
363 122 61A800301 61A820043 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
364 122 61A820044 61A830027 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
365 123 61A830032 61A830259 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
366 123 61A830259 61A840054 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
367 123 61A840055 61A860138 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
369 124 61B830011 61B850019 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
385 129 61H095193 61H310289 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
386 129 161H10290 61H762080 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
387 129 61H840070 61T050161 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
389 130 61H762081 61H830226 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
390 130 7214-2365 7232-3152 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
391 131 7232-3153 40M68373 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
392 131 40M68374 40M68504 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
394 132 40M868666 40M68726-7 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
395 132 40M68727-3 40M68933-AIL 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
396 132 40M68934 40M70079-1 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
397 133 40M70080-1 40M70170 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
398 133 40M70171 40M70658 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
401 134 7531414 7575123 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
402 134 7575124 47D221422-7 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
403 135 47D221474 47E222765-2 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
404 135 47E222768 47D224084-1 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
406 136 30M15486 82000000230 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
407 136 82000000304 82000009831 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
408 136 82000009832 SK820EL5100 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
415 139 84000225660-0104 84024864000-02 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
417 139 84100003232-0103 899T0270270 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
409 137 SK820EL5126 SK8402TT800 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
410 137 SK840220137 84000009628 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
411 137 84000009627 84000032600 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
412 138 84000032601 84000095329 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
307 140 1B83194 1B83547 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
418 140 899T0270271 PD7400084 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
419 140 8300139 58T060044 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
305 102 1B81953 1B82464 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
311 104 1B83720 1B84174 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
320 107 1B85716 1B85929-101670 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
325 109 1B86727 1B87003 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
333 111 1B90960 1B91228 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
335 112 1B92617 1B92701 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
341 114 52E440331 5223019 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
346 116 32-11117 52-72579 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
344 115 52-85703 52-88715 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
349 117 IT-10889 IT-77863 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
354 118 61A00001 61A300119 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
300 100 1B79625 1B79961 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
319 107 1B85398 1B85716 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
362 121 61A830202 61A800203 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
368 123 61A860139 61B830010 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
372 124 61C830088 61D010272 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
300 101 1B79625 1B79961 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
305 103 1B81953 1B80669 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
311 105 1B83720 1B4174 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
316 106 1B84784 1B84788 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
321 108 1B85947 1B86415 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
326 110 1B87005 1B87510 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
331 111 1B89526 1B90663 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
336 113 1B92701 1B93591 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
341 115 52E440331 5223019 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
375 125 61D180204 61D20051 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
380 127 61D230127 61D440062 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
345 116 52-79706 52-85703 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
