Raw File
(*                                                                           *)
(* Open Source License                                                       *)
(* Copyright (c) 2018 Dynamic Ledger Solutions, Inc. <contact@tezos.com>     *)
(* Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Nomadic Labs <contact@nomadic-labs.com>           *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a   *)
(* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*)
(* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *)
(* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,  *)
(* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the     *)
(* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:      *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included   *)
(* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.                    *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.                                                 *)
(*                                                                           *)

(** {1 Entity Accessor Signatures} *)

(** The generic signature of a single data accessor (a single value
    bound to a specific key in the hierarchical (key x value)
    database). *)
module type Single_data_storage = sig
  type t

  type context = t

  (** The type of the value *)
  type value

  (** Tells if the data is already defined *)
  val mem : context -> bool Lwt.t

  (** Retrieve the value from the storage bucket ; returns a
      {!Storage_error} if the key is not set or if the deserialisation
      fails *)
  val get : context -> value tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Retrieves the value from the storage bucket ; returns [None] if
      the data is not initialized, or {!Storage_helpers.Storage_error}
      if the deserialisation fails *)
  val find : context -> value option tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Allocates the storage bucket and initializes it ; returns a
      {!Storage_error Existing_key} if the bucket exists *)
  val init : context -> value -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Updates the content of the bucket ; returns a {!Storage_Error
      Missing_key} if the value does not exists *)
  val update : context -> value -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Allocates the data and initializes it with a value ; just
      updates it if the bucket exists *)
  val add : context -> value -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** When the value is [Some v], allocates the data and initializes
      it with [v] ; just updates it if the bucket exists. When the
      value is [None], delete the storage bucket when the value ; does
      nothing if the bucket does not exists. *)
  val add_or_remove : context -> value option -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** Delete the storage bucket ; returns a {!Storage_error
      Missing_key} if the bucket does not exists *)
  val remove_existing : context -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Removes the storage bucket and its contents ; does nothing if
      the bucket does not exists *)
  val remove : context -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

(** Restricted version of {!Indexed_data_storage} w/o iterators. *)
module type Non_iterable_indexed_data_storage = sig
  type t

  type context = t

  (** An abstract type for keys *)
  type key

  (** The type of values *)
  type value

  (** Tells if a given key is already bound to a storage bucket *)
  val mem : context -> key -> bool Lwt.t

  (** Retrieve a value from the storage bucket at a given key ;
      returns {!Storage_error Missing_key} if the key is not set ;
      returns {!Storage_error Corrupted_data} if the deserialisation
      fails. *)
  val get : context -> key -> value tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Retrieve a value from the storage bucket at a given key ;
      returns [None] if the value is not set ; returns {!Storage_error
      Corrupted_data} if the deserialisation fails. *)
  val find : context -> key -> value option tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Updates the content of a bucket ; returns A {!Storage_Error
      Missing_key} if the value does not exists. *)
  val update : context -> key -> value -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Allocates a storage bucket at the given key and initializes it ;
      returns a {!Storage_error Existing_key} if the bucket exists. *)
  val init : context -> key -> value -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Allocates a storage bucket at the given key and initializes it
      with a value ; just updates it if the bucket exists. *)
  val add : context -> key -> value -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** When the value is [Some v], allocates the data and initializes
      it with [v] ; just updates it if the bucket exists. When the
      value is [None], delete the storage bucket when the value ; does
      nothing if the bucket does not exists. *)
  val add_or_remove : context -> key -> value option -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** Delete a storage bucket and its contents ; returns a
      {!Storage_error Missing_key} if the bucket does not exists. *)
  val remove_existing : context -> key -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Removes a storage bucket and its contents ; does nothing if the
      bucket does not exists. *)
  val remove : context -> key -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

(** Variant of {!Non_iterable_indexed_data_storage} with gas accounting. *)
module type Non_iterable_indexed_carbonated_data_storage = sig
  type t

