Tip revision: 8f8d3d2bcae39e165993d9e11ffe173640b940db authored by Daniel A. Wagenaar on 01 December 2020, 02:16:22 UTC
Made sbemviewer convert http to https
Made sbemviewer convert http to https
Tip revision: 8f8d3d2
// MovieRender.cpp
#include "MovieRender.h"
#include "SomaLabel.h"
#include "DistinctColors.h"
#include <QImage>
#include <QMap>
#include <QList>
#include <QTime>
#include <QPainter>
#include <QRegularExpression>
#include <cmath>
static QString nicelen(double um) {
QString num = QString("%1").arg(um, 0, 'f', 1);
int L = num.length();
if (L>5)
num = num.left(L-5) + "," + num.right(5);
return num + " μm";
struct MRD_Segment {
MRD_Segment(quint64 from=0, quint64 to=0): from(from), to(to) { }
quint64 from, to; // indices into nodes
struct MRD_Tree {
QMap<quint64, PointF> nodes;
QVector<quint64> presyn, postsyn, soma; // index into nodes
QVector<QVector<MRD_Segment>> segments; // in build-up order
QString somalabel;
PointF color;
class MR_Data {
MR_Data(SBEMDB const *db, SomaLabel const *sm): db(db), sm(sm), info(db->serverInfo()) {
dx = info.real("dx");
dy = info.real("dy");
dz = info.real("dz");
void reset(); // trees are scanned on request
void setSomaLabels(); // really ugly hack!
QImage render(int);
int keyBuildupLength();
int partnerBuildupLength();
MRD_Tree const &tree(quint64 tid, quint64 fromnid=0); // 0 means from soma
QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>> presynapticPartners(quint64 tid);
// return is map of partner tid to list of presynaptic nodes in that partner
// by construction, the vector is not empty.
QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>> postsynapticPartners(quint64 tid);
// return is map of partner tid to list of postsynaptic nodes in that tree
// by construction, the vector is not empty.
SBEMDB const *db;
SomaLabel const *sm;
ServerInfo info;
MMSettings s;
double dx, dy, dz;
void scanPartners(quint64 tid, bool prenotpost);
QMap<quint64, MRD_Tree> trees; // tid to tree
QMap<quint64, QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>>> prepartners; // tid to map
// ... as from presynapticPartners.
QMap<quint64, QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>>> postpartners; // tid to map
// ... as from postsynapticPartners.
QMap<quint64, QString> soma; // soma labels map from tid
void MR_Data::setSomaLabels() {
// what a hack!
if (sm) {
QSqlQuery q{db->constQuery("select tid, tname from trees")};
while (
soma[q.value(0).toULongLong()] = sm->lookup(q.value(1).toString());
void MR_Data::reset() {
void MR_Data::scanPartners(quint64 tid, bool prenotpost) {
QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>> map;
SBEMDB::NodeType typ(prenotpost ? SBEMDB::NodeType::PresynTerm
: SBEMDB::NodeType::PostsynTerm);
QSqlQuery q = db->constQuery("select n.nid, n.tid from syncons as sc"
" inner join nodes as n on sc.nid==n.nid"
" inner join synapses as s on sc.sid==s.sid"
" inner join syncons as sc2 on sc2.sid==s.sid"
" inner join nodes as n2 on sc2.nid==n2.nid"
" where n2.tid=:a and n.typ==:b",
tid, int(typ));
while (
map[q.value(1).toULongLong()] << q.value(0).toULongLong();
if (prenotpost)
prepartners[tid] = map;
postpartners[tid] = map;
QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>> MR_Data::presynapticPartners(quint64 tid) {
if (!prepartners.contains(tid))
scanPartners(tid, true);
return prepartners[tid];
QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>> MR_Data::postsynapticPartners(quint64 tid) {
if (!postpartners.contains(tid))
scanPartners(tid, false);
return postpartners[tid];
MRD_Tree const &MR_Data::tree(quint64 tid, quint64 fromnid) {
if (trees.contains(tid))
return trees[tid];
MRD_Tree tree;
QSqlQuery q = db->constQuery("select nid, x, y, z, typ from nodes"
