# Release Notes ## PyMC3 3.0 (September xx, 2016) We are proud and excited to release the first stable version of PyMC3, the product of more than [5 years](https://github.com/pymc-devs/pymc3/commit/85c7e06b6771c0d99cbc09cb68885cda8f7785cb) of ongoing development and contributions from over 80 individuals. PyMC3 is a Python module for Bayesian modeling which focuses on modern Bayesian computational methods, primarily gradient-based (Hamiltonian) MCMC sampling and variational inference. Models are specified in Python, which allows for great flexibility. The main technological difference in PyMC3 relative to previous versions is the reliance on Theano for the computational backend, rather than on Fortran extensions. ### New features Since the beta release last year, the following improvements have been implemented: * Added `variational` submodule, which features the automatic differentiation variational inference (ADVI) fitting method. Also supports mini-batch ADVI for large data sets. Much of this work was due to the efforts of Taku Yoshioka, and important guidance was provided by the Stan team (specifically Alp Kucukelbir and Daniel Lee). * Added model checking utility functions, including leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation, BPIC, WAIC, and DIC. * Implemented posterior predictive sampling (`sample_ppc`). * Implemented auto-assignment of step methods by `sample` function. * Enhanced IPython Notebook examples, featuring more complete narratives accompanying code. * Extensive debugging of NUTS sampler. * Updated documentation to reflect changes in code since beta. * Refactored test suite for better efficiency. * Added von Mises, zero-inflated negative binomial, and Lewandowski, Kurowicka and Joe (LKJ) distributions. * Adopted `joblib` for managing parallel computation of chains. * Added contributor guidelines, contributor code of conduct and governance document. ### Deprecations * Argument order of tau and sd was switched for distributions of the normal family: - `Normal()` - `Lognormal()` - `HalfNormal()` Old: `Normal(name, mu, tau)` New: `Normal(name, mu, sd)` (supplying keyword arguments is unaffected). * `MvNormal` calling signature changed: Old: `MvNormal(name, mu, tau)` New: `MvNormal(name, mu, cov)` (supplying keyword arguments is unaffected). We on the PyMC3 core team would like to thank everyone for contributing and now feel that this is ready for the big time. We look forward to hearing about all the cool stuff you use PyMC3 for, and look forward to continued development on the package. ### Contributors A Kuz A. Flaxman Abraham Flaxman Alexey Goldin Anand Patil Andrea Zonca Andreas Klostermann Andres Asensio Ramos Andrew Clegg Anjum48 AustinRochford Benjamin Edwards Boris Avdeev Brian Naughton Byron Smith Chad Heyne Chris Fonnesbeck Colin Corey Farwell David Huard David Huard David Stück DeliciousHair Dustin Tran Eigenblutwurst Gideon Wulfsohn Gil Raphaelli Gogs Ilan Man Imri Sofer Jake Biesinger James Webber John McDonnell John Salvatier Jordi Diaz Jordi Warmenhoven Karlson Pfannschmidt Kyle Bishop Kyle Meyer Lin Xiao Mack Sweeney Matthew Emmett Maxim Michael Gallaspy Nick Osvaldo Martin Patricio Benavente Peadar Coyle (springcoil) Raymond Roberts Rodrigo Benenson Sergei Lebedev Skipper Seabold Taku Yoshioka The Gitter Badger Thomas Kluyver Thomas Wiecki Tobias Knuth Volodymyr Volodymyr Kazantsev Wes McKinney Zach Ploskey akuz aloctavodia brandon willard dstuck ingmarschuster jan-matthis jason jonsedar kiudee maahnman macgyver mwibrow olafSmits paul sorenson redst4r santon sgenoud stonebig taku-y tyarkoni x2apps zenourn ## PyMC3 3.0b (June 16th, 2015) Probabilistic programming allows for flexible specification of Bayesian statistical models in code. PyMC3 is a new, open-source probabilistic programmer framework with an intuitive, readable and concise, yet powerful, syntax that is close to the natural notation statisticians use to describe models. It features next-generation fitting techniques, such as the No U-Turn Sampler, that allow fitting complex models with thousands of parameters without specialized knowledge of fitting algorithms. PyMC3 has recently seen rapid development. With the addition of two new major features: automatic transforms and missing value imputation, PyMC3 has become ready for wider use. PyMC3 is now refined enough that adding features is easy, so we don't expect adding features in the future will require drastic changes. It has also become user friendly enough for a broader audience. Automatic transformations mean NUTS and find_MAP work with less effort, and friendly error messages mean its easy to diagnose problems with your model. Thus, Thomas, Chris and I are pleased to announce that PyMC3 is now in Beta. ### Highlights * Transforms now automatically applied to constrained distributions * Transforms now specified with a `transform=` argument on Distributions. `model.TransformedVar` is gone. * Transparent missing value imputation support added with MaskedArrays or pandas.DataFrame NaNs. * Bad default values now ignored * Profile theano functions using `model.profile(model.logpt)` ### Contributors since 3.0a * A. Flaxman * Andrea Zonca * Andreas Klostermann * Andrew Clegg * AustinRochford * Benjamin Edwards * Brian Naughton * Chad Heyne * Chris Fonnesbeck * Corey Farwell * John Salvatier * Karlson Pfannschmidt * Kyle Bishop * Kyle Meyer * Mack Sweeney * Osvaldo Martin * Raymond Roberts * Rodrigo Benenson * Thomas Wiecki * Zach Ploskey * maahnman * paul sorenson * zenourn