Raw File
Tip revision: a47ed37e05cc2f848d43cb70a627db5c518ba0c0 authored by Jason Gross on 12 July 2022, 18:21:59 UTC
Remove path sensitivity in traceback output, test 12
Tip revision: a47ed37
from __future__ import with_statement, print_function
import os, subprocess, re, sys, glob, os.path
from memoize import memoize
from split_file import split_leading_comments_and_whitespace
from import_util import filename_of_lib, lib_of_filename, get_file, run_recursively_get_imports, recursively_get_imports, absolutize_has_all_constants, is_local_import, ALL_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE, IMPORT_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE
from custom_arguments import DEFAULT_LOG

__all__ = ["include_imports", "normalize_requires", "get_required_contents", "recursively_get_requires_from_file", "absolutize_and_mangle_libname"]

file_contents = {}
lib_imports_fast = {}
lib_imports_slow = {}

DEFAULT_LIBNAMES=(('.', 'Top'), )

IMPORT_LINE_REG = re.compile(r'^\s*(?:From|Require\s+Import|Require\s+Export|Require|Load\s+Verbose|Load)\s+(.*?)\.(?:\s|$)', re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)

def fill_kwargs(kwargs, for_makefile=True):
    rtn = {
    if for_makefile:
        if 'make_coqc' in rtn.keys(): # handle the case where coqc for the makefile is different
            rtn['coqc'] = rtn['make_coqc']
        if 'passing_make_coqc' in rtn.keys(): # handle the case where coqc for the makefile is different
            rtn['passing_coqc'] = rtn['passing_make_coqc']
    return rtn

def contents_without_imports(lib, **kwargs):
    v_file = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs)
    contents = get_file(v_file, **kwargs)
    if '(*' in ' '.join(IMPORT_LINE_REG.findall(contents)):
        print('Warning: There are comments in your Require/Import/Export lines in %s.' % v_file)
    return IMPORT_LINE_REG.sub('', contents)

def escape_lib(lib):
    return lib.replace('.', '_DOT_').replace('-', '_DASH_')

def group_by_first_component(lib_libname_pairs):
    rtn = dict((lib.split('.')[0], []) for lib, libname in lib_libname_pairs)
    for lib, libname in lib_libname_pairs:
        split_lib = lib.split('.')
        rtn[split_lib[0]].append(('.'.join(split_lib[1:]), libname))
    return rtn

def nest_iter_up_to(iterator):
    so_far = []
    for i in iterator:
        yield tuple(so_far)

def construct_import_list(import_libs, import_all_directories=False):
    '''Takes a list of library names, and returns a list of imports in an order that should have modules representing files at the end.  If import_all_directories is true, then the resulting imports should handle semi-absolute constants, and not just fully absolute or fully relative ones.'''
    if import_all_directories:
        lib_components_list = [(libname, tuple(reversed(list(nest_iter_up_to(map(escape_lib, libname.split('.'))))[:-1])))
                               for libname in import_libs]
        ret = list(map(escape_lib, import_libs))
        lib_components = [(libname, i, max(map(len, lst)) - len(i))
                          for libname, lst in lib_components_list
                          for i in lst]
        for libname, components, components_left in reversed(sorted(lib_components, key=(lambda x: x[2]))):
            ret.append(escape_lib(libname) + '.' + '.'.join(map(escape_lib, components)))
        return ret
        return map(escape_lib, import_libs)

def strip_requires(contents):
    reg1 = re.compile(r'^\s*Require\s+((?:Import|Export)\s)', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    contents = reg1.sub(r'\1', contents)
    reg2 = re.compile(r'^\s*Require\s+((?!Import\s+|Export\s+)(?:[^\.]|\.(?!\s|$))+\.(?:\s|$))', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    contents = reg2.sub(r'', contents)
    reg3 = re.compile(r'^\s*(From\s+[^\s]+\s+)Require\s+((?:Import|Export)\s)', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    contents = reg3.sub(r'\1\2', contents)
    reg4 = re.compile(r'^\s*(From\s+[^\s]+\s+)Require\s+((?!Import\s+|Export\s+)(?:[^\.]|\.(?!\s|$))+\.(?:\s|$))', flags=re.MULTILINE)
    contents = reg4.sub(r'', contents)
    return contents