  type context = t

  (** An abstract type for keys *)
  type key

  (** The type of values *)
  type value

  (** Tells if a given key is already bound to a storage bucket.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero]. *)
  val mem : context -> key -> (Raw_context.t * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Retrieve a value from the storage bucket at a given key ;
      returns {!Storage_error Missing_key} if the key is not set ;
      returns {!Storage_error Corrupted_data} if the deserialisation
      Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost <size of the value>]. *)
  val get : context -> key -> (Raw_context.t * value) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Retrieve a value from the storage bucket at a given key ;
      returns [None] if the value is not set ; returns {!Storage_error
      Corrupted_data} if the deserialisation fails.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost <size of the value>] if present
      or [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero]. *)
  val find : context -> key -> (Raw_context.t * value option) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Updates the content of a bucket ; returns A {!Storage_Error
      Missing_key} if the value does not exists.
      Consumes serialization cost.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the new value>].
      Returns the difference from the old to the new size. *)
  val update : context -> key -> value -> (Raw_context.t * int) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Allocates a storage bucket at the given key and initializes it ;
      returns a {!Storage_error Existing_key} if the bucket exists.
      Consumes serialization cost.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the value>].
      Returns the size. *)
  val init : context -> key -> value -> (Raw_context.t * int) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Allocates a storage bucket at the given key and initializes it
      with a value ; just updates it if the bucket exists.
      Consumes serialization cost.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the new value>].
      Returns the difference from the old (maybe 0) to the new size, and a boolean
      indicating if a value was already associated to this key. *)
  val add :
    context -> key -> value -> (Raw_context.t * int * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** When the value is [Some v], allocates the data and initializes
      it with [v] ; just updates it if the bucket exists. When the
      value is [None], delete the storage bucket when the value ; does
      nothing if the bucket does not exists.
      Consumes serialization cost.
      Consumes the same gas cost as either {!remove} or {!init_set}.
      Returns the difference from the old (maybe 0) to the new size, and a boolean
      indicating if a value was already associated to this key. *)
  val add_or_remove :
    context ->
    key ->
    value option ->
    (Raw_context.t * int * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Delete a storage bucket and its contents ; returns a
      {!Storage_error Missing_key} if the bucket does not exists.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero].
      Returns the freed size. *)
  val remove_existing : context -> key -> (Raw_context.t * int) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Removes a storage bucket and its contents ; does nothing if the
      bucket does not exists.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero].
      Returns the freed size, and a boolean
      indicating if a value was already associated to this key. *)
  val remove : context -> key -> (Raw_context.t * int * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Returns the list of all storage bucket keys.
      Not carbonated (i.e. gas is not consumed); use with care. *)
  val keys_unaccounted : context -> key list Lwt.t

module type Indexed_carbonated_data_storage = sig
  include Non_iterable_indexed_carbonated_data_storage

  (** [list_key_values ?offset ?length storage] lists the key and value pairs of
      each entry in the given [storage]. The first [offset] values are ignored
      (if passed). Negative offsets are treated as [0]. There will be no more
      than [length] values in the result list (if passed). Negative values are
      treated as [0].

      The returned {!context} takes into account gas consumption of traversing
      the keys and loading values. *)
  val list_key_values :
    ?offset:int ->
    ?length:int ->
    t ->
    (Raw_context.t * (key * value) list) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Returns [true] iff [context] is empty.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero].*)
  val is_empty : context -> (Raw_context.t * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** [clear storage] removes all values from the storage.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero] .*)
  val clear : context -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

module type Indexed_carbonated_data_storage_INTERNAL = sig
  include Indexed_carbonated_data_storage

  val fold_keys_unaccounted :
    context ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'a ->
    f:(key -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
    'a Lwt.t

(** The generic signature of indexed data accessors (a set of values
    of the same type indexed by keys of the same form in the
    hierarchical (key x value) database). *)
module type Indexed_data_storage = sig
  include Non_iterable_indexed_data_storage

  (** Empties all the keys and associated data. *)
  val clear : context -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** Lists all the keys. *)
  val keys : context -> key list Lwt.t

  (** Lists all the keys and associated data. *)
  val bindings : context -> (key * value) list Lwt.t

  (** Iterates over all the keys and associated data. *)
  val fold :
    context ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'a ->
    f:(key -> value -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
    'a Lwt.t

  (** Iterate over all the keys. *)
  val fold_keys :
    context ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'a ->
    f:(key -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
    'a Lwt.t

  (** Returns [true] iff [context] is empty. *)
  val is_empty : context -> bool Lwt.t

module type Indexed_data_storage_with_local_context = sig
  include Indexed_data_storage

  type local_context

  module Local : sig
    type context = local_context

    (** Tells if the data is already defined *)
    val mem : context -> bool Lwt.t

    (** Retrieves the value from the storage bucket; returns a
        {!Storage_error} if the key is not set or if the deserialisation
        fails *)
    val get : context -> value tzresult Lwt.t

    (** Retrieves the value from the storage bucket ; returns [None] if
        the data is not initialized, or {!Storage_helpers.Storage_error}
        if the deserialisation fails *)
    val find : context -> value option tzresult Lwt.t

    (** Allocates the storage bucket and initializes it ; returns a
        {!Storage_error Existing_key} if the bucket exists *)
    val init : context -> value -> context tzresult Lwt.t

    (** Updates the content of the bucket; returns a {!Storage_Error
        Missing_key} if the value does not exist *)
    val update : context -> value -> context tzresult Lwt.t

    (** Allocates the data and initializes it with a value ; just
        updates it if the bucket exists *)
    val add : context -> value -> context Lwt.t