" where tid==:a", tid);
while ( {
quint64 nid = q.value(0).toULongLong();
PointF p(q.value(1).toInt()*dx,
tree.nodes[nid] = p;
switch (SBEMDB::NodeType(q.value(4).toInt())) {
case SBEMDB::PresynTerm:
tree.presyn << nid;
case SBEMDB::PostsynTerm:
tree.postsyn << nid;
case SBEMDB::Soma:
tree.soma << nid;
if (tree.nodes.isEmpty()) {
trees[tid] = tree;
return trees[tid];
q = db->constQuery("select n1.nid, n2.nid"
" from nodecons as nc"
" inner join nodes as n1 on n1.nid==nc.nid1"
" inner join nodes as n2 on n2.nid==nc.nid2"
" where n1.tid==:a and n1.nid<n2.nid", tid);
if (s.buildup) {
if (fromnid==0) {
if (tree.soma.isEmpty())
fromnid = tree.nodes.begin().key();
fromnid = tree.soma.first(); // there ought to be precisely one
QMap<quint64, QVector<quint64>> segmap; // bidirectional
while ( {
quint64 nid1 = q.value(0).toULongLong();
quint64 nid2 = q.value(1).toULongLong();
segmap[nid1] << nid2;
segmap[nid2] << nid1;
QSet<quint64> frontier;
QSet<quint64> interior;
frontier << fromnid;
while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
QVector<MRD_Segment> outreach;
for (quint64 from: frontier) {
for (quint64 to: segmap[from])
if (!interior.contains(to))
outreach << MRD_Segment(from, to);
interior << from;
tree.segments << outreach;
for (MRD_Segment const &seg: outreach)
frontier <<;
} else {
QVector<MRD_Segment> seg;
while (
seg << MRD_Segment(q.value(0).toULongLong(), q.value(1).toULongLong());
tree.segments << seg;
q = db->constQuery("select tname from trees where tid==:a", tid);
QString tname = ? q.value(0).toString() : "";
tree.somalabel = tname;
int uctid = 0;
auto mtch = QRegularExpression("^(\\d+)[^\\.]").match(tname);
if (mtch.hasMatch())
uctid = mtch.captured(1).toInt();
if (uctid==0) {
auto mtch = QRegularExpression("1\\.pre[sp]\\.p\\.(\\d+)").match(tname);
if (mtch.hasMatch())
uctid = mtch.captured(1).toInt() + 400;
uint32_t c = DistinctColors::instance().color(uctid);
tree.color = PointF((c&0xff0000)/65536/255.*1.5-.5,
trees[tid] = tree;
return trees[tid];
class MR_Object {
MR_Object() { radius=0; isline = 0; }
MR_Object(PointF p, PointF color, double r):
p1(p), color(color), radius(r), isline(false) { somaid = 0; }
MR_Object(LineF l, PointF color, double r):
p1(l.p1), p2(l.p2), color(color), radius(r), isline(true) { somaid = 0; }
double z() const {
return isline ? (p1.z + p2.z)/2 : p1.z;
static double totalLength(QList<MR_Object> const &lst);
PointF p1;
PointF p2;
PointF color;
double radius;
bool isline;
int somaid; // tid, actually
double MR_Object::totalLength(QList<MR_Object> const &lst) {
double l = 0;
for (MR_Object const &obj: lst)
if (obj.isline)
l += std::sqrt((obj.p1 - obj.p2).L2());
return l;
int MR_Data::keyBuildupLength() {
if (!s.buildup)
return 0;
int maxlen = 0;
for (quint64 tid: s.keyTrees) {
MRD_Tree const &t{tree(tid)};
if (t.segments.size() > maxlen)
maxlen = t.segments.size();
return maxlen;
int MR_Data::partnerBuildupLength() {
if (!s.buildup)
return 0;
int maxlen = 0;
for (quint64 tid: s.keyTrees) {
if (s.alsoPresynaptic) {
auto const &map = presynapticPartners(tid);
for (auto it=map.begin(); it!=map.end(); it++) {
quint64 t1 = it.key();
QVector<quint64> const &nids = it.value();
MRD_Tree const &t{tree(t1, nids.first())};
if (t.segments.size() > maxlen)
maxlen = t.segments.size();
if (s.alsoPostsynaptic) {
auto const &map = postsynapticPartners(tid);
for (auto it=map.begin(); it!=map.end(); it++) {
quint64 t1 = it.key();
QVector<quint64> const &nids = it.value();
MRD_Tree const &t{tree(t1, nids.first())};
if (t.segments.size() > maxlen)
maxlen = t.segments.size();
return maxlen;
QImage MR_Data::render(int n) {
QImage img(s.resolution, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QList<MR_Object> objs;
QList<MR_Object> allobjs;