350 118 ID-15702 IT-10889 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
355 119 61A300119 61A310113 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
357 120 61A310266 61A330099 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
362 122 61A830202 61A800203 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
368 123 61A860139 61B830010 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
388 130 61H820000 61H840070 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
393 131 40M68505 60M68655 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
400 134 40M80023 7531394 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
405 135 47D224085 30M15485 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
416 139 84024864001-0111 84100003131-01 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
413 138 84000220231-0108 84000225650-03 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
243 1 LDW280-10681 LDW280-11389 73A 735 215
242 1 LDW270-54300 LDW280-10680 73A 735 215
241 1 LDW200-10002 LDW270-54201 73A 735 215
1 1 3639-740001 F01-100497 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
2 1 F01-100500 F01-200112 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
3 1 F01-200116 F01-200214 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
269 10 LDW330-28000 LDW330-60092 73A 735 215
270 10 LDW330H10001 LDW340-10962 73A 735 215
268 10 LDW320-23500 LDW330-28000 73A 735 215
28 10 G14-860851 G14-862099 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
30 10 G14-900011 G14-900909 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
29 10 G14-862100 G14-900009 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
31 11 G14-900012 G14-984309 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
32 11 G14-984800 G15-058003 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
33 11 G15-810001 G15-810044 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
273 11 LDW340-28300 LDW340-52259 73A 735 215
272 11 LDW340-23140 LDW340-28299 73A 735 215
271 11 LDW340-11000 LDW640-23136 73A 735 215
34 12 G16-810044 G16-818259 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
35 12 G16-818260 G16-820427 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
36 12 G16-820428 G16-821559 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
276 12 LDW340-54170 LDW340-55769 73A 735 215
275 12 LDW3400-53186 LDW340-54160 73A 735 215
274 12 LDW340-52261 LDW340-54185 73A 735 215
279 13 LDW3240M10511 LDW340P10963 73A 735 215
277 13 LDW340-55769 LDW340-58466 73A 735 215
278 13 LDW340-60002 LDW340M10509 73A 735 215
37 13 G16-821628 G16-823315 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
38 13 G16-823900 G16-828389 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
39 13 G16-828420 G16-848489 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
40 14 G16-848490 G16-850223 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
41 14 G16-828420 G16-848489 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
42 14 G16-848499 G16-850223 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
281 14 LDW360-28511 LDW370-53000 73A 735 215
280 14 LDW340P10964 LDW360-28510 73A 735 215
282 14 LDW370-53001 LDW390-21499 73A 735 215
44 15 G16-850-899 G16-851477 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
283 15 LDW390-21500 LDW390-21642 73A 735 215
43 15 G16-850224 G16-850899 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
284 15 LDW390-21642 LDW390-21847 73A 735 215
285 15 LDW390-21848 LDW390-21966 73A 735 215
45 15 G16-851478 G16-851999 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
48 16 G16-853148 G16-853439 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
286 16 LDW390-21967 LDW390-28153 73A 735 215
287 16 LDW390-28154 LDW390-51069 73A 735 215
288 16 LDW390-51095 LDW390-51505 73A 735 215
47 16 G16-852618 G16-853147 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
46 16 G16-852001 G16-852001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
290 17 LDW390-51990 LDW390-52400 73A 735 215
289 17 LDW390-51517 LDW390-51989 73A 735 215
291 17 LDW390-52400 LDW390-52857 73A 735 215
50 17 G16-853944 G16-854790 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
49 17 G16-853440 G16-853944 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
51 17 G16-854800 G16-858099 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
53 18 G16-880100 G16-981007 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
293 18 LDW390-53110 LDW390-53771 73A 735 215
54 18 G16-981007 G16-984081 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
292 18 LDW390-52858 LDW390-53110 73A 735 215
52 18 G16-858100 G16-880084 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
294 18 LDW390-53776 LDW390-54101 73A 735 215
57 19 G17-818057 G17-820211 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
56 19 G16-985500 G17-818055 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
55 19 G16-985082 G16-985459 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
295 19 LDW390-54102 LDW390-54404 73A 735 215
