Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env python3

Copyright (C) 2019, Clément Cazorla <clement.cazorla@univ-reims.fr>

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redistribute it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
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To the extent possible under law, the authors have dedicated all
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import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_edt
from scipy.ndimage.morphology import distance_transform_cdt

class DistanceMap:
    def __init__(self, shape, distance):
        self.shape = shape
        self.distance = distance

    def get_3d_dist_map(self, distance_type):
        This function computes distance map

        :param distance_type: Distance type to compute the distance map
        :type distance_type: String
        :return: Distance map
        :rtype: Numpy array"""

        # A reshape might be necessary to compute the distance map

        shape_0, shape_1, shape_2 = self.shape
        if shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_0 += 1
        if shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_1 += 1
        if shape_2 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_2 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_2 += 1
        matrix = np.ones(shape=(shape_0, shape_1, shape_2))
        i = np.arange(0, shape_0, self.distance)
        j = np.arange(0, shape_1, self.distance)
        k = np.arange(0, shape_2, self.distance)

        for x in i:
            for y in j:
                for z in k:
                    matrix[x + int(np.floor(self.distance/2)), y + int(np.floor(self.distance/2)), z +
                           int(np.floor(self.distance/2))] = 0
        if distance_type == 'euclid':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_edt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == "chessboard":
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == 'manhattan':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix, metric='taxicab')

        if (shape_0, shape_1, shape_2) != self.shape:
            carte_distance = carte_distance[:self.shape[0], :self.shape[1], :self.shape[2]]

        return carte_distance

    def get_2d_dist_map(self, distance_type):
        This function computes distance map

        :param distance_type: Distance type to compute the distance map
        :type distance_type: String
        :return: Distance map
        :rtype: Numpy array"""

        # A reshape might be necessary to compute the distance map

        shape_0, shape_1 = self.shape
        if shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_0 += 1
        if shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_1 += 1

        matrix = np.ones(shape=(shape_0, shape_1))
        i = np.arange(0, shape_0, self.distance)
        j = np.arange(0, shape_1, self.distance)

        for x in i:
            for y in j:
                matrix[x + int(np.floor(self.distance/2)), y + int(np.floor(self.distance/2))] = 0
        if distance_type == 'euclid':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_edt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == "chessboard":
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == 'manhattan':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix, metric='taxicab')

        if (shape_0, shape_1) != self.shape:
            carte_distance = carte_distance[:self.shape[0], :self.shape[1]]

        return carte_distance

    def get_3d_dist_m_markers(self, distance_type, markers_map):
        This function computes the 3D distance map performing the m-markers method

        :param distance_type: Distance type to compute the distance map
        :type distance_type: String
        :param markers_map: Markers map
        :type markers_map: Numpy array
        :return: Distance map
        :rtype: Numpy array"""

        from skimage.measure import regionprops
        x = regionprops(markers_map.astype('uint16'))
        liste = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=(int, 3))
        for i in range(0, len(x)):
            liste[i] = x[i].centroid

        # A reshape might be necessary to compute the distance map

        shape_0, shape_1, shape_2 = self.shape
        if shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_0 += 1
        if shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_1 += 1
        if shape_2 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_2 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_2 += 1
        matrix = np.ones(shape=(shape_0, shape_1, shape_2))

        for j in range(0, len(liste)):
            matrix[liste[j][0], liste[j][1], liste[j][2]] = 0

        if distance_type == 'euclid':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_edt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == "chessboard":
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == 'manhattan':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix, metric='taxicab')

        if (shape_0, shape_1, shape_2) != self.shape:
            carte_distance = carte_distance[:self.shape[0], :self.shape[1], :self.shape[2]]

        return carte_distance

    def get_2d_dist_m_markers(self, distance_type, markers_map):
        This function computes the 2D distance map performing the m-markers method

        :param distance_type: Distance type to compute the distance map
        :type distance_type: String
        :param markers_map: Markers map
        :type markers_map: Numpy array
        :return: Distance map
        :rtype: Numpy array"""

        from skimage.measure import regionprops
        x = regionprops(markers_map.astype('uint16'))
        liste = np.zeros(len(x), dtype=(int, 2))
        for i in range(0, len(x)):
            liste[i] = x[i].centroid

        # A reshape might be necessary to compute the distance map

        shape_0, shape_1 = self.shape
        if shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_0 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_0 += 1
        if shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
            while shape_1 % self.distance != 0:
                shape_1 += 1

        matrix = np.ones(shape=(shape_0, shape_1))
        for j in range(0, len(liste)):
            matrix[liste[j][0], liste[j][1]] = 0

        if distance_type == 'euclid':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_edt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == "chessboard":
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix)
        elif distance_type == 'manhattan':
            carte_distance = distance_transform_cdt(matrix, metric='taxicab')

        if (shape_0, shape_1) != self.shape:
            carte_distance = carte_distance[:self.shape[0], :self.shape[1]]

        return carte_distance

def normalize_dist_map(carte_distance):
    This function normalizes the distance map between 0 and 100

    :param carte_distance: Distance map
    :type carte_distance: Numpy array
    :return: Normalized map distance
    :rtype: Numpy array"""
    max_val = np.amax(carte_distance)
    carte_distance = carte_distance / max_val
    carte_distance *= 100
    return carte_distance
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