\name{outCoDa} \alias{outCoDa} \title{ Outlier detection for compositional data } \description{ Outlier detection for compositional data using standard and robust statistical methods. } \usage{ outCoDa(x, quantile = 0.975, method = "robust", h = 1/2) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ compositional data } \item{quantile}{ quantile, corresponding to a significance level, is used as a cut-off value for outlier identification: observations with larger (squared) robust Mahalanobis distance are considered as potential outliers. } \item{method}{either \dQuote{robust} (default) or \dQuote{standard} } \item{h}{ the size of the subsets for the robust covariance estimation according the MCD-estimator for which the determinant is minimized (the default is (n+p+1)/2).} } \details{ The outlier detection procedure is based on (robust) Mahalanobis distances after a isometric logratio transformation of the data. Observations with squared Mahalanobis distance greater equal a certain quantile of the Chi-squared distribution are marked as outliers. If method \dQuote{robust} is chosen, the outlier detection is based on the homogeneous majority of the compositional data set. If method \dQuote{standard} is used, standard measures of location and scatter are applied during the outlier detection procedure. } \value{ \item{mahalDist }{resulting Mahalanobis distance} \item{limit }{quantile of the Chi-squared distribution} \item{outlierIndex }{logical vector indicating outliers and non-outliers} \item{method }{method used} } \references{ Egozcue J.J., V. Pawlowsky-Glahn, G. Mateu-Figueras and C. Barcel'o-Vidal (2003) Isometric logratio transformations for compositional data analysis. \emph{Mathematical Geology}, \bold{35}(3) 279-300. \\ Filzmoser, P., and Hron, K. (2008) Outlier detection for compositional data using robust methods. \emph{Math. Geosciences}, \bold{40} 233-248.\\ Rousseeuw, P.J., Van Driessen, K. (1999) A fast algorithm for the minimum covariance determinant estimator. \emph{Technometrics}, \bold{41} 212-223. } \author{ Matthias Templ, Karel Hron } \note{ It is highly recommended to use the robust version of the procedure. } \seealso{\code{\link{isomLR}}} \examples{ data(expenditures) oD <- outCoDa(expenditures) oD } \keyword{ multivariate }