296 19 LDW390-54404 LDW390-54415 73A 735 215
244 2 LDW280-11390 LDW280-12075 73A 735 215
5 2 F01-200416 F01-200468 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
246 2 LDW280-16022 LDW280-17601 73A 735 215
4 2 F01-200215 F01-200415 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
6 2 F01-200470 F01-200539 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
245 2 LDW280-12080 LDW280-16018 73A 735 215
300 20 LDW390-54431 LDW390-56408 73A 735 215
299 20 LDW390-54417 LDW390-54431 73A 735 215
58 20 G17-820212 G17-820791 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
59 20 G17-820801 G17-822045 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
298 20 LDW390-54416 LDW390-54417 73A 735 215
60 20 G17-822046 G17-823591 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
301 21 LDW390-56416 LDW390-56416 73A 735 215
61 21 G17-823592 G17-851299 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
62 21 G17-81300 G17-851761 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
63 21 G17-851762 G17-852176 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
302 21 LDW390-56416 LDW390-58102 73A 735 215
303 21 LDW390-58102 LDW390-59408 73A 735 215
66 22 G17-853219 G17-853709 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
65 22 G17-852750 G17-853218 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
304 22 LDW390-59408 LDW390-59416 73A 735 215
305 22 LDW390-59416 LDW390M10313 73A 735 215
306 22 LDW390M10313 LDW4109983 73A 735 215
64 22 G17-852200 G17-852749 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
309 23 LDW410-11222 LDW410-12070 73A 735 215
67 23 G17-853710 G17-854498 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
308 23 LDW410-11152 LDW410-11222 73A 735 215
69 23 G17-981000 G17-981033 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
307 23 LDW410-10001 LDW410-11152 73A 735 215
68 23 G17-854500 G17-898009 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
71 24 G17-981103 G17-985400 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
311 24 LDW410-13351 LDW410-13506 73A 735 215
72 24 G17-985401 G24-818499 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
70 24 G17-981034 G17-981077 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
312 24 LDW410-13508 LDW410-13754 73A 735 215
310 24 LDW410-12071 LDW410-13508 73A 735 215
313 25 LDW410-13754 LDW410-13985 73A 735 215
73 25 G24-818511 G34-845085 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
315 25 LDW410-32688 LDW410-62971 73A 735 215
314 25 LDW410-13985 LDW410-32646 73A 735 215
75 25 G34-810018 G34-854389 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
74 25 G34-845086 G34-985137 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
317 26 LDW410-82308 LDW420-13250 73A 735 215
78 26 G36-880142 G36-981113 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
318 26 LDW420-13254 LDW430-5649 73A 735 215
77 26 G36-854922 G36-880141 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
76 26 G36-854390 G36-854921 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
316 26 LDW410-62971 LDW410-82305 73A 735 215
321 27 LDW430-64831 LDW450-5145 73A 735 215
320 27 LDW430-54731 LDW430-65829 73A 735 215
81 27 G37-980053 G37-980058 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
80 27 G36-985101 G37-880763 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
79 27 G36-985001 G36-985100 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
319 27 LDW430-5651 LDW430-54700 73A 735 215
322 28 LDW450-5146 LSC270-714 73A 735 215
324 28 LSC330-192 LSC350-308 73A 735 215
323 28 LSC270-717 LSC330-150 73A 735 215
84 28 G37-985074 G52-980004 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
83 28 G37-981408 G37-981410 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
82 28 G37-980059 G37-981405 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
326 29 LSC370-300 LSC400R108 73A 735 215
325 29 LSC350-00401 LSC370-250 73A 735 215
327 29 LSC400R113 LSC430-78401 73A 735 215
87 29 G54-980162 IED5010.4 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
86 29 G54-980122 G54-980161 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
85 29 G52-980005 G54-980121 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
9 3 F01-200622 F01-200698 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
8 3 F01-200585 F01-200621 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
248 3 LDW280-23029 LDW280-23528 73A 735 215
247 3 LDW280-17602 LDW280-23028 73A 735 215
7 3 F01-200540 F01-200584 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
249 3 LDW280-23529 LDW280-25530 73A 735 215
328 30 LSC430-78402 GAC Vendors 73A 735 215
675 897 LSC270-714 LSC330-404 73A 1685 215
329 30 GAC Vendors GAC Vendors 73A 735 215
90 30 MAO201-0147 MAO201-0440 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
89 30 MAO106-068 MAO201-0146 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
88 30 IED 50102 MAO106-066 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
330 30 GAC Vendors GAC Vendors 73A 735 215
331 31 GAC Vendors GAC Vendors 73A 735 215