def get_module_name_and_lib_parts(lib, first_wrap_then_include=False):
    module_name = escape_lib(lib)
    mangled_module_name = module_name + '_WRAPPED'
    lib_parts = list(map(escape_lib, lib.split('.')))
    # we could actually return the same thing, that is the string
    # ('%s.%s' % (module_name, '.'.join(lib_parts))), in both cases,
    # but we choose to return the module prior to Include rather than
    # the wrapped module, when we're wrapping via include, so that we
    # have a chance of removing the Include statement later (because
    # it may not be used)
    if first_wrap_then_include:
        full_module_name = '%s.%s' % (mangled_module_name, lib_parts[-1])
        full_module_name = '%s.%s' % (module_name, '.'.join(lib_parts))
    return module_name, mangled_module_name, lib_parts, full_module_name

def absolutize_and_mangle_libname(lib, first_wrap_then_include=False):
    module_name, mangled_module_name, lib_parts, full_module_name = get_module_name_and_lib_parts(lib, first_wrap_then_include=first_wrap_then_include)
    return full_module_name

def contents_as_module(lib, other_imports, first_wrap_then_include=False, export=False, without_require=True, **kwargs):
    import_all_directories = not absolutize_has_all_constants(kwargs['absolutize'])
    if import_all_directories and not export:
        # N.B. This strategy does not work with the Include strategy
        # that we use to fix
        #, so we disable it
        first_wrap_then_include = False
        transform_base = lambda x: (escape_lib(x) + '.' + x if is_local_import(x, **kwargs) else x)
        transform_base = lambda x: x
    v_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs)
    contents = get_file(v_name, transform_base=transform_base, **kwargs)
    if without_require: contents = strip_requires(contents)
    kwargs['log'](contents, level=3)
    module_name, mangled_module_name, lib_parts, _ = get_module_name_and_lib_parts(lib, first_wrap_then_include=first_wrap_then_include)
    # import the top-level wrappers
    if len(other_imports) > 0 and not export:
        # we need to import the contents in the correct order.  Namely, if we have a module whose name is also the name of a directory (in the same folder), we want to import the file first.
        for imp in reversed(construct_import_list(other_imports, import_all_directories=import_all_directories)):
            contents = 'Import %s.\n%s' % (imp, contents)
    # wrap the contents in directory modules
    maybe_export = 'Export ' if export else ''
    early_contents = ''
    if first_wrap_then_include: # works around
        early_contents, contents = contents, 'Include %s.%s.' % (mangled_module_name, lib_parts[-1])
        early_contents = 'Module %s.\n%s\nEnd %s.\n' % (lib_parts[-1], early_contents, lib_parts[-1])
        early_contents = 'Module %s.\n%s\nEnd %s.\n' % (mangled_module_name, early_contents, mangled_module_name)
    contents = 'Module %s.\n%s\nEnd %s.\n' % (lib_parts[-1], contents, lib_parts[-1])
    for name in reversed(lib_parts[:-1]):
        contents = 'Module %s%s.\n%s\nEnd %s.\n' % (maybe_export, name, contents, name)
    contents = 'Module %s%s.\n%s\nEnd %s.\n' % (maybe_export, module_name, contents, module_name)
    return early_contents + contents

def normalize_requires(filename, **kwargs):
    """Return the contents of filename, with all [Require]s split out and ordered at the top.