    (** When the value is [Some v], allocates the data and initializes
        it with [v] ; just updates it if the bucket exists. When the
        value is [None], deletes the storage bucket; it does
        nothing if the bucket does not exists. *)
    val add_or_remove : context -> value option -> context Lwt.t

    (** Delete the storage bucket ; returns a {!Storage_error
        Missing_key} if the bucket does not exists *)
    val remove_existing : context -> context tzresult Lwt.t

    (** Removes the storage bucket and its contents; does nothing if
        the bucket does not exist *)
    val remove : context -> context Lwt.t

module type Indexed_data_snapshotable_storage = sig
  type snapshot

  type key

  include Indexed_data_storage with type key := key

  module Snapshot :
      with type key = snapshot * key
       and type value = value
       and type t = t

  val snapshot_exists : context -> snapshot -> bool Lwt.t

  val snapshot : context -> snapshot -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  val fold_snapshot :
    context ->
    snapshot ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'a ->
    f:(key -> value -> 'a -> 'a tzresult Lwt.t) ->
    'a tzresult Lwt.t

  val delete_snapshot : context -> snapshot -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

(** The generic signature of a data set accessor (a set of values
    bound to a specific key prefix in the hierarchical (key x value)
    database). *)
module type Data_set_storage = sig
  type t

  type context = t

  (** The type of elements. *)
  type elt

  (** Tells if a elt is a member of the set *)
  val mem : context -> elt -> bool Lwt.t

  (** Adds a elt is a member of the set *)
  val add : context -> elt -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** Removes a elt of the set ; does nothing if not a member *)
  val remove : context -> elt -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  (** Returns the elements of the set, deserialized in a list in no
      particular order. *)
  val elements : context -> elt list Lwt.t

  (** Iterates over the elements of the set. *)
  val fold :
    context ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'a ->
    f:(elt -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
    'a Lwt.t

  (** Removes all elements in the set *)
  val clear : context -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

(** Variant of {!Data_set_storage} with gas accounting. *)
module type Carbonated_data_set_storage = sig
  type t

  type context = t

  (** The type of elements. *)
  type elt

  (** Returns true if and only if the set contains no elements.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero].*)
  val is_empty : context -> (Raw_context.t * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Tells whether an elt is a member of the set.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.read_bytes_cost Z.zero] *)
  val mem : context -> elt -> (Raw_context.t * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Adds an elt as a member of the set.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the new value>].
      Returns the the new size. *)
  val init : context -> elt -> (Raw_context.t * int) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Adds an elt as a member of the set.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost <size of the new value>].
      Returns the new size, and true if the value previously existed. *)
  val add : context -> elt -> (Raw_context.t * int * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Removes an elt from the set ; does nothing if not a member.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero].
      Returns the freed size, and a boolean
      indicating if a value was already associated to this key. *)
  val remove : context -> elt -> (Raw_context.t * int * bool) tzresult Lwt.t

  (** Removes all elt from the set.
      Consumes [Gas_repr.write_bytes_cost Z.zero].

      This function does not returns the freed size. This is because
      it would need to fold over all keys or add a size accumulator
      and no usage exists so far. *)
  val clear : context -> Raw_context.t tzresult Lwt.t

  val fold_keys_unaccounted :
    context ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'acc ->
    f:(elt -> 'acc -> 'acc Lwt.t) ->
    'acc Lwt.t

module type NAME = sig
  val name : Raw_context.key

module type VALUE = sig
  type t

  val encoding : t Data_encoding.t

module type REGISTER = sig
  val ghost : bool

module type Indexed_raw_context = sig
  type t

  type context = t

  type key

  type 'a ipath

  type local_context

  val clear : context -> Raw_context.t Lwt.t

  val is_empty : context -> bool Lwt.t

  val fold_keys :
    context ->
    order:[`Sorted | `Undefined] ->
    init:'a ->
    f:(key -> 'a -> 'a Lwt.t) ->
    'a Lwt.t

  val keys : context -> key list Lwt.t

  val remove : context -> key -> context Lwt.t

  val copy : context -> from:key -> to_:key -> context tzresult Lwt.t

  val with_local_context :
    context ->
    key ->
    (local_context -> (local_context * 'a) tzresult Lwt.t) ->
    (context * 'a) tzresult Lwt.t

  module Make_set (_ : REGISTER) (_ : NAME) :
    Data_set_storage with type t = t and type elt = key

  module Make_map (_ : REGISTER) (_ : NAME) (V : VALUE) :
      with type t = t
       and type key = key
       and type value = V.t
       and type local_context = local_context

  module Make_carbonated_map (_ : REGISTER) (_ : NAME) (V : VALUE) :
      with type t = t
       and type key = key
       and type value = V.t

  module Raw_context : Raw_context.T with type t = t ipath
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