333 31 GAC Vendors GAC Vendors 73A 735 215
332 31 GAC Vendors GAC Vendors 73A 735 215
91 31 MAO201-0441 MAO201-0826 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
92 31 MAO201-0827 MAO201-1296 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
93 31 MAO201-1302 MAO201-3168 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
96 32 MAO201-3425 MAO201-3819 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
335 32 MAO201-869 MAO201-0102 73A 735 215
336 32 MAO201-0102 MAO201-0469 73A 735 215
94 32 MAO201-3170 MAO201-3295 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
334 32 MAO107-026 MAO201-865 73A 735 215
95 32 MAO201-3296 MAO201-3424 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
98 33 MAO201-5088 MAO201-5242 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
99 33 MAO201-5243 MAO201-5307 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
97 33 MAO201-3820 MAO201-5087 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
339 33 MAO201-0128 MAO201-0858 73A 735 215
338 33 MAO201-0669 MAO201-0827 73A 735 215
337 33 MAO201-0469 MAO201-0668 73A 735 215
341 34 MAO201-0949 MAO201-3047 73A 735 215
342 34 MAO201-3049 MAO201-3194 73A 735 215
100 34 MAO201-5308 MAO201-5131 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
101 34 MAO201-5438 MAO201-5578 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
102 34 MAO201-5579 MAO201-5868 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
340 34 MAO201-0860 MAO201-0948 73A 735 215
345 35 MAO201-3402 MAO201-5016 73A 735 215
343 35 MAO201-32058 MAO201-3343 73A 735 215
104 35 MAO201-6144 MAO201-6299 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
103 35 MAO201-5570 MAO201-6143 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
105 35 MAO201-6300 MAO201-7185 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
344 35 MAO201-3347 MAO201-3343 73A 735 215
115 39 MAO205-6090 MAO206-0212 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
352 38 MAO201-5564 MAO201-6068 73A 735 215
351 37 MAO201-5438 MAO201-5558 73A 735 215
348 36 MAO201-5144 MAO201-5149 73A 735 215
106 36 MAO201-80001 MAO202-033 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
108 36 MAO203-0400 MAO203-0767 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
347 36 MAO201-5117 MAO201-5144 73A 735 215
346 36 MAO201-5018 MAO201-5117 73A 735 215
107 36 MAO203-0002 MAO203-0399 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
350 37 MAO201-5352 MAO201-5438 73A 735 215
111 37 MAO205-0511 MAO205-0792 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
109 37 MAO203-0769 MAO203-0175 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
110 37 MAO204-0177 MAO205-0510 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
349 37 MAO201-5151 MAO201-5352 73A 735 215
353 38 MAO201-6012 MAO201-6283 73A 735 215
354 38 MAO201-6288 MAO202-0028 73A 735 215
114 38 MAO205-3800 MAO205-6088 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
113 38 MAO205-3541 MAO205-3799 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
112 38 MAO205-0793 MAO205-3540 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
117 39 MAO206-865 MAO210-0045 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
355 39 MAO202-0029 MAO203-0422 73A 735 215
356 39 MAO203-0423 MAO205-0136 73A 735 215
116 39 MAO206-0213 MAO206-864 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
357 39 MAO205-0143 MAO205-0551 73A 735 215
291 97 1B74718 1B75578 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
276 92 7923885-008 6871410 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
296 99 1B78502 1B78711 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
297 99 1B78711 1B79042 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
295 99 1B78110 1B78493 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
294 98 1B77587 1B78110 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
292 98 1B75578 1B76963 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
293 98 1B76963 1B77587 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
290 97 1B69412 1B74718 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
289 97 1B68400 1B69412 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
274 92 7920051-001287 7921103-001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
275 92 7921103-001 7923885-007 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
279 93 7916680 7916698 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
278 93 7910146 7916629 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
277 93 6871410 7910146 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
281 94 7916698 7919770-005 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
280 94 7916680 7916630 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
282 94 7919770 7920019 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
285 95 1A59670 1A99812 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
284 95 7920047 1A59670 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
283 95 7920019 7920047 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