double l0 = 0;
int keylen = keyBuildupLength();
int partnerlen = partnerBuildupLength();
QMap<quint64, double> objlen;
double prelen=0, postlen=0;
for (quint64 tid: s.keyTrees) {
PointF color(1, 1, 1);
MRD_Tree const &t{tree(tid)};
for (quint64 nid: t.soma) {
objs << MR_Object(t.nodes[nid], color, s.somaDiameter);
objs.last().somaid = tid;
int N = s.buildup ? (n>keylen ? keylen : n) : t.segments.size();
for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
auto const &seglist{t.segments[n]};
for (auto const &seg: seglist) {
objs << MR_Object(LineF(t.nodes[seg.from], t.nodes[]),
color, s.keyWidth);
if (t.presyn.contains( || t.postsyn.contains(
objs << MR_Object(t.nodes[], color, s.synapseDiameter);
for (PointF const &p: t.nodes)
allobjs << MR_Object(p, color, 1);
double l1 = MR_Object::totalLength(objs);
qDebug() << "Neurite length in object" << tid << "is" << l1 - l0;
objlen[tid] = l1 - l0;
l0 = l1;
if (s.alsoPresynaptic) {
int ppcount = 0;
QList<PointF> somapos;
for (quint64 tid: s.keyTrees) {
auto const &map = presynapticPartners(tid);
for (auto it=map.begin(); it!=map.end(); it++) {
quint64 t1 = it.key();
QVector<quint64> const &nids = it.value();
MRD_Tree const &t{tree(t1, nids.first())};
int N = t.segments.size();
if (s.buildup) {
if (n<=keylen)
N = 0;
else if (n <= keylen + N)
N = n - keylen;
for (int n=0; n<N; n++) {
auto const &seglist{t.segments[n]};
for (auto const &seg: seglist)
objs << MR_Object(LineF(t.nodes[seg.from], t.nodes[]),
t.color, s.keyWidth);
if (N == t.segments.size()) {
for (quint64 nid: t.soma) {
PointF p(t.nodes[nid]);
somapos << p;
objs << MR_Object(p, t.color, s.somaDiameter);
objs.last().somaid = t1;
qDebug() << "Found" << ppcount << "presynaptic partners";
double l1 = MR_Object::totalLength(objs);
qDebug() << "Neurite length in presynaptic partners is" << l1 - l0;
prelen = l1 - l0;
l0 = l1;
if (s.alsoPostsynaptic) {
int ppcount = 0;
for (quint64 tid: s.keyTrees) {
auto const &map = postsynapticPartners(tid);
for (auto it=map.begin(); it!=map.end(); it++) {
quint64 t1 = it.key();
QVector<quint64> const &nids = it.value();
MRD_Tree const &t{tree(t1, nids.first())};
for (auto const &seglist: t.segments)
for (auto const &seg: seglist)
objs << MR_Object(LineF(t.nodes[seg.from], t.nodes[]),
t.color, s.keyWidth);
for (quint64 nid: t.soma) {
PointF p(t.nodes[nid]);
objs << MR_Object(p, t.color, s.somaDiameter);
objs.last().somaid = t1;
qDebug() << "Found" << ppcount << "postsynaptic partners";
double l1 = MR_Object::totalLength(objs);
qDebug() << "Neurite length in postsynaptic partners is" << l1 - l0;
postlen = l1 - l0;
l0 = l1;
PointF p0(0,0,0);
for (MR_Object const &obj: allobjs) {
p0 += obj.p1;
p0 /= allobjs.size();
double L2 = 0;
for (MR_Object const &obj: allobjs) {
double L2a = (obj.p1-p0).L2();
if (L2a > L2)
L2 = L2a;
Transform3 xf;
xf.shift(s.resolution.width()/2, s.resolution.height()/2, 0);
xf.scale(s.resolution.width()/std::sqrt(L2)/2, 0, 0);
QPointF hundredum = (xf.apply(PointF(100,0,0)) - xf.apply(PointF(0,0,0)))
if (n>keylen + partnerlen)
xf.rotate((n-keylen-partnerlen) * 2 * 3.141592 / s.frameCount, 0, 0, 0);
xf.rotate(3.141592/180 * s.theta, 3.141592/180 * s.phi, 0, 0);
xf.shift(-p0.x, -p0.y, -p0.z);
for (MR_Object &obj: objs) {
obj.p1 = xf.apply(obj.p1);
if (obj.isline)
obj.p2 = xf.apply(obj.p2);
std::sort(objs.begin(), objs.end(),
[](MR_Object const &a, MR_Object const &b) {
return a.z() < b.z();
double Z = s.resolution.width();
auto getcolor = [Z](PointF const &p, double z) {
z = 1 + z/Z/2;
float r = p.x*255;
float g = p.y*255;
float b = p.z*255;
float sum = r+g+b;
if (sum<100) {
float delta = 100 - sum;
r += delta;
g += delta;
b += delta;
r *= z;
g *= z;
b *= z;
return QColor(r<0 ? 0 : r>255 ? 255 : r,