Preserve any leading whitespace/comments.
    if filename[-2:] != '.v': filename += '.v'
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    lib = lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs)
    all_imports = run_recursively_get_imports(lib, **kwargs)

    v_name = filename_of_lib(lib, ext='.v', **kwargs)
    contents = get_file(v_name, **kwargs)
    header, contents = split_leading_comments_and_whitespace(contents)
    contents = strip_requires(contents)
    contents = ''.join('Require %s.\n' % i for i in all_imports[:-1]) + '\n' + contents.strip() + '\n'
    return header + contents

def get_required_contents(libname, **kwargs):
    return contents_as_module(libname, other_imports=[], export=True, **fill_kwargs(kwargs))

def recursively_get_requires_from_file(filename, **kwargs):
    if filename[-2:] != '.v': filename += '.v'
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    lib = lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs)
    return tuple(run_recursively_get_imports(lib, **kwargs)[:-1])

def include_imports(filename, as_modules=True, fast=False, log=DEFAULT_LOG, coqc='coqc', absolutize=ALL_ABSOLUTIZE_TUPLE, coq_makefile='coq_makefile', **kwargs):
    """Return the contents of filename, with any top-level imports inlined.

If as_modules == True, then the imports will be wrapped in modules.

This method requires access to the coqdep program if fast == False.
Without it, it will fall back to manual parsing of the imports,
which may change behavior.

>>> import tempfile, os
>>> f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', suffix='.v', delete=False)
>>> g = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir='.', suffix='.v', delete=False)
>>> g_name = os.path.relpath(, '.')[:-2]
>>> f.write("  Require  Import %s Coq.Init.Logic Arith.\\n  Require  Export \tPArith\t Coq.Init.Logic.\\n  Require Bool.\\n Import Bool. (* asdf *)\\n Require Import QArith\\n  ZArith\\n  Setoid.\\nRequire Import %s.\\n Require\\n  Import\\n%s\\n\\n\t.\t(*foo*)\\n\\nInductive t := a | b.\\n\\n(*asdf*)" % (g_name, g_name, g_name))
>>> g.write(r"Require Export Ascii String.\\n\\nInductive q := c | d.")
>>> f.close()
>>> g.close()
>>> print(include_imports(, as_modules=False))
Require Import Coq.Arith.Arith Coq.Bool.Bool Coq.Init.Logic Coq.PArith.PArith Coq.QArith.QArith Coq.Setoids.Setoid Coq.ZArith.ZArith Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.

Inductive q := c | d.
(* asdf *)

Inductive t := a | b.


>>> print(include_imports(, as_modules=False, fast=True))
Require Import Arith Bool Coq.Init.Logic PArith QArith Setoid ZArith Ascii String.

Inductive q := c | d.
(* asdf *)

Inductive t := a | b.

>>> exts = ('.v', '.v.d', '.glob', '.vo', '.o', '.cmi', '.cmxs', '.native', '.cmx', '.vok', '.vos')
>>> names = [[:-2] + ext for ext in exts] + [[:-2] + ext for ext in exts]
>>> names = [i for i in names if os.path.exists(i)]
>>> for name in names: os.remove(name)
    if 'make_coqc' in kwargs.keys():
        coqc = kwargs['make_coqc']
    if filename[-2:] != '.v': filename += '.v'
    lib = lib_of_filename(filename, **kwargs)
    all_imports = recursively_get_imports(lib, fast=fast, log=log, coqc=coqc, coq_makefile=coq_makefile, **kwargs)
    remaining_imports = []
    rtn = ''
    imports_done = []
    for import_name in all_imports:
            if as_modules:
                rtn += contents_as_module(import_name, imports_done, log=log, absolutize=absolutize, without_require=True, **kwargs) + '\n'
                rtn += contents_without_imports(import_name, log=log, absolutize=tuple(), **kwargs) + '\n'
        except IOError:
    if len(remaining_imports) > 0:
        log('remaining imports:', level=2)
        log(remaining_imports, level=2)
        if as_modules:
            pattern = 'Require %s.\n%s'
            pattern = 'Require Import %s.\n%s'
        for imp in reversed(remaining_imports):
            rtn = pattern % (imp, rtn)
    return rtn

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # if we're working in Python 3.3, we can test this file
        import doctest
        success = True
    except ImportError:
        print('This is not the main file to use.\nOnly run it if you have doctest (Python 3.3+) and are testing things.')
        success = False
    if success:
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