286 96 1B00404 1B57452 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
287 96 1B57452 1B66900 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
288 96 1B66903 1B68394 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
26 9 G14-854300 G14-855187 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
267 9 LDW303-21028 LDW320-23413 73A 735 215
271 91 D9-8001 D9-14934-PT36-3 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
272 91 D9-14935 D9-20109 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
273 91 D9-20110 FP503-2 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
269 90 D9-3802 D9-5646 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
270 90 D9-5646-12M D9-7882 I 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
268 90 D9-2340 D9-3801 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
27 9 G14-855200 G14-860788 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
25 9 G14-849501 G14-864233 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
266 9 LDW300-11803 LDW303-21027 73A 735 215
265 9 LDW280M17688 LDW280P51123 73A 735 215
266 89 DTT-574491 D9-0930 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
265 89 DTT-100640 Dtt-574490 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
267 89 D9-0950 D9-2338 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
262 88 C12-001200 C12-8502011 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
263 88 C12-8502012 Dtt-6869 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
264 88 Dtt-7049 Dtt-100582 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
259 87 C11-007825 C12-0000141032 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
260 87 C12-000014T033 C12-000178T016 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
261 87 C12-000179 C12-001199 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
258 86 C11-003108 C11-008823 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
257 86

255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
258 86

255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
256 86

255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
257 86 C11-00-285 C11-003107 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
256 86 B17-480767 C11-00-27-SPM 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
253 85 8V24-323501 8V85-790002 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
254 85 5577-800001 B16-450037 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
255 85 B16-450042 B17-480765 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
252 84 8G34-880252 8V24-323111 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
251 84 8G34-840282 8G34-880251 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
248 83 8G14-840176 8G14-840699 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
249 83 8G14-840701 8G14-984029 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
250 83 8G14-984030 8G24-840213 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
246 82 8F01-800107 8F07-800481 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
245 82 3V36-753641 8F01800106 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
247 82 8F01-800482 8G14-840175 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
243 81 V57-448900 3V34-975101 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
244 81 3V34-975103 3V36-753623 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
242 81 V57-370760 V57-448857 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
239 80 V56-762740 V56-786837 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
240 80 V56-786838 V57-323488 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
238 80 V56-600501 V56-762738 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
241 80 V57-323490 V57-370759 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
264 8 LDW280M11372 LDW280M17687 73A 735 215
23 8 G14-848300 G14-848861 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
24 8 G14-848907 G14-849499 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
263 8 LDW280M10470 LDW280M11369 73A 735 215
262 8 LDW280-60677 LDW280M10469 73A 735 215
22 8 G14-844900 G14-848299 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
118 40 MAO210-0046 MAO210-0239 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
119 40 MAO210-0240 MAO302-0052 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
360 40 MAO206-0069 MAO206-833 73A 735 215
358 40 MAO205-0552 MAO205-3518 73A 735 215
359 40 MAO205-3519 MAO206-0067 73A 735 215
361 41 MAO206-836 MAO210-0065 73A 735 215
121 41 MAO305-0035 MAO308-0130 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
297 19 LDW390-54415 LDW390-54416 73A 735 215
252 4 LDW280-28791 LDW280-51861 73A 735 215
12 4 F01-200840 F01-300006 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
11 4 F01-200744 F01-200838 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
10 4 F01-200700 F01-200735 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
250 4 LDW280-25531 LDW280-28205 73A 735 215
251 4 LDW280-28218 LDW280-28790 73A 735 215