g<0 ? 0 : g>255 ? 255 : g,
b<0 ? 0 : b>255 ? 255 : b);
QPainter ptr(&img);
if (s.fontsize>0) {
double fs = s.fontsize;
QPointF right = QPointF(s.resolution.width(), s.resolution.height())
- QPointF(20, 20 + fs*1.5);
QPointF left = right - hundredum;
ptr.setPen(QPen(QColor(255,255,64), s.keyWidth));
ptr.drawLine(QLineF(left, right));
QFont f(ptr.font());
ptr.drawText(QRectF(left,right + QPointF(0, fs*1.5)),
Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignBottom, "100 μm");
ptr.setPen(QPen(QColor(255,255,255), s.keyWidth));
QPointF l = left - QPointF(0, 4*s.somaDiameter);
QPointF c = l + QPointF(s.somaDiameter, 0);
QPointF r = right - QPointF(0, 4*s.somaDiameter);
QPointF m = l + (r-l)*.4;
if (objlen.contains(444)) {
ptr.drawLine(c, m);
ptr.drawText(QRectF(m + QPointF(fs, -fs),
r + QPointF(0, fs)),
Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, "DE-3R");
double len = objlen[444];
if (len > 0) {
ptr.drawText(QRectF(c + QPointF(0,fs),
c + (r-c) + QPointF(0,2.2*fs)),
Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter,
if (len>1000) {
QPointF l = left - QPointF(0, 6.5*s.somaDiameter);
QPointF r = right - QPointF(0, 6.5*s.somaDiameter);
QPointF m = l + (r-l)*.4;
ptr.drawLine(l, m);
ptr.drawText(QRectF(m + QPointF(fs, -fs*1.5),
r + QPointF(0, fs*1.5)),
Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, "Input\nsynapses");
if (prelen>0) {
ptr.setPen(QPen(QColor(128,192,255), s.lineWidth));
QPointF l = left - QPointF(0, 10.5*s.somaDiameter);
QPointF c = l + QPointF(s.somaDiameter, 0);
QPointF r = right - QPointF(0, 10.5*s.somaDiameter);
QPointF m = l + (r-l)*.4;
ptr.drawLine(c, m);
ptr.drawText(QRectF(m + QPointF(fs, -fs),
r + QPointF(0,fs)),
Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, "Partners");
ptr.drawText(QRectF(l + QPointF(0, fs),
r + QPointF(0, 2.2*fs)),
Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter,
ptr.drawEllipse(c, s.somaDiameter, s.somaDiameter);
if (objlen.contains(444)) {
ptr.drawEllipse(c, s.somaDiameter, s.somaDiameter);
double len = objlen[444];
if (len>1000) {
QPointF c = (l+m)/2 + QPointF(0, -2.5*fs);
ptr.drawEllipse(c, s.synapseDiameter, s.synapseDiameter);
for (MR_Object const &obj: objs) {
if (obj.isline) {
if (s.shadow>0) {
ptr.setPen(QPen(QColor(0,0,0,s.shadow*2), obj.radius+2));
ptr.drawLine(QLineF(QPointF(obj.p1.x, obj.p1.y),
QPointF(obj.p2.x, obj.p2.y)));
ptr.setPen(QPen(QColor(0,0,0,s.shadow), obj.radius+4));
ptr.drawLine(QLineF(QPointF(obj.p1.x, obj.p1.y),
QPointF(obj.p2.x, obj.p2.y)));
ptr.setPen(QPen(getcolor(obj.color, obj.z()), obj.radius));
ptr.drawLine(QLineF(QPointF(obj.p1.x, obj.p1.y),
QPointF(obj.p2.x, obj.p2.y)));
} else {
if (s.shadow>0) {
ptr.drawEllipse(QPointF(obj.p1.x, obj.p1.y),
obj.radius + 2, obj.radius + 2);
ptr.drawEllipse(QPointF(obj.p1.x, obj.p1.y),
obj.radius + 4, obj.radius + 4);
ptr.setBrush(QBrush(getcolor(obj.color, obj.p1.z)));
ptr.drawEllipse(QPointF(obj.p1.x, obj.p1.y),
obj.radius, obj.radius);
if (obj.somaid && soma.contains(obj.somaid)) {
QString txt = soma[obj.somaid];
txt.replace("_R", "");
txt.replace("_L", "");
if (!txt.isEmpty() && txt!="-") {
ptr.setPen(getcolor(obj.color, obj.p1.z));
ptr.drawText(QPointF(obj.p1.x + 2*obj.radius, obj.p1.y), txt);
return img;
MovieRender::MovieRender(SBEMDB const *db, SomaLabel const *sm, QObject *parent):
QObject(parent), d(new MR_Data(db, sm)) {
MovieRender::~MovieRender() {
delete d;
void MovieRender::rereadDatabase() {
void MovieRender::setSettings(MMSettings const &s) {
d->s = s;
QImage MovieRender::render(int n) {
return d->render(n);
int MovieRender::buildupFrameCount() {
qDebug() << "buildupframecount"
<< d->keyBuildupLength() << d->partnerBuildupLength();
return d->keyBuildupLength() + d->partnerBuildupLength();