120 40 MAO303-0001 MAO305-0034 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
362 41 MAO210-0067 MAO210-0207 73A 735 215
123 41 MAO403-0030 MAO505-0058 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
122 41 MAO308-0131 MAO403-0029 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
363 41 MAO210-0208 MAO303-0060 73A 735 215
125 42 MAO701-0018-308 MAO701-0126-311 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
124 42 MAO505-0059 MAO701-0017-307 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
364 42 MAO303-0061 MAO306-0032 73A 735 215
365 42 MAO306-0033 MAO403-0037 73A 735 215
366 42 MAO403-0043 MAO501-1027 73A 735 215
126 42 MAO701-0126-312 MAO701-0131-310 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
367 43 MAO501-1027 MAO501-1027 73A 735 215
368 43 MAO501-1027 MAO501-1027 73A 735 215
369 43 MAO501-1027 MAO501-1027 73A 735 215
127 43 MAO701-0131-311 MAO701-0131-317 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
129 43 MAO701-1237-310 MAO701-7018-320 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
128 43 MAO701-0131-318 MAO701-1237-309 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
372 44 MAO505-0035 MAO610-002 73A 735 215
130 44 MAO701-7070-308 MAO702-2009-316 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
131 44 MAO703-1007-309 MAO703-1018-410 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
132 44 MAO701-1025-320 MAO703-1518-310 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
370 44 MAO501-1027 MAO505-0006 73A 735 215
371 44 MAO505-0007 MAO505-0034 73A 735 215
375 45 MAO708-2237 MAO711-9607 73A 735 215
134 45 MAO703-9545-313 MAO705-6504-317 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
135 45 MAO705-8014-398 MAO705-8100-320 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
373 45 MAO610-004 MAO701-0131 73A 735 215
374 45 MAO701-0146 MAO708-2236 73A 735 215
133 45 MAO703-1518-312 MAO703-9545-312 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
136 46 MAO705-8102-309 MAO706-0191-320 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
137 46 MAO706-1201-308 MAO708-2010-380 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
138 46 MAO708-2010-309 MAO708-8063-401 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
378 46 MC384-0343 MC441-0021 73A 735 215
377 46 MB0170-030 MC284-0336 73A 735 215
376 46 MAO711-9847 MB0170-029 73A 735 215
380 47 MC456-0007 MC495-0001 73A 735 215
140 47 MAO710-4128-308 MAO710-4182-440 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
139 47 MAO710-0001-409 MAO710-4074-465 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
141 47 MAO710-4182-450 MAO710-4223-320 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
379 47 MC441-0024 MC456-0006 73A 735 215
381 47 MC495-0001 MC901-0141 73A 735 215
384 48 MC999-0058 ME114-0007 73A 735 215
383 48 MC901-0567 MC999-0056 73A 735 215
382 48 MC901-0142 MC901-0560 73A 735 215
144 48 MAO711-5069-308 MAO713-1003-314 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
143 48 MAO710-5500-420 MAO710-5050-320 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
142 48 MAO710-4224-308 MAO710-4653-432 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
147 49 MC284-0030 MC444-0055 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
146 49 MBO150-001 MC284-0026 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
145 49 MAO713-1003-316 MBO147-003 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
385 49 ME114-0008 ME181-0138 73A 735 215
386 49 ME181-1039 ME261-0024 73A 735 215
387 49 ME261-0030 ME282-0008 73A 735 215
255 5 LDW280-53223 LDW280-53509 73A 735 215
254 5 LDW280-53018 LDW280-53222 73A 735 215
253 5 LDW280-51888 LDW280-53014 73A 735 215
13 5 F01-338001 F01-848760 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
14 5 F01-848770 F01-880110 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
15 5 F01-880111 F01-880113 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
150 50 MC901-0602 MD198-0001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
389 50 ME284-0238 ME284-8164 73A 735 215
149 50 MC901-0001 MC901-0595 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
390 50 ME284-8165 ME361-0015 73A 735 215
148 50 MC446-0001 MC826-0001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
388 50 ME282-0023 ME284-0237 73A 735 215
237 79 V56-331800 V56-600001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
236 79 V53-008002 V56-331791 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
235 79 V52-440135 V52-977061 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
234 78 V52-000010 V52-440133 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
233 78 V37-880085 V37-945531 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
232 78 V37-552900 V37-880082 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
231 77 V37-480310 V37-552708 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
230 77 V37-444001 V37-480228 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
229 77 V37-426900 V37-441921 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
228 76 V37-400001 V37-726862 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
227 76 V37-340001 V37-389694 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
226 76 V37-334032 V37-339868 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
225 75 V37-323001 V37-334031 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
224 75 V37-321309 V37-322201 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
223 75 V36-977033 V37-321308 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
220 74 V36-780018 V36-787301 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
222 74 V36-880548 V36-977032 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
221 74 V36-787302 V36-880547 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
217 73 V36-756016 V36-761272 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
218 73 V36-761273 V36-764111 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
219 73 V36-764121 V36-780017 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
215 72 V36-612522 V36-715229 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
216 72 V36-715230 V36-756015 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
214 72 V36-601545 V36-612521 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
211 71 V36-575001 V36-575677 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
213 71 V36-601150 V36-601544 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
212 71 V36-576002 V36-601149 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
691 070A A6L-101002 A6L-206017 72A 180 215
208 70 V36-480101 V36-551265 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
210 70 V36-553078 V36-571796 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
209 70 V36-551300 V36-553077 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
260 7 LDW280-54604 LDW280-56608 73A 735 215
20 7 G14-818200 G14-840830 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
21 7 G14-844000 G14-844774 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
19 7 F05-200111 G14-818198 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
259 7 LDW280-54509 LDW280-54604 73A 735 215
261 7 LDW280-50665 LDW280-60667 73A 735 215
206 69 V36-441382 V36-444300 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
205 69 V36-427709 V36-441381 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
203 68 V36-421500 V36-421811 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
202 68 V36-335621 V36-421457 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
204 68 V36-421850 V34-427659 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
201 67 V36-332038 V36-335620 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
199 67 V36-321570 V36-331131 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
200 67 V36-331132 V36-332037 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
198 66 V36-320200 V36-321576 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
197 66 V36-316287 V36-320194 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
196 66 V36-311035 V36-316286 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
194 65 V34-971502 V34-971914 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
195 65 V34-975501 V36-311033 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
193 65 V34-900601 V34-971501 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
191 64 V24-590300 V27-327440 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
190 64 V24-328239 V24-590299 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
192 64 V28-000002 V34-900101 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
189 63 V17-948006 V24-328238 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
187 63 V16-975128 V17-422068 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
188 63 V17-430010 V17-946202 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
186 62 V16-771502 V16-975127 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
185 62 V16-613003 V16-771493 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
184 62 V16-571210 V16-612027 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
181 61 V15-300316 V16-311116 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
182 61 V16-31116 V16-327263 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
183 61 V16-531900 V16-571177 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
178 60 V14-850412 V15-300223 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
180 60 V16-311116 V16-327263 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
179 60 V15-300326 V16-311115 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
258 6 LDW280-54354 LDW280-54508 73A 735 215
257 6 LDW280-54018 LDW280-54353 73A 735 215
256 6 LDW280-53510 LDW280-54012 73A 735 215
18 6 F04-200104 F05-200110 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
17 6 F01-880119 F04-200102 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
16 6 F01-880114 F01-880118 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
395 52 ME432-0061 ME435-0035 73A 735 215
155 52 ME284-8183 ME414-0135 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
154 52 ME282-0002 ME284-8182 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
156 52 ME414-0136 ME432-8029 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
158 53 ME450-0002 ME472-0083 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
397 53 ME447-0024 ME454-0018 73A 735 215
398 53 ME454-0024 ME470-0018 73A 735 215
392 51 ME414-0125 ME414-0252 73A 735 215
393 51 ME414-0253 ME414-0539 73A 735 215
151 51 MD261-0001/0010 MD411-2049 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
391 51 ME362-0002 ME414-0124 73A 735 215
152 51 MD411-2050 ME181-0149 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
153 51 ME181-0150 ME281-8126 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
396 52 ME414-0036 ME447-0022 73A 735 215
394 52 ME414-0541 ME432-0058 73A 735 215
399 53 ME470-0019 ME478-0027 73A 735 215
157 53 ME433-0066 ME449-8023 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
159 53 ME473-0001 ME621-0001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
401 54 ME901-0713 MH01-AB339-214 73A 735 215
400 54 ME901-0485 ME901-0712 73A 735 215
160 54 ME623-0001 ME901-0698 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
161 54 ME901-0701 MH01-AB446-214 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
162 54 MHO-05202-424 MHO-03245-136 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
402 54 MH01-AB440-214 MH01-05059-216 73A 735 215
163 55 MHOI-03246-416 MHO1-07097-100 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
164 55 MHO1-07101-100 MHO1-12502-234 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
165 55 MHO1-12503-434 MHO4-10009-234 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
405 55 ME901-0220 ME901-0484 73A 735 215
403 55 ME478-0030 ME623-0005 73A 735 215
404 55 ME623-0006 ME901-0219 73A 735 215
406 56 MH01-05061-416 MH01-07282-100 73A 735 215
407 56 MH01-07283-100 MH01-15016-116 73A 735 215
167 56 MK393-10067 MK396-78003 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
168 56 MK397-08002 MQO404-001 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
166 56 MK390-0003 MK393-10066 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
408 56 MH01-15018-116 MK396-18116 73A 735 215
169 57 MQO501-001 N16-848819 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
170 57 N16-850100 N34-840391 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
171 57 N34-840394 N35-880376 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
409 57 MK396-18117 MP572-0181 73A 735 215
410 57 MP572-0182 V57-331021 73A 735 215
411 57 V57-42960 LB120-006 73A 735 215
414 057A 500037 530391 73A 735 215
412 057A 17-08205 7260-735001 73A 735 215
413 057A 102488 500036 73A 735 215
415 057B 530392 527319 73A 735 215
417 057B 540045E 560069E 73A 735 215
416 057B 527320 540045E 73A 735 215
418 057C 540069E 564023E 73A 735 215
420 057C 564041E 564043E 73A 735 215
419 057C 564024 564041E 73A 735 215
421 057D 564043E 564046E 73A 735 215
422 057D 564046E 564063E 73A 735 215
423 057D 564063E 564065E 73A 735 215
424 057E 564065E 564067E 73A 735 215
426 057E 564069E 566082 73A 735 215
425 057E 564067E 564069E 73A 735 215
429 057F 573067 L343-100-035 73A 735 215
428 057F 570000 573066 73A 735 215
427 057F 566083 569999 73A 735 215
430 057G L343-100-036 972-1334-00 73A 735 215
172 58 N36-81001 N36-854409 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
173 58 N36-854410 N36-855169 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
174 58 N36-855170 N37-988054 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
176 59 N52-850266 R17-880403 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
177 59 R18-880302 V14-750483 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
175 59 N52-810002 N52-850265 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6
207 69 V36-444301 V36-470851 255-80-0003 216 5-30-1-06-6

Where's the AGC Software?

Ideally, I would really like to have is each version of the AGC software, including all intermediate versions (hundreds of them!), and all off-line development code (essentially, branch development).  Failing that, I'd like to have just enough software to fly each mission ... whereas at the moment I'm writing this, we can only "fly" the unmanned Apollo 4-6 missions and the manned Apollo 8, 11, and 15-17 missions.  Admittedly, since those include the first lunar orbital mission, the first lunar landing mission, and the last lunar missing, that's not a bad selection!  And failing that ... well, any AGC version other than the versions presently available online!

All of which adds up to precisely nothing, in terms of answering the question in the title to this section, because for the most part, I don't know how to find the missing versions, or else I wouldn't be asking for your help!  So all I can really advise is to seek and ye may find.  And if ye find, pr'thee dost tell me.

This page is available under the Creative Commons No Rights Reserved License
Last modified by Ronald Burkey on 2021-01-12.

Virtual AGC is hosted
              by ibiblio.org